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Crop 5

Avena sativa


Asiatic in nature Asia minor

World Area ad distribution 26.8M ha 40.3 M t
Countries USSR, USA, Canada, Poland, China, France, Australia
India Punjab, Haryana, UP and limited ares in MP, Orissa, Bihar, WB

Good cattle feed, human feed, good quality grain, oat meal, cookies
Cultivated types
7 haploid (14 chromosomes)
14 haploid (28 chromosomes)
21 haploid (42 chromosomes)
A brevis short oat grown in S. Europe for green fodder
A abyssinica Abyssinian oat N. Africa
Common oat 80% total oat area
Red oat grown around Mediterranean
Oats soil & climate
Grows best in cool, moist climate
Best adapted to cotton belt
Cool weather is important during grain filling for high and quality yield
Soil- wide range of soil good water holding capacity
High N content is not a desirable condition may lead to lodging
Oats cultivation techniques
Land preparation- as that of wheat
Seeds & sowing
Fanning the light weight seeds, even if germinate week stem and poor yield
25-30% seeds are normally rejected
Seed rate 100 kg /ha
Varieties Kent, Algerian, Bunker10, Coachmen, HFO 114, UPO 50
Time of sowing- Mid Oct to Mid Nov
Oct middle for fodder production
Nov middle for grain
Method of sowing - drill sowing than broadcasting
20-23cm for fodder
23-25cm for grain
Manures and fertilizer
80:40:0 kg N, P2O5, K2O
60kg N basal
10kg at I irrigation
10kg at after I cutting if sown for fodder cum grain

Water management
Higher water than wheat
4-5 irrigations, generally immediately after each cutting
Critical stage is tillering for oat
Weed management
One hand weeding is good
120-150 days to mature
Common practice to have 2 or 3 cuttings for fodder and then leave to grain
2 cuttings and grain can be a viable technology for both
Yield 50-60t fodder + 200-400 kg grain
Maximum grain yield of 3 -3.5t /ha is possible
Maize- oat-maize
Cowpea oat+mustard maize+cowpea
Jowar+cowpea oat+lucerne

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