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Student Name: Myra Matthews

School: Leonora DHS

Caregiver: Tilly Matthews



Address: 13 Hoover St, Leonora , 6438


Teacher: Claire Dutton

Phone: 0428 745 121 / 9037 6160

Date of Profile: 25th June 2013

The following indicators map the escalation profile for the student. This intervention outlines the most
appropriate actions that school staff/ caregivers can choose responsive to the phase that the student
is displaying. The underlying principles of this approach are to:
1. Intervene early in the phases
2. Manipulate controlling and antecedent events to target initial behaviours early in the phases
3. Teach replacement behaviours to establish new acceptable chains of behaviour.
PLEASE NOTE: this is a fluid document. It should be added to regularly as new information comes to
light regarding: Indicators- what the student does/ looks like in each phase; and interventions- what
works and what does not work with the student.

Adapted from the work of Colvin & Sugai (1998) by Stuart McKenzie and Alamaine Seale (2004)

Escalation Profile
Adapted from the work of Colvin & Sugai (1998)
by Stuart McKenzie and Alamaine Seale (2004)

Student Name: Myra Matthews

School: Leonora DHS

Relevant background info: Myra has attended Leonora DHS since the end of 2012. She lives with
her grandmother, who is her primary caregiver. She has limited contact with her mother who is in
New Zealand, however sees her father who lives in Perth. Till ( grandmother) reported history from of
the following; maternal separation and poor attachment, a number of different caregivers, highly
transient school enrolment history and exposure in early life to probable traumatic events.


Can stay in her seat ( with fidgeting / squirming)

Will complete work with encouragement
Will work independently for 10 minutes
Will speak loudly, but not shout at others
Will follow direct instructions straight away
Will follow class instructions with additional prompt

Roaming around the room

Shouts and argues with the teacher
Shouting and arguing with other students.
Put down comments and verbal abuse directed at
Standing over particular target student that conflict
is with.
Throwing objects around the room ( pens, rubbers,
Unable to follow any direct, simple action oriented

People talking to her / interrupting her
People walking past her or behind her
Being presented with a difficult or challenging task
Hearing her name or friends names in other peoples
People leaning in front of her or across her ( being
inside her personal space)
People sitting too close to her on the mat
Giving her consequences ( negative mark on class
dojo, directing her to move seats

Disengages from work
Stands up
Out of seat, moving around the room
Will carry object with her / in her hand ( eg pencil)
Voice gets louder, shouts out to peers whats going
on over there?.
Will not follow direct teacher instructions straight away,
needs additional reminders
Flicks hair, shakes body, growls grrr
Her whole face frowns looks angry

Hits, punches, pushes and kicks other students
Overturning tables and chairs in the classroom
Throwing objects directly at students (, rulers, books,
larger items)
Severe tantrums if backed into a corner by others
(flails, shouts etc).

Wont engage in any conversation with adults or
Sits alone, head down, minimal eye contact,
minimises her presence in the classroom
Will follow simple instructions
Will complete tasks in a rushed, messy manner
Ignore other students or minimal negative
interactions ( eg shut up)
Will not discuss out of control behaviour

Will engage in conversation
Will follow instructions
Expresses remorse, will verbally apologise to
teacher for her behaviour but not the other students
Cries when talking about the problem behaviour with
Shows concern about school informing her Gran of

Escalation Procedures
Adapted from the work of Colvin & Sugai (1998)
by Stuart McKenzie and Alamaine Seale (2004)

Student Name: Myra Matthews

School: Leonora DHS


Strategies & Interventions


Overall the stude nt is


Overall the student
experiences a series of
unresolved conflict

Overall the student
exhibits an increase in
behaviour that is

Ignore low level fidgeting and squirming behaviours

Casually redirect her back to her seat if she is kneeling
and working. Sometimes allow her to stand and work, if
appropriate and not distracting
Frequent changing of activities
Providing movement breaks where required
High frequency of positive verbal praise and class dojo
Teacher attention throughout activity, offering support and
Friendly rule reminders about inside voice
Permission to get out of seat to discuss topic rather than
shout across the room
Making sure whole class instructions and followed up with
Myra. Check for understanding and for Myra to repeat
Focus on other students that are disrupting her and
redirect them back to task
Provide extra support for difficult or challenging tasks.
Follow up with her individually.
Move students away from each other on the mat if they
sitting too close to each other
Provide a warning and chance for Myra to correct her
behaviour before issuing a consequence
Explain what specific behaviour occurred that resulted in
Myra getting a consequence
Manage conflict between both students (Myra and her
Give positive praise and reinforcement to students nearby
who are engaging in the appropriate behaviour
Redirect and modify task, come back to original task later.
Walk up to her and provide quiet reminder her to sit back in her
seat, rather than tell her across the room
Follow up with positive verbal praise and dojo points as soon
as she responds to an instructions
Ask for her to hand items back to the teacher that she is
carrying around in her hand, rather than direct her to put them
down. Give items back when she is in her seat.
Teacher to sit with her and assist her to get her back on task
Move other trigger students away from her or send them out
of the class on a quick job.

Overall the student
exhibits engagement

Overall the student is out
of control


Overall student displays


Overall the student
displays an willingness to
become engaged in non interactive activities and a
reluctance to address the
peak behaviour

Clearly communicate to Myra the next level of consequences if

her behaviour continues (missing out on fun class activities,
office referral, phone call to gran, possibility of suspension,).
For work refusal, wandering and throwing objects direct her to
sit in the corner for 2 minutes.
For screaming and negative verbal interactions with other
students, direct her to sit her outside the room to calm down for
5 minutes.
Clearly communicate consequences
Clear firm direction for Myra to go and sit outside the
classroom (she will typically go on her own). Leave her for 5
minutes to allow her to calm down. If you can hear her kicking
on the wall or chair, go outside and advise her that you will
give her further time to calm. Ignore these secondary
behaviours when Myra is outside the class and no longer
posing a safety risk.
If Myra refuses to leave the room and is continuing to be
physically aggressive, remove the other students from the
classroom to the basketball court.
When engaging in a tantrum, give her space, move other
students and objects away from her. Do not attempt to engage
with her until she is quiet and calm.
In emergency or situation of severe, ongoing physical violence
red card to be sent to admin immediately for assistance.
Dont force her return to class if she is outside
Instruct other students to move away from to give her time to
calm down.
Dont discuss incidents or consequences with her at this time
Ask Myra if she is ready to talk and if she is calm. If no
response from her, let her know you will be back in 5 minutes.
Discuss situation with Myra prior to her return to class
using the following restorative questions:
o What happened ?
o What were you thinking?
o What were you feeling?
o Who else has been affected by this?
o What can you do now so the problem can be repaired?
Offer for Myra to get a drink and go to the toilet before
returning to class.
Dont force her engagement with work, group tasks or
conversations and interactions.
Do not offer correction for messy or incorrect work.
Assist her to problem solve an appropriate response for next
time the situation occurs
Reinforce and point out any positive choices that she has
Repair relationship, emphasise fresh start in class.

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