Weekly Assignment #2

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Emily Turner

Weekly Assignment #2


Task #1: Digging Deeper

Geography was a very big part of the development of ancient China and Nubia.
Nubia was located right under ancient Egypt which always kept them in close proximity.
Nubia naturally had wealth which contributed to social stratification, metallurgy, writing,
and a complex political organization. China, on the other hand, was isolated from all of
the other civilizations at the time. Although China was secluded, they managed to build
a whole civilization themselves. They even had leaders like Egypt, but Egypt had
Pharaohs while China had dynasties. China was also able to do things without the
impact of other civilizations while Nubia always had Egypt right next to them. China and
Nubia were very different because of where they were located.
Task #2: Current Events
Taking greater global role for China, Xi pledges $2 billion to poor Sept. 27th, 2015

This article is about how the President of China pledged $2 billion to fund poor
countries. Xi Jinping, the President of China, announced this pledge to the U.N. He
said that he wants to launch an assistance fund for countries that are still developing
with an initial $2 billion. He wants his country to invest in the least developed countries,
which mostly reside in Africa. He also said that China would relieve debts of the least
developed countries this year. The U.N. also wants to end extreme poverty by the year
This relates to the isolation of ancient China. When ancient China existed, it was
so secluded from the rest of the civilized world that they werent able to really
communicate with other places. Now in 2015, China is communicating and helping
other countries in the world! They are giving money to help and support the
underdeveloped countries. They also want to help end extreme poverty like the U.N.
China has become a lot more involved and less isolated over time.
This article relates to Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems.
China is now exploiting their environment and taking advantage of being able to
communicate with the whole world. There were big changes in Chinas economic and
political stance since ancient times. China has truly expanded from nothing and has
made a huge impact on the world. Between pledging to fund poor countries and giving
them $2 billion, China has come a long way.
Task #3: Vocab

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