Drawing Tabs: Instrucciones Generales de Uso

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Drawing Tabs

Win 32 y 64, Espaol

Autodesk, Inc.
This plug-in enables fast switching between open drawings.
Instrucciones generales de usoCapturas de pantallaInstalacin/desinstalacinInformacin adicionalProblemas
conocidosContactoHistorial de versiones

Instrucciones generales de uso

When the Drawing Tabs plug-in has been installed, all drawings are displayed on separate tabs.
Click a tab to switch to that drawing.
Right-click any tab to access a contextual menu from which you can:

Create a new drawing

Save, Save As, or Save All drawings

Close, Close All, or Close All Except the selected tab

Copy the file path of the current drawing to the clipboard

Open the folder in which the current drawing is stored

Capturas de pantalla

The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk Exchange has already installed the
plug-in. You may need to restart AutoCAD to activate the plug-in.

To uninstall this plug-in, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7) or Control
Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP), and uninstall as you would any other application from your
system. The panel on the Plug-ins tab will not be removed until AutoCAD is restarted.

Informacin adicional
Prior versions of this plug-in, called MDITabs for AutoCAD 2007/2008/2009 and AutoCAD 2010/2011/2012,
are available from Shaan Hurley's blog Between the Lines.
Copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Problemas conocidos

Nombre de la empresa: Autodesk, Inc.
URL de la empresa: http://www.autodesk.com/
Contacto de asistencia: AutoCAD.apps@autodesk.com
Informacin del autor o la empresa

Informacin de soporte
For support email AutoCAD.apps@autodesk.com

Historial de versiones
Nmero de versin

Descripcin de la versin


Updated for 2013 products

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