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Investment banks:

Equity capital markets ECM underwriting and issue management

Debt Markets DCM
Currency & Commodities FICC
Valuation Adivisory
Tax Adivsory
M&A and Restructuring advisory
Credit rating Adivisry
PE , VC and HF
Sales , Trading Brokerage , Risk management

1. Fund based (risk)

2. Fee based
top 10 investment banks Bulge Bracket Big full service
Boutique IBs operater only in some

Equity capital markets:

1. Note on IPO process
Why do firms exist?

Sir Ronald coase Industri organization TCE



Information asymmetry
Adverse selection / moral hazard
Function of intermediaries reduce efficiency

IBs add to volatility of the markets

IBs bring in efficiency to the market
Absence of arbitragem leads to market efficiency
Freash water economics Vs salt water economics - Google
this time is different , Too big to fail TBTF
there is nothing right on the left
and there is nothing left on the right -2007 crisis
Glass stegall act , DODD Frank act , Jobs Act

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