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No. 32-7/2014-NDM-I Government of India Minisity of Home Affairs (Disaster Management Division) *C’ Wing, 3 Floor, NDCC- II, Singh Road, New Delhi-1 10001. Dated the 8" April 2015 To 1. Chief Secretaries of all States 2. The Relief Commissioners / Secretaries, Department of Disaster Management of all States m the State Disaster Response und Subject: - liems and Norms of assistance f riod (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Fund (DRE) for the ps 2015 ~ 2020. Sit/ Madam, | am directed to state that based on consideration of the recommendations of Fourteenth Finance Commission (PFC) on financing of expenditure on imma, relief Curing natural disasters for the period 2015-2020 and the report of the. ‘pert Group set up by this Ministry, the Government of India has revised the items and norms for assistance from SDRF/ NDRF. The approved lst of items and norms for assistance from SIRE PNDRF Fron” Nike of identified natural disasters is Aunexed, The revised norms will be effocers fiom 1" April 2015. However, the farmers affected by hailstorms in differs parts of the country during. February/March 2015 will also be given assistance under the new norms. 2, The revised items and norms can also be downloaded from website of Disaster Management Division of Ministry of Home Affairs ie, www. ndimindiaani on 3. As the first charge on SDRF should be on a disaster af severe nature, there has been a Fequirement io adjust balance amount of SDRE whenever NDRF amount is released. This procedure stands revised as follows:- 30% of SDRE balance, as on 31" March of the preveding. financial year, will be adjusted while refeasing the assistance fiom NDRF for the first disester 49-4 financial year In ease the same State faces another severe disaster during the same yea, 00 adjustment will be made while releasing NORF assistance 4 oath CoPy of the communication alongwith their enclosure is alse being sent to the Accountants Generals of the States for necessary action 5. This supersedes this Ministry’s earlier letters on this subject, the last being No.32-3/ 2013-NDM-I dated the 28" November, 2013 and No. 32-3/2013 NIDM-t dated 5" March 2014, Yours faithfully, neh) (Goutam Ghosh) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India ‘Telefax: 23438 (23 Encl: As above. Copy for information and necessary follow up action to:~ 1. Accountants General of all State Governments 2, Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG), New Delhi 3, Controller General of Accounts (CGA), New Delhi 4. Resident Commissioners of all State Governments. Copy to: - |. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure {Shri Vivek Joshi, IS (FCD)), North Block, New Delhi: 2. Ministry of Agriculture [Joint Secretary (DM)], Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Member Secictaty, National Disaster Management Authority, NDMA Bhawan, Safdurjung Enclave, New Deihi. Ali concerned Central Ministries/ Departments / Organizations. PMO / Cabinet Secretariat. PS to HM/ PS to MOS (R) Sr. PPS to Home Secretary/ Addl. Secretary (#')/ Joint Secretary (DM)! NIC. REVISED LIST OF ITEMS AND NORMS OF RESPONSE FUNDS (SDRF) AND NATIONA) (Period 2015-20, MHA Letter No, 32-7/2014-NDM-1D: __| Gratuitous Relief Annexure - ASSISTANCE FROM STATE DISASTER 'L DISASTER RESPONSE FUND (NDRR) ated 8" April 2015) ) Ex-Gratia payment to families of deceased persons, Rs.4.00 lakh per deceased person including those Involved in relief operations or associated in subject Appropriate authority, prepateciness activities, to certification regarding cause of death from by ExcGratia payment for loss of a limb or eve(s). a | Rs. 59100/- por 2.00 lalth per person, when the disability is more than 60%, Subject to certification by dispensary of Government, disability © Le) Grievous Tnjtry requltng hoopitalizaion 7 Ris. 12,700/- per person requiring hospit more than’ a week, Rs. 4,300/- per person requiring hospitalization for less than a week, ic 60%, 8 doctor fiom a hospital or l regarding extent and cause of d) Clothing and wensil hous ds for families whose houses have been washed away/ fully damaged/severely inundated for more than two days due to f., Snatural calamity a ©) Gratuitous “relief for ilies “whose livelihood is seriously affected h d Pe (i in a 8 SEARCH & Ri y ONS (@) Cost of search and rescue mneesusesl evecuation of people alfected likely to bealfected rs RS.1,B00/ pr family, for loss of cathing, Rs.2,000/- por family, camps. State Govl. will certify that identitied beneficia the prescribed limit subject by the Centeai Team (in eas for loss of utensits/ houschold goods. RS. 60/- per adult and Rs, 45). per chil relie es are ‘of housed in relief camps. Further State Government will rovide the basis and process for arriving at such beneficiaries listict-wise, ‘riod for providing. gratuitous relief witl be as per assessment F the State Hxecutive Committee (SEC) and the Central Team tt cuse of NDRF). The dlefauit period of assistance will upto to 0 days, which may be extended upto 60 days in the fist nstanee, if required, and subsequently upto 90 cays in case of tought! pest attack. Depending on the ground situation, the tate Executive Committee can extend the time period beyond to that expenditure on this account allacation for the yer hould not exceed 25% o! SDR assessed by SEC and eeconumended eof NDRE). $ Der Nelual cost incurred, food, clothing, medical care, otc. for people affected evacuated and sheltered in Felicf camps, Provision of amergenoy supply of inking watce in rwel areas and urban areas "CLEARANCE OF ATF! fa) Clearauice of debris iv pablic areas, ~~ 1) Draining off tiood water in affected areas. (b) Hiring oF boals for carrying immediate | relief and saving lives | human lives during a notified natural ealornity. | AS per actial cost, based on assessment of PoP eee EEE — | team(in case of NDRID, ©) Disposal of dend boslies/ Caicases + By the time the Central Team visits the affected area, these activities are already over. ‘Therefore, the State Level Committee and the Central Team ean recommend actual! near-actual costs. ‘AS per actual cost incurred, assessed by SEC and recommended by the Central ‘Team (in case of NDRF) The quantum of assistance wit! be limited to the actu expenditure incurred on hiring boats and essential equipment roqutired for rescuing stranded people and therety saving As per assessment of need by SEC and recommendation of the Central Team (in ense of NDRE), for a period up to 30 days, The SEC would need to specify the number of caunps, their duration and the number of persons in camps. In case of continuation of a calamity like drought, or widespread devastation caused by eaithquake or flood etc,, this period may be extended to 60 days, and upto 90 days in cases of severe drought. Depending on the grotnd situation, the State Executive Commitice ean extend the time period beyond the prescribed limit subject to that expenditure 6n this eecount should not exceed 25% of SDRP allocation for the year, Medical care may be provided fiom National Rural Health Mission (NRHIM). ‘As per actual, based on assessment of need by SEC and | Hecommendation of the Central Team (In case of NDRF), } ~The quantum of assistance will be limited to netual amount raised in the bills by the Ministry of Defence for airdropping of essential supplies and rescue operations only. and recommended by the Central Team (in case of NDRP), up to 30 days and may be extended upto 90 cays in case of drought. Depending on the ground situation, the Sete Executive Committee can extend the time perind beyond the prescribed! limit subject to that expencliture on this account should not exceed 25% of SDRF allocation (or the year. cost within 30 days [rom the date af start of the work based on assessment of reed by SEC far the assistance to be provided under SDRF and as por assessment of the Central team for assistance to be provided under NDRE i As per actual cost within 30 days from the date of start af the work based on assessment of need by SEC for the assistance to be provided under SDRM and ax per assessment of the Central sed on assessment of need by 81 AS per actunis, | recommendation of the Central Team (in case of NDR). () [Assistance farmais having Taadholaiig | | ttpt 2 ha BEEEEEEEE HEE oe A. | Assistance for land and other loss | SEERA Eee EEE Se EESEEEEEEE| a). Dessilting ‘of agricultural Jand (winere | Rs. 12,200% per hectare for each item thickness of sand silt deposit is more than 3°, to be certified by the competent | (Subject (o the condition that ne other assistance/ subsidy has iz __authority of the Sia ___.| been availed of by/ is eligible to the bencticiary under any 8) Removal of debris on agriculturai lana | other Government Scheme) i in hilly ateas | ©) Desilting! Restovation/ Repair of ish farms d) Loss of substantial portion id | Rs. 37.500 per heciare to only those small and marginal caused by landslide, avalanche, change | farmers whose ownership of the land is legitimate os pet the af course of rivers, revenuie records BO”) Input subsidy (witere crop loss is 33% | Ee re aunees id above) SPE eet tt : oo J 8) For agriculture crops, horticulture crops | Rs. 68007 pox ha, in rained areas aid resiriGied to 50 and annual plantation crops areas. Rs. 13,500/- per ha. in assured irrigated azeas, subject to minimum assistance not fess than Rs.1000 and restricted to EERE EEE sown areas, _ ace bb) Berennial crops Rs. 18,0007 ta. for all types OF perennial ciops subject to tminlimum assistance not less than Rs. 2000!- and restricted to sown areas. ©) Serieulture— RS 4,807 per ha. for Evi, Mulberry, Tssar a RS, 6,000%- per ha, for Mugs. (i) “| Aaput subsidy to farmers having more | Rs. 68007 per hectare in rainfed areas and reslrieted 16 sown than 2 Ha of landholding “HUSBANDRY SMALL. ANIMAL ASSISTANCE TO MARGINAL FARMERS ') Replacement of mitch anirsals, aaught animals or animals used for haulage AND aceas. Rs.13,500/- per hectare for areas under assured irrigation and restricted to sown arcas Rs, 18,000/- per hectare for all types of perennial crops and restricted fo sown areas Assistance may be provided where crop loss is 33% and above, joct to a ceiling of? ha, per farmer. _ Ho Mileh animals - Rs, 30,000/- Butfato! cows easel yal’ Mithun ete. Rs. 5,000/- Sheep/ Goal/ Pip, Draught animals - Rs, 25000/- Camel/ horse! bullock, cle Rs. 16,0002. Caf! Donkey! Ponys Male The assistance aay be resivieted for the aotual toss af) economically productive aninals and will be sub ‘ceiling of 3 Targe mileh animals or 30 small milch animals or 3 large draught animals or 6 small draught animals per household inrespective of whether a houschold has lost a larger number of animals. (The loss is to be certified by the ‘Competent Authority designated by the State Government). Poultry:- Poultry @ 50/- per bird subject (0 a ceiling of assistance of Rs 50007. per beneficiary household. The death of the poultry birds should be on account ef a natural calamity. Note: - Retief under these norins isnot eligible ifthe assistance is available from any other Govemment Scheme, eg. loss of birds due to Avian Influenza or any other diseases For which the Department of Animal Husbandry has @ seperate scheme for compensating the poutiry owners. ii), Provision of fodder feed concentrate including water supply and medicines in cattle camps Large animals- Rs, 70/- per day. Small animals- Rs. 35/- per day. Period for providing relief will be as per assessment of the State Executive Committee (SEC) and the Central Team (in case of NDRF). The default pefiod for assistance will be upto 30 days, which may be extended upto 60 days in the first instance and in case of severe drought up to 90 days. Depending on the ground situation, the State Executive Conimittee can extend the time period beyond the prescribed limit, subject to the stipulation that expenditure on this account should not exceed 25% of SDRF allocation for the year. Based on assessment of need by SEC and recommendation of the Central Team, (in case of NDRF) consistent with estimates of cattle as per Livestock Census and subject to the certificate by the competent authority about the requirement of medicine and vaccine being calamity related. iii) ‘Transport of fodder to cattle outside cattle camps ‘As per actual cost of transport, based on assessment oF need by SEC and recommendation of the Central Team (in case of NDRF) consistent with estimates of cattle as por Livestock Census “| FISHERY i) Assistanes to Fishernan for repair 7 replaceient of boats, nets ~ damaged o- lost Boat Dugout-Canoe Catamaran net (This assistance will not be provided if the beneficiary is eligible or has availed of any subsidy/ assistance, for the instant calamity, under any otfier Government Scheme.) ii) Input subsidy for fish seed farm RS. 4.1007 Tor repair of patally darmnpdl boats only Rs, 2,100/ for reper of partially damaged net Rs, 9,600/- for replacement of fully damaged boats Rs, 2,600/- for replacement of fully damaged net “Rs. 8,200 per hectare, (his assistance wilt not be provided if the beneficiary is eligible or has availed of any subsidy! assistance, for the instant calamity, under any other Government Scheme, except the one time subsidy provided under the Scheme of Department of Animal; Husbandry, Dairying and Pisheries, Ministry of Agriculture.) 8| RANDICRAFTS/HANDLOOM _ASSISTANCE' PISANS re ') Por replacement of damaged tovis/ RS. 4,100 per arann for equ j equipment Subject to certification by the ‘competent authority | designated by the Government about damage and its replacement. material, Subject to certification by Competent Authority designated the State Government about loss and its replacement. _| ii) For loss of raw material? goods in| i process/ finished goods - Rs. 95,100/- per house, in plain areas. bj Severely damaged houses Rs. 1,01,900/- per house, i hilly areas including Integrated Action Plan (AP) districts [ “@ Pucca (other than huts) where the dlainage is at least 15% Gi) Kutcha Gother thaw huis) where the |_____damage is at least 15 % aH Ee oe ) Damaged / destroyed huis: Rs. 4100 par hai, (Hut means temporary, make shift unit, inferior to Kuteha house, made of thatch, mud, plastic sheets ete traditionally recognized as hut by the States District auuhorities ) Note: The damaged house should be an authorized construction cluly certified by the Competent Authority of the 09 of immediate nature Repairrestoration (of ommediie nouwe) of | AG damaged infeastructure. Mlusteative tists oF activities which may be considered (Y Koads & bridges (2)Drinking Water | works of an immediate mature are given in the enclosed | Supply Works, (3) trrigation, (1) Power | Appendix (only tinited to immediate restoration of | cteciicity supply ia the ufjectect areas), | Assessment uf requirements (MSchools. (6)Primary Heath Centres, (I) Community assets awned by Penchayar. | Basel on_ assessment oF need, as per States’ costs! rates! | 5 Sectors such as Telecommunication and Power (except power supply), revenues, and communication immediate restoration of Which generate their own slso undertake immediate repair! restoration works from their own funds/ resources, ere excited. equipments inelucl equipments, ete, response to disaster ~ Expenditur and recommendation of the schedules for repair, by ‘Si Centtal Team (in case of NDRF). ~ As regards repair of roads, due consideration shall be given to Norms for Maintenance of Roads in India, 2001 as amended from time to time, for repairs of "roads affected by heavy rains/floods, cyclone, landslide, sand ‘lunes, ete, to restore traffic. For reference these norins are © Normal and Urban areas: upto 15% of the total of Ordinary Repair (OR) and Periodical Repair (PR). © Hills: upto 20% of total of OR andl PR. ~ Incase of repair of roads, assistance will be given based on the notified Ordinary Repair (OR) and Periodical Renewal (PR) of the State. In ease OR & PR rate is not available, then assistance will be provided @ Rs | lakh/km for State Highway and Major District Road and @ Rs. 0.60 kakhykmm for rural roads, The condition of “State shall first use its provision under the buclget for | regular maintenance and repair” will no longer be required, in view of the clfficulties in monitoring such stipulation, chough it isa desirable goal for all the States, ~ Tn case of repairs of Bridges and terigation works, assistance will be given as per the schedule of rates notified by the concerned States. Assistance for micro inrigation scheme will be provided @ Re. 1.5 lakh per clamaged schewe, Assistance for restoration of damaged medium and large irrigation projects will also be given for | the embankment portions, on par with the case of similar tural roads, subject to the stipulation that no duplication ‘would be done with any ongoing schemes ~ Regarding repairs of damaged drinking water schemes, the dligible dameged drinking water stsuetures will be cligibte for assistance @ Rs. 1.5 lakh/ damaged structure. ~ Regarding repair of damaged primary and secondary sehools, primary health centres, Anganwadii and community assets owned by the Panchayats, assistance Will be given @ Rs 2 lakh/damaged structure, ~ Regarding repair of damaged power sector, assistance wilt be given to damaged conductors, potes and transformers upto the level of Uf KV, ‘The rate of assistance will be (@ Rs. 4000/poles, Rs 0.50 lakh per kin of damaged conductor and Rs. 1,00 lakh per damaged distribution transformer isto be incurred fiom SORF only (and not Troan | NDRF), ais assessed by the State Executive Commies (SEC). The total expenditure on this item should not execed 10% of the anual allocation of the SURE. 6 Expenditure iS to be incuvted from SURE only (and not from 2 NDRF), as assessed by the State Executive Committee (SEC). The total expenditure on this item should not exceed 5% of SE eea Eee eee eee theannuai allocation of the SDRF, 3B. Stale specific disasters within local |" Expenditure is to be incurred from SDRF only (and not from NDRF), as assessed by the State Dxeoutive Committee (sec), ‘The norim for various items witl be the same as applicable to other notified natural disasters, as tisted above, or Jn these cases, the scale of relief assistance against each item for “local disaster’ should not exceed the norms of SDRF. context fn the State, which are not included in the notified list of disasters eligible for sssistanze from SDRFY NDRF, can be met from SDRF within the limit of 10% of the annual funds allocation of the SURF. The flexibitity is to be applicable only after the State has formally listed the disasters for inclusion and notified {transparent norms and guidelines with @ elear procedure for Notes () The Site Governments ave to take utoost care and ensure that all individual beneficiary oricted assistance is necessary! mandatory disbursed though the Bank secount (vi; Jaa Dhan Yojana ee.) ofthe bewsticiay (i) “The scate of reef assistance agains! exc tems forall disaster including local disaster” should not exeeed the noems of SDREY NDRF. Any amount spent by the State for such disasters over and above the ceiling walt be Lome wut of Oe escurces ofthe Ste Goverameat snd not trom SRF APPENDIX (item No. 10) Mustrative list of activities identified as of an immediate nature, 1. Drinking Water Supply ') Repair of damaged platforms of hand pumps/ring wells! spring-tapped ehe mbers/publie stand posts, cisterns, il)” Restoration of damaged stand posts including replacement of damaged pipe lengths with new pipe lengths, cleaning of clear water reservoir (to make it leak proof). iit) Repair of damaged pumping machines, leaking overhead reservoirs and water pumps including damaged intake ~ structure, approach gantries/etties 2. Roads ') Filling up of breaches and potholes, use of pipe for ereating waterways, repair and stone pitching of embankments, ii) Repair of breached culverts, 'i}) Providing diversions to the damaged/washed out portions of bridges to restore immediate connectivity, ¥) Temporary repair of approaches 10 bridges! embankments of bridges., repair of damaged railing bridges, repair of causeways to restore immediate connectivity, granular sub base, over damaged stretch of roads to restore traffic. 3. Irrigation 2) Immediate repair of damaged canal structures and earthen/masonry works of tanks and small reservoirs with the use of cement, sand bags and stones. it) "Repair of weak areas such as piping or rat holes in dam walls/ embankments. ii) Removal of vegetative material/building materialMiebrs from canal and drainage system ¥) Repair of embankinents of minor, medium and major itrigation projects 4, Health Gepalr of damaged approach roads, buildings and electrical lines of PHC comunity: Health Centres, mamunity assets of Panchayat a) Repair of village internat roads, b) Removal of debris from: drainage! sewerage fines. ©) Repair of internal water supply lines. 4) Repair of street lights. ©) Temporary repair of primary schools, Panchayat ghars, community halls, axganwaeli, ete, Power: Poles/ conductors and transformers upto H1 ky. = 1 The assistance will be considered as per the merit towards the following activities: tems! Particulars 1) | Damaged primary school building Higher secondary! middlef college and other educationel institutions buileings Novas oF asitance wil b opted inwatiterpi Up 10 Re, TSOTART un Not covered 1) [Prima Health Centee Electric poles and wires et. ii Upto RS. 1.50 aki wnt Womnative cost (Upto Rs.4000 per pole and Rs. 0.59 ink per ke) | 3) | State Highways! Major Dist Wj [Panchayat Ghar? “Anganwadi? Mahila Mondal” Yuva’ Kendal Community ital pte 200 tak nt RE LOOLaER Kn * 3) | Rural voad bridge ro Re. 0.60 taken = vii)” Drinking water schene zt Upto 130 ak ant viii) | Irrigation Secter: — Minor gation schemes/ Canal Upto Re 1.50 tek scheme Msjoririgatior scheme Not covered Ficod conifel and enti Erosion Protction work Not covered tt 18) |Fiydro Power Projee HY Distribution syteniy Trasfoma Wot covered od stations X)_ [igh Tension Lines ove TVW) Tat overed xi)” |Site” Govt — duiidings viz. depariional/ office” balling ot covered departmental! residential quarters, religious » structures Patwarkhara, Court premises, play pround, Torest bungalow |__| property nd animal ied sanctum ce ce 7 [sip ong tens Permnent Restoration work incentive = ieee all [Any new work of ong termnatuce No‘ covered xiv}_| Distribution of commodities Not covered (However, there it a provision for assistance as GR to Families in dire need ince after a disasters). ‘Noi covered Fades seed to ajgient (oder production — + ITOR & PR rates are not provided by the State Not covered (Since GOI bom ete expenditure soration works sctivities) “Nal

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