November Edition

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Im Not Lion



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History reborn
Editorial Staff
Editor in Chief:
Jasmine Bolden
News Editor:
Amber Conn
Staff Journalists:
Jaya Bailey
Jasmine Bankston
Poetri Camp
Eric Dillard
Shanelle Griffith
Alexis Lynn
Melissa McCoppin
Yulissa Miranda
Ryan Tallant
Rockel Taylor

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

By Melissa McCoppin
Our history is one
made up of many tragedies and
horrors, but that is what makes
up our past. Everything that the
past consisted of has led us to
where we are today, and even
though we are still not in a great
place, we are more advanced
now then we were then and we
are still moving forward.
From records contained in the United States Holocaust Museum, in 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at
over nine million. Most European
Jews lived in countries that Nazi
Germany would occupy or influence during World War II. By
1945, the Germans and their
collaborators killed nearly two
out of every three European
Jews as part of the "Final Solution," the Nazi policy to murder
the Jews of Europe.
Although Jews, whom
the Nazis deemed a priority danger to Germany, were the primary victims of Nazi racism, other
victims included some 200,000
Roma (Gypsies). At least 200,000
mentally or physically disabled
patients, mainly Germans, living
in institutional settings, were
murdered in the so-called Euthanasia Program.
As Nazi tyranny spread
across Europe, the Germans and
their collaborators persecuted
and murdered millions of other
people. Between two and three
million Soviet prisoners of war
were murdered or died of starva-

tion, disease, neglect, or maltreatment. The Germans targeted the non-Jewish Polish intelligentsia for killing, and deported
millions of Polish and Soviet
civilians for forced labor in Germany or in occupied Poland,
where these individuals worked
and often died under deplorable
From the earliest years
of the Nazi regime, German authorities persecuted homosexuals and others whose behavior
did not match prescribed social
norms. German police officials
targeted thousands of political
opponents (including Communists, Socialists, and trade
unionists) and religious dissidents (such as Jehovah's Witnesses). Many of these individuals died as a result of incarceration and maltreatment.
In the final months of
the war, SS guards moved camp
inmates by train or on forced
marches, often called death
marches, in an attempt to prevent the Allied liberation of large
numbers of prisoners. As Allied
forces moved across Europe in a
series of offensives against Germany, they began to encounter
and liberate concentration camp
prisoners, as well as prisoners en
route by forced march from one
camp to another. The marches
continued until May 7, 1945, the
day the German armed forces
surrendered unconditionally to
the Allies. For the western Allies,

World War II officially ended in

Europe on the next day, May 8
(V-E Day), while Soviet forces
announced their Victory Day
on May 9, 1945.
In the aftermath of the
Holocaust, many of the survivors
found shelter in displaced persons (DP) camps administered by
the Allied powers. Between 1948
and 1951, almost 700,000 Jews
emigrated to Israel, including
136,000 Jewish displaced persons from Europe. Other Jewish
DPs emigrated to the United
States and other nations. The
last DP camp closed in 1957. The
crimes committed during the
Holocaust devastated most European Jewish communities and
eliminated hundreds of Jewish
communities in occupied eastern
Europe entirely.
This alone was a huge
event from the past that affected
so many people physically and
emotionally. Imagining what
horrors these people went
through every day and how
some of them actually made it
out and were alive to tell their
stories, its mind-blowing. The
holocaust was only one of the
many events in our history that
was horrifying beyond imagination.

Eye like it here

By Poetri Camp
Ms. ODonnell is a
new teacher at Meadowdale.
Ms. O`Donnell is
from Troy, Ohio, and she
attended Troy High School.
In her high school years she
was a part of choir.
She once traveled
with her choir; they even
traveled to New York.
After high school
she attended college at The
Ohio University, which is
located in Athens, Ohio.
She still remained close to
home. She majored in Special Education, which she

College Credit
Plus at
Sinclair can be
reached at
(937) 5125226

Mr. Bornhorst

relishes very much. Ms.

O`Donnell always knew she
wanted to be a teacher.
Something she
wishes to change in her
profession is getting the
parents more involved. Its
not that they do not wish to
tend to their children; it is
just hard to work with them
as they often have a busy
So far at Meadowdale she enjoys the atmosphere and says the school is
very family-oriented.
In her
spare time she enjoys sleeping. She owns a dog that
she had since her sophomore year and also owns

one cat. She says her dog

and her cat are her kids.
Ms. O` Donnell
has been to all states but
ten. She has traveled to Ireland, Germany, France, and
Austria. She doesnt travel
but with her family.

Ms. ODonnell dawns a black eye for

Halloween...dont worry, its fake.

Not so simple afterall

By Jasmine Bankston
An interview with
a very successful teacher
Mr.Bornhorst went very
well yesterday. We learned
many interesting things
about him. He has done
many things and traveled a
lot. This is his ninth year
teaching. He decided to
teach because he needed
something to do to fulfill
his time since he retired
from being an engineer.
Mr.Bornhorst has
no kids, and hes been married for 16 years. They got
married on May 1, 1999. He
is now 68 years old, and his
birthday is July 29, 1947. He
got married at the age of

52. As a child growing up he

was very good and had
good grades. He only got in
trouble once in his life. He
got in trouble for hanging
his little brother from a tree
by his hands. He loved his
grandfather so much because he let him drive his
tractor as a child.
In school he had
all As and one B, even
thought they werent aloud
to have any Bs. Once he got
to college that was his first
time ever getting a F and a
He grew up on a
farm (200 acres). He had 30
dairy cows and milked 2 a
day, one at 5 a.m. and one

at 5 p.m. Still, until this day

he wakes up at 5 a.m. every
His most embarrassing moment is when he
went to college and his
friends took him to a restaurant because he never
went to one before. They
were eating appetizers and
he tried to eat a cloth napkin thinking it was a dinner
Little known
truth...your eggs will not
stick to the pan because of
Mr. Bornhorst...he invented
the Teflon coating, a process to corn grass.




Food guru giggles

By Eric Dillard
Some people love noodles, some love salad, and some love both. So, New York top chef, host, and
owner of Hells Kitchen, Chef Gordon Ramsay, created Soba Noodle Salad for the undecided.
Being the Food Guru on the journalism staff, I have personally tried this dish and I really have enjoy
it. But, I havent tried to copy or make my own version of the Noodle Salad.
In the salad, its really quick and easy with some nice flavors, such as ginger, sugar snap peas, lemon, and seaweed. I promise you, even if you make it for the first time and it doesnt work, just keep trying.
Who knows? You can probably find more ways to make not just this, but many other foods which you make
even more delicious.
I choose to live (and cook) by this famous cooking motto: Anyone can be a cookjust never give
up and even if you make any little mistake, just know that its okay. Youll get better. Remember, a recipe
has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.
Ingredients for Chef Ramsays Soba Noodle Salad:
300g soba noodles
100g kale, stalks removed, leaves shredded or torn
150g sugar snap peas, topped and tailed, halved lengthways
3 carrots, peeled and sliced into ribbons (use a vegetable peeler)
2 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped

3cm piece of fresh root ginger, peeled and finely sliced

1 tbsp sesame oil
12 tsp rice vinegar
111/2 tbsp soy sauce
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 sheet of nori seaweed, finely sliced (optional)

sea salt and freshly ground pepper

The Method

Cook the soba noodles according to the packet instructions. When almost cooked, add the kale, sugarsnaps and carrots to the pan to blanch. Drain once the noodles are tender.
Add all the remaining ingredients to the noodle mixture, season with a little salt and pepper, stir well
and serve.

Jungle Jack Hanna

By Melissa McCoppin
Animals are our
companions. They are our
loyal friends until the end.
They keep us company, and
while they can provide comic
relief, they also serve us as
valuable assistants.
Over the last 30
years, Jack Hanna had the
opportunity to travel the
world and learn about the
Earths awe-inspiring creatures. He has also seen the
wild shrink virtually all
animals are experiencing some
sort of challenge. But, there is
good news! He has discovered

that whenever you see an

animal, there is almost always
a hardworking person nearby
looking out for its best interest.
At the Columbus
Zoo, Jack Hanna and others
take conservation seriously.
Today they devote over
$2,000,000 to conservation
efforts annually around the
world, most recently 70 projects in 30 countries. As he
continues to travel around the
world to film and visit conservationists, he regularly learns
about organizations that are in
dire need of resources and

Jack Hanna is a very

inspiring person, especially
when it comes to his love for
animals and finding ways to
help them. He is so dedicated
to what he does, and he obviously loves doing it! Hes such
an inspiration to younger people who are looking forward to
helping animals and their rapid
extinction in the future. Jack
Hanna is very concerned for
our fellow animals, and hes
doing the best he can to help
them, and thats something to

Animals fill our lives with wonder

By Melissa McCoppin
A majority of people
can admit that our world
would not be as interesting or
beautiful without the existence of animals.
There are various
types of animals, all different
and unique in their own way.
Furthermore, humans have
created myths, traditions and
stories about animals for thousands of years. Animals have
been known to inspire life
changing work, especially
among animal lovers.
Animals fill a wide
variety of roles in myths and
legends. Many stories explain
the part that animals played in
creating the world or in bringing fire, tools, or farming skills
to humans. Animal stories also

tell how things came to be the

way they are or how animals
acquired their appearance or
characteristics. A story of the
Seneca Indians, for example,
says that the chipmunk's
stripes were originally bear
Some myths associate animals with the creation
of the world. Asian and Native
North American traditions
place the earth on the back of
an enormous turtle. Myths of
Africa and elsewhere tell that
the earth was formed from or
supported by the body of a
huge serpent. Some legends
say that the earth's features,
such as lakes or canyons, were
carved by the digging of mythic beasts.

Overall, animals go
way back, and are quite the
mystery. We know a lot about
them, but there is always
some things we do not, and
might not ever know. Then
there is the fact that there are
no doubt more animals out
there yet to be discovered. Its
crazy how aesthetic and interesting animals are. If only they
could talk; maybe wed know
even more about them!




Master Larry Potentate

By Amber Conn
All too humble and generously willing to relinquish his past experiences, this is the man
that not many people know as, Master Larry Potentate, or as you might know him, Mr. Williams.
As a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, he graduated from Withrow High School, and although he
missed out on certain high school experiences, ones which most people might take for granted,
he, however, does not regret missing out on sports events and dances only because he had to do
what was best for his family and that was to provide for them.
Through self-determination, Mr. Williams made it his top priority to become the first of his
family to graduate from college. With that said, he actually graduated from three universities:
Northwestern, Valdosta, and National University. Before teaching, he actually invested in realestate and owned his own restaurant business, but his biggest goal in life is to have a net worth of
over one million dollars and he is half way there.
As a loyal and respectable teacher, he sees the potential in all students and wants to see
them progress and become more well-rounded individuals. The way he believes that this could be
accomplished is to come up with a better way to factor kids into appropriate classes in which they
feel needed and can find self-worth.

Poetri Camp reassures Mr. Williams: All is fine, all is fine.

Helping Hand
By Jasmine Bolden
Through your educational journey, one normally
feels passionate about a particular class or teacher. Mrs.
Godbey found her way into
the hearts of many students
with her dedication and genuinely warm heart.
She expressed that
what she enjoys most is connecting with her students.
Coming into Meadowdale, she
had no expectations. The reason being is that she believes
kids are kids no matter where
you go. Even on your bad days,
she still sees the good in you.

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Her beauty is way more than

skin deep; she will go above
and beyond to help anyone
who needs it. Theres still
room for improvement with
time management, but shes
working on it, part of this being it takes an hour to get here
from where she resides.
She revealed that if she
wasnt teaching, she would be
doing something with animals.
In her free time, she likes to
write and take photos. She is
no stranger when it comes to
photography. Mrs. Godbey
also has thoughts of starting
up a photography website to
showcase her photos. In the

Yulisen to Luis?
By Yulissa Miranda-G
Music has a way of helping one connect to their
innermost feelings, allowing them to connect to
those various emotions.
Music is an entity
one can relate to. It can
talk about anger, sadness, or even happiness.
One artist that I
listen to often is Luis Coronel. Hes a young artist
(19). His goal before was
to become a professional
boxer but then he realized what his true passion was. His dad was
one of the reasons he
decided on music.
He started his
career not so long ago,
about two years ago.

Hes well known

for his love songs and his
looks. Most people dont
like him because of the
type of genre he sings.
When I ask guys
what they think of him,
without hesitation, they
say, I dont like him, or
Hes a horrible singer. I
realized that hes mostly
hated by the guys -_-. I
dont know if its jealousy
because he gets a lot of
attention or they just
dont like him in general.

balance of being an awesome

teacher, she is in the process
of writing her own novel.
Hopefully she will share it with
the world one day.
See Mrs. Godbeys
up and coming website, inspired by Jasmine:

Does she look familiar? Of

course she does! Its Mrs.
Godbeys daughter, Jillian!




Best among Dayton Public Schools

Shanelle Griffith
Over the years within the walls of Meadowdale High School, there have been huge, dramatic changes. Those different changes brought about the aspect of how there was once a majority of one race that escalated into another one; different sports, clubs, and styles have made their drastic changes as well.
It would appear, at one time, Meadowdale had been predominately an all-white Jewish heritage
school. Meadowdale at one time was the best among Dayton Public Schools. It has had a long history of being a high academic achieving school and also quite spirited in athletics. As the activities, there was a long
list of them, but as the years went by they grew more and more scarce. The activities, sports, and clubs that
are no longer here are; Foilers, Tennis, Marching Band, Majorettes, Grapplers, Auto Club, French Club,
German Club, Latin Club, Spanish Club, Meta-Hi, Arcessimus, Dalions, Derby Men, G.A.A, Coin Club,
Red Cross, Hi-Y, Thespians, Glee Club, Science Club, Chess Club, and Lionettes Gymnastics,
Some of the biggest effects were brought upon by the new set of students. It would appear that
throughout research, these occurrences started to formulate starting in the early twenty-first century.
Why? Well, Go figure. Subsequently, it would appear that from examples such as fire alarms being pulled, it initially brought upon such changes as fewer clubs and minimal amounts of activities.
The clothing styles over the years at Meadowdale have very much differed in so many ways. In
1962 students had a very neat way of dressing. Long skirts, turtle neck shirts, and dresses were worn by the
ladies. The men wore dress pants and button up shirts. Around the late 90s, students were wearing Tommy
Hilfiger, Phat Farm, Polo and much more. But now, in the late 2000s, its all about Rock Revival, Miss Me,
Meks, and True Religion. By this we can see that style has changed dramatically.
Meadowdale has had its ups and downs, but the students and staff believe in making it a better place
and making an effort to succeed. In 1962 Meadowdale High School was first built at its current location.
Although Meadowdale has had lots of changes, it will still retain the title as once being the best among Dayton Public Schools.

Irving School, the old Meadowdale High

School, on Cincinnati Street in Dayton,
built 1916.

Dog eat, dog world

By Jaya Bailey

tutoring at

Nottia Ward, a
senior at Meadowdale
High School, born January 25, 1998, is a natural-born basketball
player. She started
playing basketball at
age 12, when her
brother, Durrell, introduced her to the sport.
If she didnt
have basketball, then
her life would be really
boring and less interesting. Out of all the
sports she plays, her
favorite sport is basketball because she loves
the game; she likes to
trash talk and get into
peoples heads.
Nottias favorite memory was playing basketball and winning two champion-

ships back-to-back.
She feels that the
Meadowdale girls basketball team has a lot
of working to do, but
she wouldnt trade her
team for anything.
When speaking about
her team, she quoted,
We win together; we
lose together.
If she had the
opportunity to play one
-on-one with anybody,
it would be Mya
Her favorite
sports quotes are as
On the court, its all
Its a dog eat dog
Either youre at the
table, or on the menu.

All sports and bags of chips

Jaya Bailey enjoys a Meadowdale football game.

By Alexis Lynn
There are many
great student athletes
in the building, but
there is one individual
that stands out: Jaya
Like most athletes who play multiple
sports, Jaya goes all
out. She plays basketball, track and field,
softball, volleyball, and

golf. Basketball is her

favorite sport out of
them all. She plays
travel basketball, also
called AAU. Jaya says
she works hard in all
the sports she plays,
but she can always
work harder.
Jaya wants to
either attend Wright
State or the University
of Cincinnati. She
wants to major in

Size is all hype; heart

over height...straight

Jaya Bailey and Nottia Ward enjoy

a laughable, bonding moment at
the second pep rally. They are
inseparable friends.

teaching. She says she

will do everything it
takes to reach this
goal. She is going to
focus and keep her
grades up.
Overall Jaya is a
great student who
stays focused on
grades and basketball.
She is a great example
of a student athlete.
This is why she is Athlete of the Month.




Lobster club with green onion dressing, crispy

ham & arugula
By Eric Dillard

There a lot of great chefs in the city that never sleeps, New York City. In this article, aspiring chefs will learn
how to create a great recipe from one the best chefs in New York City, Chef Bobby Flay.
Lobster club with green onion dressing, crispy ham & arugulammm, mmm, good!
This is a great recipe for people who really love seafood; its really easy to make and you really dont have to
spend much money to make it. Its enough to feed four and youre sure to really enjoy this.
Crispy Ham
cup canola oil
4 slices thinly sliced country ham
1. Heat the oil in a large saut pan over high heat until the oil begins to shimmer.
2. Carefully add 2 slices of the ham at a time and cook until crispy on both sides, about 2 minutes.
3. Remove to a plate line with paper towels.
Green Onion Dressing
cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
cup canola oil
5 green onions, green and pale green part, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Combine the vinegar, mayonnaise, honey and oil in a blender and blend until combined and season with salt and pepper. Add the green onion and pulse a few times just to incorporatenot to puree, should be specks of green in the
dressing. Scrape into a bowl.
Lobster Salad
cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 heaping tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 heaping tablespoon whole grain mustard
1 small stalk celery, thinly sliced
2 green onions, green and pale green part, thinly sliced
cup finely diced red onion
cup finely chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 pounds fresh lobster meat, chopped
1 cups baby arugula
8 (1/2-inch) slices of Pullman bread or brioche lightly toasted
Green Onion Dressing
Crispy Ham
1. Whisk together the mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustards, celery, green onion, red onion and parsley in a medium
bowl and season with salt and pepper. Fold in the lobster meat until combined.
2. Spread each slice of bread with some of the green onion dressing. Divide half of the arugula among 4 slices of the
bread. Top the arugula with some of the lobster salad, a slice of crisp ham and place the remaining arugula on top of
the ham and top with the remaining bread.

Dog on court is petroleum engineer

By Jaya Bailey

Never give up;

anything is possible.

You miss 100%

of the shots you
dont take.

An interview with an
intelligent, innovative male
Ronald Thorton, a junior, here
at Meadowdale High School
helped discover that he plays
basketball, track, soccer, and
he played football. Out of all
those sports his favorite is
His biggest accomplishment in basketball was in
his freshman year, scoring 30
points against Stivers. Two
things that Ronald does to get
better in basketball is work to
his best ability and make sure
his grades are good so that it

Ze, hir, E, Eirs...What?

By Shanelle Griffith

Ze, hir, E, Eirs

wont prevent him from playing with his team. On game

day he goes to McDonalds
and gets two cheeseburgers,
medium fries, sweet tea, a pack
of Starburst, and to end that off
he listens to music to clear his
The best advice that
he received was Never give
up; anything is possible. His
favorite quote: You miss
100% of the shots you dont
take. This encourages him to
shoot more and work on his
free throws.
His goal in life is to
go to college and become a
petroleum engineer, and possi-

Many people
may have no idea that
theres a new form of
symbolizing certain
individuals. In the year
of 2015, gay marriage
was legalized throughout the country. This
will affect the way
businesses and even
colleges process applications.
This new way
of indicating people
has colleges, schools,
businesses and organizations having to learn
the new method of
gender pronouns,
which is quite confusing. A few colleges are
now using different
pronouns, such as Har-

vard University, The

Ohio University, and a
few others.
According to
MIT, the way gender
pronouns are set up is
to take words such as
she, her, hers, he, hes,
and him and replace
them with words such
as Ze, hir, E, and Eirs.
Many transgender individuals may be offended or disrespected because of a false remark
towards them. Therefore, this is looking to
be a new beginning
and one many may see
coming on a form or
application near you
Im Not LionLet Me
Be Honest.

bly play basketball. He plans to

set this goal by having good
grades in high school, and
being a dog on the court. In ten
years he sees himself being a
petroleum engineer.




Concussion discussion
By Alexis Lynn
An interview was conducted with Gary Smith regarding
concussions. Concussions are serious, and should be taken more
Although Gary Smith has
never had a concussion he says he
is very aware of the seriousness of
an concussion. In one of his classes
he watched a video on concussions. One of the things he learned
from the video that he didnt know
before was one can be paralyzed
from a concussion.
He says that Meadowdale

as a school does not take concussions as seriously as they should,

but our athletic trainer takes them
very seriously.
According to the Sports
Concussion Institute, a concussion
can be caused by a direct blow to
the head or an indirect blow to the
body. Female high school basketball players suffer 240% more concussions than males (13,000).
15.8% of football players who sustain a concussion severe enough to
cause loss of consciousness return
to play the same day. More than
248,000 children visited hospital

emergency departments in 2009

for concussions and other traumatic brain injuries related to
sports and recreation.
Reading all these statistics, Meadowdale students needs
to take all of the statistics into consideration. Be more aware of how
serious a concussion is. We should
take precautions and be safe. Im
Not Lion.

Vitta-Voo, Vitta-Vonnie
By Ryan Tallant

Mrs. Thomas, the new

school freshman and sophomore school counselor, is witty,
funny, smart , sarcastic and
surprisingly outgoing.
She let us in on her
little secret, her age. Even
though she doesnt look it, she
is 43. Shes married and has 3
wonderful children, one boy
two girls that mean the world
to her.
She was born and
raised in Dayton Ohio along
with her brother and sister. She
is the oldest of the three, which
makes her more responsible in

Ms. Thomas
her words. Her favorite activities are shopping , watching
scary movies, and most of all,
traveling to see the most beautiful places. One nickname she
had growing up was Vonnie.
She loves Kevin James
and Johnny Depp and one of
her favorite movies, which apparently shes has too many to
choose from, is the original Halloween. She also enjoys listening to many types of music,
besides country. She also
attends quite a few concerts. As
of right now her favorite artist

is Adele and her favorite song is

The most difficult
question for her to answer was
if there was one thing you could
change, what would it be? Her
answer was that she would
change how everyone is treated. She believes that everyone
should be treated fairly with
the same consequences and
repercussions as everyone else,
no matter what race, color, and
religion one may be. As in Mrs.
Thomas own words, Peace on

Personal Reflections from Hurricane Katrina: Ten years later ...

By Rockel Taylor

Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans,

Louisiana, ten years
Although you
probably watched how
bad Katrina was and
how much damage it
did, you may have
thought, they are sad ,
homeless, upset, and
scared. It really was.

floating in water, outside. It was kind of perplexing because I knew

when I went to bed I
was in a house and
woke up outside, completely surrounded by
water. If I would have
tried to get off my
floating bed, I probably
would have drowned.
After seeing
my mom I was relieved. After we were
Experiencing discovered by the
Hurricane Katrina
town association, they
firsthand was horri- put us in the Superble. It hurt many
dome; it was very
families, including
crowed. I was fiveours .
years-old, going on six.
After Katrina Many homes and cars,
hit, we went away
and pretty much everywith next to nothing. thing else families
It was very scary.
worked for was gone.
The night
Leaving New
before was kind of
Orleans was very, very
blustery. When I
difficult, but I knew it
woke up, I was
was for the best.

Now, reflecting to
that time, New Orleans
looks like its improving. The
last time I was in New Orleans was 2013 .
Some people dont
want to leave New Orleans,
because its so great. I hope
no more hurricanes come
back to Louisiana. It leaves
bad memories on kids, because when youre little you
dont know whats happening around you. Kids that go
through these types of disasters, such as myself and
others who have gone
through Hurricane Katrina
and other disasters, can be
very afraid of the weather. I
know this reality from personal experience.

Novembers Teacher & Student of Month

Congratulations to Mr. Southard,
Novembers Teacher of the Month.

Congratulations to KaVeon Williams,

Novembers Student of the Month.

What are we fighting 4?

By Dajsha Robinson

This is the number

that one should
remember as one
reads through this

That number is our
crime index rating out of 100,
100 being the safest. Were
ranked fourth. Dayton is one
of the most unsafe cities to
live in today in the United
Interviews were
conducted with students in
the school who asked to remain anonymous. Each student had the same view on
this issue. If one cannot handle the city then leave it.
They dont believe there is
anything that can be done,
only because everyone is
caught up in the mix of everything. Our generation has
created the most unsafe society.
One student even
said I can see change but
its going to take time, it aint
like its us against them, its
us against us. We killing our
own kind turning on each
other when the enemy is

really them. He never

specified who them
was, but its kind of out
Another student
said The 2, the 4, the
Bein, the View... theyre
all places where we grew
up, and where we gonnna
die and what we gonna
die fighting for. I just hope
I live to see 18. I dont
expect to though cause I
know the people I call my
brothers could be the
ones to set me up. It dont
sound good but it is what
it is and the same ones to
set me up gone be the
ones cryin the loudest at
my funeral , carrying my
casket, and screaming RIP
me on Facebook. I hope I
know before, but I might
not never know until its
my time.
To enlighten
those readers who may
be unaware of the statistics, Location, Incorporated, in conjunction with
SaaS and other data
points, assesses neighborhoods to fuel major investments, mitigate risk,

protect company assets and

budget resources. Without
further ado, here are the
findings on the background
of the city: Daytons population is 143,355 people,
give or take a few. Here
are our report totals for the
year 2014. (Per every 1000
people) 28 murders, 107
rapes, 518 robberies, and
577 assaults .
We have to step
up and stop the violence,
but everyone is too busy
screaming RIP to their
friends or free theyre
friends, but dont want to
take the time to try to help
them become better people. Everyone wants to complain, but no one wants to
put in the effort to make
change. How can you live
this way? Knowing today
may be the last day seeing
your best friend because
you all are beefing with
another hood. One thing
is for certain though, you
dont want change or peace
in the city, or else youd
fight for it.

The next generation: a reason to

build a better Dayton.

Octobers Teacher & Student of Month

Congratulations, Mr. Michael, Octobers
Teacher of the Month.

Congratulations, Michael Mullins,

Octobers Student of the Month.

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