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Vincent Chan

1119 Wanda Way Bloomington, IL 61704 tel:(309)-846-4449

Im seeking a ministry position to impact the lives of youth through partnering with Saybrook
Christian Church.

Bachelor of Arts Lincoln Christian University
August 2011-Present
Major: Youth Ministry Minor: Psychology
Relevant Courses: Relational Dynamics, Social Issues, Creative Communications, Into to
Psychology, Interpreting Christian Scriptures, Homiletics

Ministry Experience
Saybrook Christian Church-Saybrook, IL (Membership-130)
Youth Minister/Childrens minister- ages: 0-18
Plan lessons (Wednesday night group, Sunday school)
Organize youth events
Make home visits
Preach occasional youth Sundays
Eastview Christian Church-Normal, IL (Membership-6000+)
Assisted in the development of High School youth programs and activities.
Taught high school small groups that average 30+ in weekly attendance
Participated in church visitation.
Lincoln Christian University Camp Teams-9 Camps
Camp counselor
Provided oversight for cabin of 20 junior high/High school males.
Taught Bible lessons.
Planned and supervised all outdoor activities.
Results: Led three young people to the Lord.



Summer 2012

Field Education Experience through Lincoln Christian


Preached in Churches through Homiletics class

o Mason City, IL- 10/1214
o Moline, IL- 11/16/14
o Saybrook, IL- 4/26/15
Participated in Restoration Week (mission trips) to do kingdom work
o New England- 2012-2013
o Taiwan- 2014-2015

Other Employment
Lincoln Christian University, Lincoln, IL
Environmental Services
VG Alterations, Bloomington, IL
Securitas Security, Bloomington, IL
Security Guard

2011 - 2014
2010 - 2015
2015 - 2015

Love playing sports of any kind and planning events or trips like camping is an interest of mine
as well. When I have free time I like to meditate (Lectio Davina) and ponder on Gods goodness.
When a student or a friend of mine has a sporting event or an academic event, I like to attend and
show them support. I am big into movies such as Avengers, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. I
speak primarily English and mandarin Chinese and understand three other Chinese dialects.

I was born into a Buddhist family and grew up in a life that was not what some would call well.
When I was younger I experienced emotional and physical abuse from my father whom I have
come to forgive and share Christ with him before he passed away. From my elementary ages to
my junior high stage I went along with my religion thinking it was just a title. It was in my
freshman and sophomore years that I became an atheist. I rejected any notion of a God especially
Jesus because I was once bullied by Christians. Because I had little to no relational life with
much of anybody I turned to drugs and alcohol to keep what friends I had at the time. Eventually
I became an addict and rejected the friends I tried to keep.
For two years I turned to drugs and alcohol to supply my desires of satisfaction. For two years I
hated anything to do with religion or a God. For two years I cursed Christians and hated them for
my past. For two years, I did not want Jesus. February 7th, 2010 is the day that the God I rejected
and didnt want, Got a hold of me and changed my life forever.

I came home from a Party drunk and high out of my mind, I went to bed that night and Jesus
came to me in a dream. He showed me two roads. One with him, and one without him. The road
with him shows the lifestyle that I am living now, and the road without him showed the continual
path I was going down, and eventually this needs to change.
My act of spiritual renewal in high school also resulted in a greater involvement in church ministry
from which came the following: a discovery of my gifts for ministry, confirmation from fellow
believers of my ministry effectiveness, and a deep, inner desire for ministering to youth in a local

Church setting. Since my encounter with Jesus, I got the ultimate privilege to share my testimony
with many people, some that come to mind is my friend Ryan who struggled as I did. I got to
baptize him. I got to baptize my cousin Cindy who didnt know what real love was, and I got to
baptize my mother who didnt know who Jesus was. God is the ultimate reason of why Im here
today pursuing my passion for Youth, it is a passion that has never left through any trial and
tribulation, I love the youth because I want them to know that Jesus has something better for them
in store than drugs and alcohol or anything that can pull teens away from him. By Gods grace it
is my desire to keep students fundamentally sound in scripture and equip them with the tools to
combat against any enemy that would take their minds captive of anything else but Christ
(Ephesians 4)

Fun Fact: By Gods grace I have been sober for more than five years

Drew Moore

Jeff Robinson

6200 W Lone Mountain Rd,

Las Vegas, Nevada 89130
Former Youth Pastor

100 Campus View Dr.

Lincoln, Illinois 62656
Former Employer

Frederick Norman Johnson

100 Campus View Dr.
Lincoln, Illinois 62656
University Professor

Belinda Landry
Saybrook Christian Church
Saybrook Illinois 61770
Former mentor/Friend

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