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A. Basic Information: Fill in the eight fields below.


Full Name: Kaisey Anne Margetts


SUU T#: T00833415




Phone: 801-867-3873


Major (& Minor): Human Nutrition, Allied Health Emphasis


Title of Project: Study Abroad to Japan


Expected Project Start Date (Month/Day/Year or Month/Year): 05/05/15


Expected Project End Date (Month/Day/Year or Month/Year): 05/21/15

Other Information: Fill in one or both of the fields below only if they apply to your project.


Project Advisor/Mentor: Matt Schmidt and Shawn Christiansen

SUU students collaborating with you on this project: There will be a group of students who will go
abroad with me but I will be doing this project on my own.
3. The organization you will be working with and a link to their website (such as SUU Study Abroad
Summer Programs, International Language Programs, Global Volunteers, Rural Health Scholars,
etc.): SUU Study Abroad Summer Programs

B. Project Abstract: In a paragraph of approximately 200 words, provide an overview (or abstract) of
your proposed Global EDGE Project. Please include in your abstract the following items associated with
your project: who, what, where, when, why, and how.
I am going to be participating in a summer study abroad program to Japan during the month of
May 2015. I will be going with a group of students from SUU and two professors as well. During our time
in Japan we will travel to about seven different cities and see different aspects of this country. We will start
out in the capital, Tokyo, and work our way to cities south of there. We will be able to see the city life of
Japan as well as the countryside and the not so touristy areas. I am participating in this program to have
the experience of traveling to another country and learning about a culture that I know little about. I want
to broaden my knowledge, and I cant think of a better way than immersing myself in another culture for a
few weeks. The study abroad is with the Nutrition Program, which is the major that I have chosen. This is
another reason why I am participating is because I want to be able to apply what I have learned so far and

what I will learn in the future. This experience will help me in my future career and life in general and will
be something that I can always look back on and learn from.

C. Project Details: Provide responses to the six prompts below. If you are unsure how to respond
adequately to any of the prompts, send me an e-mail (, and I will offer guidance.
1. Personal: In a paragraph of approximately 100 words, explain how your EDGE project is related to your
personal motivations or how it will promote your career aspirations or both. What are your goals (personal
and/or professional) in completing this project? What learning outcomes (new skills and/or knowledge) do
you expect to achieve?
My EDGE project is related to my personal motivations because traveling and learning about new
cultures is a passion in my life. I love learning from people and seeing the day to day lives of others who I
would not come into contact with if I did not put myself in place to. There is something about the simplicity
of observing culture and the lives of others that I just find intriguing. My career aspirations are to be in the
health care field, I want to be a Physicians Assistant and with this job comes a lot of diversity and working
with a lot of different people with backgrounds that differ from mine. I want to be able to relate to my
patients and this project will help me to understand people in a way I couldnt without this experience.
2. Global: In a paragraph of approximately 100 words, explain how your project will demonstrate that you
are a global citizen. Begin by describing characteristics of a global citizen (you might want to visit this
course's page "Global Citizenship" and/or do some research on the term "global citizen"), and then
explain how you, in conducting your project, will be exercising the characteristics of a global citizen.
Being a global citizen means that you dont identify yourself with one community or place but that
you identify yourself with the human race as one on a global level. This project will show that I am a global
citizen because I am going out of my comfort zone and going to a new country and learning new things
and really immersing myself in what this world has to offer. I am being a part of this world more than just
in the state of Utah but in a country I have never been to before. I want to show people and myself that the
human race is one, even with differing cultures and ideas. We are all the same to some degree and that is
something that should bring us all together as one and learn and grow from each other.
3. Timeline: In a bullet-point list, provide a step-by-step timeline for completion of your project. This
timeline should list the specific dates by which you plan to complete each step leading up to the project,
the project itself, and the completion of the project. If your project involves travel, be sure to include your
dates of travel. Please also include the semester you plan to take UNIV 4925 EDGE Program Completion.
List each step as a bullet point. Below is a sample timeline with some items you might need to include in
your own timeline. Please include as many details as possible about the steps you need to take to
prepare and complete your project.

February 24, 2015: Complete UNIV 3925

February 2015: Purchase Plane tickets

March 2015: Make final payment

May 4, 2015: Fly to the Tokyo, Narita Airport

May 21, 2015: Fly back to the United States (Salt Lake Airport)

Fall 2015: Complete UNIV 4925

4. Budget: In the table below, provide a detailed budget with a breakdown of (A) the costs associated with
your project and (B) the financial resources available to you to complete the project. Add and delete rows
to the table as necessary for your project. Column B must be column A; that is, your total resources
must be greater than or equal to your total costs. The table below includes a few sample costs and
resources that you might need to include in your budget; however, you will probably have some expenses
other than those listed. Please include as many details as possible about specific costs you will incur and
the sources of money you will use to pay for them.
A. Estimated costs

B. Financial resources available

Personal Costs: $300

Parent contribution: $2600

Airfare (round-trip): $1400

Personal savings: $2000

Trip Cost: $2900

TOTAL costs: $4600

TOTAL resources: $4600

5. Positive & Negative Influences: In a bullet-point list, provide a description of the following items as they
relate to your project:
A. Your personal strengths

I have traveled outside of the country before

Love to talk to people
Can learn fast and follow directions

B. Outside assets (things that might help you complete your project)

My Parents
My friends
My job
My professors

C. Your personal weaknesses

I can be shy and not know what to say to people.

I have a hard time getting out of my comfort zone

D. Outside threats (things that might hinder you from completing your project)

Something political that makes it so I cant get to Japan.

Something coming up in my personal like that makes it so I cant complete this

6. Documentation: In a paragraph of 50-100 words, explain how you will document your project so that
you can present your work in UNIV 4925 and beyond. Will you keep a blog? A journal? Where will you
store photos and/or videos?
While I am abroad I plan to document my experiences by keeping a daily journal and recording what
happens and what I see on a day to day basis. I also plan to take pictures and videos. I will keep my
pictures and videos on my cell phone and digital camera. This way I can upload my pictures and videos to
my computer to create a presentation at the end of this project.

D. Plan B: In a paragraph of approximately 50 words, provide a description of your Plan B project, or your
back-up plan, in case something keeps you from completing the project you are proposing here. Note: if
you are unable to complete the project that is approved, you must submit another proposal, which must be
approved before you begin your project.
I really havent thought of a plan B. If this project doesnt work out then I would try to do an EDGE project
in the community by volunteering with the 4H program or something like that. I am also a member of RHS
and could look into going on a trip with them that would be somewhat similar to a study abroad program.

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