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Sentaos! = Sit down!
Levantaos! = Stand up!
Escuchad! = Listen!
Repetid! = Repeat!
Escribid! = Write!
Abrid los cuadernos!
=Open your notebooks!
Silencio! = Silence!
Levantad la mano!
= Raise your hand!
Recoged vuestras cosas!
= Put your things away!

Yo me llamo = My name is
l se llama = His name is
Ella se llama = Her name is

la madre = mother
el padre = father
el hermano = brother
la hermana = sister
el abuelo = grandfather
la abuela = grandmother
el to = uncle
la ta = aunt
el primo = boy cousin
la prima = girl cousin

Esta es mi madre.
= This is my mother.

mi = my
yo = I, me
t = you
l = he
ella = she

este = this (for boys)

esta = this (for girls)
otro = the other (for boys)
otra = the other (for girls)
Este soy yo. = This is me. (for boys)
Esta soy yo. = This is me. (for girls)
Este es mi padre.
= This is my father.

Tengo un hermano.
= I have a brother.
Tengo dos hermanos.
= I have two brothers.
Tengo una hermana.
= I have a sister.
Tengo dos hermanas.
= I have two sisters.
No tengo hermanos. = I dont
have brothers or sisters.
En mi familia somos
= In my family we are

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