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Evidence for Global Warming

They comply with fundamental laws of physics (conservation of energy, mass, and

momentum) and account for dozens of factors that influence Earths climate.
Snow and Ice- Warming temperatures are already melting a growing percentage of
Arctic sea ice, exposing dark ocean water during the perpetual sunlight of summer. Snow cover
on land is melting in many areas. In the absence of snow and ice, these areas go from having
bright, sunlight-reflecting surfaces that cool the planet to having dark, sunlight-absorbing surfaces
that bring more energy into the Earth system and cause more warming.
Water Vapor- is a strong greenhouse gas. It keeps temperatures in the habitable range
on Earth. But as temperatures warm, more water vapor evaporates from the surface into the
atmosphere, where it can cause temperatures to climb further.
Clouds- Closely related to water vapor. They cause warming by absorbing infrared
energy. Clouds can become brighter if more moisture converges in a particular region or fine
particles enter the air. Low clouds can be nearly have the same temperature as Earth surface.
The Carbon Cycle- Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and warming
temperatures are causing changes in the Earths natural carbon cycle that also can feedback on
atmospheric CO2 concentration.
There are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming
Global average temperature has increased by more than 1F over the last century
CO2- Released through natural process from respiration and volcano eruptions
More evaporation and precipitation taking place

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