Warwick Bridge School Sen Information Report 2015-16

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Warwick Bridge School SEN Information

Report 2015-2016
Welcome to our school SEN information report which will form part of Cumbrias Local offer for learners
with Special Educational Needs (SEN). We have a duty to publish information for parents, carers and
learners within our school about our policy for pupils with SEN. This information is updated annually.

At Warwick Bridge School we try to meet the needs of all the children in our school including those with
Special Educational Needs. This document sets out how exactly we as a school meet the needs of
children with SEN.

We welcome your feedback on our offer, so please feel free to contact us.
Head Teacher Mr M Ashton
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Mrs H Holliday maternity (M Ashton & J Power)
Special Educational Needs Governor

How we identify pupils with Special Educational Needs

A child or young person may at different times in their school life have a special educational need. The
Code of Practice 2014 defines SEN as:

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special
educational provision to be made for him or her
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or

has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind
generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.

There are four broad areas of need. These are:

Communication and interaction

Cognition and learning

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Sensory and physical needs

All staff at Warwick Bridge School have responsibility for the identification of a child who may need
additional support or have special educational needs. Staff should use their experience and knowledge
of children to identify the needs of individual children.
We encourage information to be shared between all staff members and the SENCO in an attempt to
identify needs at the earliest possible point.
Our evidence will be in the form of assessments, observations, pupils work, discussions with staff
members, advice for external agencies e.g. Specialist Teachers, Education Phycologists, Social Care etc.,
informal parent discussions and parents meetings.

What should you do if you think your child may have SEN?
If you feel that your child may have Special Educational Needs it is important that you share your
concerns as soon as possible with your childs class Teacher /SENCO. Class Teacher s are available to talk
to parents at the end of the day.
If you feel you have a lot to discuss/share with the class Teacher /SENCO please arrange an appointment.
You can do this in many ways including making an appointment with the class Teacher in person,
sending an email directly to the class Teacher or school office or leaving a message at the school office.

The class Teacher will then be in touch to arrange an appointment at a time convenient for both you and
the class Teacher.
To contact the SENCO please leave a message with the office staff. The SENCO will then phone you to
arrange a meeting.
Once a meeting has taken place, the following will happen:
Children who are identified as having SEN will automatically access support from within the school that
is tailored to meet their needs. If it is decided that there is a need for additional resourcing then a
decision will be made with parents about applying for an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)/ Support
from the Early Help Team.

How we will support pupils with SEN

At Warwick Bridge School we believe all pupils should have equal access to a broad and balanced
curriculum that is differentiated to meet individual needs and abilities.
Once it has been established that your child has Special Educational Needs, the following is put into

Your childs name will be added to the schools SEN register.

Their level of SEN support will be identified.
Agreed referrals for appropriate assessments, if relevant, will be made e.g. Educational
Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech and language.
An Individual Pupil Plan (IPP) will be written by the class Teacher (sometimes with involvement
from the SENCO and any other involved agency) identifying the specific areas of need, targets
for your child and additional provision required to meet these targets.

Each term a meeting will be arranged at the meeting the targets within the IPP will be reviewed and new
targets will be set.
To try to meet your childs needs school may implement the following:

Additional adult support in class.

Intervention groups e.g. Maths Recovery, Reading Intervention.
1:1 support from a specialist Teacher.
Additional training for staff working with your child.
Outside agency involvement.

Our Curriculum
We aim to make all aspects of the curriculum meet the needs of all our children. Each class Teacher is
responsible for ensuring the curriculum is delivered to their class in an inclusive and cross curricular
manner. Within each classroom differentiation is apparent for groups of children and individuals.
Some interventions will be delivered to children/small groups by a Teacher or Teaching Assistant.

How we assess pupils with Special Educational Needs

All children in the school are monitored on an ongoing basis in Reading, Writing and Maths. At the end
of each half term, Teachers assess the pupils in their class against National Curriculum outcomes. This
information is shared with the Head Teacher and SENCO. Parents also receive this information in the
form of a termly report.
If your child is not making progress we are quick to respond to this and put support in place. If needed,
referrals will be made for assessment from external agencies.
Class Teacher s and teaching assistants monitor the childrens well-being in an ongoing manner and will
discuss concerns with the Head Teacher and SENCO.
All children who access additional support are monitored on the school provision maps.

Our school Provision map

When we provide support to pupils that is additional to or different from we do so in a four step
process, a gradual approach that consists of Assess, Plan, Do and Review.

Assess this is the first stage in providing specific support for pupils. Information is gathered and
considered from parents, carers, the child, class Teacher and assessments and observations.
Plan here we identify the barriers to learning, intended outcomes, and details of the additional
support that will be provided. These plans will be recorded on an individual pupil plan.
Do- providing the extra support or resources in order for pupils to achieve their specific targets as set
out in their individual pupil plans.
Review measuring the impact of the support provided and considering if any changes to that support
may be needed.

All involved in this process the pupil, their parents or carers, class Teacher and SENCO contribute to
the review process. This stage is key to informing and continuing the cycle.

How we assess the impact of interventions

An assessment will take place at the beginning of any intervention that will be used as a baseline for
measuring the progress made by a child and towards the targets that have been set. If the progress that
is made is considered to be less than anticipated we well adapt the frequency or intensity of such
interventions. If a child has made little progress with interventions and adjustments to interventions,

advice and support may be sought from other professionals (specialist support), with the parents/carers
consent. Advice may involve Early years Specialists, Educational Psychology, Specialist Teachers (these
include specialisms in Speech and Language Communication Needs , Severe Learning Disability, Literacy,
Medical need etc.)
Regular meetings are held with Teaching Assistants to discuss progress of pupils within their class.
Termly Pupil Progress Meetings are held with the schools Senior Leadership Team (SLT) where the
progress of all children is discussed but those with individual pupil plans will specifically be discussed.
Where a child has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC), there will be an annual review held in
addition to the termly review meetings, taking into account the views of the child, their parents or
carers, and all other professionals involved with the child.

SEN funding
Each Year the school receives SEN funding for SEN pupils. Our SEN budget is spent in the following ways.

Support in school e.g. a specifically trained Teacher/Teaching Assistant

Equipment and resources
Support from outside agencies

We are quick to respond to childrens needs and progress as a result changes may be made to the
resources and support your child is accessing.

For further information, any queries or if there is anything you wish to discuss, our
SENCO can be contacted on: 01228 560390

Details of the Local Authoritys Local Offer can be found at:

If you require the Schools Complaint Policy, please see the website.

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