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Now What?
Call #6 Transcript
By Donna Powers



Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class six where we will be talking about the second year of life where
the vaccine MMR, measles, mumps, rubella is given for the disease mumps.
DP: So are there any questions from last week? We talked about measles, and
currently in southern Alberta and actually in Calgary itself there are measles outbreaks
happening in high schools, and it's creating a lot of... Some fear but also questions
around, "Well what do I do?" We're being told that our kids can't be at school and even
the scenarios here that I know of, they... I thought it was an option, either stay at home
and study or get the vaccine but in fact, what they did with the high school students
was tell them that they had to stay away from home and get the vaccine, so there
wasn't much choice in it as well.
DP: So, I'm putting together a handout for parents to have ahead of time, particularly in
Canada and in Alberta where if you're faced with this kind of, let's face it, it's a threat,
what you can do and how you can speak up about your choice to still be vaccine-free
even in the middle of an infectious illness like measles or mumps. And mumps is
making a return as well. It has since, let me see... My kids are 25, so it's about six,
seven years ago in the university population. We'll be getting into that a little bit more
later on. So anyway, any questions about measles?
DP: Okay. Well we'll just keep going forward then with that. If you check Powers of
Homeopathy Facebook page you will see that I'm continually updating information on
measles, mumps. Rubella hasn't come up so much but it is another one of those
vaccines that is insisted upon if you're working in any of the helping professions,
medical or otherwise, even in social work, and you may want... And they don't just give
rubella vaccine, they're wanting to give everybody boosters. Also, on the site, I have one little section that is going to try and keep
current with the news that's, and there's a lot of it happening with measles and mumps
and it's all the same vaccine and we'll be talking about that a little bit later.
DP: Now, from the book, Dissolving Illusions, I have referred to that one before. It's by
Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. In there, there's a reference to some
science research, and it's regarding the argument about putting those with
compromised immune systems at risk, and this is often held up alongside with the idea
of "herd immunity." So if a discussion of herd immunity comes up, there's two really
important things to understand. The concept of herd immunity is based on a
percentage of having had an experience of the natural illness and the vaccine
manufacturers just blow that idea under the assumption that vaccination was immunity
for life, which it's not, and claimed that we need to have a certain percentage of the
population vaccinated in order for there to be herd immunity. But if in fact the
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
vaccinations are not immunization and immunity for life than the whole concept of herd
immunity is really questionable.
DP: So I will include that link. I bought it myself from PubMed and it's just research that
I'll give you some of the information here. And we talked about this in our immune
system week, where antibodies do not equal immunity and there is science research on
that. So the whole idea that you use a vaccine to create antibodies which then would
indicate immunity is actually false. The vaccine is only emulating one part of the
immune system response at the expense of the other arm of the immune system
response. So what we're having is in exchange for acute infectious illnesses, and by
acute I mean it has a beginning, a middle and an end... We've traded acute infections
for chronic illness, and the statistics now for chronic illness are really quite astounding
for children.
DP: And by chronic illness we're talking about things like eczema, asthma, bronchitis,
diabetes, ADD, ADHD, these are all... And all the children who have been labelled and
diagnosed as being on the spectrum, these are all chronic illnesses and need to be
addressed very differently. So what you're learning in the course is how to use
homeopathy and information to know what you're dealing with in terms of an infectious
childhood illness and how to use homeopathy for that. And you are very capable of
doing that because this is a beginning, middle, and end scenario, but you will want to
have Homeopath or a naturopath on board to be able to have some... If you get stuck.
I'll give you lots of remedies, but you may just not get it quite right and that happens.
DP: So anyway, from some of this research, vaccine scientists know that the immune
system responds with more than just antibody. Yep, because markers of cell-mediated
immunity are elusive, antibody has become the measure of whether or not a person is
immune. So there's no way to measure this other arm of the immune system. By
priming the immune system with disease particles in a vaccine, the intention is to
produce memory immunity that will alter, respond rapidly to similar infections, so that
will alter response rapidly to similar infections. Theoretically, the body should quickly
respond and destroy invaders before they can multiply and cause notable disease.
DP: So scientists were surprised when they learnt that individuals with a deficit in
antibody production, called agammaglobulinemia, recovered from measles just as well
as normal antibody producers. This "disconcerting" discovery was made in the 1960's
when measles vaccinations were just getting under way. All that is saying, really, is that
antibodies cannot be a marker for immunity to a particular disease, because they found
that with some of these individuals, they didn't produce the antibody, but they
recovered just as easily from the measles. So there's a whole aspect of immune
system response that's really not as well understood as it should be. It just goes on to

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
say, children with antibody deficiency syndromes, have quite unremarkable attacks of
measles with a characteristic rash and normal recovery. Therefore, they are not ideally
prone to re-infection. So antibody, at any rate and any quantity, is not required for the
production of the measles rash, nor for the normal recovery from the disease, nor to
prevent re-infection.
DP: So some of also what's happening is that, you have a passive immune system that
functions quite nicely, and it's possible that what you're having or seeing in your
children is that they have an immunity but it's been acquired passively; you would
never know that they hadn't had an experience of measles and mumps. That research
was more around measles and just to catch you up with what's happening here.
There's going to be more, this is my motivation for offering this course, there are going
to be more and more of these outbreaks. The vaccines that were given, started in the
'60s, but particularly in the '80s, my children were vaccinated, and I'll be giving you a
statistic for the 29-year-old age group, which is now about three or four years later;
very high incidence now of measles and mumps. And they will say the vaccine is
waining or the viruses are mutating and the only solution is to... They call them booster
shots, but obviously the vaccines are not lifelong immunity.
DP: So, let's talk about mumps today. What are mumps? Last week we covered with
measles, that they are part of the family of viruses called Paramyxoviridae and on this
brief, we go through that again, we'll reinforce the information. So this is in the same
family as respiratory syncytial virus, so RSV. Some infants have this at a very young
age. Because it's a virus, antibiotics cannot be used, except a medical system will use
the antibiotics as a "prevention" for secondary bacterial infections in the lungs. The
other member in this family are the parainfluenza, and it has the influenza name, but it's
not a flu. It will look like a flu, but that's not what it is at all. But the symptoms are fever,
runny nose, cough, so croup or pneumonia, you can think of with that. Young children
are more likely to have these illnesses, but also the seniors, older adults, or anybody
with a weakened immune system are also at risk. You can have multiple RSV and
parainfluenza in your lifetime. Measles and mumps, it's a one-time thing. Generally if
you have an experience of the disease, you will be immune for life.
DP: I think that's all I wanted to say about that one. The other member of this family,
we covered last week, and that is measles. So when you're thinking of measles,
mumps, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, think big picture. Think of
the lungs. This is the virus replicating in the lungs and in the whole lower respiratory
system and could lead to pneumonia. And also, think the nose and the eyes. Anywhere
where it's watery and juicy and mucous-y, this is where this virus will replicate, and
where you will get your symptoms, for your symptom picture.

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Think kids. This is from my old bacteria or my old clinical microbiology book, but
the idea of thinking of it as in terms of a kids illness; this is not true anymore because
of vaccines. So you now have the children who were vaccinated in the '70s and the
'80s, adults having kids of their own, and they are as susceptible to these illnesses as
they were when they were kids, before vaccination. You can also think in terms of the
big picture; viremia, which is just a big name for virus toxins that spill over into the
blood, and they travel by blood to the organs, other organs; in particular, organs that
shouldn't have anything to do with these toxins of the viruses. So the heart, kidneys
and brain is the one that we're thinking about with mumps, because mumps affects the
glands around the ears and the throat.
DP: So with mumps, the virus can cross. If it gets far enough into, and the person just
cannot mount an immune system response, because the places, the organs that are
affected are the glands in the throat, just in front of the ears, if that virus is allowed to
replicate for too long, for example, if the fever is suppressed, then what happens is that
these virus shed their toxins, and it passes into the bloodstream, and then you get the
complications crossing the blood-brain barrier. And this is where you will get secondary
complications of encephalitis and meningitis.
DP: So mumps itself, it's airborne. And it's spread through droplets in the nose, throat
and mouth, either by air or direct contact. This is very similar to the measles we talked
about. And this is what makes it so highly contagious. And this is why, also, you will
find it in populations of daycare, schools, camps and particularly a university, and this
is where the outbreaks have occurred in the last five, six, seven years. University
campuses, people are living close together, very high stress situation, homework,
exams, studying. And also, likely not eating as well, that particular age group that left
home. Or they're eating outside of the parents' home, if they're at home, because of
needing to save money. So there's a whole dietary thing, so it makes sense that the
vaccines are waning, the stress level is high with this particular age group, and so what
is happening, you have a return of these illnesses.
DP: Also what I think is happening, and this is just speculation; I haven't found any
research to back this up. I really think what's happening, particularly with the age group
that my children are, as young adults in their late 20s, early 30s, is that they're clearing
some of this vaccine influence for these particular illnesses. And so, they're mounting
fever, and they're getting very unusual kinds of illnesses that may or may not look like
these particular illnesses, in particular like measles or mumps. Although in my son's
friends, the mumps were the mumps, and these were vaccinated kids.
DP: So airborne, and the virus multiplies in this wet, juicy membrane areas and eye
tissues, same as measles. The incubation time is about 21 days after exposure, which
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
is very similar to the measles, as well. People are contagious from two days before the
symptoms begin to six days after they end. So there's this hazy period of being
contagious. So what is done in the school systems is a 21-day quarantine. But really, I
don't know how they think they're going to contain it that way. So I think that that's
why parents are being forced to vaccinate, which, again, if you have the information,
you can still refuse the vaccine.
DP: So the virus can even be spread from people who are infected, but have no
symptoms. So there is a thing called viral shedding from vaccines. The MMR are live
viruses that are grown on other animal or human fetal tissue, and then they are
attenuated and made weaker and weaker. But what is left are still these bits of RNA
from the virus itself and bits of DNA. So all of this genetic material that can't be filtered
out, 100% guaranteed. So there's this element of possibly the virus being shed and
being part of the contagiousness after vaccination.
DP: So this virus takes about 12-25 days to incubate, but the average is about 16-18
days. So this is information that you'll have to have if in fact your child is exposed to it,
your child does get mumps and has to be quarantined. These are infectious illnesses
that require reporting and... So if you've got that information handy, it will just
demonstrate to those in the medical system that you're very aware of what the
symptoms are and what you've been doing up to that point.
DP: So here are the symptoms. They can get a fever of up to 103 degrees Fahrenheit
or 39.4 Celsius. So again, my big thing is fever. You really want to support that fever
because it's doing two things. It is creating a cascade of events that stimulate certain
parts of your immune system that are not active unless in a higher temperature, and
you are creating an environment that makes it very difficult for this virus to replicate, so
it's a two-pronged event that happens when the fever goes up. What you're going to
watch for is just to make sure the fever goes up slowly, and it's the fevers that rise
quickly in a short amount of time that can cause the febrile seizures, but again the
febrile seizures, it's a very small number of children that will have those, and of those
only a very small amount, a rare amount will actually have any serious brain
complications after febrile seizure. So sometimes the fevers will go up to 104 especially
in children whose immune systems are quite strong, and you do what you can to keep
your child comfortable and just refer back to our fever section with that. You have your
homeopathic remedies for that as well.
DP: There will be a headache and a loss of appetite, and here we're going to talk about
the glands that are affected. The first one is the parotid gland, and this is a salivary
gland in humans, so when it says salivary, it just means it creates saliva. The parotid
glands, there are two of them, and these are the largest salivary glands. Where you find

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
those, if you touch your earlobe, I can't see you, but go ahead and touch your
earlobes, and what you will feel just in front of your earlobes and behind the bone is
where the large parotid gland is situated. It secretes saliva through something called
the Stensen's duct into the oral cavity, and what this does, even if you think about
lemons... Go ahead and get your live lemons and feel your lips pucker up, and you can
start to feel the saliva flow in the mouth. So this saliva is all about assisting the
digestion. It's the beginning of digestion. These particular glands in front of the ears
that have this normal function of creating saliva start to swell, and your children will
look like a chipmunk. Exactly like a chipmunk.
DP: That's the largest gland. Then underneath, if you just keep following, you put your
finger by your earlobe, that salivary gland goes up almost to the top of the ear around
the jaw and down to the bottom. So if you put your thumb below your index finger and
move it forward just slightly, you will find the next gland which is called the
submandibular gland. That one again produces saliva. And then you have the third one
which is smaller yet, sublingual, and lingual is just a big fancy name for the tongue, so
it's the gland underneath the tongue. I don't know if you've seen sometimes, I have...
You can almost see one of those glands squirt out saliva. I guess I had an unusual
childhood, I would do things like this.
DP: So if you just Google 'mumps image of a child', you will see the images looking
very much like a chipmunk, they swell up. Now remember when we talked about
diphtheria in Dr. Dorothy Shepherd's day, which is in the '60s when she worked in her
emergency surgeries, is what they're called in England, she would just despair because
some of the medical doctors didn't know how to differentiate between diphtheria,
which we call bull neck so the neck was really swollen, and mumps. So there's some
clear signs and symptoms with mumps, and you'll know that that's what you're dealing
DP: Just briefly, let's talk about some of the complications that you might get with
mumps, especially if the virus has replicated and those toxins have been transferred
into the blood and through the blood system and across the blood brain barrier. You
will get secondary infections, inflammations like meningitis and encephalitis. So
remember this is viremia as opposed to bacteremia. When it's bacteria that cross that
blood brain barrier and become meningitis and encephalitis, antibiotics are used, and
they call them third generation cephalosporins now. But even these are not working like
they used to. So, just so you know that this is how meningitis and encephalitis will be
treated in the hospital, whether it's viral or whether it's bacterial.
DP: So, the signs are high fever and a stiff neck. So, you'd be watching for your child.
The head will start to tip back and it will be extremely painful for them to touch their

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
chin to their chest, and the back of the head will have... It could even look swollen. And
one of your remedies to think of at that point, besides belladonna, is gelsemium. They'll
be the stiff neck, a headache, it will be a pounding headache which might make you
think of belladonna. There'll be nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, possibly
convulsions, and other signs of brain involvement, so just think anything to do with the
nerves may be affected.
DP: Now, some research that has been done by a gentleman named Martin Walker, his
website is called He has lots of his work that's available on
the site that's free. He is the gentleman, who covered the Dr. Andrew Wakefield trials in
England over the MMR and bowel disease, and it's just a travesty what happened
there. It was, yeah... Anyway, he has books written on the Wakefield trial and he's also
written some really good books from parent's perspective who have children who have
the bowel disease and had ill effects from the MMR vaccine which is... I've divided this
up specifically so that we could talk about this instead of as one vaccine.
DP: But in one of his works, he talks about aseptic meningitis was a problem with the
vaccine. So, in the autumn of 1988 the British Department of Health introduced three
brands of the second tri-virulent vaccination distributed in Britain, and it was the
measles, mumps, and Rubella vaccine. MMR was to take the place of the single
measles vaccine given in mass vaccination campaigns and by GPs, general
practitioners, doctors. Rubella vaccination given on the basis of need to women likely
to become pregnant and mumps vaccine that was only rarely used and the stocks of
which were becoming a loss leader for pharmaceutical companies. So, understand the
history of this vaccine. They were individually offered at one time, especially in Britain,
and now they're not. And so, they combined them into three. Now, I'm gonna move to
the next slide.
DP: So, for four years after they were launched in 1992, the two newly introduced
vaccines, Pluserix and Immravax, both containing the Urabe strain of mumps virus,
were withdrawn by the Chief Medical Officer, Liam Donaldson. And the announcement
that coincided with the withdrawal suggested that after extensive research, most
tellingly at Queen's Hospital, Nottingham, it was claimed British researchers had
discovered that the two vaccines caused high levels of a slight illness, aseptic
meningitis, in a few children. Now, the reason I am going through this with you is, with
the handout that I'm going to be creating for families here in Calgary, and you will have
access to them as well. It's really important, if you do make a decision with, say, a high
school student who's your child who has been vaccine-free up to this point, if you
decide to get an MMR vaccine or any vaccine, for that matter, it's really important to
take with you the actual form that is for reporting adverse reactions to vaccines.
Because after the vaccine, and if your child gets sick or has an adverse reaction, it will

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
be that much harder to go back in time and get the information that you need.
DP: So, in this instance, in the mumps, the MMR vaccine in England around this time
they traced it to a particular strain of the mumps virus, this Urabe, and they removed
that, and they're using a different kind of virus. Now, remember with viruses there will
be different strains, like in meningitis, and the vaccines are created with only a certain
strain of it, and there are others as well. So, there were a number of children damaged
by this particular vaccine. So, historically, these things happen with vaccines. So, and
these compensations were in the millions of dollars and, unfortunately, there is
documented research of a four-year-old child dying after this booster jab, they call
them in England, and yeah, it's very, very sad.
DP: So the other possible complications... Are there any questions or anything? I don't
see any hands up. Okay. So besides meningitis and encephalitis, one of the other
possible complications, especially in adults, that will be used as a reason for you to
vaccinate or re-vaccinate your child is orchitis. And again, orchitis simply means
inflammation and the O-R-C-H simply refers to the testicles. And so simply said,
orchitis is inflammation of the testicles. Usually, only one testicle becomes swollen and
painful and this will be about seven to 10 days after the parotid, those glands near the
cheeks swell.
DP: And this is accompanied by a high fever as well. There'll be shaking, chills,
headaches, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain that sometimes can be mistaken for
appendicitis if the right testicle is affected. So, if you have boys, just go through this
information and know that this is one of the concerns that the medical system has, and
particularly with your teenagers and adult males; not so much your young boys. This is
not a problem. It's very rare in children below teenage, below puberty, to get this. So
what the thinking is to have this mumps. So, at one point, they were losing money on
mumps vaccine. It's actually quite a benign illness. It's not comfortable but it's not so
horrific. So after three to seven, 10 days, the testicle pain and swelling subside and
usually at about the same time that the fever passes. So, again, this would be an
important time to not suppress fever and we've got some good homeopathic remedies
we'll be talking about today that will help you get through this stage if in fact that does
DP: So, usually, it's only one parotid gland, but sometimes you have both parotid
glands involved, so the face looks really swollen and usually it's only one testicle, but
on occasion it could be both testicles. And even with involvement of both testicles,
sterility is only a rare complication. So you have to remember when these things are
thrown at you that, "Oh what do you mean you're not going re-vaccinate, you're a
young man?" or "Why aren't you going to give measles, mumps, rubella?" "Do you

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
know that sterility is a risk?" So, yes it's a risk, but it's extremely rare.
DP: The third complication is that this particular virus might affect the pancreas. So
your pancreas is what regulates your sugar levels. So it's interesting to me that
whatever complication a natural disease can cause, the vaccination can cause as well.
So, the question that begs to be asked is how many children who receive MMR
boosters develop Type 2 or Type 1 diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes? So that
would be the Type 1. And in grade five, there're a number of boosters and some new
vaccines that are being introduced. So, this is a chronic illness as well, insulindependent diabetes. And so, again, it's the exchange of acute infectious illness in
childhood being exchanged for long-term chronic disease.
DP: The other organs that may be affected in females are the ovaries, again, the
reproductive organs. And there can be pain and tenderness in some parts of the
abdomen. So, the more you know about this, the more when you go in, if there's some
problems or it's persisting or you haven't found a homeopathic remedy that's good, for
whatever reasons, you take your daughter into emergency, just let them know that you
know that it's possibility of mumps and not appendicitis. It'd be a terrible thing to think
that you might have an appendix removed when you didn't need it.
DP: So, the duration, children usually recover from mumps in about 10-12 days and it
takes about one week for the swelling to disappear in each parotid gland, but both
glands don't usually swell at the same time. So, you're looking at three weeks. Now,
the reality was in my mum's days... So when I was a child in the '60s, one child would
get mumps or one child would get measles and then it would just go down the line. I
was the oldest. My mum had five kids and she had most of the childhood illnesses
except she had not had mumps as a child and she ended up with mumps. So she took
care of all us as we went through it and then when we were all better... Again, you have
to look at illness as an opportunity to detox. So, after all of the stress of nursing five
kids through mumps, she ended up getting it herself, and it was her detox time. That's
why sometimes you get...
DP: So, again, these students in university are very susceptible to illnesses. They've
worked hard. There's a lot of information crammed into a short amount of time. You
have to keep up with the reading and then the exams and the pressure of the exams.
So it's almost expected that at the end of April, beginning of May when they're looking
for work, that often they're laid down for at least a week just from sheer exhaustion and
are susceptible then, to these kinds of infectious illnesses. So in terms of a graph,
again, because my children... It makes it real. This whole idea of "this is anecdotal so
somehow it doesn't count" is really a bit unrealistic because medical system, well it's
not until they have the chart and the graph to show it, but I was living it in real time.

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So it was about 2006, 2007 that there were large outbreaks, and these occurred in
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Alberta, and there was a total of 1,159 confirmed
cases, counting for 90% of the total cases in Canada that year for mumps. And the
majority of theses cases occurred in persons age 20-29, many of who were college or
university students. Immunization history was known for less than one half of the
mumps cases. So of those known, 8% had received two or more doses, 73% had
received one dose. So my boys would have fallen in the category of having at 12, one
year, 14 months and 16 months of having been given three doses of mumps vaccine,
or if they included that three as one... Anyway they would have fallen in that, one of
those categories. And 19% had received no mumps.
DP: But what it says is that 81% had actually been immunized in that year, in 2007. So
the majority of students who got mumps were those who were vaccinated for mumps,
which is very telling. So the Public Health Agency of Canada has that on their website
and you can actually see that, that information has not been hidden, as yet. So mumps
will happen in the vaccinated and in the unvaccinated populations, and it will be thrown
at you, the complications of it, that this is why you need to get the vaccine. The other
thing that will be thrown at you is the idea of herd immunity. So make sure you
understand this concept of herd immunity and what the flaws are. I've posted some of
that information on my Facebook and there is also... Whatever you do a search for on
my website in terms of measles will be applicable to mumps as well because this will
be the vaccine that's promoted, the MMR.
DP: So moving through, there are benefits of having natural mumps. And this is the
National Centre for Biotechnology Information and I will include these links in your
follow up email. There was a wonderful blog article written at And
remember when we talked about one of the possible complications is sterility? So the
swollen testicles in males and the swollen ovaries in women. But in fact, what the
research is showing is that mumps is possibly a preventive for cancer for these organs.
So it's really important that children have these infectious illnesses. And even measles,
they are doing research now on using measles as a cure for cancer. So why not have
the infectious illness? So again these are... Once you have this information you can
have this kind of conversation with your doctor. They may not even be aware. They
don't keep up with the reading; they just may not have time.
DP: So what the research has said, in this particular article, the researchers use
remarkably strong language in their conclusion about the affects of the mumps vaccine
and relatively benign nature of the disease itself. Prior to vaccination, mumps was
generally a mild illness but could have serious sequelae, which just simply means
complications, including orchitis and sterility, so we've talked about that, meningitis
and deafness, so it affects the ears. Remember the ears are another juicy place so you

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
get almost like a measles-like deafness as well. So you have it in mumps as well. And
pancreatitis. Nevertheless our study suggests there could have also been an
unanticipated long term anti-cancer benefits of a mumps infection such as we have
described in this paper.
DP: So they summarized the results. Mumps is a mild illness, mumps rarely produces
long-lasting harm, mumps provides long term anti-cancer benefit. We know that many
cancers have been increasing. How much of that increase, besides ovarian cancer,
could be due to the mumps vaccine, and that article on by Heidi
Stevenson. So these are the things that you can intelligently discuss with your medical
doctors or your nurses or your public health people or your public health education
people in these outbreaks that are happening with measles and mumps.
DP: So once you get the mumps, it's lifelong immunity. So these recurrent mumps in
the vaccinated population, it's not immunity. This is not immunity, and so what are they
gonna continue doing, trying to track people to see who's had their booster shots in
teenage-hood, who's had their booster shots in their early 30s? And so what you will
find is that there will be more and more pressure as you are in child bearing age, and
they get... Then you are there for your prenatal check-up, so there will be more
pressure, and there's no way that you should be receiving an MMR vaccine during
pregnancy as well.
DP: So, just know that the more information you have, the more confident you can go
into these kinds of situations where there's a lot of pressure and tension. You will be
able to have a conversation about what you know, and what your comfort level is at in
terms of whether you want the vaccine or not, and that choice is yours. And remember,
this is about vaccine safety and freedom to choose. This isn't about pro-vaccination
and anti-vaccination. I just posted a really, really good article written by a mum who
has chosen to be vaccine-free for her family, and she doesn't call it the vaccination
debate; she calls it the hate debate. So, it's a good one. If you've got time to read it,
it's really excellent information, and that's the kind of information I would download,
make a hard copy of, and stick in a binder and highlight, and you can take it with you if
you ever need to avail yourself of emergency services when you have a sick kid.
DP: So, you don't want to be on the defensive all the time, but it's information. You're
like the immune system. You're well prepared. This isn't about going into war or battle.
This is about having a conversation, and the other side might get a little agitated and
heated up, but then you know that something is getting through that they're having a
response like that. Conventional treatment for mumps, there's no specific treatment for
mumps, and the symptoms may be relieved with a fever. So, ice, neck and testicular
area, I would be a little cautious about that. Instead of ice, I would suggest even just

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room temperature applications because if there's any heat in that area, the cloth will
just naturally cool down on its own. So, I leave that with you. You'll know. Your kids and
infants, even if they're pre-verbal or non-verbal, they'll tell you what makes them feel
better and what makes them feel worse. So, be listening to them because this is how
we can individualize with homeopathy.
DP: It will be suggested also that you use acetaminophen or paracetamol, so those are
the British words for tylenol, ibuprofen, and try and refrain from those if you can
especially when there's a fever present. You may need to actually educate your
emergency medical staff or your regular doctors on the whole idea of fever, and you
actually have in your handouts the medical research and evidence to support not using
fever medications to suppress. The article also pointed out this research that one of the
biggest challenges they face is educating emergency medical doctors and medical
staff on the overuse of fever medications. So, you really have to judge what the pain
level is at for your child, and if it's warranted, you might. But you may find with the
homeopathic remedies that we're using, that may not become a concern at all. Never
use aspirin, which the big name for that is acetylsalicylic acid or ASA, and that is
because of the link with Reye's Syndrome. And in my mum's day, that what was used
was aspirin, and it was Bayers children's aspirin, and we were lucky. We didn't have
those complications, but to save yourself some concern with that, don't ever use
aspirin or children's aspirin or any product with aspirin in it.
DP: Warm salt water gargling. Again, salt water is one of those really nice anti-virals
that you can use, and we used that a lot as children and make sure that your children
stay hydrated, so that there's no dehydration especially for the little ones. And we'll go
through those recommendations again. Now, the... According to the Department of
Health of Minnesota, there is no effective post-exposure recommendation to prevent
secondary transmission nor is the post-exposure use of vaccine or immunoglobulin
effective. So, if presented, I mean, they don't separate between measles and mumps;
it's all MMR. So, post-exposure, if it's in a mumps situation, getting a vaccine is not
going to help.
DP: The one caution, and my mum was great. She was able to tell us this by personal
experience. Do not give anything with lemon or orange juice, pine... Anything acidic
because what happens is they stimulate the salivary glands, which can be painful. So
remember back to the beginning of the call today, I had you imagine lemons. So maybe
you don't even want to talk about lemons when you're around your kids who have
mumps because it will start that saliva stimulation and that will be very, very painful for
them. So don't give any sour juices, even if they're craving them. They might crave an
apple juice and then you'll hear them screech.

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DP: So we've gone through that. And watch for dehydration, and it occurs when an
infant loses so much, or child, loses so much body fluid, that they're not able to
maintain regular function. So it might be not drinking enough water, maybe vomiting or
diarrhoea or part of their fever. And you need to monitor the signs, and the signs will
be, so if you have an infant, not very many wet diapers. Or if you have an older child,
they might not be urinating as often, they're not peeing as often, and there's fatigue,
there's weakness, cramps, headaches, dizziness, nausea, forgetfulness, confusion,
deep rapid breathing, or an increase of heart rate. And they might not be able to keep
anything down, so even though you're trying quite valiantly to give them liquids, they
may just vomit it right up. Their eyes might get sunken deep in, and you might notice
that the mouth is dry or sticky, and the skin lacks that elasticity. So when you pinch
your... Just take between your thumb and your index finger there's kind of a, at least on
my body, there's a good amount of skin you can pinch between your other hand
between your thumb and your finger. And it should fall down and smooth out. If it stays
into a fold, you know that there is some dehydration going on.
DP: Going to check, any questions or anything up to this point? Some of this was
covered last week with measles but it's always just good to go over. The other thing to
watch for with infants, is they'll cry and there won't be any tears and they'll have a dry
tongue or dry lips. Even if you've got tiny infants, there's that soft spot on top of their
head that close over through time in the first year. If that's quite sunken, that will be
another sign of dehydration and they might look dry and wrinkly. Watch for the
temperature of the hands and feet as well. That may be an indication for homeopathic
fever remedy.
DP: So those are the signs and symptoms to watch for. So again, it's with the little
ones that you really want to watch for the dehydration. If you suspect it's any of these
infectious illnesses, you will have to keep your children at home and you will have to
report to the health department. And again, the same with measles, if you suspect
that's what it is, we have what we call the public health link here. You dial it in, and if
you dial in and you say what you're suspecting it is, they'll just tell you to stay home.
They don't want you in any emergency department; not the children's, not any of the
general hospitals because of the risk of the spread of infection. So you're pretty much
at home anyway. So report it and there you go. You're pretty much on your own.
DP: So vitamin C. So again, the same as for mumps, you're going to be using vitamin
C in the same way. So that will be part of your handout, it's in the vitamin C, or just
simply go back to the measles. I think that at some point it would be helpful for
everybody just to always give me feedback. I always try to think of as a parent what
would I need. So what I might do is make up a vitamin C chart if you think that would
be helpful, and we talked about vitamin D3 and specifically vitamin A in measles as

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well. So I can make some charts. Put that on my list of things to do. So just watch for
complications. So get loaded up on your vitamin C and it won't hurt to be giving
vitamin D3 as well, because by this time of year if it's been a long winter, we're likely all
low on it anyway.
DP: So a little bit about vitamin C. is always an excellent place to look for
information and you can just use their search box and mumps and you can put in your
search, mumps vitamin C and it will take you to some really good information. So
there's some case studies there of mumps cured with vitamin C injections. So if you
have a naturopath who can actually do vitamin C injections, that would be a very good
thing. So on the website you can read these cases associated. Six cases of
virus encephalitis treated and cured with vitamin C injections. Two cases associated
with viral pneumonia. One followed chicken pox, one mumps, one measles, and one a
combination of measles and mumps. In the case that followed the measles, mumps
complex, definite evidence was found to confirm the belief that massive frequent
injections are necessary in treating virus infections with vitamin C.
DP: So you will read more and more of that. So if you do happen to end up... So let's
create a scenario. You have a 16-month-old, 18-month-old vaccine-free who has been
exposed, maybe to his teenage brother, sister and they get mumps and you're feeling
comfortable about treating it, and then you realize that your 16-month-old is moving
into dehydration. You know that you're going to have to go to the hospital. And with
this information you will be able to say to your doctors, and hopefully you've got a
working relationship with the family's physician already, that what you want is
hydration, and you want vitamin C injections. Have this in a little binder, these are the
handouts, the go-to hospital handouts I'd like to have for parents. And this way you
can say exactly what you need and keep track of the illness up to this point. I had one
nurse on the course, and what she said was, "It would go a long way if you've
recorded all of the symptoms, the times, the fever, and what you did, and what you
DP: So even if it's homeopathic remedies, you know this may be an opportunity again
to teach and show. So, yes, your child has gotten into a situation of dehydration. This
is not your fault, this is what's happened, but you also know that this is how I want to
be treated, and you will be able to also say, "I've read the research and that vaccination
or even immunoglobulin after the exposure isn't helpful, so we are refusing the vaccine,
but this is the kind of care we would like to have in place." And you will have that
confidence to be able to say those things.
DP: So even, two cases, complicated with orchitis, and it was bilateral, so both
testicles, and so at night he's in severe pain. A fever of 105 degrees. Testicles the size

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of tennis balls, to be graphic in this little anecdote. So vitamin C was started, 1000 mg
every two hours intravenously. The pain began to subside following the first injection
and ceased in 12 hours. There was no fever after 36 hours, and the patient was out of
bed feeling his old self after 60 hours. So this is Dr. Klenner. And he also, remember
when we talked about polio and the use of vitamin C in treating poliomyelitis. So
vitamin C is a great, safe antiviral. So when you've got time, I know moms are busy,
read up on vitamin C. One of the best websites there is the and I've
given you that link already.
DP: So we can just skip through that one. So let's talk about homeopathic remedies in
the last little while. Up to this point, are there any questions? Anything you want
clarified? Anything happening in your part of the world with measles and mumps? No?
Okay. We'll continue on. So the homeopathic remedies that are best known are
pilocarpinum. It's also known as jaborandi. One of the best books, again, I would really
encourage you to get a copy of it. It's this small, it's handy, it's Dr. Dorothy Shepherd's
book, Homeopathy and Epidemic Diseases. So jaborandi or pilocarpinum is also what
is used in homeoprophylaxis or HP. Homeoprophylaxis is the use of homeopathic
remedies, usually from plant sources, or nosode which is a remedy made from the
diseased tissue, and it's used to prevent these illnesses.
DP: So in an outbreak, like my boys were in, all his friends were affected and
quarantined. One was trying to have children at that point and the other one didn't
want to miss work. So they said mum, whatever you've got with homeopathy, we want
to take it. So what I actually gave them was Jaborandi in prevention, and we can talk
about HP at the end, if you want to know more about it and when you would give it.
Usually it would be best to be under the supervision of a homoeopath or a naturopath
who's using those. There's also controversy in the news about using homeopathic
nosodes. In Canada, they are approved by Health Canada for use, and it's a bug there
for some of the physicians who want to ban them completely. But it's still okay to have
these infectious illnesses.
DP: So I wanted to just relate a little story in Dr. Dorothy Shepherd's book. And there
were epidemics at that point. So this was in the '60s, this is when I was a child, when I
would've had mumps. And shortly after I had mumps there was pretty much no more
mumps and the vaccine was introduced about the time that there was a real downward
curve. Measles and mumps were pretty much gone, and then the vaccine was
introduced. It's still a problem in developing countries. Make no mistake, but again, this
is poverty, this is overcrowding, this is poor nutrition, hygiene, sanitation. These are all
the reasons these infectious illnesses are so problematic in the developing countries.
They can develop these secondary infections, or go blind, like we studied with measles
last week. So here's Dr. Shepherd's story:

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DP: A boy arrived shortly afterwards at the children's clinic, sent there by the sister of
the surgical dispensary with a provisional diagnosis of mumps. He had a temperature
of 103.8. And I'll just paraphrase this... So swelling on both sides of the cheeks, and
they were tender to touch, and pain on opening the mouth. She had just learnt about
this remedy, pilocarpine. As a student you learn about provings in homeopathy, and the
joke with all the homoeopaths is, "Oh, did you read about this proving where this guy
took the jaborandi or pilocarpine until he got so much saliva coming out of his mouth,
blah blah blah, it reminded them of the disease mumps, because this is what happens
with mumps.
DP: So she thought, "Well, why don't we try using this remedy?" So she sent the mum
home with the child, and a prescription of pilocarpine 6CH, to be taken night and
morning. And the mother was told to bring him back to the dispensary in three days.
When she turned up, she remarked that the boy had mumps, and without thinking I
retorted sharply and said, "Who said so? There is no swelling at all." I was somewhat
taken aback when she triumphantly answered, "You did, yourself, on Monday
DP: So after that, she used that remedy as a routine treatment in mumps. There was
quite an epidemic during that time, and pilocarpine 6 did not disappoint me, except in
one case, where the indications were for mercury. Remember we studied mercury
cyanatis for diptheria. They were so striking, so with the mercury symptoms she talks
about the weakness, heavy sweats, offensive breath, thickly coated tongue that one
could not fail to notice the similarity between the disease and the remedy, which cured
the child in six days. So, a wonderful history again. Dr. Shepherd's book is like a
historical document, and you can show it to your doctor, they may poo-poo you, and
scoff, and do other things, but you can feel confident about what you know and what
you've been learning.
DP: So the first remedy to think of... What you have is a lot of congestion, a lot of
inflammation, a lot of swelling, and we already know this remedy as one of the first
remedies in fever, and that's belladonna. So it has to do with vascular, which just
means the veins and arteries engorgement, which is just the filling, the complete filling
of it. The glands, in the belladonna remedy, have been known to be swollen and hot
and sensitive to pressure, and worse on the right side. The pains are sharp, and they
extend to the ear. So it's useful when the swelling suddenly subsides, and is followed
by a throbbing headache and delirium. So these kids will usually have the swollen
glands will be on the right side, there will be a lot of this saliva, a lot of heat, a lot of
throbbing, and very sensitive to pressure.
DP: I always look for the iris, or the black part of the eye, that it fills almost the whole
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coloured part of the eye. Almost a for sure indication that you need belladonna. So you
may get through that fever and swelling part quite quickly by using the belladonna,
especially if the fever's starting to go up quite high, there's a throbbing, pulsating
headache. And in a delirium, in a fever delirium, they may say things like they're
imagining dogs with red eyes, or monsters. There might be a lot of anger and irritability,
so you can think of belladonna, and it might be a good first prescription to start if you
suspect. So if you know your child has been exposed, you could start with jaborandi,
as a prevention. But if they end up developing it, and they get this belladonna kind of
fever and symptom picture, you could start with the belladonna.
DP: Another remedy that you can think of, is rhus tox. Rhus tox has a lot of
restlessness, and there is a lot of redness, and there's a lot of aching in the limbs, and
they're worse at night. This would be more if the left side, the left gland was affected.
The other remedy to think of with the left side, and especially with the difficulty opening
the mouth, is lachesis or lachesis. Now lachesis is not a remedy but I normally would
recommend in your home kit, unless you have a lot of left-sided things, like left-sided
sore throat, left-sided headaches. More often, families I find need rhus tox in their kit.
You'll get far more usage out of it in a whole lot of different situations, than you would
in Lachesis. But if you're comfortable building up your own home pharmacy, you'll
eventually want to have lachesis there.
DP: Rhus tox, you can think of, as well. So here's a situation. It's coming up soccer
season here in Alberta. We can have warm days, cool nights, and children can get
easily overheated. And if there is a mumps outbreak happening, and you don't realize it
till after... Maybe your child was there, school-aged child was there when the infection
was incubating, and they have one of these nights. They're out playing soccer, they get
chills, and then you notice that there's a fever and the swelling is on the left side. It
might possibly be an opportunity for you to look at using rhus tox.
DP: This is the beauty of it where you can individualize. Mercury, homeopathic mercury,
mercurius, and it's one of the best remedies in mumps, simply because of the excess
salivation. You'll find any child who needs mercury for a sore throat, cough, cold, will
often have this excess saliva. And there might even be drooling in babies, because
they can't suck up that extra saliva. There might be a slight fever, but mercury, you
might find you need after, say, belladonna. And the special symptoms with mercury,
stinky, stinky, stinky. So lots of saliva, their breath smells terrible and a lot of
tenderness, again. They'll likely be worse at night. And possibly with the fever, they'll
get the alternating chills and fever. So think of mercury, the old mercury thermometers,
they go up and down. So this is usually how their mood may be. The mood may go up
and down, as well.

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DP: So if they have mumps, again, if you've got Jaborandi... So, say you've got one
child right in the middle of mumps and another one that maybe okay. We're going on a
holiday. We'll let the older one get through it, but we don't want the younger one to get
the mumps. This might be an opportunity where you would use Jaborandi for the older
child to help them get through it, and for the younger child to prevent. And you might
want to consider this, too, when the mumps have, and the word is metastasized, so
you've likely heard of that word with cancer. So metastasized means it's simply moved
from one place to another in the body. So you can use the Jaborandi if it's
metastasized to the testicles, or to the breast. There may be breast pain, as well,
because remember, this is a gland. These are mammary glands. So anything to do with
fertility and sex organs can be affected by mumps.
DP: Now, never been well since mumps, some homoeopaths have used parotidinum.
And this would be a situation of the nosode being used to treat the mumps, especially
after, if there are any ill effects. So let's say, pain in the groin or swelling testicles.
Pulsatilla. Here is one of our remedies that we've used in so many situations, and
again, pulsatilla has an affinity to the sexual organs. So you'll see when you read about
the remedy that pulsatilla has an affinity for the testicles, for the breast, and for the
ovaries, as well as the salivary glads. And in this situation, you'll have the general
symptoms of pulsatilla. They'll be thirstless, which will cause a concern for you as a
parent, if you have a non-verbal or pre-verbal child who is just refusing to drink. The
tongue will likely be thickly coated and dryness. There'll be dryness everywhere, but
there's thirstlessness.
DP: And again, with the pulsatilla child, they'll be quite weepy, clingy. You'll find that
they will want cooler air. So that might mean something like being in your basement, or
you'll notice that if you have to run out to the car, that they actually do better in the
open air, especially if it's cool. Rhus tox won't. So you start to differentiate these
remedies. Think about what you need to know. Now, the Parotidinum is the nosode,
and you might have something like this; I have had ovarian trouble or nervous trouble
or inflammation of the testicles since an attack of mumps, many years ago. So Dr.
Dorothy Shepherd has found that nosode in a 30CH or 200, given at intervals of 10 to
14 days, will do a great deal to put these people on the road to recovery.
DP: Now, her next statement I found very, very interesting. Some cases of mumps are
followed by extreme nervous depression and almost suicidal melancholia for three to
six months after an attack. Whether this is due entirely to the congestion of the nerves
caused by the virus, or whether it is due to the large doses of sedatives, which are
frequently prescribed by the attending practitioners, I would not care to say. Anyhow, I
have found parotidinum extremely useful in clearing up this distressing, melancholic
depression. So of course, my enquiring mind goes to, "I wonder how many students,

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high school students, receiving an MMR go into some kind of depression? And if
possibly, mumps has something to do with it, with those who are susceptible?" It's just
a thought. I mean, it's the nature of the work I do as a homoeopath, is trying to figure
out sometimes these adverse reactions to vaccines.
DP: And some children are more susceptible to the constituents in the vaccines and
some are more susceptible to the actual attenuated or weakened virus. So maybe
somebody who's received an MMR in these outbreaks for mumps, it's not going to
prevent the mumps. But wonder if there was some kind of depression settled in. And
it's very easy I think, women postpartum and teens to be kind of dismissed when it
comes to things like depression. There's just these prejudices that somehow teenagers
are hysterical or hormonal and they are. So just having said hormonal, maybe that's the
effect of the mumps virus. They're already hormonal, and this particular virus has an
affinity for the sexual organs and the reproductive organs. So I wouldn't dismiss that at
all. So these are things just to watch for with friends and family that may have had a
vaccine and they're wondering why their child is all of a sudden in this depression.
DP: So that's all the information that I have for you for today in terms of mumps. I'd like
to open it up at this point. And I know some of you have children and have other things
on the go in the background. So I am just going to leave this, leave you on mute and if
you got something you'd like to share just press one and I will answer your hand as it
comes up and we can maybe just talk about some things if you've got that. Is there
anybody who's got a question, concern? Is this information helpful, how was it helpful?
Think you would be more comfortable now if you ended up in Emerge or if you ended
up in a situation that's happening right now in Calgary with measles, would you feel
more comfortable talking to your doctor, your public education person?
DP: Okay. I don't see anybody pressing 1. So I think I'm going to... We have 10
minutes left, is there anything else you wanna ask me? It can be about anything. What
kind of car do I drive? I'm teasing you now. Anything at all in particular I guess with this
course. And it's a quiet group today. So I think then what we will do is we'll just sign off
a little bit early. Oh, I do have a question. Yay, so happy when you do this. Okay Sarah,
go ahead.
Sarah: I have one question. I know I asked about dosing and potency on the Facebook
page and I have a ton to learn. But as I am listening to you today, I figure I should just
ask while I have the chance. Are there any rules or things that you should know like
"Don't ever do this"? Are there ways that you can harm your child giving too many
remedies at once or doing certain things with dosing or potency or mixing certain
remedies together? Just anything that is like, "Oh my goodness, you couldn't have
done that. Everyone knows not to do that." [laughter]

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DP: That's a wonderful way to put it, Sarah. So number one, there's nothing... There
maybe nano particles but there's absolutely nothing in homeopathic remedies passed
the 12CH. What we're doing is working with energy. So can you overdose? No. What
can happen is if you give a remedy when the symptoms are not present, so say your
child is better and you still keep giving it because doctors have trained us if it's
antibiotic you give it until I tell you to stop. So 10 to 14 days most easily. What will
happen is is if your child does not have the symptoms and you continue to give a
homeopathic remedy, what will happen is that your child will start to develop the
symptoms of the remedy. In homeopathy we call this proving. All you do is you stop.
And the symptoms will resolve themselves. Can you use too many remedies all at
once? The biggest thing that will happen is you won't know which remedy helped. So
over-the-counter homeopathic combination remedy often have anywhere from three
remedies in them to sometimes 12. And when you give those, you're never sure which
one is working or if it's the all three combined or the all 12 combined that has a
symptom picture. But again you're not gonna do any harm unless you continue on.
DP: So for instance, I'm gonna give you a little story, a mum buys the over-the-counter
urinary infection remedy for her school-age child. It helps, but not entirely. So then you
start to hear that this child has been being given this homeopathic remedy for six,
seven months now. So part of you goes, "Is this child now producing the symptoms of
the remedies in this combination formula or is this only partially helping." So, as a
homoeopath, you take the case, you understand it all, and the remedy given was
actually one of the ones that was in the combination but the urinary tract infections
have completely resolved. So, that was an instance, where in fact, it probably needed a
higher potency or just the one specific remedy. So, again sometimes, your child is a
little bit better with the remedy but not entirely.
DP: So, you have two options, you can repeat more frequently or you can go from a
30CH to 200CH. And your reasons for going up in potency are the intensity of the
symptoms. So, say for instance, you go, "Oh, yeah, for sure there's a belladonna fever
and you have a 30 and 200. Well, you're a bit nervous, so you start off with a 30CH.
And you notice it helps a little bit for a little while, but then you feel like, "Oh, I'm having
to repeat this every 20 minutes and I wonder if this is okay." Then, you go, "Oh, right,
the symptoms are intense, I'm really sure of the picture, the remedy has been helping, I
have a 200 in my kit." You give a 200CH and your child falls asleep, you know it was
the right remedy.
DP: So, in this instance of mumps, you may see belladonna and you're going along,
and then, they develop into the actual swollen gland. You change remedy and you
change the remedies according to what the symptoms are that your child has. So,
you're always looking at the symptom picture number one and matching it to the

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
remedy and then, you're also matching the intensity of the symptoms if they're really
strong, you can go higher up, not so strong, so not so strong also might indicate with
the fever, four or five days. The fever is slightly elevated at the end of the day, "Oh,
right, this is Ferrum Phos." So, you give that and then they start to get the higher fever,
then you might want to change it to belladonna. Is this helping?
Sarah: It definitely is.
DP: Yeah.
Sarah: Well, it's easier to experiment when with you what you explain, that there's not
a lot of harm that can be done. It might not help.
DP: Yeah. It might not help and the only personal story I can tell you when I... Before I
knew about homeopathy... I went to see a naturopath with my boy, and my youngest
was prescribed phosphorus and it was a phosphorus30, and it was to be taken once a
day for a week. So, I faithfully did it. I was trained by my doctor to follow the
instructions exactly because I knew very little about homeopathy at that point. And
what happened was he started to get the symptoms of phosphorus. He's vomiting and
I realize after this is what has happened. Now, as it turned out, I wasn't able to give him
phosphorus for quite a long time, probably about two or three years. But stop sooner
rather than later and, as long as there's symptoms, you're likely not gonna do any
harm. Now, we've also had situations parents are giving a remedy, and nothing is
happening and they're getting sicker and sicker; chances are very good that it's the
wrong remedy and you can change that.
DP: But if you're moving into like three or four remedies, you kind of go, "Alright, I'll
probably need help from my homoeopath or my naturopath," or "I need to go to the
Facebook forum and all of the parents who are there have had a lot of experience," and
then, the next you can do is once you started experimenting and using the remedies,
you can take an acute para-course or first aid course.
Sarah: Okay, wonderful.
DP: Yeah, that will give you more information. Again, it's like anything, the more you
know and then if you decide to go study... This isn't meant to discourage you to be a
homoeopath... What you find is when you are doing acute as a parent and the friends,
the go-to neighbour, "Oh, I know, I'll call Sara." Really, this will happen. You will have
some great successes prescribing homeopathic remedies in acute situations. You're
gonna get really good. And then, you go to homeopathic school, you think, "Crap, why
can't I get these remedies?" and you just go through a stage of learning too much and
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
making it complicated and then you back to your first aid knowledge. So, you can do a
lot of really good work in these acute illnesses.
Sarah: That's wonderful, thank you. And I wanna start that I can pass this to my
daughters and this can become a new way for our family to think of illness and
medicine and things like that.
DP: Exactly.
Sarah: Well, thank you very much.
DP: Yeah. Well, you're welcome, Sara, and have a great weekend, and we'll see you
next week.
Sarah: You too, okay.
DP: Alright, bye-bye.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:

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