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Aqsa rafique

ID: 000680

ingots gold-IT

Unit 15 Imaging Software

1.5 I can describe the context in which the images will be used

You now need to evaluate your poster and ask others in your group to give you
feedback and explain why everything youve included in your poster is suitable
or NOT suitable for boys of 16-25 years of age. And does your poster promote a
new smartphone.

My Evaluation

My purpose of create the poster is to promote the new suitable smart phone
IPhone 7. I am use the macromedia firework8 to create my poster. I made my
own background and old phone on in macromedia firework 8. I found some
image in Google images and I send an email if I could use the image so I dont
break the law of copyright or if I dont send the email then I break the law and I
would be copyright. I use magic wand tool to cut out the poster images. I use
colours tools to make my background and I use the move tool to move my
images or poster. I like about my poster is the background colours its bright
and nice. I would improve my poster next time to add more information and
details and add more beautiful colours and patterns.

Feedback: Zahra 16/10/15

The poster does promote a new smartphone for the boys

because as it gives information. I think that the poster stands
out and the colours are lovely because they are suitable for
boys. The poster is eye-catching and the person has used the
time to make the poster. If I could improve this poster then I

Aqsa rafique

ID: 000680

ingots gold-IT

would add a bit more Information to the poster and add colour
to the background.

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