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Student(s): Katherine Crowley

PSMT: Debbie Cox

Title: Stonehenge 1

Topic: History

Date: October 2015

Time: 1 Hour (Session 1 of 3)

Year Level: 3

School: Bradway Primary School

State Standards:
Pupils should be taught about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
This could include:
- late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers, for example, Skara Brae
- Bronze Age religion, technology and travel, for example, Stonehenge
- Iron Age hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture
(From the National Curriculum in England)
Teaching Model: Direct Instruction
i. SW understand what Stonehenge was created from
ii. SW understand theories of how Stonehenge was created
Materials and Technology Resources:
i. flip chart with video links (Stonehenge Lesson 1)
ii. large A3 paper
Instructional Procedures:
Engagement: (10 minutes)
SW gather on carpet. TW display picture of Stonehenge and ask students to think for 30 seconds
about everything they know about it. TW have students share with their talking partner for 1
minute discussing the picture. TW call on a few students to share what their partner told them
about the picture.
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (35 minutes)
SW watch the film Stonehenge up to right before How they were Moved. TW introduce the
two main stones used, the Sarsens and Blue Stones. TW show a possible route used to move the
stones. TW give students 30 seconds to think about how they were moved. TW have students

share with their partner how they think they might have been moved. TW call on a few students
to share what their partner told them. TW introduce the 3 main theories of how the sarsen stones
might have been moved. SW discuss with their partner which method they would have used and
why. TW call on a few students to share what they think. TW show the most likely answer and
show the video of the replica experiment done in 1994. TW introduce a possible route for the
bluestones which came all the way from Wales.
Closure: (15 Minutes)
TW explain the tabletop blog: SW be sharing one large piece of paper, they should position it so
that everyone can write at the same time and work together (chairs may need to be moved!) SW
write and draw everything they learned about Stonehenge today including their own ideas about
it. After the allotted time, SW tidy tables and leave the paper in the center. TW collect to use
Extension: Stonehenge Lesson 2
Accommodations: Visual aides and videos
Modifications: Hayden and Radu will receive support from Mrs. Cox
Differentiations for Diverse Learners: Students can write and/or draw depending on what they
are comfortable with
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
i. Formative: Tabletop Blog
ii. Summative: Stonehenge building
Homework: N/A

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