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4 Chinese Study Pathway 2

Listening & Reading
Assessment Notice

Assessment Topics: Chapter One They All Work & Food, Drink, Fruit,
Weather and Clothing

Date: Nov.26 & 27, 2015

Part 1 Listening

1. Review the words in Quizlet (see links below)
2. Listen to the words & sentences, students will circle the correct answer
or write T or F in the bracket.
Ex. 1.Teacher will read:
Students should circle: a. father b. grandfather c. grandmother

2.Teacher will read:
Students will write T or F in the bracket:
My older sister likes red strawberry. (F)

Part 2 Reading

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the words bank.
Ex. ______________

2. Read short paragraph and answer questions.


1. Daily Food and Drink:

2. Weather

3. Clothing

4. Chapter 1 They All Work

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