Flyer Wonosari Field Trip

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IDR 5.000.

000,- /

Wonosari Formation : An Outcrop Lesson for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization

October, 16th 17th 2015
Wonosari-Southern Mountain, Yogyakarta
Instructor :

About The Fieldtrip :

Profesional Field Trip sector energy in GeoWeek 2015 introduces of
Carbonate Reservoir in order to offer the participants a comprehension of
geologic processes on carbonate rocks reservoir and its consequences
to the hydrocarbon exploration.

Budianto Toha, M.Sc.

Associate Prof. in Stratigraphy and
Sedimentary/Carbonate Petrology

Day 1 : Introduction Class

Participants will learn :
The origin of carbonate sediments, composition, structures and its
depositional environment. Wonosari Carbonates Rocks Development
and Karstification, and Carbonate Rocks within the Field Trip itinerary.

Day 2 : One-Day Field Trip

Dr. Didit Hadi Barianto

Assistant Prof. in Stratigraphy and
Sedimentary/Carbonate Petrology

Oyo River, South Paliyan, Paliyan/Sodong Area, Planjan, Mulo

Sinkholes, Semanu, Karst Museum at Wonogiri Regency

Accomodation (hotel, transportation, lunch, dinner), Training kits
(block note, field book, field guide book, ballpoint, hat), Certificate
Payment :
Mandiri Bank Chapter : UGM Yogyakarta
Bank Account : 137-00-9818812-7
On Behalf : Teknik Geologi UGM
In order to allow sufficient time for arranging travel and
preparing equipment, participants are recommended
to make an early enrollment.
Minimum requirement is 10 participants

Dr. Ferian Anggara
( - Hp: +628122758490
Bramantio Haryo Kumolo
( - Hp: +6285743268878
Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Grafika no. 2 Bulaksumur 55281 - Yogyakarta
Telp/Fax : (0274) 513668/ 546039

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