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Ms. Breen

English: Grade 11
Monster Are Such Interesting Creatures: Monster Booklet Rubric


Content - Accuracy

All the information in the 99-90% of the information in

booklet is accurate.
the booklet is accurate.

89-80% of the information in Fewer than 80% of the

the booklet is accurate.
information in the booklet is

Knowledge Gained

All students in the group

can accurately answer all
questions related to
information in the booklet
and to technical processes
used to create the booklet

All students in the group can

accurately answer most
questions related to information
in the booklet and to technical
processes used to create the

Most students in the group

can accurately answer most
questions related to the
information in the booklet
and to technical processes
used to create the booklet.

Attractiveness &

The booklet has

exceptionally attractive
formatting and wellorganized information.

The booklet has attractive

The booklet has wellformatting and well-organized organized information.

Reflections on

Students demonstrate
Students show the connections Students show some
Students are unable to
connections between the between the text and the article. connections between the text connect the text to the article.
text and the article as well
and the article.
as apply real world


Students use creative

ways to present their
monster in the booklet.

Students exhibit creativity as

they present their monster in
the booklet.

Students exhibit some

creativity as they present
their monster in the booklet.

Several students in the group

appear to have little
knowledge about the
information or technical
processes used in the booklet.
The booklets formatting and
organization of material are
confusing to the reader.

Students do not use creativity

to present the monster in the


The booklet fulfills all

expected requirements
and goes beyond: an
appropriate image, a
quote, a paragraph about
the relationship between
the monster and one of
Cohen\'s theories, a brief
synopsis of the society
that feared the monster,
and a reflection whether
the monster would still be

The booklet fulfills most

expected requirements: an
appropriate image, a quote, a
paragraph about the
relationship between the
monster and one of Cohen\'s
theories, a brief synopsis of the
society that feared the monster,
and a reflection whether the
monster would still be feared.

The booklet fulfills some

expected requirements: an
appropriate image, a quote, a
paragraph about the
relationship between the
monster and one of Cohen\'s
theories, a brief synopsis of
the society that feared the
monster, and a reflection
whether the monster would
still be feared.

The booklet does not meet

requirements: an appropriate
image, a quote, a paragraph
about the relationship
between the monster and one
of Cohen\'s theories, a brief
synopsis of the society that
feared the monster, and a
reflection whether the
monster would still be feared.

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