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Oceanic Airlines

456 South Blvd. Airway

Bermuda Triangle, FL

Oceanic Airlines
21st October 2015
In the past five years, our company has experienced numerous issues with
employees and passengers flight safety. Oceanic Airlines has had a substantial
amount of crashes; many of which resulted in severe injuries and casualties.
Unfortunately, the increasing number of casualties concerns our customers. Many
current customers are not comfortable with our safety procedures and have
therefore discontinued business with Oceanic. Due to the negative outlook on
Oceanic Airlines flight history over the last few years, the Board of Directors has
felt that it is necessary to modify our current safety regulations. These
modifications take the safety of both the passengers and the Oceanic Airlines crew
into consideration. These reforms are expected to be seamlessly implemented by
each and every Oceanic Airlines team member after we receive approval. In

addition, we will also begin using new technologies and aircraft parts to help
ensure the safety of our passengers.

Oceanic Airlines has recently decided to make amends to the previous safety
policy in relation to recent accidents, that were beyond our control in an attempt to
improve profit and company moral. These changes will be implemented swiftly
and will not affect the productivity of the company's workforce. Upon approval
these implementations will begin immediately the moral of this company is the
most important thing this company needs right now. This company was built upon
the backs of our workers and will rise to new heights with them. The following will
explain further upon the ideas us and our engineers have come up with for
improvements in safety.

Although a large initial investment is required for these reforms all of these
efforts are contributing to the profits of Oceanic as a whole. Safety improvements
will increase airline efficiency, customer volumes, and decrease overall costs of
insurance and litigation. These increased safety standard will also create a
company image that represents Oceanic competitively in the airline market. All of

the costs will be totally offset over a 7 year period will the increases in revenue and
decreases in expenses.


Following the recent accident reports, we have designed a new type of
technology to provide our pilots with updated reports on how the aeronautics of
our aircrafts are performing. This new information will be in a real- time basis.
Training of pilots, inspectors, and safety auditors has been identified as the
highest priority solution. A partnership will be created between Oceanic Airlines
and The Flight Safety Foundation to ensure the proper training of all Oceanic
Employees. This relationship will have a contract duration of 2 years. After this
provisional period, the contract will be re-evaluated to determine the effectiveness
of this relationship. If the relationship has shown improvement in Oceanic Airline
safety metrics then the contract will be extended to the following 5 years.
We plan to introduce a new line of parts for all of our aircrafts. These new
parts were specifically designed with the purpose of keeping each and every
passenger, as well as our staff members, as safe as possible. We also plan to
develop and apply faster more effective safety procedures in the event of an

unexpected malfunction or weather condition. In addition to these new safety

procedures, we also have increased the inspection standards and modified the
regulations that all Oceanic Airline aircrafts must successfully execute before each
takeoff. Over the years our company has been conducting research while reviewing
crash reports. We will use this data to determine the best solutions and designs for
our new technology.
Task Breakdown:
We are currently working with engineers to design the new technology for
pilots. While this task was being completed, our engineers have been designing a
new line of safety parts for our aircrafts. Once these products are designed, they
will each take two additional months to plan testing of the products and building of
them. Six months will be used to create each product and make sure they are
optimal for our passengers and employees. Once the products have been properly
tested and created with state of the art technology, then we will use two months to
begin production and add these new technologies into all of our aircrafts. We
currently plan for these parts to be implemented within the next year.

Problem Analysis:
During our production and design of these new technologies, it can be
expected to run into issues with budget, especially as we have minimal funding
from outside companies, due to safety concerns. With this, we will need to be fully
prepared with an engineering design that will be cost effective and safe. Another
problem that may occur is keeping to a time limit. We need these new models
created no later than one year after our proposal is sent and approved, as it is vital
that these changes be made to benefit the company and our passengers. For this,
we have allocated our specific departments deadlines that will not be changed.

After preparing specific guidelines for our company and reviewing our past
accident reports, we will create a new series of technologies for our up and coming
airlines within the next year. Because of the dramatic changes that need to be
made, we will be asking for a budget of around 30 million dollars. With this
money, we will be able to allow endless safety to our passengers and our

In conclusion, Oceanic Airlines has taken the concerns of the passengers into
account in making all reformations to the safety procedures and regulations. Not
only will the team members of Oceanic Airlines be expected to complete thorough
inspections to ensure that the aircrafts are prepared for their flights, but they will
also develop new emergency procedures for any unexpected events that may put
the passengers at risk. We will begin developing a partnership with The Flight
Safety Foundation and switch over to the new line of aircraft parts immediately


See Attached Documents.

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