Art Critique Questions

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Art Critique QUESTION sheet = 70pts.

Ms. McGillycudy

Name (2pts.) _____________________________________Hour (2pts.)_________

***You will be researching an artist, critiquing one of their art pieces, and writing a one page paper.
***So, first choose an artist from the list that Ms. McGillycuddy has and write your name next to the
artist. Then, look at art books available in the library or on the internet and read about the artist and their

life and work. Then, choose one of their art pieces -like one painting and take notes (If you need to take

this home, you can look on the internet - you can not check out books because the other classes need to

use them). I will have the books in my room for a week.

Please write in complete sentences and clearly - if I can not read it, it will be marked wrong!

1) (3pt.) Name of the Artist that you are researching _______________________________________________

2) (3pt.) Where are you getting your information? (Name of book/author or website - do not use the
encyclopedia) ______________________________________________________________________________
3) (3pts.) What is the artists date of birth? (If it doesnt say month or day, write the year) ________________________
4) (3pts.) Is the artist dead or alive? _____________________________________________________________If deceased, when did the artist die? ____________________________________________________________
5) (5pts.) Characteristics of their artwork (What is it about their work that you would recognize and be able to
tell that it is their work? or what are the similarities? )______________________________________________
6) (3pts.) Now, choose a piece of artwork that the artist did and answer the rest of the questions about the
artwork that you chose. What is the name of the art piece? If it doesnt say, write unknown. _____________
7) (3pts.) What media did your artist use? (Example, paint, oil pastels, clay)_____________________________
8) (3pts.) When was the art made and what was that time period like? (Give whatever date you can find - it may
be a year or period) _________________________________________________________________________
On the back there are questions about the piece of artwork you chose, please use the HELP sheet to help you

Now you will be critiquing the art piece from question #6. Critiquing is like judging art. It is
broken into steps. First, you will describe, then analyze, interpret, and evaluate. As you answer
the questions below, you must read the information on the Art Criticism HELP sheet before you
answer these questions. (It will help you) AND the Art Critique PRACTICE Sheet will help you
a lot, too. Also, write in complete sentences.
9) (10pts.) Describe the art. (You must describe at least five different descriptions) ______________________
(10) (10pts.) Analyze the art. (Include at AT LEAST 2 Elements of Design and AT LEAST 1 Principle of
Design) ___________________________________________________________________________________
11) (10pts.) Interpret the art. - (What does it mean - What does this art say to you)? ____________________
12) (10pts.) Judgement or Evaluate - (Do you think the art is good? Why or Why not? (You must answer
three of the questions from the Art Critism HELP sheet) ____________________________________________

AFTER you have answered all the questions on this sheet, you will write a One Page
Paper on the attached paper. Please read the requirements behind the One Page Paper sheet.

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