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13 November 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

RE: Ski Tour 2016 Information Evening Postponed

My apologies for the short notice of this message; however, I received news yesterday that the school that
we should be travelling to the resort with have cancelled their tour. Therefore, I am currently investigating
alternative methods to ensure that we can still run our tour without an increase in cost. As a result, I am
postponing the meeting scheduled for Monday 16 November until after Christmas, to ensure that any
information that I give you is up-to-date.
Ski Astons have offered us an alternative tour to the same region, running from Saturday 26 March to
Saturday 2 April 2016. This would be the first week of Easter holidays. The ski company has upgraded our
hotel and is providing an additional evening of entertainment at the same cost. Please could you either
email or complete the form below and return to reception to indicate whether
this alternative is suitable for your son/ward. Please send emails or return forms by Wednesday 18
November at the latest.
If this option is not suitable for all members of our group, I will be forced to postpone the tour until 2017,
unless I can find an alternative company to run the visit.
Thank you for your continued support, and my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely,

Miss C Lawler
Ski Trip Co-Ordinator
Deputy Curriculum Leader: Humanities/Head of Geography

Isleworth & Syon School

RE: Ski Tour 2016 Information Evening Postponed
Dear Miss Lawler,
Student Name: _________________________________________________

Form: _____________

The alternative arrangements outlined above ARE SUITABLE for my son/ward.

The alternative arrangements outlined above ARE NOT SUITABLE for my son/ward.
If they are not suitable - reason:

Signed: ___________________________________________ (Parent/Carer)

Date: ______________

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