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1948 Palestine Road

Jerusalem, PAL 313

August 8, 2015
Health Career Building
Computer Science, IT 12345
Dear Ms. Brown:
We have diverse ethnicities, and different cultures. We all come together with one moral the
importance of heritage and the fact that everyone should be valued the same as a human being.
We target the industry market, we want to be able to be taken seriously in the fashion industry,
but we target the residential district. Customers for OJL Royalty Clothes line will range from all
ages and can be worn by the young and the old living in the local area at first.
We reside in the suburbs of Baltimore County Catonsville Maryland. The youth is our main
target as of now and are our established costumers through our sponsors and our peers are aware
of our business plan and are interested.
We plan to sell our shirts cheap and affordable starting at $5 a shirt , then eventually increase the
price by value to $10 & then $15 but we don't ever want to make our product un-affordable to
the common man.
Using the internet to our advantage we will advertise our products on face book, Instagram,
Tumblr, and Twitter. This will catch the youths attention being able to "re-tweet" "re-post"
"reblog" "favorite" our products, making ourselves known.
OJL Royalty Clothes Line

Omar Al-Hedari
Jayla Fleming
Lela Alston

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