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Volume One
22nd Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders



Merry Christmas 1

It is that time of the year again. A season of joy, celebration and of course
- presents. While only some of you are having a hard time choosing the best
Christmas present for your dearest ones, probably all of you are thinking what
yours would be this year.

Annual General Meeting 2-3

Cum Opening Ceremony

I hope my mom gets me a new phone. I wish my dad would get me that
leather bag.

Its saddening to see how a lot of people these days see Christmas as a
chance to rip off their parents; more importantly it is simply a shame that almost
all of us have forsaken the true purpose and meaning behind this lovely festival.

GAP Orientation Day 4

So, what is Christmas?

GAP Workshop I 5-6

Some of us are even ungrateful towards life in general and fail to see
how we are all the much more fortunate group. There are still people in less
developed countries all over the world who are working long hours every single
day just enough to stay alive, let alone having the chance to celebrate, or even
to know of Christmas existence

GAP Workshop II 7-8

We should be thankful for what we have, rather to mourn over what we

World Congress Intro 9

Not only do you have your family at home, look around you, just as you
did back on Orientation Day - It is safe to say that some of these people have
more or less already become part of your life. Yes, its just been a little bit more
than a month for some of you, but trust me, youll all get closer. Just remember
youre never alone on this venture with the brothers and sisters around you.

Religious implications aside, Christmas is a golden opportunity for all of
us to spend quality time with our family and friends. You might see Christmas no
different to any other day of the year as you get to see your family almost every
day anyway - thats because we simply take everything for granted and fail to
acknowledge the fact we are already lucky enough to wake up every day and
have someone in your life to care for, to trust and to love.

In the meantime, immerse yourself in this wonderful festivity and remember,
be grateful for everything you have and only then will you truly have a merry,
merry Christmas.

P. 1

Annual General
General Meeting
Cum Opening
Opening Ceremony


The Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony of the 22nd

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders was successfully held on 16th November,
2013 at Wah Yan College Kowloon. Our Honorary Advisors, Mr. Clement Woo
and Mr. Alan Leong joined this remarkable occasion and had also given us
inspiring addresses. This day marked the official end of the 21st HKUYL and
the commencement of the new committee board, in which the chairpersons and
treasurers of 21st and 22nd HKUYL gave their reports of the year.

The Opening Ceremony of the Global Awareness Project took place after
the Annual General Meeting where Campers from our 31 member schools started
their amazing journey with their first time wearing the Outstanding T-shirts.

To start off, Campers were introduced to the brand-new cheer, the
Outstanding cheer, which they had been familiar with after a few trials. Soon
after they immersed in a joyous atmosphere, where rounds of ice-breaking games
were conducted for Campers to warm themselves up, as well as to get to know
one another better. Right after that, Campers were told to open their envelopes
given in the morning and find the slips printed with lyrics of different songs in
them. By singing the assigned songs of different groups, Campers recognized
their groupmates easily and briefly introduced themselves to each other.

Soon after lunch, the Committee members explained the details of the City
Tracing event, which was one of the highlights of the day. Throughout the event,
Campers had shown great involvement and excellent teamwork by identifying
checkpoints located in different parts of Hong Kong before they completed
different tasks. Later on, Campers had also shown their outstanding creativity in
the presentation of group names and slogans when they got back to Wah Yan
College, Kowloon.

Following the game, they were introduced to the Global Awareness Project
through a video depicting the difficulties that the less-privileged groups all over
the world are currently suffering from. In the Project, Campers have been given
the role of Hong Kong ambassadors, and they shoulder the responsibility to
investigate problems in different countries. Each group was given the first task
of identifying three major problems of their assigned countries and conduct a
presentation in the upcoming workshop.

Last but not the least, singing the Union Song as well as shouting the
Outstanding Cheer brought a perfect conclusion to the whole-day event.

P. 2

P. 3

GAP Orientation
Orientation Day

GAP Workshop I
The First Workshop of the Global Awareness Project was held on Sunday,
24th November, 2013 at La Salle College.

In this workshop, Campers were tasked with presenting the three major
problems they discovered and analyzed of their assigned countries. Apart from
equipping them with stronger presentation and critical thinking skills, this also
served as the first step to enhancing their global awareness. Furthermore, mass
games and other activities were also organized to polish their cooperation and
leadership skills as well as to foster the bonding among the group members.

The event started with an energetic cheer and a mini-game related to
the history of the Union to awaken the enthusiasm of Campers. Campers were
then given a chance to introduce the three major problems of their respective
countries including South Africa, Japan, Russia, South Korea, USA and China. The
presentations were creatively presented as they took forms of interactive dramas,
role-playing and speeches. After each presentation, a question-and-answer
session was held so as to improve Campers critical thinking and impromptu
speaking skills. Feedback and comments were also provided so that Campers
could better review and reflect on their performances.

Following the presentations was the mass game. Campers were required
to make a transporter that could carry three eggs, two balloons and some
more heavy objects to the other end of the playground with minimal materials
provided by the Committee Board. Their progress would be greatly boosted if
they were able to fulfill the additional tasks set forth by the Committee Board.
At the same time, cultural characteristics of their respective countries should
be recognized on the transporter while communication and cooperation skills
played a significant role in the mass game.

An evaluation period known as Family Time was held afterwards as the last
session of the whole-day event. It was the time when Campers conducted selfreflection under the guidance of the Committee Board. Campers shared their
experiences and feelings with their groups and voiced out their own opinions.
As with every UYL event, the day concluded with the heartwarming and touching
Union Song and the Outstanding cheer.

P. 4

P. 5

GAP Workshop
Workshop II

GAP Workshop
Workshop IIII

The Second Workshop of the Global Awareness Project was held on
8th December, 2013 at TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College.

In order to let Campers experience the problem of economic
disparity in Hong Kong, a mass event, the Hunger Banquet was organized.
Campers were divided into three social classes, namely the lower class,
the middle class and the upper class, and were assigned different tasks.
This session enhanced their problem-solving skills and stimulated Campers
thoughts and concerns related to this acute problem and other prominent
social problems that follow. As the game aimed at the realistic portrayal of
the current situation, only a few Campers were placed to the upper class.
The higher the class a Camper belonged to, the better quality of services
and food he/ she could enjoy. Campers then went through a debriefing
session and were guided to reflect on our society and its problems, so as
to empathise with those who are less privileged than they are.

Apart from the Hunger Banquet, a workshop on public speaking was
conducted. Through a variety of activities focusing on different aspects
of a speech, Campers were given the opportunity to polish their public
speaking, presentation and communication skills so that they could apply
what they had learnt in the upcoming World Congress. The public speaking
lecture was followed by a Cultural Performance which each group had to
prepare a 5-minute performance showcasing the unique culture of their
designated countries. Using various means and media, their performances
were both creative and entertaining.

Last but not least, details of the World Congress were announced.
Campers had to prepare themselves for the upcoming World Congress and
hand in their proposals with five feasible solutions solving the assigned
problems of their respective countries. And as always, the day ended with
Family Time, the Union Song and the Outstanding Cheer.

P. 6

P. 7

GAP Workshop
Workshop IIII

World Congress
Congress Intro

The highlight of the Global Awareness Project is the World Congress, in
which Campers have to participate in a series of formal presentations, debates
and negotiations. Applying their knowledge and creativity, Campers have to
propose feasible solutions to their assigned global issues. The World Congress
is the time that allows Campers to demonstrate their learnings from the two
preceding Workshops, further broadening their horizons and enhancing their
sense of identity as a global citizen.

Throughout the World Congress, each of the six groups have the chance
to present the solutions to the world issue assigned to them previously. After each
of the presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session challenging the
feasibility of the solutions, followed by a negotiation session in which Campers
can comment on others proposals in the viewpoint of the assigned countries.
At the same time, Campers are given the opportunity to negotiate with officials
from various non-governmental organizations portrayed by Committee Board
members. The aim of this session is to let Campers understand the importance
of compromising and reaching agreement with other parties. Before finalizing
their proposals, an amendment session will take place in which Campers have to
solve existing local problems from a global perspective. The climax of the World
Congress will be the voting session where each group can pass or stall the 6
proposals in favour of their countries.

The World Congress aims at strengthening Campers understanding of
global issues in order that they can mature into a leader that is aware of their
responsibilities and obligations of the planet we all reside on.

P. 8

P. 9

Presented by
22nd Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

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