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5th Grade

Multi-Cultural Study

To allow the children to listen and watch while the teacher reads a book about history, geography, and
the mixing of cultures. By researching the topics about the People Group, they will learn more computer
skills. Then they will share a snap-shot of the topic they researched. The research is done as a group
project so students can discuss among themselves the main point and interesting facts. They will then
have opportunity to verbally share their findings with the class. The take home assignment will be to
come up with a question or questions to address to a real native of the Hmong culture. 25% of the grade
will be based on their question or questions. The grade will be determined by the relevancy of the
created questions with the objective to know and understand this people group.

State Cultural Standards: E4 Acquaint students with the world beyond their home community in ways
that expand their horizons while strengthening their own identities.
GLE: R1.5 Identify the main idea of a passage. E.B.1 The student demonstrates an understanding of
main idea by {2} 1.5.1 Identifying and discussing main ideas and supporting details.

A Hmong Family from the series: Journey Between Two Worlds By Nora Murphy Printed by Lerner
Publications Company, Minneapolis
Computers and Internet

Book Read about 25 minutes. Discussion 5 minutes Assignments 20 minutes Assignment presentations
10 minutes. The 2nd day will be an actual classroom visit by a real Hmong person. They will spend 30
minutes questioning and dialoguing with the guest.
Total: 90 minutes

Anticipatory: Did you know there are people without a country? Did you know there are people groups
who look Chinese, but they dont speak Chinese? Today we are going to learn about the Hmong people.
Many live right here in Anchorage? Is anyone in this class from the Hmong? Do you know anyone?
Read the book and show the pictures.
Questions: Can you tell all about the Hmong People Group now?
We know . . . .
We want to know more.

Guided Practice:
Now we will go to our computers and research more information about the Hmong People.
We will divide into 9 groups: Each group will search for more information about the Hmong People. You
will have 20 minutes to find your topic, read it, take some notes, and prepare a brief presentation.
Here are the topics: history, tradition, religion, clothing, marriage, food, New Year Celebration,
education, and language
The teacher will then divide the class into these groups.

Each group will make a brief presentation as to what new things they learned from their research.

Independent Practice:
What would you like to know? Write at least one question that you would ask a Hmong person, so you
could learn more about them. Tomorrow, we will invite a Hmong person to visit our class. We will ask
them your questions.
When the Hmong New Year Celebration arrives usually after the American Thanksgiving, we will

schedule a field trip to participate in their celebration including playing their pov pob (ball toss game).

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