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Now What?
Call #11 Transcript
By Donna Powers



Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class 11, where we will continue talking about the infectious illnesses.
These illnesses are the ones where conventional vaccines are used as prevention in
childhood, school-aged children, teens, and adults. Today's illnesses being discussed
are Hepatitis in general, but specifically Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. I'll
just leave a few moments now, are there any questions from any of the previous weeks
at all, about any of the information that we've covered?
DP: Okay, I don't see any hands up but, if you think of something during the course of
the next hour and a half, just please feel free to press one on your keyboard. One of the
things that I did want to mention is that some participants have downloaded the
information later and had have trouble with the links. Casey has sent an email to
everybody with the link redone, so you should be able to access all of the resource
material. If you did not get that email or you're still having difficulties, please let Casey
or I know, and we'll make sure that you have that information at hand, always. On the
Facebook page that is private and closed for the former participants and current
participants of the Vaccine Free: Now What? Seminar, there is an archive of information
and we will keep that up-to-date, so that you will always have access to that. It's also a
really good place to share information or ask questions. I notice that lots of current and
past participants are using it in acute kinds of illnesses, and that's a good way to
continue to learn homeopathy and start using the remedies on your own.
DP: This week's discussion is on the Hepatitis A, B and C. And I am going to go into
the vaccines just a little bit, simply because this is probably the most frequently asked
about vaccine for people, ongoing. Especially when there's so much travel and worldwide travel going on now. And the vaccine that is usually promoted is the Twinrix. So, I
offer this information to you so that you have what you need to share with others if they
ask you your opinion about whether or not to vaccinate for Hep A & Hep B for travel.
And usually, the travel that I am most frequently asked about is travel to resorts where
they cater to the North American and European population. So this is information that
you will find useful. Now, in Canada, we do not have a policy of vaccinating babies,
newborn babies, with the Hepatitis B vaccine and in the US, they do. So, if you're from
the US, anybody on the call today, please feel free to just press one on your keyboard
and share information that you might possibly have. So, some of you may have already
had your children vaccinated with Hep B, you might have something to share about
that. But it is one of the vaccines that the National Vaccine Information Center very
strongly advises to not get.
DP: So, I'm also going to spend a little bit more time, today, talking about the
homeopathic remedies you can have in your kit. Some will be part of... Just remedies
you should have on hand anyway and some of them will be a little bit more unusual.

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
And, prior to starting the call, Susan and I just had a brief conversation about accident
and injury and what remedies you can use. So, bicycle season is upon us, maybe I'll
write a newsletter about that. But any kinds of concussions, especially if there was
damage to the liver, and that can be any kind of bizarre reason, you're cycling along
and maybe it's a rocky path, and your liver and your head bang on a big rock. If there's
some liver damage and you have a concussion, the homeopathic remedy we'll be
covering today is Natrum Sulphuricum or Nat Sulph, it's sometimes called, or Natrum
Sulph. And this would be particularly helpful if the liver was bruised and inflamed, you
have the concussion, but a week or so later, the person starts to become depressed or
even suicidal because of the injury, Natrum Sulph will be almost specific for that person
and you will start to see an improvement fairly quickly. So that's just a little
homeopathic therapeutic tip. Now, with the Hepatitis today, there's five known viruses
and these are the RNA viruses and there is one that is a DNA virus.
DP: So, we won't be covering all of them, but definitely, we're going to cover the A, B,
and C today. The ones that they've identified are A, C, D, E, and G. So it's Hepatitis B,
the letter B, that is the DNA virus. So those are your, the genetic material. So, again,
I'm not a microbiologist, some ways I wish I was, but that's for my niece, she's in her
early 20s and just acing everything. And to my delight, I just found out, her university
summer job is going to be researching autism. I'm very excited for her. So she's a
vaccine-free child who is now a young women and interested in medicine. So there's
hope for the future with all of this. So the Hepatitis A and E happen to be the oral-fecal
route. So this is the same as your poliovirus when we study the Picornaviridae and
polio. And in particular, the Hepatitis A is with the mouth-poop route. So if you've got
dirty diapers, day cares, nursing homes, you're going to see incidences of Hepatitis A.
DP: The rest of the Hepatitis viruses are blood-to-blood. Now Hepatitis, whenever
anything has an itis at the end it, it just simply means inflammation and hepa refers to
the liver. So Hepatitis is simply an inflammation of the liver. And there could be many
reasons for it. There can be the viruses, but there can also be alcohol which can create
cirrhosis of the liver, there can be injury to the liver, accident. But mostly we're going to
be focusing on the Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver that's caused by the viruses A, B
and C. So with the viral Hepatitis, it can be a sudden illness and the symptoms can be
mild to severe followed by complete resolutions. So what we're talking about is
Hepatitis A. And the whole point and purpose of this course is for you to be able to, as
lay people, treat any acute illness.
DP: And an acute illness is simply any illness that has a beginning, and a middle, and
an end. All of your infectious childhood illnesses have a beginning, and a middle, and
an end. Most of them with a fever followed by a skin irruption and then there's the
complete resolution. This is why it makes it okay for you to be doing these kinds of

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
acute, infectious illnesses with homeopathy at home. But I also encourage parents to
have a homeopath or an naturopath or a doctor who uses homeopathy when you get
stuck. Sometimes you just don't get the remedy right. Sometimes even your
homeopath doesn't get the remedy quite right until there's a real clear symptom
picture. So what you're going to be getting today again are some options to using
homeopathic remedies if you're travelling and you are choosing to forgo that Hepatitis
A, B vaccine. So you can get this viral Hepatitis from any of these viruses. And some of
them you can have a prolonged course of the active disease or it can be silent with no
symptoms, and that's called chronic viral Hepatitis. And the blood-to-blood Hepatitis
B, C and D can cause chronic Hepatitis.
DP: If you are in that kind of situation where it's chronic then that's when you're going
to be consulting your homeopath or your naturopath. And even with the chronic
Hepatitis C, there's not a lot that the conventional medical system has to offer. And as
yet, they have not been able to develop a vaccine for the Hepatitis C. So just over all,
in general, the symptoms, like so may symptoms with these infectious illnesses, the
beginning symptoms are just like flu. And that means that there's a fatigue or tiredness,
a low-grade fever. So some of you can even be thinking of Ferrum Phosphoricum. And
you may not even know by the end of a week of once a day or twice a day giving
Ferrum Phos, 30 CH, if you have avoided a flu or if you've avoided a Hepatitis A
infection or anything that has these beginnings. So by now, by the 11th week, I'm sure
you're starting to see, how so many illnesses start in the same way, and normally our
immune system is able to keep up with things.
DP: So even your children may have actually had an experience of Hepatitis A, but the
passive immune system has already dealt with it. And they may have life-long immunity
to Hepatitis A and not even known that your child was sick. You only get sick when the
immune system is called into action because the regular passive part isn't able to keep
up with the toxins that are created in the body. So low-grade fever, muscle, joint aches,
cough, runny nose, again, any time there's a discharge, this is the body's attempt
through the immune system to get rid of these toxins. And what is also happening now,
is that the liver is working to eliminate the dead cells. And these viruses are organ
specific, and it's the liver that gets involved. So, what the body's immune system is
going to do is try to eliminate these dead cells. But as the cells are dying off, what
happens is the bilirubin increases. So for those of you who've had babies, and my
oldest one, we had to put him in the sun for a little bit, after he was born, just a little bit
of jaundice. Jaundice or yellow discolouration to the skin and that's what happens
when the bilirubin is a little bit higher than normal.
DP: So, two weeks into the illness, that's when the patient or the person is often
jaundiced which just simply means yellow, and the liver gets a bit enlarged with the

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
inflammation and sometimes you can feel it, if you put your hand on your child, and it
might be very painful for them, or your adult or whoever you suspect may have
Hepatitis A or even one of the other letters. And I'll tell you a little bit more about my
son's experience with it.
DP: And there may be high blood levels of liver function enzymes. My son works at the
homeless shelter here in Calgary, and he actually got a Hepatitis. They could not figure
out, even from the blood test, which Hepatitis he had, which letter, and he did have
liver pain, and his blood levels of liver function enzymes were very high. There wasn't a
whole lot they could do and with homeopathy, we were able to get him through it. But
his eyes did get very, very yellow and his skin got quite yellow as well, which freaked
him out, but that was okay, we got through it. So, as I said before, the Hepatitis A is
from the Picornaviridae family and that's the same as the polio virus which simply is all
about the oral-fecal route. So, if there's an outbreak in the day home, in the daycare or
the seniors, they may be saying that it's a Norwalk virus or a rotavirus, highly unlikely
that they're going to post, we have a Hepatitis A outbreak. There seems to be some
emotional, a lot of fear with that. So they'll just say, that was my mother-in-law's
nursing home just recently, that there was a digestive outbreak, I think it was.
DP: Anyway, none of us got any of that, so I suspected it may have been more in the
Hepatitis realm than the rotavirus or Norwalk virus. With rotavirus and Norwalk virus,
you can get those more than once. But with the Hepatitis A, once you've finished the
course of a Hepatitis A, this is the acute illness, the oral-fecal route, you have immunity
for the rest of your life. One other brief, anecdotal story with that, as a child, our whole
family gained, we all had everything all at the same time. My poor mother, I have no
idea how she coped, but she did. We all had Hepatitis A and in that day it was called
jaundice. We all had the yellow jaundice and we all recovered. So, even when I go to
give blood these days, they ask have you ever had Hepatitis and I write down that I
had Hepatitis A and then they want to know at what age you had it and then your
blood is screened for the antibodies for Hepatitis A. And if you got Hepatitis A under a
certain age, you're still allowed to donate blood. Okay, we have a question? So go
ahead Prema.
Prema: Just a quick question, when a baby is born, often the doctors will tell you
check in the first few days to make sure that he's not jaundiced, is this also related to
the potential Hepatitis A or that's a totally different circumstance?
DP: No, it's just a totally different thing. You can get Hepatitis from all kinds of things,
you can get it from injury, you can get it from an immature system, which happens with
newborn babies. Their liver's just not quite functioning and that's why you can have
these little babies. So, my babies are now in their 30s and all we were told to do is

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
simply put your baby in front of the window, in front of the sunlight and your baby's
liver will start functioning and clear out all of these dead cells that are creating the
yellowness. Sometimes, they put them under the light in the nursery, now, at the
hospital. But when my kids were born, they didn't do that. They just sent you home
and told you to stick the baby in the sun, that was an easy thing to do.
Prema: Yes. Yes.
DP: Okay?
Prema: Okay. Thank you.
DP: Alright. Okay, so now Hepatitis A, Neil Miller's book, if you do not have a copy of
that, I would highly recommend it. If only for the Hepatitis section, it's really, really
useful. A lot of good studies he's quoted in there as well and that's the Vaccine Safety
Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners by Neil Z Miller. And from his
book just quoting, "Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease usually transmitted through
contaminated food or water or by coming into close contact with someone who is
already infected." So again, this was the kind of Hepatitis I had as a child. And it's not
nice, it's not pleasant, none of these illnesses are. But when you've got homeopathic
remedies you will be able to help your child or adult go through them with the least
amount of discomfort.
DP: So symptoms, again, similar to the flu, low-grade fever, loss of appetite, and that's
pretty much a keynote of that one, of Hepatitis A is a loss of appetite. Fatigue, so just
tired really easily. So again, you could do a lot of good work even with the Ferrum
Phos, and there will be abdominal pain. So you might mistake it for a tummy ache that
your child might have, but this is the liver being inflamed, so yellowness or jaundice is
possible and the disease, the Hepatitis A is rarely as serious as the other types of viral
DP: So he quotes, "Case fatality rate among all ages is less than 1/3 of 1%, about 3
deaths per 1,000 cases", and that statistic is mainly adults greater than 50 years of
age. So when you're getting into that age group you may have some lifestyle choices
that are affecting the ability to perhaps not heal as quickly. Compromised immune
systems, years of smoking, drinking, improper eating can affect that.
DP: Most people who are infected recover completely and I am a living testimony to I
survived chicken pox, measles, mumps rubella, yellow jaundice, whooping cough, so
I'm here to tell you, there's no risk of death with any of those. At least in a healthy
population. It's very different if you're dealing with compromised immune systems, of
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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
course, or if you're dealing with poor sanitation, lack of good nutrition. All of those
things, of course, are going to figure into it.
DP: So, in children younger than 6 years of age, 70% of Hepatitis A infections are
asymptomatic, no fever, fatigue or jaundice. The child is simply a carrier of the disease.
So again, I emphasize all of this information because as soon as winter hits... When we
live in these Northern climates and everybody's thinking about travelling somewhere
warm, you start to see the ads on TV for Twinrix, in particular, and Dukoral, these
vaccines that are given for Hepatitis A and B when you're travelling. So, it's really
important that if you're opting out of the vaccine that you know what you're dealing
DP: In older children and adults, that's more likely when you're going to see the
symptoms of Hepatitis A. There is no risk of long-term or chronic Hepatitis A infection.
Once you contract the disease and recover typically in less than two months, with
homeopathic remedies, it's going to be a shorter healing time. You will not get it again.
DP: So the groups at greatest risk are travelling where there are high rates of disease,
men who have sex with other men, illicit drug users, and persons with blood-clotting
disorders, and young children typically are not among the groups at greatest risk. I will
share a story with you, one mom who's child is vaccine-free, and she is an
epidemiologist but opted out for vaccination, Hepatitis A and B, she did vaccinate for
with her young child when they went to Africa, and she just did not want to have to be
dealing with... Her husband got a job there, posting and she did not want to be dealing
with Hepatitis A infection even because they were living where she was in contact with
the swimming hole where all the other children were and she was definitely at a higher
risk than most.
DP: Again, these are the kinds of things you have to weigh. If you are say volunteering
Homoeopaths Without Borders or Doctors Without Borders to places where there is
earthquakes and the sanitation and there's sanitation concerns, overcrowding, poor
food even for the volunteers who are coming and you risk exhaustion. These are things
you have to take into consideration. But again, if you have the homeopathic remedies
or you want to use homeopathic remedies as prevention, you need to contact your
homeopath long before you're travelling with that.
DP: So, complications with the vaccine. So now you have an idea with Hepatitis A it's
an acute illness. It resolved beginning, middle, and end, no long-term effects as a rule,
very small percentage where there could be complications or death. But with the
vaccine, you are offered the two together, the Hepatitis A and B, you can get the A
separately, and I believe you can get the B separately as well.
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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: But just a brief mention with some of the vaccines. So, on my website, I've actually written a newsletter about how to research a
vaccine, there are many different vaccine products for Hepatitis. So, the single one, the
dual ones, and there is even a six-in-one that they're including. So, you really do have
to do your research if this is something that is being contemplated. Again, if somebody
asks you what your opinion is you are going to be able to give them this information
and how to research the vaccine. So, some of them contain aborted human fetal
tissue. These are the diploid fibroblasts or you sometimes see them listed as MRC.
There is aluminum in them, bovine albumin, which just simply means, there's cow
protein and formaldehyde, these are killed viruses, latex. And some of these hep B
vaccine contains antibiotics like neomycin. So, again you have to be aware of latex
allergies and antibiotic allergies for anybody who is sensitive to them. The other
complications with the Hepatitis A and B vaccine, there are a lot of problems with
demyelination. So, that's the fatty substance that surrounds the nerve tissue, and what
can happen with the disease is demyelination where the myelin sheath is stripped. So,
it's like having an electrical wire that stripped of the coating around it. And you can get
neurological illnesses, it's one of the complications of the Hepatitis B.
DP: I won't say it's fairly common, but it is one of the risk, neurological illnesses and I
know of adults who have been diagnosed with MS. Post Hepatitis A-B vaccine taken
before travel. In Canada grade five is typically when the children are given the Hepatitis
B vaccine, and the young girls they get the Gardasil vaccine at the same time. And I
think the Gardasil, they are developing a vaccine for the boys. I don't know if it's here
in Canada yet. But the other complication you hear of is children in grade five post
Hepatitis A-B vaccine developing type one diabetes. So Guillain-Barre is a syndrome, a
complication of it, it's a nervous disorder disease, you can get this even post-influenza
if you get flu naturally. You can get this from the vaccine, ataxia, which means difficulty
with motions and movement; encephalitis, inflammation in the brain and
thrombocytopenia, it's a deficiency of platelets in the blood and this causes bleeding
into the tissues and you get bruising and slow clotting after injury. This can happen
with this vaccine.
DP: Anaphylaxis, which is like an anaphylactic shock, which is the person quits
breathing, can come from any allergic reactions. Neuropathy, simply means with the
nerves, myelitis an inflammation of the myelin. Meningitis, Hepatitis, diabetes, and MS.
So, these are potential complications with it. Twinrix, again just as a reminder the
MRC5 is a cell line, that was developed in 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14-week
aborted fetus. And that particular vaccine as well has viral antigens, yeast, aluminum
phosphate, aluminum hydroxide, neomycin, which is an antibiotic and formalin. So,
again just each, you'd have to investigate each vaccine. Now, again Twinrix junior is the
one that's given in grade five, here in Canada. Twinrix is often the vaccine that's

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
recommended for travel with children, and again this is the one that I most often get.
So parents, it doesn't take very long for parents to figure out, well it's hep A completely
resolved, yes you've pretty much ruined your holiday.
DP: But there are common sense measures that we will talk about that you can take
while you are away and travelling to prevent that, you can have your homeopathic
remedy kit. So, you don't really need your Hepatitis A vaccine and Hepatitis B unless
your children are into tattoos, drugs, intravenous drugs, are sexually active. Again, you
may want to rule out the B part, so then there is not much reason for taking the
Hepatitis A-B vaccines before even travelling to holiday, especially when they are in
resorts that cater to North American and European sensibilities. They're going to want
people to come back. So, what you will read in the Twinrix packaging is that, it's fine to
give with the Cervarix, which is the Gardasil or the human papilloma, the HPV virus
vaccine. But all they're looking for and all they've tested for with these vaccines is
whether or not antibodies are being created.
DP: And so, that's the only information you're going to get is that one doesn't seem to
interfere with the other. There's no indication, really, of any other studies that are done
with it for side effects of the vaccine. So, they do advise that other vaccines... So, HPV,
the Cervarix, and the Twinrix are okay to give at the same time, but it's not advised any
other vaccines.
DP: So, it's really important for parents to understand that especially when there's
these outbreaks of measles and mumps that are happening, these are only going to
increase, especially in the vaccinated population and in those who have received
vaccines maybe after the first set or round of them. We are going to have these
infectious illnesses return. This is nature's way of evolving our immune systems and
health in general. And it's how these virus and bacteria are eventually eliminated out of
a population.
DP: So, symptoms of Hepatitis A. I'll just go over those again briefly. Only about 15%
of people who get Hepatitis A will actually have symptoms of yellowing of the skin and
eyes. There will be the fatigue, the stomach pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and fever that
comes and goes. Now this could be for six to nine months as well. So, again, if you're
giving even simply Ferrum Phos for a week, you may be doing a great amount of work
and never know that it was Hepatitis A. Although if it's going on longer than a week,
you're probably going to take your child into the medical doctor and they may
diagnose that, there may be some quarantine involved, I don't know. I don't have
anything to tell you about that. But if it's Hepatitis A, it will resolve. I'm not sure that
there's much that they can give you in terms of medicines or treatment for that either.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, what might be advised is for fever, to be giving fever medication, which is
contra-indicated these days even with the science research. Possibly something for
stomach pain, possibly something for diarrhoea. But again, what all of these are going
to do is simply suppress the discharges that need to be happening. The urine may turn
dark, tea-coloured or Coca-Cola coloured. So again, you will want to take your child or
adult or senior, one of your parents, to the doctor just to have it checked out because
one of the things that they will look for is any blood in the urine or kidney, possibly. So,
they'll be able to at least give you a diagnosis even if there isn't any medication they
can offer.
DP: One of the other symptoms that's quite characteristic of inflammation of the liver
are clay-coloured bowel movements. They'll look chalky or white, and these stools can
happen not just with Hepatitis, but any time there's an inflammation in the liver, or
sometimes there'll be diarrhoea. So the jaundice or the yellow skin is more common in
adults and quite rare in children. And most kids under the age of six, do not get sick
from the infection, but they can spread it to older children and adults. So... Will keep
going with this...
DP: So, the incubation period is quite long. So you may not know your child has it and
then that's why everybody in the household is going to get it for Hepatitis A. The
incubation period is 15 to 45 days, or about 4 weeks. So it's possible for the virus to
begin shedding through the stool of the infected person from two weeks before to one
week after the onset of the disease. So, chances are good if you're in close quarters,
everybody is going to get it. With adults, probably they're going to get more sick than
the children.
DP: So, again, it's spread by the oral-fecal route, just like polio is, and it's more often
associated with poor sanitation and hygiene and overcrowded living conditions. So,
again, if you are travelling on a mission with your church or religious organization, it
would be really good to take your homeopathic remedies with you. But when I have
people phoning to ask about it, this is what I let them know. Where are you going to be
first off? So, tends to be in poor areas, certain sexual practices, or injected drug use,
but outbreaks of Hepatitis have also occurred in restaurants, day care centres, nursing
homes, institutions, and community settings.
DP: So the restaurants is the one that you're going to want to be eating at the allinclusive resorts, you're going to be eating there as opposed to eating street food. I
have eaten street food in Mexico and in India, but I have been with people who know
where to eat. Sometimes the outbreaks of Hepatitis have been traced to contaminated
food, water, milk, frozen raspberries, strawberries, and shellfish. And again, our food is
being processed and produced, and these things happen. And the more processed the
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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
food is, again, the more, the increased possibility of having even these Listeria
outbreaks, so just know that this can happen.
DP: But if it's a Hepatitis A, just be a little bit hopeful, you'll be able to do something
with your homeopathic remedies. So, again, if you're a drug user, if you're potentially...
Multiple sex partners is part of your lifestyle or drug users, then this is where you're
going to have the higher instances of Hepatitis A, B, C all of them. And again, with the
A, it's oral-fecal, so I'm just creating these scenarios, if you're somewhere and your
considering having sexual relations with somebody in an overcrowded, unsanitary kind
of place, your risks are going to be higher. So, for example, use of condoms do not
prevent Hepatitis A, but with the other Hepatitis ones, it's one of the things you can do
for prevention.
DP: So, is Hepatitis A a communicable disease, can it spread person to person? Yes.
But it's not transmitted through casual contact like shaking hands or hugging or
coughing like some of these other illnesses we have talked about previously. It's rarely
blood-borne, but sometimes there have been outbreaks for those who've been injected
with blood clotting factor concentrates. So, we'll touch on that a little bit, because one
of the treatments post-Hepatitis, especially the B, and D, and E, the other ones. You
sometimes will be offered immunoglobulin, we've talked about that with tetanus, and
those are blood products as well. And blood products, from time to time, have had
serious complications, there's been contamination. So, again, this is a possible way to
contract Hepatitis A. Poor personal hygiene can increase the chances of spreading
Hepatitis A, so if you've got it going through your family or your child's daycare, you're
going to want to be practising good hand washing and cleanliness for that particular
DP: I'm not a big one for over doing the anti-bacterial soaps and lotions and... If there's
an outbreak at the nursing home, yes, I use the hand sanitizers that they have posted
on every corner. But on a normal day, going to the nursing home, no, I don't bother
with those even. But you also have to think about what you're carrying into the nursing
homes as well, 'cause a lot of these seniors are quite fragile with their health. So, that's
about the only time I use those hand sanitizers. One of the places of risk as well are the
intensive care neonatal units, that would be another place, I'm not there myself, but it
would probably be very prudent practice so that the little babies don't get infected. So,
I travel to developing countries, again, Hepatitis A is more prevalent, so practising
really good sanitation is recommended. So, when we were in India we had the squat
pots that you use, while we were travelling, and where we stopped, they were generally
more clean than other areas, but for most of us we did use the little mini hand
sanitizers that you can take with you.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, there's no conventional treatment for Hepatitis A, and 99% of people who get
infected recover. And therapy, conventionally, if there is any, focuses on re-hydration,
so there's the diarrhoea, the nausea, the vomiting, and nutritional support to replace
what's lost from vomiting and diarrhoea. So, once you've had Hepatitis A you have
anti-bodies to the disease and you will have lifelong immunity, which is in my case, and
will prevent it, prevent you from getting it again. So, your blood test will remain positive
for hep A, and I always have to identify that when I go to donate blood. There is a
potential for relapsing after, it seems like somebody has gotten better from having
Hepatitis A, those are very rare, and again, if you're using homeopathic remedies the
likelihood of that will minimize that. And it could move into progressive chronic liver
DP: So, again, if it's chronic that's where you would be seeing your medical doctor,
getting your assessments, your diagnosis, but also seeing your homeopath so that you
can do something with homeopathy. So, just a little fact, historically, Hepatitis A is
cyclical and the same with whooping cough. So, you'll see these outbreaks whether in
the vaccinated or un-vaccinated population, you will see them from time to time. With
Hepatitis A, it's every 10 to 15 years, the national rate of acute hep A has declined 92%
since the last peak in 1995, just before a vaccine for Hep A was introduced. So, history
repeats itself. These kinds of illnesses were already on the decline and then a vaccine
is introduced. And I don't have the facts for you, if in fact Hepatitis A increased then
after the vaccines were introduced. But typically that's what happened with some of
the other infectious illnesses. You see a rise again in the infectious illness even though
it had dropped off, the vaccine was introduced and then there's an increase in the
infectious illness.
DP: Most of the Hep A that's reported now is travel related, so Mexico, Central
America or South America. And again, take your homeopathic kit with you for Hepatitis
A. Water-borne outbreaks, they're infrequent but they can happen. So Calgary last year
we had a flood, so you can get Hepatitis A associated with sewage contaminated or
inadequately treated water. So everybody was advised to either boil water or to use
bottled water. So even in the package insert it says... All three Hepatitis A vaccine
package inserts warn that the vaccines may not or cannot prevent or treat the disease
in someone who's already infected or has been infected with Hep A. And the warning
is also that some immunocompromised individuals may not be fully protected either.
So important to read the vaccine package insert before considering a Hep A vaccine
before travel.
DP: Best tool for prevention is wash your hands, soap and water after using the
bathroom, changing a diaper or preparing and eating food. Use just common sense
when travelling as well. And just making sure whoever is preparing your food is... That

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you're eating in a place where you can see that there's good hygiene. My husband
even, he does these outrageous things. We were at an all-inclusive resort in the
Dominican Republic, and he just asked if he could go see the kitchen. And he said it
was the most amazing thing he'd seen in his whole life. They had a separate room for
the cheeses and it was a certain temperature. They had a separate room for the meat,
and it was unbelievable the care that they were taking. The ice was made from distilled
water so there was no concern about any kind of contamination with the ice cubes in
the drinks. They want people to come back.
DP: So the National Vaccine Information Center, which is on the web. They
support the availability of the Hep A vaccine for anybody who chooses to use it. But
they oppose the mandated use of Hep A vaccine for the following reasons, and they're
all the ones that we've just previously discussed. It rarely causes death, and people
recover from it. Hep A gives life-long immunity. The vaccine does not. Child to child
transmission in school is rare. These are all the reasons why they oppose mandating
the vaccine. And the Hep A vaccine can cause reactions. So Guillain-Barre is far more
serious than having the Hepatitis A itself. And you can look that up. The
website is well set up for you to look these things up as well. Reported reactions with
the vaccine, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and joint pain. Gee, sounds just like the
disease itself. It sounds like Hepatitis A infection. Multiple sclerosis, neuropathy,
convulsions, so there have been thousands of adverse events reported to VAERS,
including death post this vaccine.
DP: That was talked about. There were no long term studies to evaluate whether
Hepatitis A vaccine given alone or in combination with other vaccines is associated
with chronic illness or disability such as the development of diabetes, asthma, seizure
disorders, learning disabilities, ADHD, or autism. They only watched the Merck product
for one of their Hep A products. The subjects were observed during a five-day period
for fever and local complaints, and during a 14-day period for systemic complaints. So
the monitoring doesn't go on any longer than that. And so what you've learned about
the illness with Hepatitis A, it's a very long where it's growing into a full-blown
Hepatitis. So again with the vaccine, I would think that you would want to pay attention
to it for longer than a 14-day period.
DP: So I highly recommend through the website to do a search on the Med
Alerts database to find out which particular vaccine has which particular kinds of
adverse events. If I have patients who have asked me about getting it and they decide
to go ahead with the Twinrix or whatever it is for travel, I really encourage them to
download the information for reporting an adverse reaction so that they can get all of
the information right at that point of vaccination... Which lot number, which DIN
number, which product it was, where it was given, what day, what was the health of the

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child... So that that information can then be reported and the databases be brought upto-date. It's a known fact that only about 10% of reactions get actually reported either
to the American reporting system or the Canadian reporting system.
DP: So a little bit about the human blood product, the immunoglobulin, for prevention
after exposure to Hep A. I will just say simply it's a blood product. And not all blood
products do you find out until after the batch has known to create problems that it's
taken off the market. So even using an IgG immunoglobulin for prevention after the fact
in an outbreak has its risks as well.
DP: So let's talk a little bit about Hepatitis B and the only way it can be transmitted. It's
a DNA virus, not an RNA like the other ones that we talked about. And you can only get
Hepatitis B from the body fluids of an infected person. So who's at risk? Heterosexuals
engaging in unprotected sex with multiple sex partners, prostitutes, sexually-active
homosexual men, IV drug users, health care and public safety workers exposed to
infected body fluid, and household contacts of people with chronic Hep B infection.
Infants born to infected mothers, pregnant women can be tested. Children rarely
develop this disease. It's more uncommon in babies and toddlers.
DP: I would strongly advise parents to read page 275 in Neil Miller's book. I don't know
why this information gets ignored for so long because this was in 2007, 2009.
Apparently, Michael Belkin has written a warning to parents about the Hep B vaccine.
His daughter was five weeks. She was getting her booster shot of the Hep B vaccine
and she died the night after receiving it. I think it was 16 hours later. So he has really
worked diligently. He's working with the National Vaccine Information Centre as well to
educate parents about the inherent risks with the Hepatitis B vaccine.
DP: So in the one letter in Neil Miller's book, he just writes what we've said, "In the US,
the Hepatitis B disease mainly infects IV drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes, and
promiscuous heterosexuals. The disease is transmitted by blood through sex or dirty
needles. So how could a newborn baby possibly get Hep B if the mother was screened
and tested negative as my wife was?" The whole program of Hepatitis B being given to
newborns in the US is a matter of convenience and trying to reach those who are at
risk for Hepatitis B because they can't get them in. So they made a mandate and a
policy to give every baby at birth the Hep B vaccine.
DP: What Michael Belkin has written, "The vaccine was never tested in newborns and
no vaccines had ever been mandated at birth before." So Micheal has just laid it out.
He's a businessman, quantitative strategist at the Salomon Brothers and director of the
Hep B vaccine project of the And so he's well-qualified to talk about this. So
in 1996 there were more than three times as many reported serious adverse reactions
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as reported cases of the disease in the zero to 14 age group. So he has all the
statistics. It's there on the NVIC website. Do check it out. I'm just gonna keep moving
through this because you'll be able to find this. He is a UC Berkeley graduate, and he's
an advisor to financial institutions. He's qualified to analyze and make conclusions
about statistics. So he has gone in front of committees to talk about the very high risks
and serious adverse complications of the Hepatitis B vaccine.
DP: So a benefit risk analysis he concludes of the Hep B vaccine for the average infant
in America not born to infected parents must conclude that the various data on
adverse reactions shows the real-world risk of a newborn infant dying or being injured
by the Hep B vaccine is a greater threat than the remote chance of contracting the
primarily blood-transmitted disease. So you will have that link in your handout this
week that you can access for this information. So, he ultimately concludes with the
Centre for Disease Control refusing to acknowledge the number of serious adverse
reactions, the doctors who are completely misled about the risks and they continue to
administer the vaccines and deny a vaccine connection...
DP: The CDC has told parents they've never heard of hep B vaccine reactions. It's a lie
and the government continues to insist that hep B vaccine adverse reaction reports do
not exist, is negligent, and unethical, and is a crime against the children of America.
And I don't know why... He's been doing this since 2007, 2009, and I don't know if
eventually the Geneva Convention is going to be calling medical people to be
accountable for this kind of damage particularly, with this hep A, hep B vaccination.
DP: Now, another statistic in Neil Miller's book that I thought was interesting that you
should know about 87%, that's very high, 87% of pediatricians and family practitioners
do not believe this vaccine is needed by their newborn patients. So, your medical
doctors must be under tremendous amount of pressure to go ahead and inject this
vaccine when they don't support it at all. So, again, Dr. Mercola has an excellent article
on hep B vaccine and the complications, adverse reactions to it, everything from MS,
Guillain-Barre, Bell's palsy, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, a lot of these are
autoimmune diseases. And remember we've got this... Are we trading acute infectious
illnesses in childhood for chronic states of inflammation in adulthood and beyond.
DP: Now, he also, Dr. Joe Mercola in this article quoted a study done in the Annals of
Epidemiology. Well, when I tried that link, I couldn't get through to it. So I thought, I
have time today, I'm going to follow that through because the statement... I don't like
making statements in these courses that aren't backed up that I actually find the actual
evidence for it. Most of these papers are free to access online, but occasionally you get
these one page journal researches and they charge you $36 US just to print out the
one page. So, anyway, this was one of them. So I thought, I'm going to make sure I

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have paid for it, printed it, and have it stored away because this particular paper found
that giving hep B vaccines to infant boys more than tripled their risk for an autism
spectrum disorder. So, I include this just because I know that there are many parents
recovering their children and working with homeopaths to do that and so, as a
homeopath myself, it is impelling me, compelling me to do more research. If at some
point during homeopathic healing support for the body is healing itself, if at some point
when treatment gets stuck, if it's possible that a Hepatitis B nosode possibly is needed
to sort of unlock and continue the moving the healing forward.
DP: So, I will talk a little bit about hep B from my homeopathic reference book by Frans
Vermeulen called Monera, and it's a homeopathic materia medica of bacteria and
viruses. So, homeopathically, there will be a picture for the disease Hepatitis A and
it's... Sometimes, you can use that specific nosode and it's always best when it fits the
symptom picture of the patient. That's when it's brilliant. So, it's possible that it's
Hepatitis B vaccine damage, but if somebody had the symptoms of Hepatitis B without
really having Hepatitis B, you can use the homeopathic remedy or nosode hep B for
that person.
DP: So, it's really nice with homeopathic remedies. You don't use them just specifically
as nosodes for adverse reactions. You can also use them when the symptom picture
just fits whether they have Hepatitis or not. So, anyway I looked up this paper and in
fact, that was the conclusion and what Mercola says was that this was doubly
concerning because an earlier study by the same researcher group using a different
database found the same results. So, this just in and of itself is something that would
be really important for parents who are politically involved taking concerns to senate
committees. Hepatitis B, this vaccine should be eliminated from the newborn and
even... It should be off the market completely even if you are taking small children
travelling or babies travelling.
DP: And this is where I get my enquiries. I'm taking my eight-month-old baby. Yes,
we're still breastfeeding, but we're going to South America where my parents live. And,
so we go through this whole presentation that I'm giving you today. You're getting
actually a little bit more than what I give to patients. It's a bit overwhelming. They just
wanted to know should they have the vaccine or not. For me, it's important that they
really understand how they're making their decision about whether to get the vaccine
or not.
DP: So I actually downloaded the paper and the purpose was the universal newborn
immunization with Hep B vaccine was recommended in 1991. However safety findings
are mixed. And they were looking into a supposed vaccine safety data link work group
that reported no association between Hep B vaccination at birth and febrile episodes

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or neurological adverse events. They also found connections, possible positive
associations between Hep B and ear infections, pharyngitis and chronic arthritis, and
remember, joint pain is one of the symptoms of liver inflammation as in Hepatitis.
DP: So they were looking at part of the special education services. So if it's helpful to
you, I can... It's probably highly unethical for me, but to me the seriousness of this
supersedes my ethics which are usually fairly strong. But I can send a copy of...
Hopefully you'll be able to read the PDF. I know sometimes with PDFs, I've shared
them with somebody and they can't open them, but hopefully you'll be able to. So if
you're interested just sent me a quick email, and I'll have Casey send that out with the
follow-up email.
DP: So the concern was number of children on the spectrum disorder comprising a
growing caseload for the special education services. So they evaluated the association
between Hep B vaccination and male neonates, so infants, and parental report of
autism spectrum disorder, or ASD. And they list the methods that they used, and the
result. They found that especially non-whites, and in my limited experience, I have
found the Hispanic boys far more susceptible to landing on the Autism Spectrum
Disorder post Hepatitis B vaccines. Sometimes the mothers are given it during the
pregnancy, and then the child has then repeatedly given it at birth, and then the
booster shot as well. The conclusion for this paper, is the finding suggests that US
Male neonates vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccine had a threefold greater risk of ASD,
risk was greatest for non-white boys. So this research papers, and I don't know how
these get overlooked or ignored or... So hopefully, you have this information in hand
now and you can refuse these vaccines or help others to make this decision.
DP: And it's an educated decision, an informed decision. From my clinical
microbiology made ridiculously simple, one of the complications of Hepatitis B is
cancer of the liver. And with a chronic infection, the DNA of the Hepatitis B becomes
incorporated into the actual liver DNA, and it triggers malignant growth. And there's a
200 times increase in the risk of developing primary liver cancer in Hepatitis B carriers
as compared to non-carriers. Now, this triggered a question in my mind, so has there
been an increase in liver cancer since this vaccine has been introduced? And so before
I get to that little statistic, so infection with Hepatitis B can result in permanent liver
scarring and loss of liver cells and this is called cirrhosis. We more likely hear about
cirrhosis with alcoholics who drink too much and the liver cells get destroyed.
DP: So in my investigation, yes liver cancer is on the increase, and it has more than
tripled in Canadian men and doubled in women since the 1970s. And the greatest risks
for liver cancer are chronic Hep B infections and Hep C infections. So we'll talk a little
bit about Hep C in a minute. Gosh time flies. There's currently, there's a vaccine for

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Hep B but not for Hepatitis C, and Hep C accounts for about 30-50% of the liver
cancer cases in North America. So it's recommended to get tested for Hep C, but
there's not really a lot that they can offer to you, except lifestyle changes. So alcohol
use, diabetes and we've already heard that one of the complications are adverse
reactions to the vaccine is possibly diabetes. So alcohol use and smoking should be
stopped. So the Hep C, very briefly, highly unlikely that this group, with the
participants, that this would ever come into question.
DP: Again, this is shared needles, drug injections, straws. So by straws they mean
drugs like cocaine. I only have ever seen that on TV where they inhale pipes, spoons,
cookers, and other drug-related equipment. That sharing drug equipment was common
in the '60s and '70s, so this may be the statistic that you're seeing for the cancer in
that particular age group. Cleaning with bleach does not kill the hep C virus, and this is
the one that is of concern to medical workers. My sister-in-law did get stabbed with a
Hepatitis infected blood product through a needle, but she was fine, and she was
never treated, and she's never developed the symptoms. So she was okay with that,
and they just watched her and took her blood tests fairly frequently.
DP: So, common sense things. If you are having, say dental done work in Mexico... I
know people do that. You want to make sure that they have an autoclave. And that's
the same for having a pedicure or a manicure when you are outside of North America.
Even in North America all of these things apply. If you're having medical or dental work
done they need to have an autoclave, individually open the packages. Same with
manicures and pedicures. Even here in North America, you would be amazed how
many estheticians do not sterilize their equipment. Even high end spas, you have to
ask, "Do you use an autoclave?" Tattooing, body piercing. These are just common
sense things.
DP: Multiple sexual partners. You need to... If that was a part of my lifestyle, I would be
making sure everybody was checked for STDs and Hepatitis B and C, all of those
things. So anyway, I'm okay with being monogamous. Organ transplants. So blood
transfusions, this is another... You want to really be careful with contaminated blood
products. So there was a problem in Canada, and the Red Cross no longer does the
blood products. It's a whole other organization that does blood products now. And
again, Hep C is not spread by casual contact or sneezing or coughing, and it's not in
the food or water. This is like B, it's blood-to-blood or body fluid to body fluid.
DP: And again, Hep C, most people don't know they're affected. And it's possible they
can spread the Hepatitis C, but again, it would have to be through the kinds of ways
that we've already talked about. So similar symptoms: Fatigue, reduced appetite, sore
muscles and joints, nausea, abdominal pain, or yellowing of the skin or eyes. And this

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can lead to chronic problems which causes cirrhosis, or severe damage to the liver,
and a small number can get liver cancer with that. And no vaccine for Hepatitis C.
DP: So all of the clinical feature of Hepatitis, minor flu-like illnesses to, very rarely, fatal
liver failure. So the beginning phase: Sudden distaste for food and a distaste for
cigarettes is characteristic early on for those who are smokers. Just a general malaise,
fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, tenderness on the right side of the abdomen,
nausea, vomiting, cough, diarrhoea, light stools, muscle pains, fever, the lymph glands
might be enlarged and sensitivity to light, which is called photo-phobia.
DP: There may be pain running up to the right shoulder. That's very characteristic of
inflammation of the liver, and we'll go through a couple of homeopathic remedies that
have that particular symptom. Now there may be rashes on the skin and arthralgias.
And those are just simply like those arthritis muscle kinds of pains, and in the joints,
and in particular with Hepatitis B infections. The yellow part of the phase occurs three
to 10 days after, but also when we talked about Hepatitis A, it could be much longer
and you may never get the yellowing. There may be some dark urine followed by the
yellowing. It may also be the clay-colored stool, and the white part of the eye turns
yellow, or yellow staining sweat, and you'll see that on the sheets.
DP: So as the patient feels better, the yellowness of the skin gets worse. So for
whatever reason, we always think somebody is really sicker when they're yellower, but
actually they're already through it at that point. And it takes a little bit of time to recover.
So this is the one thing, before we go into the homeopathic remedies, that I would
caution. What you will find is people sometimes, when you get the remedy really right,
they'll start to feel really well much sooner and then take on too much right away. So
for an example, people who take Arnica post accident or injury, especially a car
accident, and they start to feel way better within three or four days. And they go back
to regular routine. In fact, it's best to wait. Your body needs time to recover and
recuperate. So, one of the benefits of going to a medical doctor, a conventional doctor,
and getting a diagnosis is that you can get a note that can excuse you from work or
commitments while your body recuperates and rests even though the homeopathic
remedy is speeding up the healing process. You still need to give that time.
DP: So, any questions or comments up to this point before I cover a few remedies in
the next 10 minutes? You will get a handout with all the remedies as well. Okay. Not so
much. So, say you're a family. You've decided to take this cruise, or this trip, or
wherever you're going, or you're deciding that you are going to refuse that vaccine at
birth. You will be able to reassure your providers that you do have a way of dealing with
Hepatitis A or B, even C if that should come up. Again, we never knew with my son
which one he had.

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DP: Arsenicum Album is also known in Canada as Metallum Album. It's also known
just as arsenic. This is homeopathic arsenic. It is a remedy that I would recommend
you have in your 10 remedy kit. You will find it very helpful in flu, in food poisoning,
colds. It's just a very, very effective remedy. So, it's one of your first ones you can think
of if you happen to have somebody who has Hepatitis. One of the keynote symptoms
in Arsenicum is exhaustion after the slightest exertion. And this is a symptom of
Hepatitis. So, this is why if it's a symptom of Arsenicum, and it matches a symptom of
another disease that happens to be called Hepatitis, it makes it a simillimum or similar.
DP: There's a lot of fear with arsenic, a fear of dying, and a fear of death. So this will be
somebody who's really, really sick with this. They will be very, very restless. These are
people who tend to be very, very chilly and absolutely cannot get warm. And there will
be vomiting and diarrhoea. If you can't think of anything else to give in food poisoning,
or if your kid, or you partner, or your adult elder is vomiting and diarrhoea at the same
time with chilliness and exhaustion, give Arsenicum. It's probably gonna do a great
amount of work. There is a sensitivity to the light. So, can you see where the symptoms
we talked about with Hepatitis are very similar to the symptoms in Arsenicum. So, it's
possible that this is going to be just a good go-to-remedy if it's the only one you have
in your home kit. A lot of nausea and violent vomiting and they cannot bear the sight or
smell of food. So, remember, one of the beginning symptoms of Hepatitis is this loss of
appetite or anorexia. The liver can be swollen and painful, and in Arsenicum, you can
have swelling of the glands. The urine in Arsenicum can be a deep yellow colour or
brownish. And Arsenicum actually has the symptom of a yellowish skin.
DP: And we have a question here so just one moment. Go ahead, Prema.
Prema: Yes, I wanted to know, in terms of potencies, what do you suggest having?
30C or 200C? What's the best in those circumstances?
DP: For Arsenicum, I would tend to recommend a 200CH in your home kit just because
when it's needed, the symptoms are going to be quite intense and you will be able to
see that this is an Arsenicum state. And a 200C would probably, you would get a much
faster reaction. With a 30C, if that's all you've got you go ahead and use it. You just
repeat it more frequently or put it in water so that after they vomit or have diarrhoea
they can take a good sip of that 30CH. And that way you can continuously give it. It's
just that the higher the potency, you're matching the intensity of the symptoms and
usually somebody needing Arsenicum, the symptoms are usually pretty intense.
Prema: Okay, thank you.
DP: Does that answer? Okay.

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Prema: Yeah, perfect. Thank you.

DP: Okay. And the perspiration in the Arsenicum remedy picture is yellow and it colour
the bedsheets yellow as well. And inspiration of smoke aggravates. So, you can see
how it could almost be a specific for Hepatitis. Now, the other one. The keynote for
Arsenicum is this restlessness. Even if they're in so much pain and they're lying still,
their eyeballs might be moving around or they feel restless. There's an anxiousness to
them, whereas, the next remedy, Bryonia, again this is a must-have in your kit and
probably Prema, a 200CH with this one as well, because if you're going to have a
Bryonia headache, it's going to be very intense.
DP: If you're going to have a Bryonia flu, it's likely going to be very intense. So, Bryonia
we often call the grumpy bear remedy. Irritable, angry, again sensitivity to light, slightly
yellow eyes, the face can be yellow. Bryonia has a real affinity. It's known as a liver
remedy. Bryonia you often think of irritable businessmen. They can be quite liverish and
angry. The liver, I think in Chinese medicine, is the seat of anger. Bryonia can even have
a thick yellow coating of the tongue, vomiting of bile and water right after eating,
phosphorus can have this as well, or vomiting of blood, a lot of weakness.
DP: Now, this has a slower onset of the symptoms, and Bryonia, one of the keynotes
there, is they're just worse being touched or talked to or interrupted. The urine can be
dark or red brown, a lot of tenderness and aching and swelling of the glands, and a
yellow colour of the skin. So, if you have all those common symptoms of the Hepatitis,
but you're not sure to use as Bryonia or is this Arsenicum. It might be something as
simple as the Arsenicum person might want warm drinks or hot drinks, the Bryonia
person wants liquids all at once, or it might be the restlessness. You'll find somebody
that needs Bryonia, wants to be very, very still and have everything very, very quiet.
DP: Now I only have about three minutes, so I'll talk about a couple others.
Chelidonium, and again it's almost specific, like it is the go to remedy for the liver,
especially in chronic liver conditions, your homeopath, or herbalist, or naturopath might
actually suggest just to strengthen and build the organ to take Chelidonium in a mother
tincture, which is a herbal tincture. One of the characteristic symptoms of this, is the
clay coloured, or white coloured, or chalk-coloured stool. So, that might be the only
difference that you see in choosing between Arsenicum or Bryonia, it's not always
likely you're gonna have Chelidonium. Arsenicum and Bryonia you can use in many
situations, Chelidonium, is going to be more due to liver conditions.
DP: China, you can read about, lachesis you can read about. Lycopodium, it's another
well known liverish remedy. How you will know how to differentiate between
Lycopodium, and Arsenicum, and Bryonia? Typically worse from 4:00 to 8:00 PM, don't
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want anything around the waistband, and there could even be possibly a lot of
belching with this. Lycopodium can be very, very irritable as well. They might be a bit
home sick, even if they're already home you might see that. You might see that
symptom in the Bryonia.
DP: They may say funny things like, "I wanna go home." Natrum Sulphuricum is one
that I mentioned briefly, again a very strong affinity to the liver, and this might be one
where you've got Hepatitis-like symptoms, inflammation of the liver with a head injury
or concussion. So, just remember Natrum Sulph, you might be able to use it and
address two issues at the same time. So, the rest of the remedies are in your hand out,
and I thank everybody for being here today, and hopefully, this will give you some
clarity on how to make your informed choice about whether to have a hep A, B vaccine
before you travel, or refusing a Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, or booster shots for your
children, or in grade five. Any questions or clarifications for the information today?
DP: If not, please send me an email or post on the Facebook page. I look forward to
chatting with you next week when we're going to talk about influenza, and what's
coming up. You'll be well prepared for influenza season and when the media hype gets
going about, get your flu vaccine. Take care, have a wonderful week. I hope spring is
happening in your part of the world. Take care, bye for now.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:

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