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Adrian Aragon
Rhetorical Analysis
ENG 101
14 October 2015
Environmentalism, the Only Fact-Based Practice
If environmentalism is looked upon as a religion, when do the wars begin? The majority
of religions oppose one another, which in turn, create conflict, war, and an abnormal amount of
ignorance. One could make an argument stating religion in smaller communities brings
individuals together and produces peace. However, the chances of war and conflict are
exponentially higher, due to the observation that smaller communities tend to act more hostile
than those in larger or more universal beliefs; use early tribes for example. Categorizing the care
of the environment under a religion is unreasonable and a step in the wrong direction. In
Environmentalism as Religion, Paul H. Rubin illustrates similarities between conservationists
and the religious communities through the use of parallels and rhetorical devices.

Religion can be defined as an organized collection of beliefs and generally consist of

world views that place humanity in specific roles. Environmentalism, on the other hand, is a
social movement that promotes protection of the Earth from any further human-cause harm. As
Rubin makes long strides to create parallels between both religion and environmentalism, he
states There is a holy day Earth Day. (Rubin). Earth Day was created in relation to the
consciousness of the declining water and air quality due to pollution and was reinforced through

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scientific research. The connection made between the two communities is quite poor. The
majority, if not all religions were created based on a lack of scientific knowledge and made the
thought of the Earths origin easy for those unwilling to say I do not know. James Murray
writes that environmentalists may contradict or differ from the studies or evidence, but no one is
using faith as an argument to advance their case. Those who do are quickly discredited and are
increasingly confined to the more out there extremes of the environmental movement.
(Murray). The number of people who will fight scientific evidence with faith-based knowledge
is countless. Rubin continues his comparisons by analyzing the food customs of each party,
There are food taboos. Instead of eating fish on Friday, or avoiding park, Greens
[environmentalists] now eat organic foods and many are moving towards eating only locally
grown foods. Although a religion may influence a lifestyle, an individuals lifestyle does not
label them under any religion; simply a correlation, not cause and effect.

Labeling environmentalism as a religion is regarded as the most damaging act by climate

deniers. When an individual persuaded to view environmentalism as a religion, the arguments are
now viewed under theology and belief, instead of science and data. You can call
environmentalism an ideology, a political movement, even a lifestyle; but it sure as hell isnt a
religion. (Murray)

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Works Cited

Murray, James. "Environmentalism Is Not a Religion." The Guardian. N.p., 26 June 2012. Web. 13
Oct. 2015.
Rubin, Paul H. "Environmentalism as Religion." WSJ. N.p., 22 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

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