My Discipline Plan

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My Classroom Management Plan

When it comes to my classroom management plan, numerous concepts need to be
considered. The concepts include childrens social and emotional development, classroom
environment, family involvement and rules of the classroom. Teachers, parents and professionals
need to have a decent understanding of these concepts to make sure the child is successful, not
only in the classroom, but all throughout life. When I put my discipline plan into effect I will
make sure to take each of the concepts listed into consideration when it comes to my future
During the early stage of a young childs life they developmentally are egocentric. This
means that they can only see thing from their point of few. One example of this would be the
its raining outside clip we had seen at the beginning of the year. The two children went back
and forth telling each other their own point of view about the rainy weather outside both without
hesitation, and ended up resulting in a little conflict.
That clip showed a perfect example of Piagets preoperational stage. It showed that either
child insisted they were right, which caused the children to get into a little tiff. As their teacher,
instead of filming the situation, no matter how funny it was, I would guide them into discussing
their different views and see how they can resolve the conflict either on their own or with the
slightest suggestion. It is very important for children to be able to express their thoughts and
feelings in the classroom so that there is a strong sense of community amongst classmates.
To meet this sense of community I will focus on building confidence. Children need to
feel like they are capable of doing things as well as feel like they are welcomed into the
classroom. I will make sure every child feels special by doing a neat booklet for each student and


I will title it with, I am Neat! This book would contain all of the drawing, writings, art projects
(if capable), and a few pictures of each child learning and making discoveries throughout the
school year. This booklet will not only show their progress in my class, but also they can look
through it whenever they like to make them feel good about themselves.
The environment of any classroom is very crucial to a childs learning experience. It is
especially important to have a good environment for early childhood ages because that classroom
sets up a foundation for their future learning practices. There are numerous things I will make
sure I do for my classroom so that my future students have a fun, happy and secure learning
First, I would make sure the environment in my classroom would promote appropriate
behavior. All children have different needs and interests that need to be brought out. One way I
will do this is to provide themes and play areas that meet all the various interests of the students.
This will cause children to be able to attain interest for a lengthier period of time.
Secondly, I can have the environment in a way that would promote sought after behavior
is to provide play areas that may be loud for children who like a lot of noise, as well as have play
areas that are quiet and away from the noise for those students who dont like a whole lot of loud
noises. This would create a happy medium for the various temperaments of each child and
promote good behavior.
Lastly, I have noticed that some children tend to want the same toy to play with. If there
isnt enough of one toy, it tends to cause quite a bit of conflict. I will always be sure to have more
than one popular toy for children to play with. This will cause less conflict and will promote
acceptable and happier behavior amongst the classmates.


When it comes to family involvement I believe it is very important for families to be

involved with their childs learning. This is why I believe the I am Neat booklet will come in
handy. Parent will be able to see their students progress through these booklets, and will be able
to see their childs progress throughout the school year.
Also, I will set up certain days with themes that will ask for the parents involvement. For
example, I will send out a class letter to the parents each week to let them know what their child
is doing in class, as well as, ask for committees when it comes to holiday parties. This will be a
fun way to see what their children are learning in class and also give them a chance to see
firsthand what is going on in the classroom.
Another disciplinary plan I plan to use in my classroom is to set an example. It is so
important that teachers set a good example for students because they learn by doing. If I set a
good example, such as modeling how children should eat in the cafeteria, other children will
want to model that same behavior.
Students see their teacher for hours at a time, always observing what they do. I like to
think of this as young students see you as they see their future selves. If a teacher doesnt
something that shows good role modeling, they will want to be good role models just like the
teachers. However, if a teacher does something, like lying, or something that doesnt express
good role modeling, students will think that this type of behavior is okay and will also show
ways of bad role modeling. I will be very cautious of what I do in the classroom so that my
students view me as a good role model, and will hopefully want to follow my example.
Another concept children need in the classroom to be successful is daily routines.
Children need structure in their daily routines. If they dont know what is coming next, they can


tend to be a little anxious and not want to listen to the teachers. If I effectively let the children
know what the plan is for today, as well as throughout the day, children will feel more secure in
knowing that their day is planned out for them. I will also be sure to give five minute prompts to
my classroom to let them know ahead of time that our learning focus is changing, and that they
will come to an understanding to prepare themselves for the next activity.
I will also make sure the children are getting the most out of learning in my classroom
through the strategy of emphasizing the class rules at the beginning of the year, as well as
throughout the year. Children need guidelines in order to learn effectively. This is also another
safety requirement that children need to grow in my classroom. Making sure that each child
understands the class rules will make for a more effective, welcoming and secure classroom
environment. I will also revisit the rules from time to time because some students learn through
repetition. I will also revisit the rules if necessary for children who may have forgotten some of
the rules we use in our classroom to make sure everyone feel safe and welcomed into our
Lastly, to promote a positive classroom environment I will use the Love & Logic strategy.
I really enjoy this concept, because it promote a healthy relationship not only between
classmates, but through teacher/student, parent/student, and parent/teacher relationships. This
strategy shows children that while setting limits in my classroom, handle students who are being
disruptive and diffuse power struggles, that I still love my students and always will throughout
the many different emotional states of my classroom.


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