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The Timetable Collector Issue 149 Spring 2015 LL & Le an Ay Ban, co" RaiLway Co, Ov CHARLES P. GROSS, Maior GENERAL CHARLES E. HISE, CoLone. Tc. TIME TABLE No. 2 EFFECTIVE 12:01 A.M. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1944 THE 746TH RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION TRANSPORTATION Cones Anmy oF THE UNirep States For Information and Government of Military Personnel DAWEs E. BRISBINE, CoLonet T.¢, Gevenal Mawacrn WILLIS C. PRUETT. Litur. GoLonELt:<. ‘Superseding Previous Time Tables American Railroaders in World War II By Kent Hannah American Railroaders in WWII In today’s computer addicted, I-phone dependent and satellite-guided drone-era generation which siill struggles with the issues of how to wage war in the Middle East, the more traditional responses to ‘war have largely been forgotten, Two of these areas certainly are the role that the domestic railroads played in World War II and that very active Army branch involved with railroads, the Military Railway Service. ‘The Military Railway Service dates back to the American Civil War. It played an active roll in World War Ion the Western Front and later became involved in Northern Russia and in Western Siberia for even a longer period. ‘Your Editor has not uncovered much from the World War I era, It appears that the greatest rail troop movernent in history, the 1917 German transfer of troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front shall always remain an enigma due to the Allied bombing raids in WWIL. This issue will cover World War II which had a larger number of timetable collectors involved. One of the NAOTC’s late Presidents, Dick Stair was in a railway operating battalion in both World War I and the Korean Conflict. Dick served in one of the Pennsyivania Railroad sponsored batialions in WWII and trained at ‘Camp Plauche near New Orleans and Camp Shelby near Hattiesburg, MS. Dick served in France and Germany as an operator and a train dispatcher. After the war he joined an Alton sponsored reserve Battalion headquartered at Bloomington, IL. That action got him another call up and a tour of duty in Korea with another PRR oriented battalion where he mainly dispatched. Dick, although an Illinois, Central employee, developed a real fondness for the Pennsylvania Railroad and some of his commanding officers ended up pretty far up in the food chain on the PRR. As in the many things in life, ‘your Editor should have sat down one night on many of our trips and written down some of his experiences in an oral history effort. Unfortunately, I did not. This issue will lightly cover a number of facets of the Military Railway Service. There are various reference books on the subject, but timetables are not covered. Hopefully, we will enlighten our members to some of the more interesting details of that war. I wish to thank Bill Sosnowski for a having a significant WWI Collection from which he has made copies for me Much of that material was from the late Robert Collins who was also in the RMS and another timetable collector. ‘Today, the U. S. Army has no Military Occupational Speciality (MOS) connected to railroads. ‘The last Railway MOS's in the regular army were abolished in May 1976. The 1* Railway Detachment, the last active duty unit, was deactivated by the Army on September 30, 1978. The last active duty rail battalion was the 714* at Fort Eustis, VA which was deactivated in mid-1972, The Army Reserves still maintain a railway MOS, although the last deployment of a railway battalion was in the Korean War. ‘Some of the reserve units more recently were shipped to the Balkans and to the Port City of Basra in Iraq where they did non-rail assignments... The reserve units should be all deactivated during this years round of sequester cuts, Sadly, almost all who were in the WWII units have passed on. Although many in these groups were young, I know some of the volunteers were in the 30s when they went in. There were a number of men in the World War I Transportation Corps who served as officers and non commissioned officers the second time around, This issue will honor their now largely forgotten efforts. Page -2- ‘THE BALTIWORE AND OHTO CHICAGO TARLEINAL RAILROAD COLPANY Chicago, T1Linis, Way Ist, 19h2s TO ALL CONCERNED: ‘Tt has been c alled to our attention that units of the Military Railway Service are being activated including Operating Battalions, Shop Battalions and other Railroad units. “ We have been Pequested that each of our employes who are about to enter Military Service either by voluntery enlistment or induction under the pravisions of the Selective Service Act stress their Railroad ox- perience and request assignment to an engineer replacement training center for assignment to a nilitary railway unit with the further advice that if ‘they are not so assigned to notify the Chief, Railway Branch, Office, Chief” of Engineers, New Var Department Building at viashington D.C. furnishing thei £111 deme, oarial muiber, weeseet niLitery assignnent, railroad from which furloughed for Military Service and employment status with that Railroad. This office may then request their transfer to the unit in railway services If ali our employes will do this, it will not only be of advantage to themselves, but also to their Country for which they are fighting. é Kindly be governed accordingly. G.P,Palner, Engineer Maintenance & Construction. ‘The draft boards and induction centers did not always get it right. In case a railroader was drafted and not used as a railroader, please notify the railway branch. ( Kent Hannah Collection) Page -3- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Bastward tesine are saperior to tralns of th same class in the opposite direction, except No. # Is superior to at teins 2, AM trains must sebort for orders and ascure clearance Form A hefore eaving following stations: coNEWAGO camp KATY BAST END 2a, Train Registers Cconewago _ enenerstolograph Ofce camp Katy NT itepeteners omice ‘Bast Bod — e a ‘Felograph Offce 2, Buttetin book. camp Katy svDispatcher’s Office 2, Yard Limite gies | Pm fT ——_ + —__ Cure} ene | Me 1 = camp Katy [mene | anane Seaerer 1 est ad er ie governot by Rate $8 2a, Standard Clock camp Katy sine Diapataher's OMe se No Main Track movements will be made by trains, engines, motor cars or track care under military, super Xo ataln Track movers Syl, ie0 PeMt oti after it has boon ascertained from the Ponnsyivania Dispatcher Yison Dee Tjgae et hot ol Penaspivania trains have cleared the bebanon Drench. tbe. To pleco operation of the Lebanon Branch under the supervision of the Military Dispatcher at Camp Katy, To place operation, of the Lestavatvon wil ious the following order by telephone to the Muitary Die. Datater ag Camp ety" Camp Tey; sanon Branch clr of all Peansslvania train movements. No Boansyivania trate eg anatOD Halted to the Lakanon Branch between Comewago and, ast ind ra mpovements, Troms tho Miicery Dispatcher a: Camp Katy wnt aftor 6:80 P14" ‘sb, dny Penneylvania train movements to be made over the Cornwall and’ Labanon allway between 1:30 A. M. Any Pennetta oe ane only aa sutborized ty the Miliary Dispateher at Camp Katy. fe muary Pilots ill be im chargo of any Pennaylvanie train morements made ever tho Lebanon and Corn: Wall Mastway between 7280 Aah and 5:00 Py Mt a, Military Pilots will not operate torotzn line enetzes je Ponneyivania trains moving between Lebaron end Hast nd and tween Royalton, Towse and. Conevago rea ra Meade over the Comweall apd Letanon Raflway beivecn the hour, of 5:90 P. Se eee indabicat to the Halen and Special Instracilons ot the Pesusyivants Raiway govera: [ig the Labanon Branch ‘at The Cornell Railway will uso crossover main track located at M. P. 16 plus 22 potes upon receipt of axthor Tc Cormrell RaLTAy Supatshos at Camp Katy. This eutbority te to be rocsived through Peansylvania Dispatcher st Royalton, fie. Nortel postion for crossover at M. P. 10 plas 32 pols is lined for Cornwall and Lebanon Ratlvay, end Normal position for orosarvecover Will losve lined for Cornwall and Lebanon allway after crossover mo MAXIMUM SPEED (ML. PL HL) All tras won 3. : =.= ‘The 746* Railway Battalion was activated on May 4, 1944. It was sponsored by the Missouri, Kansas ‘Texas. ‘The training facility was located on the Cornwall and Lebanon Railway Co. at Camp Katy south of Comwall, PA. They only trained from 730 "AM until 530 PM The special instructions detail the hand over of the branch from the Pennsylvania train dispatcher at Royalton, PA. (Bill Sosnowski Col- lection) Page ~4- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 5. DouRLE Hani fon double heading, the emaller engine will be ased aa the load engine, except fa helper scrvice. The lead git "will be menaed by the regwiar sagine crow, double Healing valve Wil be eposed on tral oupise Sad Sir wit'be controled by Seate valve ot fad eogine, eee ere 6 Helper and Pusher Service, Weloer enzlne must not occupy main trsck until after train to, be helped hae heen stopped. “Helper earine-will be coupted Tap train's» Aivected 7 the Chlot Dispatcher, Train fine will Be"Coubled ead test of train brakes made to Know tint brakes are oparsied bf brats valve of teat soning ‘8, Famer engines will not be used at rear of trans handling. passenger equipment nor en trains whorag the Cahoe des tot have Hea enter ai = s ha , In pushing trains out ot Yard where pesher encine dors not have to go beyond Yard Limits, a wit yf per Biatibie fo do s0 wiiuout coupling nit, ut Hf yasher enelne goss beyond Yard Limit air tous be Qed Hroueh the pusher engine and" ‘doubieheading” cock under brake valve on Dasher angina in rear eM 4. Personnel whore duties arb prescrbod by tho rales of the wansportation department must provide themselves vith a copy of the Transportadon Rules of the Miltary Hallway Service: CHWESE) 3. Biding locations nd directlon from whieh entered comms ast Bd . Summit oin ‘Camp Katy as ‘West End Golbraok ast ad Both Baa ‘est Bad ‘rain ung sur rake for mosing points will ll by ewieh oniy aftr ally potng tan as presente 9% Grade crossings marked by yellow approach signal will be tagged from a ground position after coming to a Ril Stop: “Grade cregetasy otra to ane iocudeans "™" * ME bier and Spas 5 iba Mran SEP Sat MPSS REEEE i : iH is 8. Rnginoers equipped with whictlo (Thunderer) will souad whistle signals as prescribed by Transportation Bese MER, BE Mele (Thuaderer) wit sound whi at. oy i b, Steam powered 1 wlll proceed over all grade eroasingx subject to the provisions of Transportation Book oe ute UTM Se) 10, Crossover, Cornwall Restway : af anne P18 38822. U1, Overhead bridges. Resting Railway i _-DLP.10phus9, 12, Medieal Department, ‘Theo 1, Tanzehill, Capt M.€. Chtet Surgeon, ‘Marisbutg, Pe red Duimstre, Capt. mC. ‘Division Burgeoa, ‘Marrsbarg, Pa, ‘Gennaro 1. vis0o, M,C. ‘Oral Sutzeo, Harisbarg, Pa, ‘Win. ©. Richardson, M6, Oral Barcern Hvis, Pe ‘The second page of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railway Special Instructions deals with pushers. Evidently that was quite a hill between Camp Katy and Summit and between Cornwall and Summit. Only two of the six locations used for train meets had switches on both ends which gave rise to rule 8a, protecting the move by Rule 99 and backing into spurs. Your editor wonders what rule 9-a refers too. Engineers equipped with whistle (Thunderer)? (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -5- EASTWARD cornwatn | = | FIRST CLASS SECOND FASS ‘AND i xepanon | | | TE TABLE | 47,6 3224 nega i September 10, 194 / 5 Passenger | Pasvenger| retgot | Freight stamions | = pay | ply | pay | aus seme l— aan ] Pa mast rsp ] | . waa) ae fava] ap | sos40 seas nonenvinie | as-20 rss] teen | cao | 08 cegaoenme | iea2 |p | res] ase | 20.98 | 1:03 dase eee | | commrann | ie21 | p | tes) oraz | wtosan | 01 sewer | asae| P| ise sto | sto eas Fo | 1 Pa 7a caw xem [aig | EP ass] uray | exo | ab | antes | nasso ve ant | | Pa t 1 : covemnoon | aas | | aoa seas) ase] nas ae wel | eal sos | oa0e sur mums | sas] r | os sas | roses | conmwacd | oo Tee | so:20 | = = Tort a} — [Le ee wor) wor Eastward Trains are Superlor to Westward Trains of the Same Css, except No. 1 ix superior to al trains. H.C. TERHUNE, Lt. 1. Cy ‘Ghlet Dispatener, Camp Kets, Pa, All the training schedules were between the 730 AM and 530 PM hours, These are the eastward trains. No. 1 was superior since it was the equipment and crew on duty to leave Camp Katy at 730 AM. which turned as No. 4 at Conewago. I wonder how the Pennsylvania reacted when something went wrong and they did not get their railroad back at 530 PM? (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -6- J. PROCEDURE AT HOME STATION. ‘The cnmandng fie, 08 learning that hs (1) Gives fll ten Stat he shipping tra portation acer at the home station, wi ages {ox the necomnry rl transportation, () Appeins a trop train commande, em eosin Ing lier anda ain media een foreach tein, ‘bs Thoshippingwanporation ofr op eet ‘ot wrten deta {Call o the Tate Conta Division, Traeper- tation Corp, Washington, D.C foes ain nat: Teed rote over wh theta il operates aa rall ao Palle equipment tthe eves (@) Tele the mananling olla of troops bie fel wea the care wile placed in poten for inating G) Informs the sation commander at dextiaton toe dete of departure an especie date und Tar of erval of the tue (@) Obtaiae the tals operating schol, prepares ‘exsportaton requats for dir tormeat of the [paconnl an bie fading forthe spect of he Inpelimenta, arian te have Kitchen at ‘ment foaled, and hanes ll ine tae (©) Upen wil the rail and Palen equipment, checks to to thet the corer bar fr de ert conrated fr, that de ae sult {erin spl roc ax dining eps sop, ed paper tone taat ater tanks re led an ey tat {eon i ean aa safe el ht len fies ae unetioning pepe. (6) Aeyanges to be presen, o have Bis eoprenata- {ise proont, tthe enmsining to handle ny tam povtaton iis which the tain commander ABVANCE PREPARATION —As sn ‘0 420 appointe fist oat al you can abot {our periclar movemont. Canlt with your ent ete ea ipa epi {ae What rogulsons ond spec igtrostion ill ave your menement. (See pt) "The chodae, costing, od maken of you (Ser pare Sand ves What forms seltwiteslag @ ‘2 What your tain ereaiztin wil be, (Seo ag) fc Whether your train will carey expenses, sannitinn, dangerous artis suly pm ‘Trl or any ole heme requcng specs bane ‘Ting ifs, wha you ates lb How poor anon wl mee Bicheno, ‘ori Ich {1) He mos wl hein ralead diner, yoo wl need to Laow abt the we of sea het {Gh temecsng wil be from a Kita ep (a) Real Cueuar No. 341, W. D 29 December 1948 (Ration Credits) “end Quartermaster Gane fide led "Mets Operon Trop Train” 8) Tnagestkisbra er equipment to sc th te completes peeery tale and that wfety= ting bled ace Ade doorvays if dors fe te be opeced ex route (6) Driers that only the anthorand amoant of guetine being cere and that eon Ste tasrctd ast correct henling ad sto {a} Chose to fee tt prsebed Aredghting ‘equipment as Been peed ot bord. res you ll te commanding traf tops may econte, es The ening oie the ommuig fire of empn mes avrg ofthe spon the Sending pin and plane the eee ef the tops ad ‘opery co thet he cunning wi be scold {xpediy and wtboot ftroping ther ae ‘Theenrsining ter opertnds theta 2, TRAIN ORGANIZATION. ‘a. Army Personmel.—te tcp tren com sander normally sou will pat and exe cee 0) Tae rin oneprtion efi, who (6) Obtains the bls of lading a feraperation equi fam the shippig taspetation oo, oe alee cet at any sation (6) Preparsreord of gt cars taepertation ‘eqs ete for ae as maybe eed on rut 16) Coan the greener jay ith the cow ctor frase creck temeportainy td Yee: lnfemation shows ia “Conductor's Roert of Trompe Card” (pat 12—farm Dwg Signed by the top tain comer { Dalvers the ginal ile of lading, together witha Rater of eondton of proper le ras Se Captain ine at dati ‘sccouplcment ofa the ven ere easy. atin oferta pot, othe agent ot at (2) Semis ait epee (ee par 8—form 32) to the Cae of Transportation, thoggh the vp ‘tain commande, afr completion ef the joacy, thre was any amesactcy sorte frit By (G) Therein querer wh napnse fir he ( Develop satafctry pla foe ering the Soot, (See pe 20) 7, SAEEGUAND YOUR MOVEDIENT— sot Know abt trp movements pba Tiwwao Keep ict abot your movement, Dieu Te anly th ee who ate autora 0 now about Ths Make certs fasted, oe te diperares ot to dacaymltary tery it (Siyamy cory re ay sath "ee Your movement has hee design « “main mune” by the Chef of Transprteton, wick Tobe orl sitsonlymeaasofientifeaton, Thee: Tere rfer 19 your movement by theme member ony, unless fete Meodieaion i acesars. Do ‘tt bilge to anaetioried persons formation s umber af your orgie, ‘tue of lnpeinenta, propery, any her ma Tel Gat mont he of itary tae tothe eens “IT yoer trip ta sagig are, reed the pe ok ection IV (Secorty) af Preparation for ‘Overea Movement (FOS 8. su tesope {tein commander you will arange with te stat tile fer fore complete strking af al fos fea eae pete ela Fe wil tal vom how to draw ao neouat for rh tense. Me wil atrect vou slo on ho to seure covey spline fom digested pyle Page -7- These are two pages from War Department Pamphlet No. 20-7 dated 14 Mareh 1944 which was the Troop ‘Train Commander’s Guide. This page is from the general information section I which gives the procedure for moving any unit, not just MRS units on what were called “Main” trains. This was a 30 page booklet which include examples of blank forms needed and would allow someone who was in command who did not know a train from a tumip to successfully supervise a military train movement, This segment deals with procedures on the train during the journey. Part 6d required that guards were posted at the end of each car to keep individuals from moving from car to car. Evidently that could be semi-relaxed since I remember Dick Stair showing a great series of slides he took from the vestibule half door on the troop train he was on going to Los Angles. CA in the Korean war. That movement was on the Santa Fe, (Kent Hannah Collection) ADAELAREMODAGE U.S. ARNT pi gabOy aay fk 7A LETTRE DE VOITURE FREIGHT WARRANT see Wis “phe mae | Re Oe | SSh o, aa, Port of Ghent | (zeehaven) | Der Gespitiin Linda Des ob depeche vo wth mre ts: ce cn cde wt ed Wer pot tt tt i bat et re meen sm mcm em A! mca“ sc te ete pn ee erin pots A Dik we beh Tempate ashe Commins ee HC dott pe as emp 0.4. Soe [Abill of lading and a waybill were issued for each train. I do not have a US example, but here is one for a movement from Zeehaven, Belgium to Aachen, Germany of April 14, 1945. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -8- ee : P civics ; Save ee Pe Sikum oamus tell MILITARY POLICE ON Sethe feign err sense Sealer aatomeeR tar te RAILROAD TRAI ese oe teen atta tee HERO RD ARB Fes Peer ee trae a ee Sande of non tn tho arued sorvices travel Gnder orders or on furlousee INFO: 25 CONDUCT AND AUTHORITY. an A nilttary CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION | perks DAES hese ‘FOR RAILROAD EMPLOYES Sesto 2 bon oo duty, & nitivary policeman 19 the Uisibie reptbceneative &¢ the Arey of the Uat-| ed states, He mst be an outstanding eqaanlo| of diecipt ing, Sourtesy, and’ neatoess. fi ‘eee jie Bent, taét, and solfecontrel are fequired in ‘Boe axeretae of hie duties CONCERNING MILITARY POLIO ON RATLROAD TRAINS xp IN TERMINALS AND STATIONS military police nould ve governed ty a spirit of service and "Phay must. not try toes Dope Hiarity ty easy-going methods, hy favorttisa, by overisoeing delinquametes, of by falling’ to lpertorm chair cuties, they aust be, Just ont. este to altj. intlexibie ana iapareia1 in de jaandine observance of a Inscoseary, thoy mist ack mitnout hesitation. poe ree babar eee, Although the above booklet “Military Police on Railroad Trains” is undated it in all likelihood is World War Il era as it mentions the Provost Marshal General of the War Department, There are 12 pages of regulations for Military Police on trains. Although not shown, an enlisted MP would normally have to arrange for an MP officer to arrest an officer under almost all circumstances. They also had the right to request aid from any military person available to effect an arrest if things got out of hand. (Kent Hannah Collection) Page -9- SAFETY IS OF THY FIPST TPORT- ANCE TH THR DISPATCH OF DOTY. MILITARY RILF*Y. SERVICE ‘7RATH RSTLP'Y OPERATING BaTT LION ‘THE MISSION OF THR MILITARY ‘RAIL"AY SERVICE 1S 10 PROVIDE (OMPD. AND DFPYNDABL? TRANSPOPTAN 7 BY RATE OF TROOPS SRD SUPPLIES REQUIRED BY THE HILITsRY FORCES IN ‘THE EXECUTION OF THR TACTIC'L, MISSION ASSTGN*D TO THF COMB *T FORCES. Lines in Belgius-Hollond & Germany Vise to Maastricht Maastricht to Heerlen Waastricht to Roermond Heerlen to Sittard Schin Op Geulle to Test Aachen Sepleveld to Kerirade Hoerlen to Post tachen Vise to Fest “achen via Hontaen, (OL PSRSGNEL Tt THF MILITARY ‘Broich and Plonbiers AILEY SERVICR FILL FY*RE PVPRE FEFORT TO INSURE TH PROMPT WOVF MENT OF SLL TRING “T XL TIMPS. “SDeTABLE HERE RRR RRR RT RE ERR RE No. 2 PREFCTIVE, (0001 Hr: +10 April 1945 FOO SO OO E OR GR RR ORK ER (0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Brig Gen CPL R. GRY, JR. Dir Gen UES Brig Gen C. 1. BURPEF, 2nd MRS General Manager Col Fa 6. ORR, CO, 708th By Gr Diva, General’ Superintendont Yajor RLPE E, JORNSOE Superintendent Captain JOHN A, SOUTHVORTH Assistent Suporintendont AREER REE EEE RA RARE REE RRA RED RRR R AKER RK RRR ER ARSE RRR RRR RE RE EE OIRO RE EER RIO AIO tO HH z 4 : ERR AT RRR OE EEK This was Bob Collin’s MRS timetable when he was stationed with the 734” Railway Operating Battalion. The 734® was sponsored by the Texas and New Orleans and formed on Feb. 22. 1944, Page -10- Y lastzeone raogenrath os Ja- oe *fFran op ustle yotapd gremschetce ich Hylra Guipéio, i ‘Simplevel ao: WRichterich Jet, West Aschen -aamenton To sto1berg ‘bBroich ..T0 Herbesthal This was the area assigned to the 734" in this timetable. ‘These timetables had no schedules as Dutch and Belgian crews would also be running trains. Sometimes with MRS personal on board, sometimes not, (Bill Sosnowski Collection). Page -11- 4. Dogemische atraudingen. Day exprestns, Sern mig eet met =a )| | OURS Je mijaheer. wa Zou het niet mogelife 20.2 't it be possible... Magi tee woouteen ieofget bat femme) ier Debs eet mat U sane gree with you. iat G ds Bak wegen, Late expein th mate, to et We tech tance ome aa Ge pet. Bee sire ‘Als Jef tht anabiedes) Dat fe jammert ie eae Siete bee, Beer ee Rem eer! Toe eee mention ry Sr? Pome Bijzonderhedea, Particulars, eee tie detent EEN ors eae a sale, oe oa ae eos Het spilt sae} Tm sorryt Vecialing ‘Traneaton, Bat ri, Fee a ese a Seamaster RESP we | zo FSM wile aah Ces « ak OE ae ee Sas owe ens 2 fot sat Mecumt met pot cet €” 1seems to mth bet thing ‘Dienst Yon Veroer™ Trafic Depertmeat pou an go a Toeo Dope Mot senoesen, Wim pleasure Persenet! Way Dept Denk’ te moate. Tha Yet he troable, os atte eal goed loge. Tuats que amuY® ken, Je zt op deze machine als You will act as pilot on thi ania. ‘code Glett doen nacr Ht. acing to He Pal ek ‘Avemmen sis down, Sah {engeanm voorit ove slow. eS ewe Tengen Slowistaay. 7 iengna Vale soebeid EY pet Kerehick Slept pt HEP volgende sein stast on- THE hast signal Is on HISD at cation? Wha the name of is Deas Joc, gaat ale Tose tse. TRIS engine gas back Uh rf ‘yagot wogbrengos, lon. To take wagons Kaus toes se Dod engine _Sopver, lamar 14 Puantsaartentanioer, Booking ottie, hws Ween TR oo oct men. = Te moons BSE i Es se Goer Sod | Vreal rote 45. ‘Normal protile (Dutch) 46, ce mureiens Sergei. Bearing pit a BS cow os eae ee a S = i EE nian ea fer oat Ee ae A local Dutchman, Mr. H. Yperlaan, the station master at Tilburg wrote a booklet for the English speaking railroaders that were going to operate in Holland, It was printed on December 1, 1944 and used by Bob Collins. I suspect there was nary a high school in the United States that had Dutch as an elective language course. (Perhaps Holland, MI?), This type of booklet was vital to the MRS. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -12- {Eats tees esis ecentaoenannc eatin r : # | SAFETY IS OF THE Fissl oa SECOND # IMPORTANCA IN THE DISPA'CH % 5 MTLTRARV-RAILMaY SERVICE = OF DUTY, 2 # 754TH RATIMAY OPERATING EM, * eH # Hoe * #4 * e # e eH Lines in Germany # 8 : ® # Wasburg to Kassel * # 4 Kasgel to Hanau # 2% 4% Kassel to Eichenberg 4% THE MISSION OF THE # Treysa to Malsfeld~Bebra # MILITARY RAILWAY SERVICE Is 3 ‘Treysa to Hersfeld # 10 PROVIDE PROMPT AND DEP= # Giessen to Dillonberg 4 ENDABLE TRANSPORTATION BY Wabern to Korbach % RAIL OF TROOPS AND SUPPLIES # Kassel to Bsohwogo 4 REQUIRED BY THE MILITARY ws FORCES IN THE EXECUTION oF # THE TACTICAL MISSION ASSTGN-# # 8D T0 THE COMBAT FORCES, E wed * a : a z = = * “TIMBPABLE : 5 = No. 1 @ ALL PERSONNEL IN THE SFPECTIVE # MILITARY RAiLWaY SHRVICE # WILL EKER? EVERY EPeORT # 10 INSURE THE PROMPT MOVE~ je Man? OF uit TRAINS a? ALL 0001 urs, 15 July 1945 Brig Gen Carl R, GRAY, JR. ASRSRSRES ER RS ERE SEER EKER EE ER EE AEP RE EEE EKER R ARETE ERE RR EEE ERT eR EE Renee aa cecal ee eee ee See E RASS ER RE RRR R ERE TREKS ET RRR ES ERED % TIMES. * Dir Gen ARS # Brig Gen C.L.BURPES, 2nd uns # General Nenager # Gol W.C. GARR, CO, 708th Ry # Gr Diva, Gen Supt. * Lt Gol RaLPH E. JomisoN * +” Saperintendent' * - st Lt CLO E. DAVES # assistant Superintendent * . 3 i * * * * * * * # * ® ‘ FeMiriIn IRISH SenHHTEIHRrenHietne ett ‘The 734” Railway Operating Battalions’s first timetable in Germany was dated 15 July 1945. ‘The war was over, but the damage rail system remained to be dealt with by the MRS whose mission was to supply the Army.. They had to develop rail supply lines for maintaining the American Occupational forces which required the reconstruction of a destroyed German rail net.. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -13- To, t0 Beenefuaves savenbooken ‘ Obervellmar Biel Korbach Wilhelmshohe iersfeld = upcicn. The data ma deme 2p 208, "op posta shows ship ted wp at the s__ feck; nica ml operons are Maret ty the Teema Ratbay Operating Boe Ws the ate, carg> Se being tren ferred to a USA pons, on of team tis assed In tt an 08 She come ment ty eutette, The oar WARD be om snr gurtatition af the Tt "Ry Oran! Division to Seuthern Gorary where os soleere will e411 neve to be ff and clotted for macy nowes vo cone ca oot hasn't comlately ven tn to the mache age, 88 tetas ‘ils hore Ao teklng on seltve part Se poston wok fe Beemerhewee ports Darnan oot stoner tahes Dbiin te alg care ard oot shipsie or tome thee Deeds Senn betes Dee shot Ra serigasy or mgyte evan a meds, — ston by vaso. ‘The occupation of Germany changed the focus of the MRS supply lines. The 722" Railway Operating Battalion (sponsored by the Seaboard Air Line and organized on December 14, 1943) is seen unloading ships at Bremerhaven. Although in the future British Zone, the MRS was involved in the port Page -20- MILTARY RALLWAY SERVICE A U.S. ARMY A CLEARANCE FORMA /) A a ol gece are ae Mess ea Ha ak Onder No. LG. Oniet No, ———» Orde No, ne Onder No ondee No. Otder No. Onler No. Onder No, Soe been alr ‘Ts form is authority to peg stop-ndicatio, 6 april, 1965 RAIN ORD2R FO. 15 at sirenveip TO ALL SASTWARD TRAINS AND OR. Order fe. 14 ie annulled. Block office at Aichterich Jot. will, Slesed until further advieed. All trains using owitches at Righterich Jet. will see that they are properly lines before procesiings Yolephone in block office ut Aichterich Jot. may be used when necessary. ¢ At the top is a clearance card given at SV (which I assume is Simpelveld) which has Bob Collins as the operator. The five digit engine would be a German engine whereas the 4 digit engine would be an American steam engine. During this period the block occupied could have been another American train ora German train. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -21- MILITARY e “TOOT SWEET” RAILWAY SERVICE = "~~ See PORTS TO PARIS U.S. ARMY -— a ANTWERP annul ~ AMUR-LESE- KREFELO-HEUBE = FEROUN = WOMBURS — FRAN in — WURZDURG Tyee) PARIS — DIJON ~ MARSEILLE tka | “The MRS did issue at least two timetables for use by members of the military which were a form of publi timetables. The Army was and stil is big for acronyms, ETOUSA stood for European Theat Of Operations, United States Army. This was the war time designation the army used. It was changs ‘on August 1, 1945 when the mission changed from supplying the war machine to supplying the ecupying forces. One of the more important task for the MRS was the delivery of mailto and from active duty servicemen and servicewomen. Therefore the dedicated mail trains were listed on the bs of the timetable which would give the reader of some idea of how long a letter or package might be transit. They wete known as the Toot Sweet Express. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) MILITARY “TOOT SWEET” RAILWAY SERAIGE | _4!t soweousce PORTS TO PARIS > ATW ER RIS ~CHARLERO~ RAM ? ~ LIE KREFELO~NEUBECKUM =e aap ‘MaliZ — WURZBURS onl dBaa r gy PARIS — VERNUH — Womauee — FRANKENTHAL ‘The MRS did issue at least two timetables for use by members of the military which were a form of public timetables.. The Army was and still is big for acronyms, ETOUSA stood for European Theater of Operations, United States Army. This was the war time designation the army used. It was changed on August 1, 1945 when the mission changed from supplying the war machine to supplying the occupying forces. One of the more important task for the MRS was the delivery of mail to and from active duty servicemen and servicewomen. Therefore the dedicated mail trains were listed on the back of the timetable which would give the reader of some idea of how long a letier or package might be in transit. They were known as the Toot Sweet Express. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -22- GENERAL INFORMATION ac Dpdatomtona ae INDEX TO STATIONS INDEX TO STATIONS - con't we ie | | bey iret igsnas Hoi Mire The 20 June 1945 timetable covers an area mainly in France and Belgium. There are very few German rail locations that have rail access at this date. The MRS headquarters was in Paris until June 4, 1945,, when they opened a new temporary headquarters in Frankfurt-am-Main, Each Grand Division (RGD) consisted of three Railway Operating Battalions (ROB), one Railway Shop Battalion (RSB) and one Base Depot Company. The headquarters of the 2" Military Railway Service which was in Brussels, Belgium closed on August 11, 1945 and moved to Frankfurt-am- ain on August 12. Before Feb. 6, 1945 the two MRS services, 1* and 2" were independent. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -23- EAST REGION EAST REGION DO)_Panis — Taoves — cinuwont — canons — vesouT Seem Tg. ee Af — REINS ~CHARLEVILE—LONGUTON — LUNEMBOURE e: a te sSoma merece TRG Pats — CitLons-suRaanre— axr.e-ave — Wa t ‘uate esau ie ce ER aie HEP AGE El t oe LYON - puon - vesout -ermaszouno FE T Ty Sm 0¥6 en ey vt]? Star Emcee ef ca sy we 3 Bs Sad Ae a The Eastern Region of the MRS was practically all in France. There are echoes of World War I in some of these schedules: Verdun, Thionville and Metz. Note that each train schedule has seat allocations to the MRS. This timetable covers both the 1" and 2" MRS, At this time the First MRS covered the area to the south and west of Paris while the Second MRS covered the territory to north and east of Patis, (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -24- NORTH REGION PARIS — AMIENS — BOULOGNE — CALAIS ‘uaa Ose Teel ed Tang. NORTH REGION PARIS — SOISSORS — LAOH — ST-QUENTIN — AULADYE ‘CHARLEROL~ NANUR— KIMKENPOIS— PEPASTER Saa3| Pace “oS Pol) Beccsameas ‘The 2" MRS which bad the North Region was headquartered at Brussels before the end of hostilities and then established an advance echelon at Braunschweig, Germany. A Grand Division was expected to restore and perform operations on between 250 and 400 miles of track. Your editor is not sure how these Xerox copy photos will reproduce, but one can see a USA locomotive on a bridge rebuilt by the MRS. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -25- BELGE - SOUTHEAST WEST REGION 1 scan — Luxemaoure AKC GS _ PARIS ~ WoNTEROLIER-BUCHY — ROUEN — Le HAVRE LOK — MARSEILLE — iC See ee (zl [zs] ind ols ayer ele ee eae ‘il i RS] isl i | THE PARIS — cHaRTRES — LE MANS — RENNES ‘ST-BRIEUC~ BREST ae fe ie The rebuilt Rhine bridge at Wesel Germany was a major engineering accomplishment of which the MRS was quite proud. The photo is of a train on the Rhine Wesel bridge. The West Region in France operated trains to the Atlantic ports. However, German freight traffic was shifted to Bremerhaven which was to be established as a American enclave in the British Zone as soon as possible. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -26- SOUTH EAST REGION SOUTH WEST REGION FGaDOLE = BESAN n PARIS ~ DIJON ~ LYON = AVIGNON ~ MARSEILLE ~ CANNES — NICE The South East Region extended from Paris to the French Mediterranean coast. The photos are of a Transportation Corps WAC christening the Toot Sweet engine and the bottom photo is a badly done Photo alteration showing Toot Sweet on the front of a U.S. engine. On August 15, 1945 new territorial assignments were made giving the I" MRS France and the 2" MRS Germany. It appears as if the Belgium and Netherlands trackage was under the 1* MS as a Belgium District with the 706" Railway Grand Division. (Bill Sosnowski Collecton) Page -27- \\ a, “TOOT\ SWEET” MAIL SCHEDULES MILITARY RAILWAY SERVICE U.S. ARMY = veRaun — KomBuRG — FINGER ~ HANA ~ FAI PASSENGER so MAIL SERVICE TSFET wed by | ‘tanpertr Cao Wasi, Sat ‘Brig. Gon. C.1L.BURPEE fee | MAJ. GEN. FRANK 8. ROSS ued 20 Soptombor 1945 Under the reorganizations done in August 1945 which reflected a different mission, the name was changed to Theater Service Forces, European Theater (TSFET) which was headquartered in Frankfurt- am-Main. If one takes the time to research the various officers in the MRS, many of them returned back to the industry. If memory serves me correctly, C. L. Burpee was a Superintendent on the ACL at one time and A, E. Stoddard returned to Omaha and in a few years was the president of the Union Pacific. Carl R. Gray, Jr. wrote a history of the MRS and was the vice-president of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha before the war. TSFET issued a timetable on 20 Sept. 1945. If any of our ‘members have any other dates for MRS “publics”, please notify your Editor, (Kent Hannah Collection) Page -28- rrr LO less © EAST REGION EAST REGION AGES GHAR. — LOGON LGNEOR AG — THES — CHADNOT— LAOS — EDU THES Sereerrennre FF SE EERE FARLSRUNE — ULM — AUGSBURG MUNICH — MURNBERS P| iWeccaceerae creer uM cote t] ERR: ‘The 20 September 1945 MRS TSFET reflected service into Germany in tables Nos.7 and 10. The service to Frankfurt was operated via Bad Kreuznach which is on a branch line as the current DB main route via Mannheim was not yet opened. The 2™ MRS in Frankfurt was organized as follows: 707* Railway Grand Division headquarters Numberg 712" Railway Operating Battalion Mannheim 750" ROB Nurnberg 746" ROB Munich 708" RGD Bremerhaven 741" ROB Hannover Page -29- EAST REGION WEST REGION LH BASTERECION El rani — nano —saanesouns— sreseouna AAHSHRE~ MARAE = FEARUNT EL PARI — NORTEROIER-WUGHT— ROUEN — LE WARE TEE Ts mo Ecataneraate a pastes! (saa, waausuae eee — Eke = ed ee i q H The East Region also operated a Military Leave train with 1000 seats available from Kassel, Germany to Paris via Karlsruhe. Germany in 1945 was not the greatest place for taking leave. The balance of the 708" Railway Grand Division was 734" ROB Bebra 766" Railway Shop Battalion Frankfurt In October 1945 the MRS starting turning over the German system back to the Germans. The general headquarters was closed on 24 October 1945. On January 1, 1946 the MRS 1" and 2" Service were closed and on that date the Transportation Division of the U. S. Military Government took over. (Kent Hannah Collection) Page -30- ‘Meal Halts Oise Intermediate Section (tg Oise Intermediate Section, Trans. Otier, Pat: Reims 4813, 2047) Homburg, Germany Leroauie, France ‘Thon, France Merry, France Sireenourg, France Beau, France Pagoy-surMosele, France Jomvile, France ‘Tournes, Pranc Muthouse, France ‘Besancon, France chanor Base Section {9,Chaor Base Secon, rs Chanor Base Tae, 14) (hg Ue Haere District Trane, Officer, {Fate Havre 631,638) CChsutness, France Serqueaux, France Mom, Seige ans. Otfcer, Daite Bate Section (Dats Base Section, Trans. Otticer els DBS 999,922) Bg Lyor Otter, Trans. oticer, Tas yoq SBD F 2007 Viletanehe, France Liston, France Orange, France Eastorn Military District (fg. asten Miltary Distr, ean. Oscer, ‘Tek: acky, Rear 2102) "Augsburg, Germany (Lea sonnel only) Westen Miltary District (Ha. Western Miltary District, Trans Ofcer, Tats Caer seo, S85) ‘astl, Germany (Leave Personnel only) Karun, Germany (Leave Porsonnel 603) Bromen Enclave (Prenge Port Command, Trane. Otier, fis Bremen 218), irmerhaven Trans, Olfcer, "Gromerhaver 22318) haven Stoging Aten, Bremerhaven Germany =: Table Nout = ._ Frankfurt-Helmstedt-Berlin matry) tot ten ae LrIOIS Retin (Qrmenaly) O80 ar zm | estat wn o1ae | Krcsen oars zs | Gottngen 2szi : as | asl ain Se aur ons | atone = et ees iss x ‘07s0, Friedberg amt sto | Henaw 1105 i roan | snnien Goot'say 4 str on 2 coche 8 sen cc freee: Sane 2 bts 1 Sleeper —16 berms 1 slecper 1 Diner 44 places 1 Baggave Car 1 ai Cae | Afier 1 January 1946, the Seventh Army and other entities issued passenger service time tables. This one was issued by the Passenger Section, 7" Army, Headquarters at Heidelberg. ‘These were trains dedicated to the U.S. Army. The only non leave train in the timetable was the Frankfurt-Berlin overnight train which is on the left page. As the soon to be named “Cold War” chilled, these trains would became political pawns in the disputes with the Soviets over Berlin. (Bill Sosnowski Collection) Page -31- The 7" Army was running daily ere i atm trains out of Munich and Kassel ie for Paris. They were 12-coach trains feu. which was a good sized train. The ont 7 Pana wear trains were still stopping at Frankfurt Kiem at Cons Se Sud instead of Frankfurt ea (2 Hauptbahnhof. These were called ro | me su Military Leave Trains, but they also oe |e ee aa | mee “* — funneled troops going home via Paris pale esa os eo ae <2 to the French ports of embarkation, el Fe one [rare | gai fee. |e i Table No. 11 i | Parls-Le Havre (vatiy) i Combined Duty and Leave | Waste > atu 1 Read Down Rad Up | Lv 2030 Paris A 0612 Ar i Ar 0500 Y Le Havre A 2325 Consist: 12 Coaches i ww sanany 1946 MAL pe mcg a ae The Military certainly wanted to get all their men who | were going home to Le Havre, France very early in the | Scenintee day for processing. I suspect it was an classic “Hurry Up i Se iti tamu Oe Nt Ra Wienges and Wait” scenario both coming and going. If you were Si Guy unfortunate enough to arrive on an early boat and were going to the Occupation Zone, you had to wait until nearly midnight to leave. PASSENCUN SECTION ik ARMY MmaDQUanrens HEIDELBERG ‘| TUS 5648 Page -32- GREAT | WESTERN | RAILWAY ] NATIONAL EMERGENCY _TIME TABLES FEBRUARY 5th, 1940 (and until further notice). MILITARY RAILWAY SERVICE U.S. ARMY TSFET Issued 20 Soptomber 1945 PASSENGER SECTION 7th ARMY HEADQUARTERS HEIDELBERG 5105 or 5648

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