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UNLV Student:

Ashley Pullen

PSMT Name:

B. Sansevero

Lesson Plan Title:


Lesson Plan Topic:

Math Unit


09/14/15 09/18/15

Estimated Time:

60 minutes

Grade Level:


School Site:

Bonner Elementary

1. State Standard(s):
4.OA.C.5 Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule.
Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself.
For example, given the rule Add 3 and the starting number 1, generate
terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to alternate
between odd and even numbers. Explain informally why the numbers will
continue to alternate in this way.
2. Teaching Model(s):
Kagan Cooperative Learning
3. Objectives:
Students will know that patterns consist of terms that have a predictable
Students will know how to use a table to represent a pattern.
Students will recognize a pattern exists in a group of numbers or in a
series of shapes.
Students will identify the operational relationship between numbers in a
table (e.g., all the numbers in the left column were multiplied by two to
get the number in the right column).
Students will analyze an arithmetic pattern to create a rule and predict the
next terms in the pattern (e.g., add 2 or +2).
Students will analyze an geometric pattern to create a rule and predict the
next terms in the pattern (e.g., multiply by 3).
Students will interpret the information from a pattern to solve a problem.
Students will represent a pattern and its extension on paper.
4. Materials and Technology Resources:
o Whiteboards, markers, rags, projector, Elmo, geometric patterns
worksheet, paper, and pencils
o Whiteboards, markers, rags, projector, Elmo, paper, pencils, and
Math Connects book

o Whiteboards, markers, rags, projector, Elmo, paper, pencils, and

function machine worksheets
o Whiteboards, markers, rags, playing cards, differentiated place
value worksheet, and pencils
o Privacy shields, tests, and pencils
5. Instructional Procedures:
a) Motivation/Engagement:
This lesson will take 60 minutes to teach my students. The objectives will
be written on the board for the week under the math section. In order to
engage my students they will be solving the next pattern in the simple
geometric pattern.
b) Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
I. I will start my lesson with an engagement activity.
i. Teacher will write out a simple geometric pattern and
display it using the Elmo and have the class discuss what
the next pattern shape will be.
II. Whole Group Guided Practice (30 minutes)
i. Teacher will then have one number from each group go and
grab the whiteboards and one person from each group to go
and grab the markers and rags for the group.
ii. Teacher will then introduce the concept of patterns in
1. Teacher will then provide different example
problems of patterns within numbers using the
whiteboard and have the students solve the problem
on their whiteboards. (DOK Level 2)
III. Group Practice/Partner Practice (10 minutes)
i. Students will create geometric patterns on whiteboards and
have their group members solve them. (DOK Level 2)
IV. Independent Practice (15 minutes)
i. Teacher will distribute a geometric patterns worksheet and
students will complete it. (DOK Level 2)
c) Closure (5 minutes)
Teacher will ask the class to discuss how patterns are around the world.
They will complete this activity by talking to their shoulder partner.
(Kagan) We will come back together as a class and discuss their
d) Extension
If time remains students will write out their own geometric patterns and
have peers solve them.

a) Motivation/Engagement:
This lesson will take 60 minutes to teach my students. The objectives will
be written on the board for the week under the math section. In order to
engage my students we will review geometric patterns.
b) Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
I will start my lesson with an engagement activity.
a. Teacher will put up two geometric pattern problems using
the Elmo. The students will discuss with their groups what
the next few shapes in the pattern are. (DOK Level 2)
Whole Group Guided Practice (30 minutes)
a. Teacher will model how patterns can be found in numbers
by using the Elmo and a whiteboard.
i. Teacher will show a few examples and then have
the class practice. (DOK Level 2)
b. Once we have gone through a few examples I will have one
person from each group go and get the whiteboards and one
person go and get the markers and the rags.
c. Teacher will then put number pattern examples using the
i. The students will work individually to solve the
1. Teacher will be observing students as they
are solving the problem and helping any
students as needed.
ii. After a few minutes I will have them show-up
with their whiteboards to see all of their answers.
iii. Teacher will then call on one student to explain how
they solved that problem. (DOK Level 4)
Group Practice/Partner Practice (10 minutes)
a. Students will then take out their Math Connects textbook
and math spiral notebooks. They will work together to
solve numbers 1-5 on page 206 with their group.
b. Teacher will walk around the room to each group and
monitor how they are solving the problems and assist when
IV. Independent Practice (15 minutes)
a. Students will then continue to work on solving problems 614 on page 206 of their Math Connects textbook. (DOK
Level 2)
i. Teacher will walk around the room to each group
and monitor how they are solving the problems and
assist when needed.
c) Closure (5 minutes)
Students will share with their face partner (Kagan) how addition,
subtraction, and multiplication can form number patterns.

d) Extension
If time remains students will solve problems 15-19 on page 207 (mid
chapter check) of the Math Connects textbook.
a) Motivation/Engagement:
This lesson will take 60 minutes to teach my students. The objectives will
be written on the board for the week under the math section. In order to
engage my students I will review number and geometric patterns.
b) Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
I will start my lesson with an engagement activity.
a. Teacher will put up two number pattern examples and two
geometric pattern examples using the Elmo. The students
will solve them with their groups. (DOK Level 2)
i. Teacher will have one student discuss how they
solved the problem. (DOK Level 4)
Whole Group Guided Practice (30 minutes)
a. Teacher will discuss and model how function machines
b. Teacher will have one person from each group go and get
whiteboards and one person from each group go and grab
the markers and rags.
c. Teacher will put up a few function machine problems one
by one using the Elmo. The students will solve them on the
i. Teacher will stress each function machines rule
and explain how the rule will help them solve for
the missing numbers and visa versa.
ii. The teacher will walk around monitoring how they
are solving the problem. If a student needs help they
will assist.
d. Teacher will say show-up and the students will take their
whiteboards and show their answers to the teacher.
Group Practice/Partner Practice (15 minutes)
a. Teacher will pass out a function machine worksheet to each
i. They will be working with their group to solve the
function machines by filling in the input or output
column and stating the rule that the function
machine follows. (DOK Level 2)
ii. Teacher will walk around to monitor students and
help any that raise their hand.
IV. Independent Practice (15 minutes)

a. Students will then flip over the worksheet and complete the
independent problems. (DOK Level 2)
i. Teacher will walk around to monitor students and
help any that raise their hands.
c) Closure (5 minutes)
Students will partake in Standup-Handup-Pairup (Kagan) and describe
how a function machine works. (DOK Level 4)
d) Extension
If time remains students that finish their independent worksheet can pair
up with a partner and create their own function machines and have the
partner solve for the missing values and/or find the rule.
a) Motivation/Engagement:
b) This lesson will take 60 minutes to teach my students. The objectives will
be written on the board for the week under the math section. In order to
engage my students the teacher will review the procedures for centers.
c) Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Teacher will start lesson with an engagement activity.
a. Teacher will review the procedures and rules for centers
with the class.
i. Key things that will be stressed are no running in
the classroom when rotating to the next center,
cleaning up the center before rotating, and using
inside voices.
b. There will be 5 different stations for this week.
i. Geometric patterns, number patterns, close to 1,000
addition game, close to 100 subtraction game, and a
place value worksheet.
c. Teacher will number the students 1-5, and that will be what
group they will be in for centers.
i. They will have 10 minutes at each station.
d. After we have completely rotated through all 5 stations the
students will pick up whatever station they happen to finish
at and return to their desks showing active listening.
Whole Group Guided Practice
a. Two stations will be set up to go over geometric and
number patters. At these stations we will be writing a
problem on a whiteboard and having the students use their
whiteboards to solve the problem. After solving the number
pattern problem we will ask that group what the rule was to
get the next 2 digits. (DOK Level 3)
i. I will run one and the other will be run by my
Group Practice/Partner Practice

a. At two of the stations there will be playing cards for that

group to play close to 1,000 addition game and then close
to 100 subtraction game. (DOK Level 2)
i. For the close to 1,000 addition game each student
will draw 6 single digit cards and use those numbers
to form 2 3-digit numbers that when added together
get them close to 1,000. The student that comes the
closest wins that round. They will continue to play
this game until they have to clean up the cards and
move to the next station.
ii. For the close to 100 subtraction game each student
will draw 6 single digit cards and use those numbers
to form 2 3-digit numbers that when subtracted gets
them close to 100. The student closest wins that
round. They will continue to play this game until
they have to clean up the cards and move to the next
IV. Independent Practice
a. At one of the stations the students will be completing a
place value worksheet. This will be a review of the material
covered during the first week of school. (DOK Level 2)
i. These worksheets will be differentiated into three
1. Group A David, Eyan, Katelyn, Ryder,
Christian T., and Jaxson
2. Group B Xavier, Christian C., Sarah, Evin,
Brady, Kayali, Jayden P., Branson, Drew,
Milla, Staci, Cailyn, and Rachel
3. Group C Gabriel, Hunter, Spencer, Noah,
Crew, Chelsea, Evvie, Kaite, Jaeden C.
Hollynn, Andrew, and Reagan
a. One group will be looking at
identifying the value of the
underlined digit, the second group
will be writing the number in
expanded form, and the third group
will be doing a mixture of the two.
d) Closure (5 minutes)
Students will Handup-Standup-Pairup (Kagan) to discuss patterns and
function machines. This will be a time that they can get clarification from
peers on how to solve/understand a concept.
e) Extension
For students who finish their place value worksheets before time is up to
rotate to the next station they can write down a number on the back of the
worksheet and have a partner in their group identify the underlined digit
and/or write out the number in expanded form.

a) Motivation/Engagement:
This lesson will take 60 minutes to teach my students. The objectives will
be written on the board for the week under the math section. In order to
engage my students teacher will ask if there are any last minute questions
on content.
b) Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Teacher will start lesson with an engagement activity.
a. Teacher will ask the class if they have any last minute
questions about anything we have covered this week.
b. If there are question the teacher will address the area of
content and if there are no questions we will move into
testing procedures.
Whole Group Practice
a. None
Group Practice/Partner Practice
a. None
IV. Independent Practice (55 minutes)
a. Teacher will have the even numbers in each group go back
and grab a privacy shield for their desk.
b. Teacher will then go over the directions on the test and then
pass it out. (DOK Level 2 & 3)
c. Once students have completed the test they will turn it into
the basket and quietly finish working on assignments from
the day.
d. Once all students have turned in their exams those that have
privacy shields will take and put them away.
c) Closure (5 minutes)
a. Students will partake in Mix-Pair-Share (Kagan) about how they
feel they did on the test, what was the hardest question, etc.
d) Extension
If students have finished working on items in their working folder then
they can either silent read or write at their desks until time is up.
6. Accommodations
Teacher will be walking around the room providing assistance when needed while
the students are working. The teacher will also make the needed accommodations
for Jaxson (reading and writing IEP), Brady (Autism IEP), and David (504 for
7. Modifications
Jaxson will sit close to instruction and work with teacher/peers as needed per IEP.
Brady will be monitored for on-task behavior and help as needed. He will also be

sitting close to instruction as per his IEP. David will sit near instruction and be
monitored for on-task behavior as per his 504.
8. Differentiations for Diverse Learners
For students who need help understanding a concept or solving a problem during
group and/or independent work time I will pull those student to the back of the
room and work with them individually. If not that many students are struggling I
will just assist that student at his/her desk. For centers I will have 3 different
worksheets for place value.
9. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
a) Formative
I will be assessing my students throughout the lesson in multiple ways. I
will be observing them, the answers they provide during whiteboard time,
worksheets during class, and their homework.
b) Summative
I will be assessing my students at the end of the lesson by their scores on
the math exam.
10. Homework Assignments
o Geometric patterns worksheet
o Number/operations patterns worksheet
o Function machine worksheet
o Geometric and number patterns worksheet
o None
11. Reflection
a) Strengths
b) Concerns
c) Insights

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