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Name: Myra Mathews

Review Date: 2 weeks, Friday 29 March 2013
Year/Class: year 4, Form C
Current Behaviours

Date Written: Friday 15 March 2013

Teachers: Claire Dutton, Katrina Lane

Target Behaviours

Break down the

behaviours into
separate issues.

Try to think of a
positive alternate to the
current, negative

Defiance / Avoidance
Myra refuses to start work
the first time she is asked

Myra is to start work when


Think of multiple strategies that may help
with the change of behaviour. Think of why
the behaviour is occurring and try to
counteract it.

Provide competition/reward for readiness

Ensure lessons are planned and wellstructured
Provide timely feedback on work
Separate Myra from other students to
minimise distractions from work

Consequences /
Ensure that there is
Make sure that the
always a positive, even negatives are scaffolded
if it is just verbal
to the level of negative
Rewards / Positives

verbal affirmation
affirmation from Deputy

Suggested Rewards

Type of Reward

movement on Behaviour
Rainbow follow through

How it will be implemented

Small Rewards

Verbal acknowledgement by teacher

Class reward system (money)
Targeted Behaviour Book

Larger Rewards

Targeted Behaviour Book

Invitations to excursions and camps

Teacher will attempt to be fair and consistent

When student shows positive steps towards
changing their behaviour, they receive a tick in
their TBB for the appropriate time. When they
receive more + than in a day they go to the
Deputy for acknowledgement
If student has more + than in a week they can
have reward time (work on computer, game
outside at time of choice, etc. to be decided with

Other Strategies

Ensure communication between school and guardian

Date: ______________
Student/Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature: __________________________

Principal/Deputy: __________________________


Name: Myra Mathews
Review Date: 2 weeks, Friday 19 April 2013
Year/Class: year 4, Form C
Current Behaviours

Date Written: Saturday 6 April 2013

Teachers: Claire Dutton, Katrina Lane

Target Behaviours

Break down the

behaviours into
separate issues.

Try to think of a
positive alternate to the
current, negative

Confrontational Behaviour
Myra responds in
negative and violent ways
to minor issues

Myra is to use more

appropriate language and
physical presence during
minor issues

Think of multiple strategies that may help
with the change of behaviour. Think of why
the behaviour is occurring and try to
counteract it.

Recognise when an issue is irrelevant, minor

or major
Provide Myra with a variety of coping
Provide Myra with a variety of appropriate
Separate Myra from other students to
minimise opportunities for conflict

Consequences /
Ensure that there is
Make sure that the
always a positive, even negatives are scaffolded
if it is just verbal
to the level of negative
Rewards / Positives

verbal affirmation
affirmation from Deputy

Suggested Rewards

Type of Reward

movement on Behaviour
Rainbow follow through

How it will be implemented

Small Rewards

Verbal acknowledgement by teacher

Class reward system (money)
Targeted Behaviour Book

Larger Rewards

Targeted Behaviour Book

Invitations to excursions and camps

Teacher will attempt to be fair and consistent

When student shows positive steps towards
changing their behaviour, they receive a tick in
their TBB for the appropriate time. When they
receive more + than in a day they go to the
Deputy for acknowledgement
If student has more + than in a week they can
have reward time (work on computer, game
outside at time of choice, etc. to be decided with

Other Strategies

Ensure communication between school and guardian

Date: ______________
Student/Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature: __________________________
Principal/Deputy: __________________________

Individual Behaviour Plan

Behaviour(s) of concern
Starting or continuing fights
and/or arguments.

Disobeying or ignoring staff

Throwing tantrums in response
to negative consequences for
her negative behaviour.


Student: Myra Matthews

Outcome/s desired
Myra follows classroom and
school rules and doesnt get
herself involved in fights and/or
Myra is able to follow the
instructions of staff.
Myra is able to act appropriately in
the classroom and playground.

Year: 4

Strategies to achieve outcomes

Rewards and consequences

1. Reminding Myra of the school and

classroom rules. I have attached a copy of
the Rights and Responsibilities for
discussions at home.
2. Strategically seating Myra in the classroom
and when organising groups/activities.
3. Daily discussions with Myra on how she can
make good choices in where and with whom
she plays in the playground.
4. Positive points for Myras Class Dojo
monster for displaying positive behaviour.
5. Isolation in-class for negative behaviour, with
privileges being withdrawn (bike-riding,
Drumbeat, excursions and camps) as
6. Myra follows whole school Behaviour
Management Referral System (MRS).
Teacher will be keeping checklist of her

Date: Week 7, Term 2 2013

Resources and
Class Dojo
Leonora District
High Schools
Referral System

Review dates
Week 9, Term 2

Parent: _________________________________

Student: _______________________________________

Teacher: ________________________________

Deputy/Principal: ________________________________

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