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foundations of stereotypes
stereotypes are ideas or images that are oversimplified and fixed of people
or things. Many
stereotypes focus on ethnicity, gender, class, and social status. Many of the
stereotypes in
America stem from unusual roots. Additionally, many stereotypes focus on
ethnicity, gender, class, and social status. Many stereotypes in america stem
from unusual roots. additionally , many
stereotypes exist became of intricate events,
rather than a simple observation made by a

group of people

The police has its roots surprising beginning. Two hundred years before
america became free from the British,
it was divided into 13 colonies. These 13
colonies had African slaves to do the
dirty work of the white men. White people quickly became abusive toward
their slaves. This abusiveness led to slaves
contemplating and
attempting escape by
running away . Due to their
hatred on blacks.

The first slaves in America were brought to the North American colony of
Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to work in the tobacco farms. Slaves were not
allowed to lean how to read and write due to the fact that they could find out
about the freedom policy that america had. Blacks were also encouraged to
reproduce therefore Whites would be able to have more and more slaves.
Some slaves

worked inside the

called servants,
would cook, clean,
clothes, and watch

Civil war
The civil war was


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