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Chapter 5 Study Guide

Important People and Terms:

- Karl Marx
- George Eastman
- Claude Monet
- Otto von Bismarck
- Albert Einstein
- Emmeline Pankhurst
- Marie Curie
- Pablo Picasso
- Florence Nightingale
- Sigmund Freud
- anti-Semitism
- psychoanalysis
- social Darwinism
- ministerial responsibility

- modernism
- proletariat
- revisionists
- pogrom
- literacy
- trade unions

Multiple Choice:
- What changed from the 1st to the 2nd IR?
- Why did population in Europe explode?
- Who were symbolists?
- What changed with education in the late 19th century? Who was teaching?
- Identify the different forms of Marxism
- Why was the internal-combustion engine so crucial to the 2nd IR?
- Impressionism vs. Post-Impressionism
- Explain the theory behind socialism
- Identify those in the new elite
- How was science changing at the start of the 20th century?
- What was the Duma?
- Explain the importance of trade unions
- Identify the two main parties in Britain of the late 19th century
- Einsteins theory of relativity
- Freud and psychoanalysis
- The First and Second International

- Czar Nicholas II and his views on reform
- After WWI, in Britain, who was able to vote, and at what age?
- Challenging the ideas of Isaac Newton
- Percentages of those living in rural vs. urban areas in the United States
- Social Darwinism and anti-Semitism
- Did tensions exist between Serbia and Austria-Hungary?
- French government after Louis Napoleon
- Changes in factories due to being open 24 hours a day (electric lights)

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