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Shared Vision

Goals of TLC Instructional Coaching

1.Point teachers toward best practices.

2.Show teachers what good teaching

looks like.
3.Help teachers maintain their best
4.Help teachers achieve flow.
5.Help teachers take risks.

District Mission & Vision

The Des Moines Public Schools exist
so that graduates possess the
success at the next stage of their lives.
Becoming the
for urban
education in the United States.

District Vision & Self-Reflection

Becoming the
the United States.

for urban education in

What is my role in this vision?

How am I doing?
What do I need to let go of to make it successful?


Becoming the
for urban
education in the United States.
helping peers refine and improve
their practices in the classroom
through job-embedded professional

Affinity Diagram

What is our role as

instructional coaches?

Affinity DiagramStep 1

Idea 1

Idea 3

Idea 2

Idea 4

Affinity DiagramStep 2

Affinity DiagramStep 3

Affinity Diagram
What is our role as instructional coaches?
1. Write your ideas on the small yellow
sticky notes. One idea per sticky note.
2. As a table teamin silenceplace
ideas in like categories.
3. Name each categoryuse a large
sticky note.

TLC Instructional Coach Purpose

Our purpose as Des Moines Public Schools
TLC Instructional Coaches is to collaboratively
engage in a continuous cycle of learning using
the Marzano Instructional Framework to
support teacher reflection and growth and
increase student achievement.

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