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Notes 10/25/15 Booster Meeting:

Attendance: Dave Litterer, Renea Krueger, Jeff Thier, Allison Santoiemma, Scott & Ann Durscher, Kelly Langan,
Erin Bird, Nicole Willis, Janet McCullough, Angie Destival, Karma Poesch, Mark Holmquist, Trent Hoins, Heidi Rottink,
and Beth Havlovic
Treasurer Report:
Closing balance for month 24,818.68

$50,000 Check for last payment of school addition

$7,000 for Membership punch cards issued.

School Addition last payment:
Booster board presented the final payment of $50,000 to the school board at the last home football game. Thank
you all the boards member that were able to join the presentations.
Test Drive Events:
Received checks from the following companies the last home football game for the test drive that were held this

Coonradt Ford

Krueger Auto
Booster Committee Groups:
Jeff Thier will send out sign-up sheet for the committee. The committee will be finalized at the November meeting.
Concession Stand:
Sign- up sheet pasted around the room. Each Booster rep is asked to sign-up for 2 nights. Booster rep will be in
charge to make sure the coaches have coverage for that event. Heidi will also email the updated sign-up to have
Reps sign up for dates.
Follow-up email will be sent to the coaches from Dave explaining the concession stand worker process. So, coaches
will work with parents on selected nights to find workers. The team will only have a nights assigned to team during
off season of that sport.
Booster Rep also to meet with coach, of the sport they represent, to speak to parents about the process during the
Winter-Tip on Nov. 20th.
Promo Committee is going to work the concession stand for the district wrestling event on Feb 13 th as a fundraiser
for their committee. The Booster club will donate $1000 to club for working the event.
Cake Auction:
Date for the auction will be Jan 26th. This will be a Tuesday night when boys/girls have a double header for

Tip Off:
Set for Friday Nov. 20th.
Invite the 7th and 8th grade team to this event
Special Meal to be provided. Look to Serve from 5:30-7pm
Dave checking into pricing of Ribeye & Chicken for that night
The invite will be advertised in the newspaper
Agenda will be finalized over the next week for the event

Clothing Store:
Looking to open the store again in Nov., so items will be available for the Holidays. Looking to the store open
from 11/8-11/21. Dates will be confirmed once finalized with company. The store will have a hard close on 11/21
to make sure items will be available for pick-up on 12/23 basketball game.
Also looking to see if possible to set-up at conference nights at the schools to advertise the clothing store.
All old inventory will be sold on Winter Tip Off night.
Jeff and Ali will be meeting the week of 11/2 to get the first newsletter out.
Dave to follow-up with some businesses on outstanding advertising fees.
Next Meeting:
Nov.: 11/18 at 6:30

Dec.: No meeting
Jan: 1/11 at 6:30

Wartburg Baseball Facility Project:

Project consist of new concessions stand, batting cages, and changing facility. All facility will be used by WSR
baseball team and fans
Membership Report:

Currently have 210 members sign-up

Last year had 240 members.

Will have booth set-up at Dodge Test drive and clothing tent this Friday
Committee started. Dave Litterer, Jeff Thier, Renea Krueger, Beth Havlovic, and Allison Santoiemma on new
Dodge Drive and Ride:
Friday 9/18 from 3:30-7pm. Sign up for workers being passed around at the meeting.
WSR Activity Addition:
Last donation of $50,000 presented at home Football game on Oct. 16th. Jamie Stensland handling the copy of the
check. Jamie Stensland has taken lead to coordinate the 10 year anniversary of the go-hawk gym. More details to
be provide at a later date.
On-Line Clothing Update:
Created about $4,000 in sales with net profit about $300-$400. Possible delivery of products at football game on
Friday 9/18.
Strengthen and Condition Building Project:
Will be used by Grades 9-12.
Current state- 85% male & 50% female students are involved in the program
Capacity has become an issue in current weight room
Motion given to donation to strength and condition project given by David McCullough. Second by: Heidi Rottink
Motion given to donate $ 20,000 a year for 10 years by Trent Hoins. Second by Scott Durscher
Next Booster Meeting to TBD.
Friday Night Help:
Allison Santoiemma- 4pm ?
Cheryl Fox- After 4pm
Amy Wilson- After 5pm
Kelly Langan- 3:45pm
Karma Poesch- Clothing 4-8pm
Jeff Thier 3:15-5pm
Committee Sign Up:
Budget-Janet and David McCullough
Wish list Heidi Rottink
Cake Auction- Angie Destival, Sally
Golf- Cheryl Fox,

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