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HW1: - Prepare a report about digital image interpolation.

Include the theory,

formulations, and examples in your homework.
- Have a section about Lanczos interpolation and Superresolution
- Use your personal digitized image (256x256) and benchmark
image Lena (256x256) in your examples.
- Implement Lanczos interpolation using your own code to double the
size of an input image. Compare your result with the performance of
readily available Matlab functions of nearest
neighbor, bilinear, bicubic and spline interpolation techniques.
Due: 12 November 2014
HW2: Design frequency domain Ideal, Butterworth and Gaussian band
pass filters to filter the given image. Use your own grayscale picture (512x512)
as the input image. The filters must be passing frequencies between radius of 64
and 128 frequency components of the Fourier spectrum (64<D0<128).
Include all the formulation and code used as well as the following images:
- Input image
- Fourier spectrum of the image
- Frequency domain filter function image
- Band pass filtered image
The filters will reject some of the frequencies and hence cause degradation on
the image. Calculate the PSNR of the output images to measure the quantitate
level of the loss encountered by the filters.
Due: 26 November 2014

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