Hull Shapes: Edit 0 24

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Hull Shapes

Edit 0 24

Table of Contents
Problem Scenario
Broad Question
Specific Question
Graph of Hypothesis
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Variables That Need To Be Controlled:
Vocabulary List That Needs Explanation
General Plan
Potential Problems And Solutions
Safety Or Environmental Concerns
Experimental Design
Resources and Budget Table
Detailed Procedure
Photo List
Time Line
Data Table
Data Analysis
All Raw Data
Benefit to Community and/or Science
Background Research

Go with the flow, get in the know

Problem Scenario

Broad Question
Does the shape of boat hulls affect the efficiency of the boat.

Specific Question
What hull shape will be the most hydrodynamic to help speed and fuel consumption, by
cutting through the water more easily.

I hypothesize that the semi-circle hull will be the most efficient.

Graph of Hypothesis

NOTE: The way I tested the experiment changed because of reasons explained later. The graph above
says "Resistance Force" but in the end it is the time it took to travel the distance of a fish tank.

Independent Variable:
Hull Shape

Dependent Variable:

Variables That Need To Be Controlled:

Material of Hull

Vocabulary List That Needs Explanation

General Plan
Build different hull shapes of the same material, 5 or so will do. Get a fish tank, for sensor, and rubber
band Connect the rubber band to the force sensor and boat hull, start collecting data and release the
boat. From the time the boat is released to when the time the force sensor hits zero is the time measured.
Compare the data from the averages of all 5 shapes to find out which one is most effecient.

Potential Problems And Solutions

The way of testing not working properly.

Safety Or Environmental Concerns

Dont drown?

Experimental Design
(add the correct headings from the experimental design page before beginning)

Resources and Budget Table


Number needed

Where I will get this




About $2

Fish Tank

Mr. Biche

Force Sensor

Mr. Biche

Lab Quest

Mr. Biche

Detailed Procedure
1) Create multiple boat hulls out of the same material, a number of 5 or 6 will work.
2) Add ballast to make all the boats the same weight and to make them sit a little lower in the water (coins
or rocks are a great way to add weight)
3) Gather a fish tank, force sensor and a rubber band.
4) Connect the force sensor and boat hull with the rubber band
5) Pull back the boat to the end of the fish tank, release as you start collecting data
6) Record data on data table
7) Repeat steps 4 and 5, 5 times for all boat hulls

8) Compile data and get averages for all boat hulls

9) Make a graph to have a visual representation of the data you collected


Photo List
Time Line
Procedure, timeline, and photo list complete 2/1
Begin Experiments 2/4
Experiments finished 3/1
Analysis 3/7
Discussion/Background 3/15
Wiki Complete 3/15
Posters Complete 3/22
KMS Science Fair 3/29

Data Table

Data Analysis
All Raw Data
See data table above


In conclusion, the multi chine hull shape, was the fastest. It traveled the distance of the fish tank in an
average time of 0.268 seconds. The next fastest were the Circular and Oval shapes tied at an average
time of 0.3 seconds, this was slower than the multi chine by 0.032 seconds. The next slowest was the V
at 0.304 seconds, flowed by the Square at 0.378 seconds, which is marginally slower than everything
else. Of course you have to realize that this isn't going to be absolutely perfect this is just a humble 8th
grader doing a science fair experiment, it's fairly accurate but it's nothing like professionals would do. As
for my hypothesis, I reject it, I hypothesized that the rounded hull would be the best, as it turns out it was

This experiment was testing which boat hull tested was the best, the data collected showed that the multi
chine hull was the best. The other shapes other that the square weren't very far off though. The is a
difference, but at this scale the difference isn't much, if these boats had motors all of them would
consume around the same amount of fuel. The experiment went fairly good, I did have to change the way
of testing last minute. I was going to use a pump and push water against the boat hulls, I changed it to a
simple rubber band and a fish tank.

Benefit to Community and/or Science

This experiment will help the community because knowing what type of hull is the most efficient will help
people to save money on fuel, the easier the hull cuts though the water the less fuel the boat will


Background Research


In my experiment I tested boat hulls to see which one would be the most efficient, I tested round, oval, V,
multi chine, and a box. The multi chine hull was the fastest, with an average time of 0.268 seconds. This
was faster than the others by 0.032 seconds. I used a rubber band to pull the hulls across a fish tank,
then timed them going across. I came up with project last year, along with the one I did last year, I really
like boating and fishing so why not do my project on something I enjoy?

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