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September 17th Professional Development

Topic: Engagement
Connects to School Improvement Plan (increased engagement = improved learning)
Aligns with the district/building goal of addressing disproportionality of subgroups
A component of the classroom observation template
Learner Outcomes:
Learn new ideas and strategies for engaging students in class.
Share a favorite or best engagement practice with peers.
Understand why engagement is a critical component of learning.
Reflect on these two questions: How will I know students are engaged? What will I do if

they are not engaged?


Teaching With Poverty in MindJensen

The Art and Science of Teaching Marzano
Teachers not by content25 in a group
Introduction: 1:15 1:20
Review Building Goals
Engagement as focus--connection to CSIP and walk-through
Set purpose: How will I know they are engaged? What will I do when they are not
engaged? How can I ensure ALL students are learning every day?
Ice-breaker (team building): 1:20 1:40
We Like activity (from the SIOP model)
Alphabet Activity: 1:40 2:20
Read articlesunderline one or two words; document own reaction on handout for each
Alphabet activity
Synthesize the articles with small group and share as large group
Sharing Strategies: 2:20 2:45
Combine 2 teams to make groups of six
Engagement connection to our PD: 2:45 2:50
Explanation of how our PD utilized many engagement strategies
Teacher Reflection: 2:50 3:00
How will I know my students are engaged? What will I do if they are not engaged?
Post-it Exit Ticket: 3:00 3:10
Post-it (respond to a sentence starter and post response on your way out)

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