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My name is Geraldyn Duarte Quintero, I am finance and international business

student at Monserrate University, I am 24 years old, and I am currently in 8th
semester. I work in a business trade logistics.
I worked like seller, I like my career because I want to experience different cultures,
languages and traveling. I want to work in an international company. I have
experience in customer service and management cash.
I am a responsible person and punctual I am very sociable, I am honest.
My purpose is to continue studying to have a good position in a recognized
company international logistics.


Finance and international business from the perspective of an economist,

international finance describe the monetary aspects of the international economy.
In international finance cash flows are studied across national borders the
international financial management is the process of making decisions about the
cash flows that arise in the context of multinational companies. (Diaz, 2012)
The following universities offer international business career Monserrate university,
Santo Tomas University, Augustiniana University, Salle University and Rosario
University, The study international business people have the opportunity to work in,
Consulting, Manager financial, International business, coordination of financial
transactions in companies, imports and/ or exports and executive state institutions.
I studied finance and international business that is an interesting race has a wide
field of action, I love the business and want to create my own company, I want to
know different business cultures, travel to imports and exports.
By the way unimonserrate professionals financial management capacity and skills
to promote the internationalization of companies.
It allows students to reflect on aspects related to the economic environment,
administrative management, and financial and market-related aspect

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