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Passage Picker

Name: Sabrina Ivey

Book/text: The Daily 5; Chapter 9
Date: November 11, 2015
Group Members: Kayla Jones, Morgan Miles, Kathryn Smith, Sabrina Ivey
Passage Picker: It is the passage pickers job to decide which passages are
worth discussing. This job involves identifying passages to be read and
shared with the group. It is his/her responsibility to plan for how the
passages will be shared with the group. The passage picker may read them,
pick someone else to read them, have them read silently and then have the
group discuss them.
Choose passages that: Puzzled you, surprised you, were informative, that
you wanted to know more about, that helped you, etc.
Passage #1
Page Number: 142
Paragraph Number: 4
The first and most important level of support for barometer students
is our own reflection. Its very easy to blame our students for a lack of
stamina, but if we have skipped any of the 10 Steps to Independence, then
the failure is more rightfully placed on our shoulders. We may have been
tempted to skip the most-desirable and least- desirable modeling portions of
the 10 Steps, yet upon reflection we may realize that students did indeed
need to see the expectations clearly modeled. We may also discover upon
reflection that we have been engaging with the barometer child instead of
staying out of the way. These students often find attention for negative
behavior as desirable as attention for positive.
I chose this passage because it is important for teachers to remember
to self-reflect on their teaching. The problem is not always the students;
many times it is a mistake on the teachers behalf that causes the students
to have problems.
Passage #2
Page Number: 151
Paragraph Number: 3
We write a generic lesson plan explaining the Daily 5 and save it on
our computer. In that way, much of the work of explaining of explaining the
schedule and structure of the literacy block is already in place. This makes
our job of writing lesson plans much easier, but, more important, it maintains
the high level of learning that needs to take place whether we are the
teacher of we have a guest teacher. The sample guest teacher plans that
follow are also in Appendix G.

I chose this passage because this is great and useful advice for
teacher; it is something I want to remember and use in my class someday.
Passage #3
Page Number: 155
Paragraph Number: 4
Just as we are explicit in letting our students in on what they are going
to be learning and why, we are excited to include their families because we
know that the more they understand what there are doing during the day at
school, the more they will be able to support them at home.
I chose this passage because it gives information about including
parents which is an important factor of any classroom.

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