VFNW Spring2014 Transcript Lesson91

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Now What?

Call #9 Transcript

By Donna Powers



Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class nine, where we will continue talking about the infectious illnesses
that are of most concern in the second year of life and beyond. These illnesses are the
ones where conventional vaccines are used as prevention in childhood, school-age
children, teens and adults.
DP: Today's illness being discussed is Haemophilus influenzae, which is also known as
HiB, and meningitis. Interestingly, with this particular infectious illness, it isn't like all the
other illnesses we've been studying up to this point. With mumps, with measles, with
rubella, there is a virus and there is a contagiousness to it. With diptheria, pertussis,
tetanus and polio, we have bacterial infections, and there is a whole course that the
disease takes.
DP: Now interestingly, with Haemophilus influenzae B, this is not the case. This is not
an infectious illness, per se, but what it is, is meningitis. So we're going to follow
through, today, where I'm going to introduce to you what Haemophilus influenzae B is,
and what it isn't. And how it came to be that there was a vaccination or a vaccine
developed for HiB. And I am part of the history of that simply because my boys were
born in the '80s and the HiB vaccine came out... Was approved, I believe, in 1985 and
they started vaccinating in Canada, for HiB, in 1988, 1987-1988. My oldest son
received the vaccine and my youngest did not. At that time, that was probably the
vaccine that really sort of stopped me in my tracks and I thought, "Okay, something is
not working for me, anymore."
DP: So please feel free at any point to press one, if you have something to share with
the group, if you would like clarifications or if you have a question about anything that
we're talking about with this Haemophilus influenzae B and meningitis. We have
touched on meningitis, the bacterial version and the viral version at little bit. We're
going to go into it a little bit more, this particular week.
DP: So, from my clinical microbiology book, which I love, made simple, so these are
what are called "opportunistic pathogens". And a pathogen is, just simply, anything
virus, bacteria, fungus, that is in us and it doesn't really belong there if there gets to be
too many of them. An opportunistic is like what we've talked about with our immune
system. It's there anyway, and if our cellular debris gets out of hand, then there's an
imbalance and some of these virus and bacteria, parasites, fungus that are in our
whole microbiome or microbial flora, anyway, they start feeding on our excess of
cellular debris, when our immune system just can't keep up with it on a day to day
basis, and that can be caused by anything.
DP: So, it's not that the virus or bacteria is making us sick. We get the symptoms of
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
sick when our immune system has kicked in and realizes there needs to be a bigger
cleanup in the whole body. So the H influenzae, they're just opportunistic, they're there
and they live within the host. And again, like rubella, this is... It's actually a parasite that
lives in the nose, throat, all in that upper respiratory breathing-in part. So it's called the
nasal pharynx. That just simply means your nose and throat. So this particular
organism is in our nose and throat and is in 75% of healthy children and adults. It's just
there, it exists and you only know about it when you're sick. When the immune system
has decided to mount a response.
DP: Haemophilus, any time you hear or read or see "heme", spelled H-E-M-E or H-AE-M, "heme" means blood. And "philus" means blood-loving. So philus is loving. So
think of the city of brotherly love, which is Philadelphia. So Haemophilus means blood
living or Haemophilus means blood loving. So what this means is this organism actually
requires a blood containing medium for growth. It needs blood in order for it to
reproduce and grow.
DP: So right away, this is a tip off for you. And remember I'm always saying, if it affects
blood, bones, breathing, or brain, you're on the way to the emergency or your doctor's
office or a walk-in clinic. So when you already have an organism that needs blood to
grow, it's in the bloodstream and it's reproducing in the bloodstream, it's dumping
toxic materials into the bloodstream, which can then go to any of the internal organs,
your heart, your kidneys or your brain, it can cross the blood-brain barrier. This is
where you actually get bacterial meningitis, which is a huge concern. Viral meningitis,
not so much. The signs and symptoms can look similar, so often you're on your way to
the doctor's anyway because you will only be able to tell usually with a spinal tap.
DP: So now the influenza part of this Haemophilus influenzae B is kinda weird. And it
relates to... I don't know if any of you watch Downton Abbey, but my husband is into it
because his brother was into it. And I never dreamt his brother, who's a big trucker,
gravel pit guy, would ever watch Downton Abbey, but there you go. And they're loving
it. So I've been watching it. And it's set in the Edwardian period toward the end of the
19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. So it has covered the first world
war and then after the first world war was the Spanish influenza pandemic, which
means it was worldwide. So you got to see a dramatic rendering of what it was like.
DP: So in the one episode, two people actually died of the Spanish influenza. So in that
day, they were able to look at what was inside. They did autopsies. They took the lungs
apart. And what they discovered in the lungs of those who had the Spanish flu was this
Haemophilus, this blood-loving organism. And they thought at that time that this is
what caused the Spanish influenza. So it was actually by mistake it was called
influenza because of its relationship to the 1918 Spanish flu. And they had actually

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
cultured some of this and were able to see it. So it was an incorrect conclusion that
Haemophilus influenzae was the cause of the Spanish flu, but that name has stuck.
DP: So just so you know, this isn't influenza, but you know a little bit of the history of
what happened to get that part of it. So it's a blood-loving and then this mistaken
word, influenza. So what this organism actually is is a parasite. And the big fancy name
for it is obligate human parasite that lives in our nose and throats. And when you look
up obligate intracellular parasites, what you learn is that they cannot reproduce outside
their host's cell. So what that means is that the parasite has to reproduce entirely on
intracellular environments and resources. So it's in the blood of humans. This is where
it grows.
DP: Now the B part of Haemophilus influenzae refers to a type of capsule that
surrounds the bacteria. There are lots of these particular kinds of viruses that don't
have capsules on them, but the ones that have capsules are particularly virulent. So the
microbiology book says it's "B equals bad." And type B is the more common
Haemophilus parasite that's associated with the Haemophilus influenzae disease in
children, and it expresses itself in things like meningitis, epiglottitis, so your epiglottis is
that thing that moves up and down in your throat for swallowing and speech, and
septic arthritis.
DP: So Haemophilus influenzae B, in particular, can manifest itself in these particular
kinds of serious inflammations. So any time you hear "itis" that's an inflammation. So
the non-encapsulated strains of Haemophilus influenzae... So it's like you've got the
ones that have caps around them and the ones that don't have caps. So the ones that
don't have caps can cause upper respiratory illnesses and they can only cause a local
infection. And one of the local infections that these non-encapsulated strains can
cause are ear infections, otitis media. So we'll talk a little bit about ear infections today
and homeopathic remedies just so that you can add to your first aid and home kit.
DP: Not only can these ones without caps cause these otitis media, or ear infections in
kids, they can cause respiratory disease in adults who are weakened already. So they
might already have chronic bronchitis from smoking or they might have had a recent flu
as well. So they're a bit susceptible. So again, with your understanding of the whole
immune system and how things are set up, what it means is that the balance of all of
this microbiome within us has been upset by a virus, by a flu infection.
DP: So from Frans Vermeulen's book, Monera, and again, this a book that is a
reference book that homoeopaths use. Of course you're welcome to buy it. It's a bit
expensive, but for some of you who do a lot of research into vaccines and this whole
background behind these illnesses, this is a book you might be interested in getting.
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, what I wanted to... So the possible complication... We'll talk a little bit more
later on as well, is the possibility of neurological problems after HiB meningitis. So,
some of them include brain damage, possible epilepsy, hearing loss, a partial blindness
and possible learning disabilities. So again, it's the same thing, whatever the disease
can create, the vaccine can also create these things. So, yeah, we'll talk more about
that, and if you've got anything to add to that, that would be great.
DP: Now, just a little bit about the vaccine. One of the things that's been noted is that
there's an increased susceptibility to HiB meningitis in the first weeks following
vaccination. And what has happened, and it relates to what we've learned about the
immune system and how things get upset is that while the vaccine has diminished the
incidence of HiB meningitis, it appears to have caused a shift in the flora of nasal
pharynx, so your nose and throat and upper respiratory track allowing Neisseria and
streptococcus species to proliferate. And this might explain the higher relative
frequency of pneumococcal, which is streptococcus, and meningococcal, which is
Neisseria infections in children since the introduction of mass HiB vaccination.
DP: So, there's a Finnish study from Finland following the disappearance of invasive
HiB disease in children factoring pneumococcal infections have increased suggesting
that the increase in invasive pneumococcal infections is causally related to the
disappearance of HiB diseases. And it is known that HiB vaccinations have reduced
the carriage of H influenzae and pneumococci may have found a niche in colonizing
children. So in fact, that is what has happened historically. After my kids received DPT
and MMR, then the HiB vaccine was introduced. And it was simply because there were
more and more children having meningitis from Haemophilus influenzae B, so they
introduced the HiB vaccine. Shortly after that, they introduced the pneumococcal
vaccine and the meningococcal vaccine and that started happening in the 1990s and
2000, year 2000. So that's a very, very brief history of what has been happening with
DP: Okay, I'm just going to check and see if Prima is trying to get on here. I don't see
anything. I actually think I'm having trouble with my email right now.
DP: So, what happens with Haemophilus influenzae B usually is that the mother
throughout her lifetime will have passive immunity, and have antibodies. And these
antibodies then cross the placenta and for a breastfeeding mother, she is able to
transmit those antibodies through a vaginal birth and through breast feeding to that
very young child. And that's because between six months and three years of age,
these antibodies to the capsule are lacking in infants and children. So, this is normally
what happens is that it's passed through the placenta and into the breast milk and it
lasts for about six months. So... But since the vaccine schedule was introduced, and
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
also vaginal birth isn't always possible, breastfeeding isn't always possible, which
possibly contributed to the need or the perceived need to have a vaccine for this, plus
the vaccinations that were going on.
DP: So, there was a window in the clinical microbiology, this is the perception in the
medical community, that there was a window where children were especially
susceptible to getting meningitis from Haemophilus influenzae B. So that was why it
was developed, the vaccine. Personally I think, my intuition is, and a lot of science
that's out there that we won't go into today, supports the idea that once the
Haemophilus influenzae B vaccine was introduced, it created more problems, but it
was created because of the problems from DPT and MMR.
DP: So, how does it grow? With bacterial meningitis, it's following inhalation. So these
are respiratory illnesses and the organism, besides already being there in the nose and
throat, it can also be inhaled by droplets, by respiratory kinds of things. So coughing,
sneezing, sharing all kinds of... So where you think of mostly... So I'll give an example,
that's probably the easiest. Where you think of is universities and colleges, you hear of
these meningitis outbreaks and they happen fairly frequently.
DP: So the situation when students are at university and college, they're in crowded
conditions, a lot of stress with exams, they're sharing food maybe, drinks, eating in the
same places, they may not be eating as well as they normally do and this creates
stress on the body, all of these stresses. And this is when you can have the meningitis
breakouts or outbreaks at university and colleges and it's awful when it is the bacterial
DP: Okay, so one of the concerns with bacterial meningitis is again, it's in the
bloodstream and then because it's in the bloodstream there is potential for the toxins
to cross the blood/brain barrier. One of the problems also with infants is that they don't
usually display the classic stiff neck or non-specific signs such as fever and vomiting or
altered mental status that are the clues that it's a bacterial meningitis infection. So we'll
go through some of the signs and symptoms later so that you know what you're
looking for, particularly with infants and little ones.
DP: Haemophilus influenzae B, the meningitis, typically antibiotics are what are used in
conventional medicine. And they kill bacteria lice, that means they destroy and they
release antigens and that results in a violent immune response that destroys neurons
as well as bacteria. So this is where you get the neurological component that happens
and affects the brain and affects the whole nervous system. So you've got unusual
symptoms in the extremities as well. Often what they do is they give steroids before
giving IV antibiotics and that's to decrease the risk of developing these neurological
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
DP: So antibiotic treatment in conventional medicine really becomes problematic when
it's a bacterial meningitis, so it's a very serious kind of disease. So the thinking or the
theory behind the steroids is that that will limit the inflammatory response to the dead
bacteria's antigens or poison while allowing bacterial killing. So you can see it's this
whole war metaphor but ramped up in a big way.
DP: Now, some of the other illnesses that are caused by Haemophilus influenzae B are
acute epiglottis, which is... Or epiglottitis that we talked about, that's in the throat.
Septic arthritis. This is where I actually have in my practise somebody who was
diagnosed as an infant with septic arthritis and it's an inflammation and swelling in the
joint that has gone septic and what septic means is that it's poisonous, like the whole
blood system becomes quite poisoned and it's a very, very serious condition. At that
stage, you would be on your way to the hospital, you would have particular signs and
symptoms, it's almost a delirium and if you've got a homeopath who's on call, you
would be able to give some homeopathic remedies on the way to it. And pneumonia is
another possible complication.
DP: Now, the problem with the antibiotic therapy right now, we'll go into it a little bit
later as well, is... The problem is its antibiotic resistance and they have developed a
third generation cephalosporins, and I'll give you some of those names later on,
product names, so that you can be aware of if this is an eventuality. To me, it's just
better if you know these things. I'm not saying them to frighten you but just so that you
know what's happening. And again, with these infectious illnesses that start with a
fever, you may never ever know what you headed off when your child recovers and
starts doing well again.
DP: So the third generation cephalosporins are the drugs that are the drugs of choice,
antibiotics of choice. These are not working anymore. And so they are now moving into
something called fluoroquinolones. I think I said that right. I will find the word later on.
So one of the reasons the HiB vaccine was created and how it was promoted was to
prevent otitis media, ear infections. And I know after the MMR with both my boys, they
started getting ear infections. They never had them prior to that. So the solution -Let's develop an ear infection vaccine.
DP: So normally what was used at that time as well and it may still be now is
amoxicillin or ampicillin for ear infections like otitis media. If you have a savvy
pediatrician or medical doctor, general practitioner, what they will tell you now is that
they absolutely will only prescribe antibiotics in the most desperate ear infection
situations. Because many of the doctors now are understanding that some of what has
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
contributed to the antibiotic resistance is overuse of antibiotics. So that's just a little bit
of word about it.
DP: So I wanted to talk briefly about ear infections. There is a newsletter on my web
page and it's on ear infections, and there are some remedies there that you can use
and I'll be adding a couple more if we have time today. So there are three kinds of ear
infections: Acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion and otitis externa which is
swimmers ear. And the otitis media with effusion simple means there's water in the ear
and it's highly unlikely that antibiotics will be prescribed. Even if it's acute otitis media
which is the one that will be pussy and might have drainage, the ear might be red, the
ear drum swollen, there maybe a fever, even with that one, doctors are more and more
reluctant to prescribe antibiotics for that. So again, if you've got homeopathic remedies
in your kit, you will be able to do a lot of good work with ear infections.
DP: And my older son panicked with my granddaughter Gracie because she had one
of those ones where it was filled with fluid and she couldn't hear out of that ear and of
course he went right to, "Oh my god, she's gonna be deaf for the rest of her life." Well,
she wasn't. She got over it. And it took a little while, but again in that situation
antibiotics really aren't necessary with the effusion one and its more likely from a virus.
And swimmer's ear is a swimmer's ear. So I guess you could use homeopathic remedy
for that part of it. I don't know.
DP: One of the things that... Links I will be sending to you is... Because often,
homeopathy gets criticized for not having randomized control T. I can't remember what
the T is, but there are actually studies that has been published on using homeopathy in
acute otitis media. So it's a very effective way to treat ear infections. And, let me see,
just give you the highlights of it. They were given individualized homeopathic remedies
in LM potency. So for those of you who are fairly new to homeopathy, LM means one in
50,000 dilutions. What you often have in your kit are CH which is a centisimal potency
which is a one in 100 dilution. So they left them for three days and if they still had the
ear infections, then they were given antibiotics from the third day and then they were
DP: 81 patients were included, 41 for conventional and 40 for homeopathic treatment.
In the conventional group, all 40, 100% patients were cured. In the homeopathy group,
95% patients were cured. Well, two of those patients were lost to the last two followups. So by the third day of treatment, four patients were cured in the homeopathy
group, but in conventional group only one patient was cured. In the conventional
group, antibiotics were prescribed in 39 people so 97.5% and no antibiotics were
required in the homeopathy group. 85% of the patients were prescribed six
homeopathic remedies.

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So the conclusion of this study is that homeopathy is an effective conventional

treatment in acute otitis media. There were no significant differences between grade
groups and the main outcome which is a cure of the ear infection, but you have to take
in consideration they didn't include the whole disruption in the gut biome by having
antibiotics, that it would have destroyed all of the healthy probiotics inside the gut. So
symptomatic improvement was quicker in the homeopathy group, and there was a
large difference in antibiotic requirements favouring homeopathy. And that was in 2011.
So again, you will never know what you headed off by using homeopathy in an ear
infection where it's possible that Haemophilus influenzae B was there somewhere in
the background.
DP: I would highly recommend whether you live in Canada or the US to go to the
vran.org website.
DP: So one of the things that is really good on the VRAN site is the history of the HiB
vaccine. So I've given you a little bit of personal information with it. And as it turns out
the HiB vaccine that was given to my boys in the late 1980s, early 1990s, it's no longer
in use and is an example of problems with vaccine efficacy and safety and vaccine
politics in general. So it was completely ineffective in children younger than two years
who comprised over 75% of the cases of HiB meningitis. And even though they had
these studies where it just was not a very good vaccine, it stayed on the market.
DP: And one of the things you had to do, actually, was watch to make sure that your
child did not get meningitis with it. And I wonder, actually, now that I'm thinking about
it, if this is what contributed to some of my boys' neurological problems that they have
with ADD, ADHD. So also on that VRAN site, you can actually get a history of the
vaccines that were used. So some of that information has been dropped off the
Internet, whether it's American or Canadian, you can find the pharmaceutical
companies who are manufacturing certain vaccines during that time period in the '80s
and the '90s, and you can find out what was going on then.
DP: So one of the adverse reactions, so it also could be if you get Haemophilus
influenzae B meningitis, you can also get the same thing from the vaccine, GuillainBarre, which we've talked about before. And it's an autoimmune illness and it has
paralysis and demyelination of the nerve sheath. So this would look like illnesses like
Parkinson's, it would look like illnesses like MS. So the whole nerve cells are... They
leave fatty layer around it. Kind of like electrical cords, how it protects us from getting
those shocks. Well, these electrical transmissions in the body through the nerves are
affected as a complication of this kind of meningitis.
DP: So I'm just going to skip through. I don't think we need to... I've given you the
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
source where you can look up the HiB vaccine. Now, the HiB vaccine in my children,
my grown up kids' day, was given separately. Now, what they discovered was that it
worked better if they had something for it to bind to, and this is where it was bound
then to the diphtheria. So now this is why at two, four and six months the Haemophilus
influenzae is not a separate vaccine. It is added to the vaccine schedule with the DPT.
So you're now getting, in some situations, children getting the five-in-one, the
Pentavalent vaccine. So it's really important to know which vaccine your child is
DP: So to talk a little bit more again about the conventional treatment for Haemophilus
influenzae B antibiotics and you'll also... There would be an injection of corticosteroids
to prevent the inflammation that the antibiotics will cause. Because the antibiotics will
kill the HiB and create this huge, super inflammatory condition, and that can pass that
blood brain barrier and you get further complications with that. So Ampicillin used to
be the drug choice and it's resistant now and so it's the cephalosporins and now it's
the fourth generation fluoroquinolone, 'cause I didn't quite say it right the first time. So
"fluoro" which means fluoride and quinolone.
DP: And Dr. Mercola has written articles in the past year, in the past six months
actually, on the whole problem with the fluoroquinolone antibiotics themselves. These
themselves will cause brain damage as well. So sometimes these fluoroquinolones are
being used routinely and they shouldn't be. So again, if you or your child has to be on
antibiotics for whatever reason, do check which antibiotic is being prescribed and what
side effects you need to be aware of. There's two problems happening now with
antibiotic resistance, one is that the bacteria are resistant to it, and the second one is
there's no money to be made by the pharmaceutical companies in developing any
more antibiotics.
DP: So it's getting limited how these kinds of very serious infections can be treated.
Even the Food and Drug Administration has come out with a statement about the
danger of these drugs, and the complication of it is what's called peripheral
neuropathy, which again means your extremities. There's nerve damage in the arms or
legs, and they can be pain, burning, tingling, numbness, weakness, or a change in
sensation to light touch, pain or temperature or sense of body position. So these
warnings have come out from the Federal Drug Administration since 2008. They had
one warning about severe tendon damage. So these are very, very serious antibiotics
and you wanna make sure number one, that they're not being used for routine things,
so say like an ear infection. And that if you need them, that it's really in a very dire
situation where it's important to have them.
DP: So this fluoroquinolones also can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Just to give

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
you a little bit of information. So this is a conventional treatment for meningitis caused
by Haemophilus influenzae B. Now, you will have in your handout, your written
handout, not the MP3, you will have an article by Greg Beattie, and it's from Sheri
Nakken's course. Now I also think you can find this particular article on whale.to. And
all you would have to do is put in the search engine or just look under the disease HiB
and you will find all the relevant articles on HiB.
DP: So he begins his article simply by saying, "Is it meningitis? Well, no, not really. Is it
epiglottitis? Well, no. Is it septicaemia, or pneumonia, or cellulitis, arthritis, middle ear
infections, osteomyelitis, which would be an inflammation of the bone? Conjunctivitis,
which is inflammation of the eye? Or respiratory infections? Well, no. But sometimes it
presents as these diseases." So you can see where this isn't your typical infectious
illness like we've been talking about all along like measles, mumps, rubella and those.
And so he just asked the question, "Well, what is it then, and what does the vaccine
aim to protect our children from?"
DP: So it's not a disease, it's a type of bacteria. And I mentioned before, it's a parasitic
bacteria and it's found in lab tests, and it can be a great variety of diseases. And it
doesn't mean it's any one or the other. There's no such thing as a HiB disease. So the
reason it gets called a HiB disease is because it's sent to a laboratory and HiB is found
in it. So remember at the beginning, I told you the connection with the Spanish
influenza, and they found this HiB bacteria in the lungs of those who had died from the
Spanish flu.
DP: So again, that's how they determine if this is HiB is that they find the cells in the
body or in the sample. So if another bacteria is found, then the disease is given a
different name, and if no bacteria are found, it gets another different name. So HiB isn't
like measles or whooping cough or polio or any of the other diseases that are
vaccinated for because it's not defined by symptoms. HiB disease can basically be any
disease with any symptoms. So with whooping cough and measles, they're defined by
the symptoms they present, and HiB is a disease that's defined entirely by laboratory
tests. There's no clinical definition for it. So it matters then when we introduce a
vaccine for it because we must be able to see how well the vaccine is working, so how
much disease it's preventing.
DP: So measles vaccine was introduced to prevent measles and its complications and
death. Same with whooping cough, same with rubella, same with polio. So what was
HiB vaccine supposed to prevent? And the truth is it wasn't to prevent any disease, no
illness is being monitored. So basically, there's no way to know if a HiB vaccine is
reducing illness at all. The only thing being monitored is the frequency of HiB bacteria
found in sick children. So what's happened is that there's fewer lab tests detecting HiB

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
nowadays, so the vaccine is considered to be effective. So the primary motive for
introducing the vaccine was to combat what are known as invasive bacterial infections.
So a bacterial ear infection, possibly crossing the blood brain barrier and you're getting
bacterial meningitis, but really and truly, as he points out in his article, there's no
evidence that this has been achieved or even looked at.
DP: So with HiB, there's three types of invasive bacterial infections. There's the HiB.
There's the pneumococcal and the meningococcal. So with the decrease in invasive
HiB infections, what appears to have accompanied it is an increase in the other two.
So, the solution in the pharmaceutical and medical model was then to introduce a
pneumococcal vaccine and a meningococcal vaccine, and there's no doubt. These are
terrible diseases. These are terrible illnesses when it becomes bacterial meningitis, and
this is why the fear with that. But is this something that has been created by the
vaccinations themselves or what has been happening? And you have to decide for
DP: So, what happens is there appears to be no evidence of a decrease in invasive
bacterial disease overall, and in Australia, the notifications of meningococcal disease in
1995 were the highest since 1979, the year the health department started counting
them. And these are all... So when you read his article, he's got it all annotated by the
studies that were done. So, it begs the question, what was happening? So, if the HiB
vaccine was created to prevent these particular infectious diseases like meningitis,
what happened then that pneumococcal and meningococcal was on the increase?
DP: So, there's suggestions that... Our results suggest that following the
disappearance of invasive HiB disease in children, bacterial Pneumococcal infections
have increased. A similar, although less striking increase has been reported in
Philadelphia. So, with the disappearance of HiB or being able to visually see any HiB in
a blood test or in the cell, there may have been a decrease in that, but there's an
increase now in meningococcal and pneumococcal bacterial infections. And World
Health Organization has also noticed that, that there's a connection.
DP: So, on top of all of this, there seems to be an association between DPT
vaccination and invasive HiB disease. Dr. Viera Scheibner does have a website, and
anything that you read of hers is gold. She began her research as a science researcher
with no interest in vaccination whatsoever in the '80s. When her husband was
developing... He was an engineer, and he was developing something for the cot deaths
or the crib deaths for people, for babies. And what she discovered while she was
working with them that the pattern for poisoning and crib deaths post vaccination was
exactly the same. And she went running to the medical community saying, "I've
discovered what all these crib deaths are about, and it's related to the DPT vaccine

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
DP: And they just... Well, they really gave her a bad time. So, I thought one bad email
last week was really terrible, she's had a lifetime of that, and she's persisted in her
research. So, all of her work is taken from medical journals. So what she commented
on and reported was that there was a 399% increase in HiB disease since the early
1940s and asks "Why have developed countries experienced such an increase of
invasive infections in the last 40 years? The best demonstrable common factor in this
period is a documented push for mass vaccination, and at that time, it was DPT." So, in
the end, it's... The HiB vaccine isn't measured by how much disease it prevents. It is
only measured by how much HiB bacteria are found in laboratory tests. So, it was
primarily introduced to combat meningitis and also Otitis media was ear infections was
the marketing one. But, we are yet to see any reports of a reduction in meningitis.
DP: Haemophilus influenzae is a group of bacteria regarded as normal inhabitants of
the upper respiratory tract. So again, the letter, that B there, HiB and Haemophilus
influenzae, A through to F, and the B is the one that's considered to be one of the
causes of the diseases mentioned like meningitis. But it's also found in up to 5% of
normal, healthy children. So, are meningitis, arthritis still occurring at the same rate as
before, but with different organisms found in association? We're yet to see a report of
reduced disease due to HiB vaccination. And so, there's a lot of questions around that.
Because it's included with the DPT now, in my day, you would have been able to sort
of tell if there was an adverse reaction.
DP: So, to sum it all up, at the end, we usually talk about what the signs and
symptoms are of a particular infectious illness that we're talking about for the day. But
with Haemophilus influenzae, signs and symptoms, none really, it's not a disease like
measles or mumps. And complications, and simply what's been monitored is the
frequency of the HiB bacteria found in sick children. The treatment, we talked about it,
corticosteroids to prevent the inflammation caused by the antibiotic killing off the HiB.
And now those antibiotics are resistant. And now there's no homeopathic remedies for
HiB, and it's simply because it's not a disease.
DP: So what we move on to then is the meningitis and that we can talk about with
homeopathy. So the signs and symptoms of meningitis, we've gone through. So today,
we'll take a little bit of time in differentiating between what's viral meningitis and what's
bacterial meningitis. So the symptoms of meningitis, in general, can vary and will
depend on the age of the child and the cause of the infection. And usually they start
out with flu-like symptoms and they can be very similar in both types of meningitis,
particularly in the early stages.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: And this is why I say to you, if you use a homeopathic remedy at the very
beginning where it just sort of seems a little bit flu-ish, a little bit fever, a little bit runny
nose or maybe even a higher fever, but lots of discharges, you will not know if you've
given a good homeopathic remedy, you may never ever know what you've headed off
because you've supported your child and or infants or your partner or any extended
family member, you've been able to support their body's ability to help heal itself by
simply giving a homeopathic remedy.
DP: If the symptoms continue to get severe after homeopathic remedy, it simply means
that the remedy is not right and you can change it. So in an acute illness, don't worry
about changing your remedies fairly often. That will be okay. Just go with the symptom
picture that's there and if the remedy is not right, you'll find out right away. If your child
falls asleep, you know it's a good remedy or if there's an increase in discharges, but
overall they feel better, you're also on the right track. So let's keep going with the
symptoms of it. So they can both... You won't know if you're dealing with viral
meningitis or bacterial meningitis for the first part, so go with the symptoms with
what's present there.
DP: So they can both come on quickly or come on after a few days of a cold and runny
nose. So already you can be thinking of... And although I encourage, especially with
homeopathic students not to routinely prescribe belladonna, aconite, and ferrum phos
for fever, but those are the three remedies that really, they're like arnica, you can do a
lot of good work with it. So if they come on suddenly and violently, the fever or any of
these symptoms, you can think of belladonna. And we'll go through the remedies
shortly. So what would present itself is fever, and we've talked lots about fever. You can
take the temperature, but what we're watching for are homeopathic symptoms that you
can use.
DP: It's a nice idea to keep track of the fever simply because if it's needed to go to the
hospital or emergency, you will have a record of it to be able to share with the admitting
nurse or doctor. The only thing you want to watch for is the fever that spikes very
quickly and it goes very high very quickly. And these are sometimes when you run into
what are called febrile or fever seizures. And for the most part, your child will still be
okay. It's a terrible thing to watch, I've not had to watch with my own children, but I
knew... I do know patients who have had to watch their child go through that. Typically,
most children and adults go through a febrile seizure without any complications long
term. It's a very small number of people who are actually affected by those fevers
where they've had a seizure.
DP: Watch for lethargy, which is just a weakness or decreased consciousness. There's
a going in and out of consciousness. So again on Downton Abbey, we got to watch
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
eclampsia. And there's a kind of delirium that can happen with high fever, so your
children might say things like they see black dogs or the dog has red eyes or they see
monsters or they start talking about what they were doing. If it's an adult, they might
say, "I have to go in to work," or "I'm sorry I missed that deadline." So they say things
that just don't make any sense at all, so you wanna watch for that, irritability and anger,
any kind of headache, throbbing pulsating.
DP: So the remedies we're going to cover today, you'll see why this symptom picture
will fit, in particular two or three remedies. Photophobia, which is just simply sensitivity
to light and we've talked about that a little bit with measles and rubella even, that
there's a sensitivity to light and these viral illnesses can affect the eyes. A stiff neck, so
if the chin cannot touch the chest and there's the chin starts tipping up, so in an instant
you will see this, but you might see this in a child and definitely in an adult. Watch for
any skin rashes or seizures. Those are beginning possible signs and symptoms of
meningitis taking place, so brain inflammation. So again, think of congestion with the
brain. There's redness, there's swelling, there's heat. So you can see why belladonna is
one of the first remedies you could probably think of.
DP: Now, meningitis in infants is going to look a little different and they might just be
really, really irritable and crying, might be really weak, or they might have a fever. And
they might be difficult to comfort even when they're picked up and rocked. So you
think of a baby. You pick him up and he's crying. You put him down and he's crying.
And there's this sense that nothing satisfies. And often, parents, whether they're
teething or not, can think of chamomilla. The daisy family of which chamomilla is a part
and arnica is a part of, whenever there's any kind of brain inflammation and swelling
and congestion and high fever, this is when these daisy family remedies are very, very
helpful. So it might even be a chamomilla instance and you wouldn't hurt your child by
giving them chamomilla. They're really irritable and upset, might have a fever, you can't
control them at all. Give a little bit of Chamomilla, it won't hurt. And again, you might
prevent all kinds of complications of a viral or bacterial infection.
DP: So what you do want to watch for with meningitis in infants is jaundice. So it's a
yellowish tint to the skin. So sometimes, I know my oldest son was a bit jaundice after
birth and it has to do with the liver and the bile. Sometimes, so with hepatitis... We'll be
talking about that more in depth with hepatitis, where the skin turns yellow, they
eyeballs turn yellow, and that's what jaundice is. So there might be stiffness of the
whole body and neck. So again, remember, it might not be the same kind of stiffness
that you see in an adult or a child, but because there's swelling and congestion in the
brain, there'll be a stiffness to your baby.
DP: A fever, or with babies, a lower than normal temperature, so you wanna watch for

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
that. Poor feeding or weak suck, nursing is not going well, or a high pitched cry. This is
called cri encephalique, and it's an encephalitis cry. You can get this same cry post
vaccination where the brain has been affected and is starting to swell. And then the
soft spot on the top of the baby's skull, look to see if that's bulging. This is another way
you'll be able to tell just how sick your child is. And that soft spot, the reason it's going
to be bulging, if you just stop and think about, is again the swelling that happens.
DP: So, just to revisit, viral meningitis can cause flu-like symptoms, fever, runny nose,
maybe very mild, and the illness goes away undiagnosed. This might be a situation
where you have used ferrum phos. Your child goes to school in the morning, they come
home, they're sick, they're tired, a little bit runny nose, and this happens two days, so
you start giving the ferrum phos, and you do that until Friday, and then they're fine for
the weekend and they seem to have been okay. And again, this is how a viral
meningitis, it will resolve completely within 7-10 days, and there will be no
complications or need for treatment. So you won't have a diagnosis, you won't know
what you did, but maybe you gave ferrum phos and by the weekend they were fine,
and as a parent you think crazy things like, "Oh, I think they were just faking it. They
really just didn't wanna go to school all week." That's quite possible they were sick and
it's quite possible even had viral Meningitis. You won't ever know.
DP: So bacterial meningitis is much more serious and so you won't always be able to
tell. So if you have those signs and symptoms, you have to get going to the doctor
because again this falls into the brain, blood, breathing, and bones. This is the brain.
So if your doctor suspects meningitis, they'll order lab tests to make the diagnosis and
it might include a lumbar puncture and that's to collect a sample of spinal fluid. I'm not
covering it today, but there are with anything else that's a medical intervention, there
are risks to that as well. So you may want to read up on that on your own. And this test
will show signs of inflammation and they'll be able to determine whether it's a virus or a
bacteria that's causing the infection.
DP: If it's a virus, they're likely not going to be doing too much except giving fluids.
They might keep it in the hospital, likely not. There's too many other infections you can
pick up at hospitals now. So they're likely gonna be sent home with you. And if there's
no fever, you can use over-the-counter pain medication, is what they recommend. But
again, you've got homeopathic remedies for pain kinds of things, and one of the
remedies you could think of is arnica.
DP: So if bacterial meningitis is discovered with a spinal tap, they'll start intravenous
antibiotics, they'll be given the steroids slightly before that, and then fluids to replace
those that are lost to fever and hopefully during this time, you will be able to use your
homeopathic remedies as well. So, you know, be prepared. It's my motto. So possible

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
complications of bacterial meningitis, anticonvulsants might be given. That might be for
seizures. If they are in shock, a child is in shock or low blood pressure, additional IV
fluids and some medications will be given to increase the blood pressure. For shock,
you can think of aconite and arnica again. Sometimes, oxygen is needed if there is
difficulty breathing.
DP: So even though I'm telling you these things and these interventions may sound
horrific and horrible to you, this is the best place to be for these... This is what western
medicine does the best are these emergency medical situations. So just trust that your
doctors will be doing the very best that they can, and you can work with your
homeopath, your naturopath during, hopefully, to be able to give remedies but to follow
up after, and restore the health. So, one of the most common problems with children
from bacterial meningitis is impaired hearing. So if you've been though that whole
gamut, your doctor will likely recommend a hearing test post recovery. And again, talk
to your homeopath, your naturopath, there will be lots you can do after the fact.
DP: So again, just briefly, whatever a vaccine can cause... Or whatever a disease can
cause, a vaccine can also cause. So complications of bacterial meningitis can be
hearing loss, visual impairment, seizures and learning disabilities. Heart, kidneys and
adrenal glands may also be affected. So I suspect the HiB vaccine for some children
has caused some difficulties neurologically as well.
DP: So we talked a little bit about how it is spread, the viral and the bacterial. Tiny
drops of fluid from the throat and nose of someone who is infected, they can become
airborne with coughing, laughing, sneezing and can infect others when people breath
them in or touch the drops and then touch their own noses or mouths. So these are the
outbreaks you hear about in colleges and universities. And daycare sometimes as well.
DP: So anywhere where there is sharing of food, drinking glasses, tissues, towels,
those kinds of things. So anybody who is in close contact. And again, like I said with
university and colleges, even daycares, you know, there can be certain stresses there,
and nutrition may be a concern. So all of those can contribute to a susceptibility to
these kinds of infections. But normally, if you're eating well, watching your stress levels,
being healthy and happy, the likelihood of developing any of these complications is
quite remote.
DP: So just some of the bacterial meningitis, forces of bacteria, neisseria which causes
meningococcal meningitis, that's the next vaccine we'll probably be talking about or
the next disease where a vaccine has been developed. The streptococcus pneumonia
is another common cause of bacterial meningitis. They have a pneumococcal vaccine.
So, there you go, the next two vaccines and we'll be talking about those. Diphtheria is
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
another common form of bacteria, but you hear about these outbreaks with food,
processed foods in particular, and staph aureus. So again, these are the infections
you're starting to hear about where antibiotics just become antibiotic resistant
especially the methylene-resistant staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, the necrotizing
fasciitis that you hear about, that can be picked up in hospitals, so these are some of
the reasons too why people aren't encouraged to stay too very long in the hospitals.
DP: Now, viral meningitis... So those are some of the ones that cause the bacterial
meningitis. Viral meningitis are some of the ones we've already talked about. The
enteroviruses. So those are... Remember, those are the ones that goes through the gut,
the mouth, poop, oral and rectal. So it goes in one end and out the other, and those are
spread through house flies, waste water, and sewage. Polio is included in those, you
have your Norwalk virus, rotavirus, all of those. The arboviruses, we talked about those
just a little bit, just very briefly, but those are carried by ticks and mosquitoes, so that's
west Nile virus, Lyme disease...
DP: Mumps virus can cause viral meningitis. Remember, we talked about that and
that's because it's so close to the blood brain barrier with the saliva and parotid glands
all around the face. Herpes viruses can cause viral meningitis and HIV. Just so you
know, those are some of the ways that you can end up with a meningitis, whether it's
viral or bacterial. We talked about the conventional treatment for that, so let's spend
the last bit of time talking about the homeopathic remedies that you can use, whether
you ever have a diagnosis of meningitis or not.
DP: So one of the websites that I always find kind of useful, is the University of
Maryland Medical Center, UMM.edu. And they cover pretty much every kind of disease
and infection. They give you the conventional treatment, but they also then give you the
alternative and complementary treatments, and they include homeopathy and they
include herbals and traditional Chinese medicine as well. So on their webpage, they list
apis or apis mellifica, which is homeopathic bee stings. Arnica Montana. Arnica is in
the same daisy family as chamomilla. Belladonna. So we'll talk a little bit more about
belladonna. But you're starting to get to know belladonna, this is one of your friends in
your home kit. Bryonia. Bryonia is a great flu remedy.
DP: Now helleborus is not a remedy that you would typically have in your home kit, so
I'm not going to talk too much about that, but it's particularly if it's meningitis where
there's thinking and confusion and stupor. We'll talk about gelsemium because
gelsemium has that same kind of state to it, but you're more likely to have more uses
for gelsemium than helleborus. There may be shaking or rolling of the head. So you
sometimes see this, too, post vaccination where there is a brain inflammation and
helleborus may be needed.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Hyoscyamus, it's in the same family as belladonna, and this is so where arnica and
chamomilla are in the daisy family. Belladonna and hyoscyamus are in the solanaceae
family, and this is the potato family. This is the night shade family. So foods you can
think of like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. And the belladonna, we've talked
about, is used by eye doctors, ophthalmologists, to dilate the pupil. So the black part
of the eye gets very, very big, almost covers the whole coloured part, and this is one of
the key notes for the homeopathic remedy when you need it for fever and you would
be considering belladonna.
DP: So Hyoscyamus is very similar to belladonna, but has some slightly different
keynotes to it. So one of the ones that homeopath's often think about with
hyoscyamus is this desire to be naked. So even running around naked might help
distinguish it between belladonna. Chances are good you're not going to have
hyoscyamus in your kit, it's not really one that is going to be useful for you in too many
other situations.
DP: So, I want to go into details with the remedies but first, just common sense, hand
washing, especially if it's enclosed areas, and hopefully in daycares, the hygiene will be
up. Increase your vitamin C. And the possibility of the meningitis from strep pneumonia
or pneumococcal meningitis, I stumbled on some reading with B6, vitamin B6,
Pyridoxine. And then I did start looking up the connection with brain damage. It just
sounded like so many symptoms that can happen with the brain inflammation when
children are diagnosed with autism, this chronic brain inflammation. So I just looked
that up and I will send you the links to some of the research that I did very briefly.
DP: But vitamin B6 helps in the production of neuro transmitters in the brain and helps
communicate with one another. And so I started to think, "Okay, alright, maybe even if
this is, if you do opt to get the DPT and that includes the HiB, or you do have
meningitis, that you will want to ramp up some vitamin B6 as well. And then, I did have
somebody do some research and she would have what she called these flip outs, and
they diagnosed them as schizophrenic breaks. But what she discovered on her own
through her research was she was B6 deficient, plus she had too much copper in her
blood. And there was a name to it, Pyroluria. And zinc was involved as well.
DP: So I'm offering this information for those of you who want a bit more and some of
these links I can absolutely share that with you. But what she would... What happened
is when she would be deficient, too much copper, not enough zinc and not enough B6,
she would have these schizophrenic breaks. And they found this so similar to this sort
of zoning out, and she wrote about these and what would happen to her. And her world
was very real even though to those looking in on it, it would like she had really totally
lost it. So vitamin B6, I will send you some information on that.
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So apis. Apis is going to be a remedy you have in your kit anyway. It's a great one
for insect bites, you just simply think this is bee stings. So if you've ever had a bee
sting, you know that there is a lot of swelling. There's a lot of redness, there's a lot of
heat, a lot of inflammation, you don't want anything hot near you, it's very sore to the
touch. And so, my youngest son even had a bee sting on his face and his whole face
swelled up. So this is the picture of apis. And it will look quite shiny as well. They'll be
almost a shiny glossiness to the skin.
DP: And typically, the children or people needing apis for meningitis will be very, very
weepy for no reason at all. They can be quite thirst-less and want fresh air or open air.
So it can look like pulsatilla a little bit but if you've given pulsatilla and it doesn't work,
it's not doing anything, you can always try apis. Apis also can be a great... If you've
had an adverse reaction to a vaccine or an anaphylactic shock or even an insect bite,
it's possible that apis will be the homeopathic remedy that will help settle everything
down, so it has a real affinity for the brain.
DP: Same with belladonna, we've talked about belladonna before. With fever, this will
be suddenness, a lot of redness, a lot of inflammation, throbbing, and pulsating. So,
that's what might be missing with apis. You might think, "Oh, is this belladonna? Is this
belladonna?" So with belladonna, you'll look for the black part of the eye, is it fully
dilated? And you'll be looking for pulsating. If that's not there, chances are good it's
likely apis that will be needed.
DP: The other remedy I would highly recommend having on hand is gelsemium.
Gelsemium is a huge flu remedy, it will serve you well in many, many occasions.
There's a heaviness to it, your child will want to sit upright. They'll look very droopy and
almost flushed as well like the apis or belladonna. But what you'll find in gelsemium
that's different from apis and belladonna is that the gelsemium, despite the heat, may
have chills running up and down the spine and they'll be maybe a lot of trembling and
shakiness. And it's very hard for them to get up because they just feel so, so heavy,
and with this trembling and the shaking, there's a great deal of weakness. This plant
remedy happens to be a vine. So if you think of a vine that needs something to hang on
to, that will give you an idea of the weakness that is in gelsemium.
DP: So we've talked about gelsemium before, I believe, with the polio, if there's a polio
virus so again this weakness, this shakiness, trembling. This is a remedy that will be
great in the flu but this is also a remedy if any of you have, and most people do, it's the
number one fear, public speaking or anxiety before an exam. So again, you think about
the state that somebody is in going into an exam or having to give a presentation.
You're dreading it, it feels like an ordeal, like, "Why did I decide I would do this? I don't
wanna do this."
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: You're having to run and pee a lot, you get diarrhea, your head is maybe aching
and the specific place for the headache for gelsemium is the back of the head and it's
pounding, it's throbbing, it does, it just feels like your whole brain is swollen. This is the
idea of gelsemium. So, whether it's public speaking or meningitis or a polio or if it is
sun stroke, if you have all of those symptoms, this is the gelsemium picture, does not
matter what the name of the disease is. So again, interestingly enough, you have three
remedies here for this brain inflammation and meningitis, gelsemium, belladonna, and
apis, that can also be used for ailments from heat stroke or sun stroke.
DP: So, for your ear infections, again, check out powersofhomeopathy.com and one of
the newsletters. If you go to the newsletter tab, drag down box, just click on
newsletters there, it will take you to a page -- I actually think my website's down right
now -- and you'll be able to do a search for ear infections. So, your top remedies,
pulsatilla, we've talked about that before, magnesium phosphoricum, this is where they
like a lot of pressure and a lot of heat on the sore ear. And you can even use the tissue
salt of magnesium phos for that. Merc Sol is best if there's smelliness, pus, blood,
discharge from the ear, that will be a good option as well. And another one, Kali Sulph
or Calc Sulph in tissue salts for ear infections, especially if it's started to become
chronic, with certain kids that's what happens. So, those are a few homeopathic
remedies for ear infections, you can hit off a lot of illnesses with that as well.
DP: So that's it for today. I'm gonna put everybody on speaker. Now, are there any
questions? Are there any comments? Anything at all?
DP: Okay, we'll see you all again next week. It will be class 10, we've just got three
classes left. We'll be covering pneumococcus, meningococcal, and hepatitis A, B, and
C and possibly add in some flu before we sign off. So take care, have a really good
week and I'll see you next Wednesday. Bye-bye.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: donna@powersofhomeopathy.com

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