Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 10

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Now What?

Call #10 Transcript

By Donna Powers


and there's puss and always worse at night. A lot of drooling and it's a keynote of
Mercury. So you'll see that the hands become shaky and all fine movements are a bit
trembly and how you will distinguish between that and Gelsemium is simply because of
the smell. Gelsemium won't have the smelliness that Baptisia will have and the Merc
Sol will have.
DP: And we're at the end of our time together, so hopefully that gives you an idea. I
would never wish the flu on anybody, but when it comes this is a good opportunity for
you to practise using your homeopathic remedies and figuring out what's needed. So
start... It's quite safe for you to do at home, these acute, they have a beginning, a
middle, and an end. If the symptoms are getting worse then you that the person you're
trying to help needs to contact a homoeopath, a naturopath or their physician if it's not
an epidemic or a pandemic. So are there any questions, concerns, clarifications,
anything to share?
DP: I know we all have to get going, so I'm going to take everyone off mute, just so
that we can say our good-byes. Thank you everybody for being here today. Oh, we've
got one hand up. Okay Jan, go ahead.


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar
course. This is class 10 where we will continue talking about infectious illnesses. These
illnesses are the ones where conventional vaccines are used as prevention in
childhood, school-age children, teens, and adults now moving into their elder years. I
would be one of those. Today's illnesses being discussed are chicken pox, which is
known clinically as varicella and shingles, which is known medically as herpes zoster.
DP: I'm going to continue with chicken pox and I love my little biology book that I use
from my early years as a student. My Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple. I
love it simply because it was printed in a time where vaccines were being promoted,
but chicken pox was still not what it's being made out to be these days and where a
vaccine is being promoted for prevention. So the bacteria and virology anatomy, if you
will, has not changed that much, but our understanding of the immune system and
how it works has changed tremendously, so the information from the microbiology
textbook is still accurate.
DP: Both chicken pox and herpes come from the same virus family and it's called
herpesviridae. And just so you have an idea of which illnesses fall in this particular virus
family, you have herpes simplex virus, which are your cold sores. And 90% of adults by
their fourth decade are likely have antibodies to HSV 1, is what it's called. Herpes
simplex virus two, which is your genital herpes, is in this same family. Neonatal herpes,
it's one of those ones we've talked about with the TORCH, where it's toxoplasmosis,
rubella, cytomegalovirus virus, herpes or HIV and syphilis. These are the viruses that
can cross the placenta.
DP: And Cam last week had an important story to share with us, what happens with
pregnant mums being given MMR and often now, the chicken pox is included in that
vaccine. So it's really important that if you have friends who are pregnant and being
encouraged to get a booster vaccine during pregnancy, we will be talking a little bit
about some of the caution you have to have and really encourage them to read the
package inserts. Plus I will be giving you a link and some statistics from the vaccine
accident reporting, so the VAERS, V-A-E-R-S, on the chicken pox vaccine.
DP: So in that family, you also have the chicken pox and shingles. Cytomegalovirus is a
liver infection and it can be implicated in mononucleosis. So you can start to see this
little family in a larger kind of way, beyond chicken pox and beyond shingles. The other
one that is implicated is Epstein Barr virus and again it causes mononucleosis and in
certain cancers, Burkitt's Lymphoma. So when you hear of teens getting mono, this is
the family that this is coming from. This virus mostly has to do with a suppressed
immune system or under stress and then this virus is activated.

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, to talk about the chicken pox virus again our good friend, Hilary Butler, at the, her article is probably one of the best that you're going to find written on
chicken pox. So again, just to summarize, the herpes simplex 1 are fever blisters or
cold sores. You can get those from the sun as well. I have two family members who,
over exposure to the sun, causes stress and they get these cold sores or fever blisters.
You often see students as well. If you have a tendency toward this kind of viral infection
after any exam or stressful situation, out come the cold sores.
DP: And again, it's the body, if we start to understand the immune system in a holistic
way, it's clearing out these toxins when it's been under a tremendous amount of stress.
The herpes II is a genital herpes and it's sexually transmitted. And then we have
chicken pox or the varicella and herpes zoster which is the shingles, Epstein-Barr virus
or mono. It's also called glandular fever in the UK. So if you're doing any research and
you see glandular fever, that's what they're talking about, is mono.
DP: All of these viruses are what are considered latent. So they're just in the body. And
the chicken pox, when you read Hillary Butler's article, I'll just switch there, the body
can't get rid of these particular viruses. The body, in its wisdom and in immune
system's wisdom, cannot eradicate it but what it does because it can't eradicate it, it
hems it in. And where it stores it, is in the bundle of nerves in the spinal cord or the
DP: And since the immune system cannot function here, the virus can stay safely
dormant for decades until the immune system is suppressed, either through stress,
age, pregnancy, cancer treatment, AIDS, primary immunodeficiency or organ
transplant, then the virus can re-appear. And sometimes it can reappear as chicken
pox and at other times though it will come out as shingles.
DP: She's quoted a source that some two out of every 10 people who have had
chicken pox experience shingles. So they're related. They're cousins and generally it's
not likely that you're going to have a second event of chicken pox. As we age, it's more
likely we are going to have an experience of shingles. With the vaccine being
introduced as young as it is now, there is research, I will refer to it later on, to support
that in fact there is an epidemic of shingles amongst children. And it's because of the
vaccines. So again, whatever the disease can create, the vaccine can also create.
DP: So if you're given a chicken pox vaccine, the body cannot eradicate it and it will
store. And under stress or illness, then the chicken pox can express itself in shingles.
So logically on one level, you can just realize that yes, that if you think about it, it is
possible for children then to get shingles. And so the solution in conventional
vaccination world is to have the shingles vaccine.
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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So what are the technical terms when the body kind of puts this all at bay and kind
of stores it in the body? It's through the cell mediated immune response. So if you go
back to your Th1 and Th2 handout, you will be able to sort out what's happening there,
at an immune system response. So right now, I would like to go through the signs and
symptoms of chicken pox, the illness. It's a flu-like symptom, itchy rash of spots that
look like blisters and it's very contagious. And that's an unusual thing to say because I
know of many parents who choose to be vaccine free and consider going to the
chicken pox party in the hopes that their children will then get chicken pox and you'll
be done with it.
DP: And in fact the body in it's wisdom and susceptibility factors, your children may or
may not get chicken pox. It's not always guaranteed that you go to a chicken pox party
and your children will get chicken pox. They will get chicken pox when the body is
ready to have an experience of chicken pox. And it's probably one of the greatest
lessons we can learn, the idea of chicken pox parties. You could go to five or six of
them and your child does not get chicken pox. And then out of the blue, seven months
later, your child gets chicken pox. And that's because they're ready for it. So again,
there is some argument about the vaccine schedule and artificially inducing an immune
system response when perhaps that individual child is not ready for that kind of an
experience with that particular illness.
DP: So some children have a fever, there can be abdominal pain, there can be a sore
throat, there can be a headache, or just a vague sick feeling a day or two before the
rash appears. And the fever can range between 100 and 102 Fahrenheit or between 37
and 38, 39 centigrade. Actually chicken pox was not a vaccine that was offered when
my children were young, so I can tell you an anecdotal story of that. I did not know my
children had been exposed to chicken pox. I was at my parent's place around
Christmas time, and my oldest son woke up in the middle of the night with a very high
fever. And at that time, I likely used Children's Tylenol because I didn't know any better
then. And my mum was there and she was helpful. So I probably didn't use a lot
because she didn't, as a rule, use Children's Tylenol or anything like that.
DP: And so feverish for two days, and then out came the spots, and she knew he's got
chicken pox. And then it was about four, five, six, seven days later that my youngest
son then also got a fever in the middle of the night, and we knew right away it was
going to be chicken pox as well. What mums will tell you anecdotally that as you go
down the line with your children, it will get worse. So, in fact, my youngest had chicken
pox far worse than the oldest child did. And at that point, I only used things like
oatmeal baths and tried to keep them from itching. I probably used calamine lotion
because that was what my mum knew to use. So, nowadays, I would not. I wouldn't do
that at all. But you'll see that that sometimes is still advised.

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Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, children are contagious from about two days before the rash appears and lasts
until all the blisters are crusted over. And a child with chicken pox, keep them home
until all the blisters have dried, and that's usually about a week. And siblings will likely
start to show symptoms two weeks after the first child. I don't think mine was as long
as two weeks because we would have only been there for Christmas or for two weeks.
So, I think in our situation it was seven days. So, it's possible that they were... Had
both been exposed at the same time. Now, people who haven't had chicken pox also
can catch chicken pox from someone with shingles. Okay, we have a question here.
Ellen, go ahead.
Ellen: Yeah. Sorry to interrupt, just well, I was thinking of it in my brain.
DP: That's okay.
Ellen: Because we had discussed whether or not we should use essential oils on the
skin, and I did forward that question to the Master Herbalist Blaine Andrusek, who's in
Calgary. And I haven't heard back from him yet. So, when I hear, I will tell everyone
what I found.
DP: Okay. You'll share that. Great. What Ellen and I are talking about is when there's a
fever and the fever breaks, as soon as the body starts to create a fever, move into the
inflammatory response, internally there's a whole sequence of events. And one of the
things that's happening internally is the body's ability to create it's own antibiotics
inside. And then when the fever breaks in chicken pox, again this is Hilary Butler's
information, the skin, once it breaks, the sweat then, inside the sweat itself, are
antibiotics that are on the skin which will help prevent secondary skin infections.
DP: And this is what you will hear as a concern, is that the possibility for a staph
infection when there's these open sores, it's a possibility. And it certainly is. It's a
possibility. But if things are going along in a normal healthy child with the fever, the
fever breaks, the advice from Hilary Butler and even from conventional medicine, like
the NICE, National Institute Children's something, and they have a report on fever
study that they did. So, wash the bed clothes, wash the jammies, but avoid washing
the skin so that the skin, the little pustules can open. They can ooze and they will scab
over, and you won't have scarring and less likelihood of an infection, a secondary
DP: So, shingles as well can have this kind of eruption or oozing as well. It's much
more painful. Because it's been stored in the final column where the nervous system is
and all of its little areas that it reaches out to is much more painful than chicken pox.
Chicken pox tends to be quite itchy. So, conventional common sense treatment is
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
oatmeal bath, calamine lotion, and again, some reluctance about... I used it. My kids
got through it. They didn't have scarring. I was okay. So, I use Tylenol. I did all the
things that... Now, I know differently.
DP: Cold, soft, bland food. You can get chicken pox inside the mouth. So again, on our
Facebook forum, we've had a mum, her children were exposed to hand, foot and
mouth disease, and it's a fever, eruptive illness, and sometimes the sores are inside the
mouth and on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet. And it can be very
painful as well. So, chicken pox also, you can find in the mouth. Now, in my days, it
was Benadryl that was recommended for the itching. If you can get a good
homeopathic remedy right away, chances are good it's going to be very mild. The mum
on the Facebook forum, her children's experience of hand, foot and mouth disease,
she was able to use homeopathic remedies, and it ended up being quite mild. Again,
once you use your homeopathic remedies, you just never know how severe it might
have been.
DP: Keep fingernails clean to prevent secondary bacterial infections. This is the big
concern. Also, unless it's starting to look like there's a secondary bacterial infection,
you'll know by the redness, the swelling, there'll be more pain, there will be fever
accompanying it. You will have to go to the hospital, but you want to be there a
minimum amount of time simply because of the drug-resistant strains of bacterial
infection that are in the hospital. So, I know this puts parents in a bit of a bind, but
again you can not fool around with a secondary bacterial infection like staphylococcus
or streptococcus. It gets in the blood, and this is when you risk things like meningitis,
and encephalitis.
DP: So the concern with this... And I believe this is probably from, which
is a good one. The other website I found, which is just good in terms of pictures and
what to expect, it's not a homeopathic site, but it's the University of Maryland Medical
Centre. And actually, sometimes, I do believe, they do list homeopathic remedies. But
what I find is that their information is quite helpful in terms of what to expect, and if
your child gets secondary infections. This is going to be really extreme, please
understand this, for secondary bacterial infections to happen it's extremely rare. So
just remind yourself of that.
DP: So the conventional wisdom, fever that lasts for more than four days. So,
sometimes it can put us in a bit of a panic when our child is moving into day two, day
three, day four of a fever. At day four of a fever that's above 102 consistently, and
you're not finding a homeopathic remedy, you've talked to your homoeopath, you've
talked to your naturopath, and then this is the time where you call the Alberta Health
Link. They will go through the whole series of symptoms with you. They may be able to

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
advise whether you need to see your family doctor, go to a walk in clinic, or go to the
DP: But, again, if there's a severe cough or trouble breathing, an area of rash that leaks
pus, or becomes red, warm, swollen, and sore. So it's possible Apis might be useful in
this kind of a situation. So, you give Apis, and you're on your way to the hospital. Sever
headache, unusually drowsy, or trouble waking up, or looking at bright lights, there's a
sensitivity to lights, difficulty walking. They can look like they're a bit off. You can think
about Gelsemium, quite possibly, but you're on your way to the hospital. If there's
confusion, it's a Gelsemium kind of thing. If they have a stiff neck, you know you have
moved past home treatment, and you must get medical help. Or call an ambulance if
it's that serious. You need to get help right away.
DP: If you want, if you are, just in case, be prepared kind of person, one of the things I
might suggest is get somebody you trust and practise. You can practise these kinds of
situations. What are you going to say? How are you going to say it? And put yourself in
an experience of what to do. This is what EMS people are trained to do, they do it over
and over and over again so they're able to keep cool in these kinds of stressful
situations because your adrenaline is going to be running. So again, extremely rare.
We're talking about extremely rare complications.
DP: With Hillary Butler, complications, and she will reiterate rarely seen in normal,
healthy children. You all fall into that category. So, it's possible with a high fever, and
that it goes along for a couple of days, three days, it might be an indication that there is
something more serious going on. So again, that's what you pay attention to, call your
doctor, or a Health Link line. It's possible that there's a bacterial infection going on or
DP: Sometimes Reye's syndrome, I can't think that any parent these days uses aspirin
anymore, but it can be a complication using aspirin in any of these fever eruptive
illnesses. Or it might possibly mean an ear infection. So, the extremely rare
complications that are used as reasons for introducing the vaccine, osteomyelitis,
which is inflammation of the bone and muscle, necrotising fasciitis, which is the
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, that is resistant to antibiotics, toxic shock,
again, Guillain-Barr, and it goes on and on, nephritis, thrombocytopenia. So again,
those are extremely, extremely rare situations and the only place you can be is in the
hospital, if this is happening to your child.
DP: It is possible in 0.7 to two percent of birth to women infected in the first four
months of gestation can lead to congenital varicella, chicken pox syndrome and
chorioretinitis, so it would be an inflammation of the retina, eye defect, which is similar
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
to the rubella. So again, this virus is given with the MMR, which is the rubella, it's a live
virus. It's grown on aborted human fetal tissue. So, all of these things need to be
looked into and investigated if a vaccine is being suggested to you or anyone you love
when they are pregnant. So, whatever effect, whatever an illness or a disease like
chicken pox can create, the vaccine also has the potential for that.
DP: So, you can read Hilary Butler's article for more information in that. She's very
clear in describing what happens with the Th1, the cell-mediated, and the humoral
immune responses, which is the Th2, and how that will work. So, I'm not going to go
into that. You can read that for yourselves. Now one if the interesting arguments given
for introducing the chicken pox vaccine is that it was cost effect. So, this quote is from
Neil Miller in his book that I mentioned last week. "In 1995, the chicken pox vaccine,
VARIVAX, was licensed for use in the US. Shortly thereafter, it was added to the list of
mandatory shots in several states. And apparently, the vaccine is predicted to save
$5.40 for every dollar spent on a vaccination program when the indirect costs of
missed work and school time are factored in."
DP: In other words, the vaccine was not being promoted as essential, but rather as
cost effective because mums and dads would no longer have to stay home an average
of one day to care for their sick children. I would think it was longer than that to stay
home but anyway. So, a cost effectiveness piece was introduced with this vaccine and
it probably also for emergency departments. Parents bringing sick kids in with chicken
pox and being turned around or going to the doctor's office. So, you wouldn't know
really if it's chicken pox until the spots come out and I'll talk about a little bit how you
would recognize the spots and where they show up.
DP: So, Hilary Butler then has in her article that I've referred to and you will find in your
handouts, it's... Because chicken pox is a virus, vitamin A and C are the treatment of
choice. The dosages required depend on the individual child. Total cost would be no
more than $50. She talks about using, so again, this is once the rashes come out, she
talks about using aloe vera and plenty of liquids, and then you must quarantine your
children, especially with older people because exposure to chicken pox might bring on
a case of shingles. So, this isn't the time to take your child to visit your... The greatgrandmother at the nursing home.
DP: She gives some really good suggestions for aromatherapy and again, just use your
aromatherapy separate from any homeopathic remedy. I would, to be on the safe side,
a half hour to an hour after using your aromatherapy or your essential oil, just to make
sure the remedy is in there energetically. It can antidote. It is possible especially with
things like lavender oil, eucalyptus, rosemary, any of the aromatics, any of the pines,
those kinds of essential oils.

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p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Now if you end up going to the hospital or to your doctor, it's possible that you will
be offered acyclovir, which is an antiviral drug for five days treatment, it's $170. And for
those who are immunocompromised, Zovirax seven days intravenously is $3,300 and
for Zovirax-resistant virus there's another one offered, it's $2,100 and it's not FDA
approved. You will be offered antihistamines, Tylenol, fever suppressant, sometimes
steroids and... So, there you go. That's what you will be offered.
DP: And in fact, if your child is just simply dehydrated or is having trouble breathing but
there's no lung infection, you may just want to ask for oxygen for a little while. And
again, if you have to agree with the treatment that is being offered, always know that
you can go back to your homoeopath, you can go back to your naturopath and you
can be able to find ways to help your child recover, heal, and strengthen the whole
system after an event that's gone sideways.
DP: So, those are the main pieces of information I wanted to give you with that. Now,
the other little book that I love going to because it's so handy and small is Dr. Dorothy
Shepherd, Homeopathy and Epidemic Diseases. And in her day and age, chicken pox,
there was the possibility of a misdiagnosis and missing the disease small pox. So I am
going to talk a little bit about that simply because you may have loved onefamily,
friendswho are missionaries going to developing countries where small pox is still an
issue and you might want to be able to help them with this differentiation.
DP: Small pox is gonna be quite a bit more serious than a chicken pox. And she just
mentions if one member of a family develops chicken pox, usually everyone else is
going to get chicken pox and/or shingles. I have to tell you, my husband also had
shingles. He had it approximately seven to 10 years ago. It was very painful. We used
homeopathic remedies and he recovered quite nicely. I never got it. Nobody else
around us got anything with it at all. So he was under a tremendous amount of stress
and we just used homeopathic remedies and some vitamin supplements.
DP: His sister got it last year and was very, very sick with it and I offered to help with
homoeopathy and unfortunately it was one of those situations I did not get the remedy
right or if I got the remedy right, I got the potency wrong and she ended up going to
get antivirals, which in fact did not help, but she didn't say that. And every year now
she gets a shingles vaccine. So you can love your family and offer your help but
sometimes they do what they want to do and that's okay. I'm learning to live with those
things. Not everybody loves homoeopathy as much as I do.
DP: So with chicken pox, the eruption shows itself on the trunk, on the chest and back
and it spreads to the face and arms. And it shows more on the body than on the face
and more thickly on the shoulders and upper arms than on the wrists and hands. More
835 9 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner
on the thighs than on the legs, feet and soles. And my mum, when she was with us on
our first course, she just said all the warm areas seem to be the ones where you kids
would break out the worst.
DP: In small pox, it's more on the face and scalp and it's more on the wrists and palms
and forearms than the upper arms and more on the feet and legs than on the thighs.
And with small pox, the hollow parts, behind the knees and the front of the elbows you
won't see it so much there. So these are nice easy things. In chicken pox, you will get
fresh crops of spots appear every two days and they'll be preceded by or also with a
rise of temperature. So you'll find spots at different stages with chicken pox and you'll
think you're over the fever stage but more spots end up showing up and then a little bit
of a fever and then more spots.
DP: So they can be clear blisters or vesicles like drops of water lying on the skin
varying in size. Some can be large and others are small and sometimes you'll see dried
up crusts and scabs at the same time as you've got new eruptions coming. So you can
see the potential for all of this oozing and leaking for the possibility of a secondary
bacterial skin infection, but in fact, if you've allowed the fever to break and there's been
a bit of a sweat, you can see why it's a good idea just to leave the skin the way it is for
the first little while.
DP: Now this is totally different from small pox where all the pox are all at the same
stage of development. They come out all at the same time. Chicken pox, the spots
tend to be soft to touch and small pox, the lesions are deep-set, hard and gritty. So it's
not likely that you are going to have to deal with having to do a differential between
small pox and chicken pox but I like for you to know the difference. What I have read
from conventional medical doctors who understand infectious childhood illnesses and
who support vaccine-free families is a statement that many conventional doctors have
lost the ability to diagnose through physical signs and symptoms. So it's good for you
to be able to know the differences.
DP: That is just simply good information to have. Now, again, conventional offerings for
how to treat the itching. Everything is about suppressing. And in fact, what your body
is trying to do is to eliminate through the skin the toxins that the virus is generating by
replicating inside the body. So the more you can allow the eruptions to come out, the
healthier your child will be. So where recommending fever medications like Tylenol or
acetaminophen or ibuprofen, please try to do as little of that as possible. And then they
recommend antihistamines to relieve the itching and aid sleep. So be careful with those
things. And, you know, I did them, and my kids are fine, mostly. [laughter] We have our

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: So, the other thing that's nice about the University of Maryland link that you will
get is that it shows what the chicken pox looks like on a small child if you haven't dealt
with it. If you've not seen somebody with Herpes or a shingles, herpes zoster, what you
will notice is that it's only on one side of the body. It will be left side or right side, which
is helpful in terms of looking for a homeopathic remedy to give for shingles.
DP: With my husband, it was on his left side. And when you get concerned is when it
starts showing up on the face, so of course we're entering near the blood-brain barrier
and wanting to be watchful and careful with that. Near the nose and near the eyes,
anywhere where these infection can sometimes start proliferating. But it will cross, so
where it was on my husband's left side, when it showed up on his face and neck, it
was on his right side. And that simply is a reflection of how the spinal cord and the
nervous system is set up between the right brain and left brain and how it connects to
the extremities below the neck. So, that's how you will also know that you've got
DP: So, I'm going to go through the shingles symptoms a little bit. The University of
Maryland website link is actually very, very good. They go into specific complications of
chicken pox and of shingles, really good information. Sometimes some people post
shingles end up having nerve sensations for a very long time and there are
homeopathic remedies that you can use to cover those kinds of symptoms. So
shingles nearly always occurs in adults. That is changing now because of the
introduction of the chicken pox vaccine. So you will be seeing children now who may
possibly be getting shingles.
DP: There's a cluster of warning symptoms about three to four days before the
outbreak of the infection. And again, these can look flu-like; chills, fever, nausea and
muscle aches. So again, if you give a really good, well indicated homeopathic remedy
based on some characteristic symptoms at this stage, you may never know that it was
shingles you were dealing with. But, there are some abnormal sensations like tingling,
itching and burning, or a feeling of pins and needles and then having deep pain and the
skin may be unbearably sensitive to touch. With my husband, even a slight draft or a
slight amount of cloth against his skin where he had these eruptions was so exquisitely
sensitive and he had some other symptoms that have been solved with the remedy
that we used with him, although it's not the one that always comes up.
DP: But this is where you can individualize, and if you get stuck, just contact the
Facebook forum for a little while and if there's someone they'll help with that. And
contact your homoeopath or your naturopath. You may have to individualize a remedy
for the symptoms. In the act of infection, there is a rash that appears, and it is usually
on the trunk. But it can develop on the legs, arms, and then when that starts moving up
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to the face or neck, that's when it has to be watched very very carefully. So it's always
on one side of the body, and it follows the same track of inflamed nerves as the pain
that has preceded the rash coming out. So it's almost like you get this tingly sense on
one side or the other and that will be your first clue that it's possibly shingles that
you're dealing with.
DP: Small, red, clear spots, and then within 12-24 hours these pimples develop into
small fluid-filled blisters. And then the blisters grow, and merge and become pus-filled
and are extremely painful. And in about seven to 10 days, the same as within chicken
pox, the blisters form crust and it heals. In some cases it may take as long as a month
before the skin clears completely. In my sister-in-law's case, I bet she had shingles for
four months. She's also a smoker and she's also an alcoholic. And if you read, I
decided to research and dig into some medical journals about it.
DP: And if you know somebody who's a smoker and a drinker, if they can stop
smoking and drinking during the time that they have shingles, it will clear much more
quickly. So she was doing several things suppressively: alcohol, cigarettes, pain
medication. She was on heavy pain medication, and then she was on antivirals. So this
is the problem with some of these antis and working against and the suppressive
therapy. The illness can actually continue on much longer and I wasn't able to explain
that to her. It just didn't make sense for her and that's okay. That's just how it was.
DP: So after the skin has scabbed and cleared, the pain can persist longer then a
month. And it's pain that's described as deep aching, burning, stabbing or like an
electric shock. And there's extreme sensitivity to touch or temperature changes. So
we'll talk about homeopathic remedies for chicken pox, but also for shingles as well.
Now I do want to talk a little bit about the vaccine simply because this is one of those
ones because it is a live virus, it's grown on aborted human fetal tissue, grown on two
different strains of aborted human fetal tissue. There's really not been any research on
how this actually interacts within our own cellular communities, our own cell DNA and
RNA. There's no studies of that and you just really need to be careful.
DP: So my sister-in-law has opted for the vaccine and that's her business and it can be
the same for those who are near and dear to you and you love the best things rather
then getting into a heated discussion is probably just to have you look at the package
insert and what's in there. They may not want to as well. That's part of learning. The
University of Maryland Medical Centre, goes through all of the increasingly invasive
procedures done if somebody has not recovered from the neuropathy, the neurological
pain post-shingles infection and it can go right from anti-seizure drugs and I bring that
up simply because of the VAERS research that's been done on the vaccine.

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DP: So you may be given anti-convulsive drugs, opioid or opioid-like drugs, this is for
severe neurological pain. Anything from Percocet, Percodan, OxyContin, sometimes
morphine and then you have the side effects of those Tramadol is another pain reliever
that maybe used. I suspect my sister-in-law was on all of those. If it become chronic
then you'll be sent for pain management techniques. And then some have to resort to
surgery. And the surgery is in the brain or spinal cord and it's attempt to block nerve
centres associated with postherpetic neuralgia, that is the PHN is what it's called.
DP: This would be extreme complications, not likely in very healthy people or healthy
children. If we're talking about a child or an adult who is heavily immunocompromised,
whether it's through vaccine damage or through the illness itself, I don't know. I haven't
heard of any children needing this surgery but if there's more of an epidemic happening
with children having shingles, then you do need to be aware of this. The surgery is
absolutely a last resort and living in that kind of pain, I'm sure at any point you might
actually... I really sympathize for people living in that kind of pain. You maybe driven to
that to that kind of desperation.
DP: So the other link that will be in your follow-up email is Dr. Mercola has... It's, from
November 2nd, 2010, and he quote some research that's all very good about the
vaccine and about chicken pox, shingles, and the vaccine. The vaccine is only
temporary which is similar to what I was told MMR was going to be immunity for life,
it's not. So boosters are being offered for children, my children's age, adult who are in
child-bearing years. And the MMR does have the chicken pox in it as well.
DP: So the VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, this is the one in
the US. I didn't quote the Canadian one simply because it hasn't been keeping track as
long. If you go to the National Vaccine Information Centre, one of the parents has
actually created this database so that you have access to it. So read package inserts
and then your next step is always to go and find out what the adverse events are with
any particular vaccine product. And it's set up very easily, so I just put in where the
VARIVAX vaccine by Merck and serious events and it listed 281. It gives me a count of
younger then three years, there was 1600 or 56% had a serious adverse reactions.
DP: With the VAERS, it is public knowledge and acknowledged on the Centre For
Disease Control and other... Or the reputable, considered reputable in the conventional
medical world. That it is under-reported, the accidents, the adverse reactions are
under-reported. And that what you read on the VAERS database is about 10%
reportings. So, you can multiply these statistics. Three to six years, 465 and then it
goes down as the age increases until you get 17-44 years old, and you get 201. But the
children that are being vaccinated for under three years, 1600 serious events. And the
first one right-off is convulsions. So, remember when I read off the complications that
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are rare and extremely rare for chicken pox or shingles, and the convulsions is there for
shingles. You can see that the convulsions can appear as adverse reaction to the
DP: This was aged one-year-old, and this is the very first one. The symptoms
developed 24 hours later, and admitted to hospital shortly after. They did not die, they
recovered. So, even again with adverse reactions with vaccines, you need to know
when to get your children to the hospital as well. Convulsion seems to be a big one,
after this particular vaccine. Asthma, cough, laryngitis, urticaria, which is rash,
pneumonia, cerebral convulsions. So, if you've got family who are willing to hear your
suggestions before they go and get a vaccine, you can give them that information.
DP: The person to look for when you do research on the incidents of shingles
increasing in children is Gary Goldman. And he has done research from 2003 about this
whole dynamic. And he says in this one part, "Because the vaccine is eliminating
chicken pox disease, "so, I'm not sure it's actually eliminating it, "children and adults
no longer receive the natural boost to their immune system that they received from
periodic exposures to the disease. Due to the dramatic decline in chicken pox, children
are now experiencing a higher incident of shingles. So, then the shingle vaccine was
then introduced." So I will give you the link to that and where you will be able to find it
in the follow up email. So, any questions, comments, clarifications. Anybody who's got
stories to share about chicken pox? Anyone that's had it in their family?
DP: Okay. Cam, go ahead.
Cam: Hey! I have a question and a comment. My question is about the vaccine. And
what I don't understand is why is it being marketed and why are people getting the
vaccine after they already have the disease?
DP: I don't know the answers to that one. Especially if they've had chicken pox, they
are being told to get MMR...
Cam: No. I'm sorry, I didn't clarify. I meant for the zoster.
DP: Well, I can just go by the ads on TV. And it's like, you really don't wanna have this.
It's sitting inside you, it's just ready and waiting to come out. Conventional medicine
really doesn't have a way to handle these or to treat these viral illnesses. And so,
people end up going to their doctor's offices and they want something. And the only
things that's available to them are either the vaccine or antivirals or pain medications or
steroids or creams to put on top of it. And it's all suppressive, this is a lack of
awareness that there are other possible ways. That's the only thing I can understand.
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Cam: So, you understand what I'm asking? It doesn't make sense...
DP: Yeah. Why...
Cam: Why would you vaccinate for something? Even the ad, it says it's already inside
you. Well, if it's already there, then why would you need a vaccine to prevent it?
DP: Exactly. And all I can think is that if there is a possibility of triggering it or
completely suppressing the immune system again. Like there is no way I would ever
gonna get a shingles vaccine. Again, it's an advertisement and I just don't think people
are thinking it through.
Cam: Well, even as much... So I have it. And I have been to two doctors and they both
offered me the vaccine. And I wasn't able...
DP: And you've already had the shingles?
Cam: Yes, I have shingles. Well, I'm not a 100% sure. I have never had it cultured, and
hence mine's a little different because I actually do get it on both sides.
DP: Oh! Interesting.
Cam: But it's always in the exact same spot. And, it's on the base of my spine where
that nerve bundle is.
DP: Right.
Cam: And, it's right there. So, it's right in the middle. So, when I say it's on both sides,
it's not like I have it on one hip, and then on the other hip. It's right in the middle. And,
it's always the same spot, on where that big bundle of nerves is at the base of your
DP: Right. And you've had it more than once?
Cam: A lot. Yeah. I've had two doctors tell me that, yes, it's shingles and two other
ones that said, "It's some form of herpes, but I don't know what. Unless you want to
pay to have it cultured, yes, it looks like shingles, but because of its placement... "


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DP: Right, it makes it a bit unusual. And, have you used homeopathic remedies to help
support your system through it?
Cam: The only one that I have... Not successfully, no. The only thing that I've done that
seems to really help is lysine.
DP: Yeah.
Cam: Large doses of lysine.
DP: Yeah, and you can use those for the cold sores as well.
Cam: But, the thing that I think is interesting is I had chicken pox twice. I had it once as
a baby, and I didn't have it very bad. And, then when I got older, I got it again. But, in
addition to the chicken pox, I had an allergic reaction to the chicken pox. [laughter]
DP: So, almost like an autoimmune...
Cam: Yes, and I had a rash from head to toe on top of the chicken pox rash.
DP: Wow!
Cam: It was really interesting. They actually called in some immunology students to
come and look, [laughter] to come and look at me.
DP: That is an interesting puzzle. And, of course what I wanna do is start digging in my
books, because I'm looking at the homeopathic preparation varicella, homeopathic
chicken pox, and see what the picture is for that. It just seems like that disease, that
particular virus has grafted itself somewhere within you, that you have acquired a
susceptibility to that. So, in my world, in my understanding it would make sense that
your children might have reactions to like an MMR vaccine with the chicken pox in it.
Cam: And yes, and they did. Well, one of them did. The other one I didn't vaccinate.
But, so I took... The only thing that I've ever tried homeopathically for is Rhus Tox. And,
I don't know if either I'm not dosing it correctly or... But, it hasn't helped. And, I figured
it would be the one that would.
DP: Right. And, it's the number one, one that comes up for chicken pox. Now is it
mostly shingles that comes up for you?
Cam: Yes.

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DP: Okay. So Rhus Tox is there and the other one is ranunculus bulbosa. And we can
talk about that shortly here. I'm going through the homeopathic remedies. Are we all
ready to do that? Okay. So I think that's what I'll do. Okay. So, thanks for sharing that.
Cam, yes, that is unusual. You're just so unique.
Cam: Lucky me.
DP: Okay. So, let's start with the chicken pox remedies. Because, there is one that I
really want you to know, and to know well. Simply because so another story, my mum
lives in Winnipeg. Her neighbour is a grandma. And, her daughter and son-in-law opted
to be vaccine-free. Their child did get chicken pox. This isn't to alarm you. It's just so
that you know. And, whether they... Again, I don't know all of the details, whether they
used Tylenol for fever or not, but the child ended up... The spots did not come out the
way they should have.
DP: This is one thing you really want to have happen. You want those spots to come
out. And, there is one homeopathic remedy. If you know and suspect that this is
chicken pox, and they've only had one or two and you're thinking "Oh, isn't this great,
this isn't going to be as bad as I thought, I don't even have to use the remedy." And, if
they happen to go into convulsions, or brain inflammation... So, again when I pointed
out to you on the VAERS where convulsion's is one of the top serious adverse events
to a vaccine, this is one of the serious adverse events that can come with the illness if
the spots do not come out.
DP: And, the remedy you will want to use with the children is Antimonium tart.
Antimonium tart, the children will be very moody, kind of ugly. They won't want to be
looked at, or they will say things, "Tell so-and-so sibling not to look a me. He's looking
at me again!" They'll want up, they'll want down. They won't know exactly what it is
that they want to do. They'll be a bit contrary with that. They won't want to be touched.
And very easily annoyed. They want to be left alone. And then you'll have the opposite
where they're clingy. They might wanna bite as well.
DP: So these are not happy children at all. The Antimonium tart and Antimonium crud
will often be in combination homeopathic remedies for several different kinds of
eruptions. You will see them recommended also for measles or rubella. Sometimes that
will be the right one. But the Antimonium tart will want apple juice or apples and
sometimes they're just difficult to discern when you're being really conscientious about
what your child is eating or drinking. But if they're wanting apples or fresh apple juice in
whatever form that you're familiar with giving it to them, they will crave that. Children
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needing Antimonium crud, I've had it verified over and over again, they will crave
DP: I actually had one little boy, the mum, this is her fourth child. We met them... I
might have told this story. We met them at a little family event. I looked at him and said,
"Oh, hello." And he just burst out crying and screaming. This mum, this is her fourth
baby, so it didn't alarm her too much. And so she said, "I don't know what to do with
him." And he had convulsions when he would teeth. Seizures. And we had tried
different remedies. So I just happened to ask, "So does he crave cucumbers?" And she
said, "Oh my goodness!" She said, "I can sit him with a big bowl full of those baby
cucumbers and he's just happy." And so we gave him Antimonium crud and it has
completely, completely turned him around. So Antimonium crud, cucumbers, tart... I
think tart apples. And this will serve you very, very well.
DP: So with chicken pox, Cam mentioned Rhus Tox. Rhus Tox is poison ivy. It's the
remedy made from poison ivy. And typically they will be worse by the end of the day.
And as I mentioned earlier when some of us were on the call on earlier, viral illnesses
tend to be worse in the evening. And Rhus Tox has that. It is worse in the evening.
They will be quite weepy. And these children will actually even though they've got these
eruptions, they'll want a hot bath. Same in shingles. These are the people who have
shingles and it's very painful but they will want a hot bath. Maybe not a hot shower
because it might hurt to have the water splashing on the shingles themselves, on the
skin that's affected. And they will be completely... The cold air will be very, very painful
in chicken pox and in the shingles as well.
DP: There will be a tremendous amount of restlessness in somebody needing Rhus
Tox. They might be crying for no reason at all. A lot of stiffness in Rhus Tox. There may
even be a craving for cold milk. It's a keynote symptom of Rhus Tox. But very
uncomfortable. Very restless in bed. So Rhus Tox may be better for all the heat that it
can. Aching in the legs. Tingling in the feet and other places of the body. So you can
see how the symptoms of Rhus Tox itself can have an affinity for the disease of chicken
pox or shingles.
DP: So pain and stiffness when they're starting to move but continually move. So this
may be a child that just actually feels better. Might not make any sense to you but they
seem better when they're playing or they're moving around. But they could get so sick
that they don't want to move anymore but then they'll be very restless. You can see
that they're shifting all the time under the covers.
DP: The tongue is very characteristic. I have to say I haven't seen it that much. But
typically the tongue is cracked and coated except for a little triangular space at the tip
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which is very, very red. So again, it's always good to look at the children's tongues and
see what's going on there. That might help determine. Or there's a white coating and
it's only on one side of the tongue.
DP: Those are the main ones I would want you know. There's a lot of deep aching in
the bones. The Rhus Tox can look very similar to Arsenicum. And Arsenicum, they're
chilly, they have burning pains and they're better for heat. So sometimes in shingles
more than chicken pox, you will see that the weakness, the chilliness, the desire for
heat would indicate Arsenicum more than Rhus Tox with shingles. So always you're
paying attention to what they want. With Arsenicum they may want hot drinks or they
may just take little sips of water.
DP: So again, find out what they're craving for thirst or appetite. And especially if
there's any changes, those are the ones that you want to particularly note. So Rhus Tox
for chicken pox and then you have Pulsatilla. Now your handout again, I'm shifting
back and forth between remedies. Just simply giving you an idea of how you are doing
differentials. In your handout, you will actually get the description of the remedy and
the symptoms to look for.
DP: So Pulsatilla. We've talked about Pulsatilla before. Your keynotes are going to be
generally a thirstlessness. They will be quite clingy. So think about that in contrast to
the Antimonium crud or tart child, they'll be ugly. They really... They don't wanna be
looked at, touched or anything. The Pulsatilla child will want to be held. They'll be a bit
clingy but when you're holding them, they'll get over heated and then they might cry
and complain. So thirstlessness, they're better in the cool. So if they're looking for a
cool place in the basement to sit, consider Pulsatilla. They won't want any fatty foods.
Even though they might crave something like ice cream, something cold, a treat, they
won't do very well on fatty foods at all. You'll see that in Pulsatilla children.
DP: I think those are the keynotes for that. With the Pulsatilla and the Rhus Tox and the
Antimonium tart, this is something that you may need after chicken pox. If there's still
some symptoms remaining even though everything is scabbed over. For the really...
The chicken pox scabs that really are looking watery and discharging, the medical
word is suppurating, you may want to think of Arsenicum, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhus
Tox or even . But your top ones are Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla and Antimonium tart. You will
be able to do good work with that.
DP: So our mum on the Facebook forum, it was Antimonium tart that was needed for
the hands, foot and mouth disease. So it's just Antimonium tart, Antimonium crud, not
always one is going to use, but especially if coughing and lungs are not wet, raspy kind

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of cough, if you will have any family members that have a tendency toward that, you
may want to eventually add that to your kit.
DP: So the top the top three for shingles, ranunculus bulbosa. It's in the same family as
Gelsemium or Staphisagria and Aconite. They're in the buttercup family. So I'm going
to look that up for you on my keynotes. So there's shocks through the whole body. So
remember when we were going through the symptoms of shingles that there is this
pain and this kind of electric lights feeling going through the body before the actual
eruptions show up? So you have that in the ranunculus bulbosa or ran-b as another
name for it. And the whole body feels as if beaten and this can be the similar feeling
that you get in Arnica, it's just beaten and bruised, burning and stinging pains, burning
and itching eruptions.
DP: Shingles preceded or followed by intercostal neuralgia and that is simply the
muscles, so all the spaces in between the ribs, the intercostals are very, very painful
and you might want to think of mezereum as well. I've used mezereum for cases of
eczema and that's because of the vesicles in them. So you can see why some of the
symptoms in ran-b are almost what you see in shingles. So this is where ran-b is likely
going to work for a lot of people. What I gave my sister-in-law, I really thought it was a
good fit and I wondered now if perhaps I shouldn't have given her lachesis which is a
snake remedy, likely I should have. I've used Rhus Tox very successfully with shingles
and it helps speed up healing. And what will happen is that the intensity of the pain, the
burning will be less. And so it's not that you will immediately or miraculously or
remarkably feel better, but you will be able to go through it with a minimum amount of
discomfort. And that was what my husband's experience was.
DP: So mezereum is another one. So these, you're not going to have in your kits
because these aren't remedies that you can always use for other things. It's not like
Pulsatilla or Arsenicum or Rhus Tox or Bryonia. These are ones you will be able to use
in lots of acute situations but you may need help from your homoeopath or naturopath
for something like mezereum or ran-b. Mezereum has a neuralgic nerve, burning pain
after zona. So after the eruptions, very sensitive to cold air. Rhus Tox also has that
symptom. There's chilliness associated with internal burning which Arsenicum also
has. So chances are, you may have some remedies in your kit that may partially help
rather than do the whole cure as we understand it as homoeopaths.
DP: Tremendous amount of itching and burning, and your homoeopath or your
naturopath will be looking for what's characteristic in your situation with shingles or
chicken pox. So mezereum has herpes zoster with intercostal neuralgia, so with the
ribs, worse at night and in warmth of bed. So this is how your homoeopath and you

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can start to learn to differentiate. Rhus Tox would probably be better for the warmth in
their bed, but both are worse at night. Rhus Tox may be more restless.
DP: So, those are the main ones I wanted to cover, and Arsenicum we covered a little
bit. So ran-b, mezereum, Arsenicum, Rhus Tox in shingles are kind of the top ones.
Two, your not likely to have in your kits, but Arsenicum, you're likely to and Rhus Tox,
as well. For chicken pox, Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla, and your Antimonium tart or your
Antimonium crud.
DP: So that's the rundown pretty much. We've covered quite a bit, again, today and
just know that some of the other eruptive fever illnesses, like hand, foot and mouth
disease, Rubeola, the rubella sometimes it's possible that some of the remedies we've
talked about in the last few weeks you will be able to use in those situations as well. So
we have a couple of minutes here, does anybody got anything they want to say or
Ellen: Just one curious thought. And the reason I think is, Todd had chicken pox quite
severely when he was a child, like he got it in his mouth really bad. He has scarred
tongue from it. He then got shingles probably 10 years ago, again fairly severe just on
the one side, but it was very painful, lasted quite a long time. And then he got Milker's
nodule, which I believe is in the small pox family, I think. Is it typical if your body
doesn't properly get rid of the chicken pox, are you more likely to get shingles?
DP: The body can never get rid of chicken pox.
Ellen: Okay.
DP: It's a virus that the body can not eradicate and what it will do, is if you've had
chicken pox, this is where the body's immune system then stores it in the spinal cord in
a particular area. And the only time it comes out in shingles is when you are under a
particular amount of stress. So in stressful situations to avoid anymore experiences of
shingles, you might look into extra vitamin A, vitamin C those kinds of supplements.
The other one, the nodule, I don't know about. I would have to research, I don't know
anything about that. But stress is one of the things that will bring it out.
Ellen: Alright.
DP: Thanks, Ellen. Anybody else?


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Barb: I was just going to make a comment. I found it quite interesting about the kids
who are now getting shingles who have had the chicken pox virus, because my
teenage niece has had the shingles once this year and they think she's had it twice.
Yeah, so it's very interesting. Something to look out for when she knows she's in times
of stress to look at the extra supplementation, as well.
DP: Exactly.
Barb: Yeah. Thanks for that, that's very interesting.
DP: Yeah. Yeah, really boost that and you'd really be able to really help her in an acute
with that, Barb, to help with the...
Barb: Yeah, I helped her the first time and, yeah, it did work good.
DP: Yeah. What did you use?
Barb: Oh, I knew you were gonna ask. No, I would have to look it up. [laughter] I don't
remember everything like you do.
DP: Well, I'm glad to hear that you were able to help her because that will go a long
way for likely making it less problematic if she has another one.
Barb: Right.
DP: But yeah, definitely it's the vitamin C, and vitamin A, and as Cam mentioned lysine.
Lysine is one that I've used... I have a friend who often gets cold sores, very bad ones,
and she uses that quite effectively.
Barb: Okay. Thank you.
DP: Yeah. You're welcome.
Cam: I wanted to mention, I have a friend, another one of the thinking mums who got
shingles for the first time last year and her kids actually got the chicken pox from her
having shingles.
DP: Yes. Yes.

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Cam: Instead of it being the other way around...

DP: The other way around, yeah.
Cam: So, it's not...
DP: Yeah.
Cam: Which I thought was really interesting, I didn't know that that could happen.
DP: Yeah. Same virus, different... Yeah. So, yes it can happen and yeah. Maybe
fortunately when my husband had his, we just weren't around at that time. We weren't
around children and he was the only one that got it, but he was under tremendous
amount of stress with that particular job. Funny, he's there now just doing these flood
restorations. Same place, same amount of stress, but I'll tell you he's a different person
than he was when he first built that church, and he's faithful about taking his vitamins,
I'll tell you.
Cam: The other remedy that I wondered about and I know people who have used this
remedy for shingles is sulphur.
DP: Yes and actually thanks for bringing that up, Cam, sulphur is an excellent end of
any illness remedy to give. I call it a clean up. And sometimes it's very very effective at
the end of illness. My grandma on the farm used to give everybody a dose of sulphur
and molasses in the spring and that's how your spring started. And so the molasses of
course, the natural molasses from years ago would have been less processed than
what we can get now, unless you're buying the Blackstrap molasses, so you would be
getting this whole mineral boost plus you'd get this dose, material dose of sulphur and
it just cleans you out. But homeopathic sulphur is a really good idea, so if the symptom
picture fits for the eruptions and the whole illness then go for it and just at the end, I've
found it to be really terrific to do the clean up.
Cam: I used sulphur for another rash for my son that I was told that if it travels, if it
changes spots like if it's on one place and then it's gone from that place and pops up
somewhere else, so it's a good remedy with shingles as it moves.
DP: Right. Quite possibly, it's not one that I've used for it and just for your information,
sulphur with inexperienced homoeopaths is probably the most over prescribed remedy
and also the most under prescribed remedy.

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

Cam: That's interesting.

DP: So it has a huge huge affinity for the skin so often it's a go to one if you've got
somebody practising who is into routine prescriptions. I've seen sulphur work amazing,
amazing miracles when it is well indicated. But I came to that prescription after a
couple that were close, and then I realized, this is a sulphur child and she showed up in
ratty boots thinking she looked really nice, stringy hair and it was that sort of thinks
rags are beautiful kind of sulphur. You can get the other extreme of sulphur, somebody
who's fastidious about their appearance and wears perfume and everything is
harmonious and beautiful, so you can get those extremes with children too. One of
those tricky remedies and there's lots of combinations with sulphur so you've got
Calcarea Sulph, you've got Natrum Sulph, so sulphur will do some really good work.
Cam: I find it interesting that that remedy pops up as a constitutional for kids with
autism a lot.
DP: Yeah. There's more... I mean I don't know if you're ever interested in studying,
Cam, but yes, there's a whole row of remedies on the Periodic Table that are all about
Vaccinosis, vaccine damage; sulphur, silica, your magnesium, your sodium. They're all
Cam: And do you have any links or information about that?
DP: No, not really, these are things I've been learning as I've been going.
Cam: Okay.
DP: Sankarans book called Structure: Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom. I haven't
got it right handy, I'll put it in the link, okay?
Cam: Okay. Alright, thank you.
DP: Okay, so I'm off now to pick up granddaughter, so thanks to all of you who were
there on Debbie Brock's call. I so appreciate the support and we're getting the news
out there, so thanks so much everybody.
All: Well, you're doing a great job spearheading it, Donna.

Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:


Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

DP: Well in my own little quiet introverted way, I'm happy doing this kind of thing.
Debbie Brock was kind of a stretch for me, but I realized you were my friends on the
call so... Felt good. So take care and next week, we are talking about the last
pneumococcal and then the one after that is Hepatitis A, B, and C and any other travel
vaccines or prevention that you want to talk about, just send me an email and I'll try
and cover those as well, okay? Take care, have a great week.


Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2
p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email:

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