Loreal Advert

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Iconography Symbols of what the advert is representing. For example, in a western adver: the
iconography are objects such as hats and objects relating to that subject.

The L'oreal advert

Iconography of the lifestyle
The advert is selling a lifestyle, which helps to sell the product. The advert is highlighting the lifestyle of
Cheryl Cole. The gold in the advert represents the high class. the old photo represents the human
element of the celebrity, helping the audience to relate to the character Cheryl Cole. This makes her
seem more human, also helping to sell the product subconsciously. 'Secretly' the audience is jealous of
the lifestyle shown in the advert. The audience tend to believe that if they buy the product, they will be
able to have the same lifestyle as Cheryl Cole in the advert.
The general look of the advert has a classic and classy look. The London surroundings, the Taxi are classic
scenes for the rich and posh individuals. Her classic hairstyles draw attention to the golden colour
emphasizing how it looks (the hair). This helps to sell to people it is an upmarket and posh product that
is within reach for the viewers.
The advert creates envy and jealousy through the emotional reaction that the viewer will give when
watching the advert. The story is sold as if she was not successful this shown by the black and white
photo, but then when she bought the hair spray she became the person she is because of this hair spray.
The advert, for women, can cause a trigger of insecurity. This also helps to sell the product as if it
created other benefits and power for women.
Relationship to the audience
There are several shots of what would seem to be Cheryl Cole going about her daily life, in the street,
this also helping the audience attach to the 'character'. The posh clothes, umbrella and general setting
imply the great and rich lifestyle. The audience now will believe that this is because of this product.
Cinematography, lighting and cutting
Many of the shots are taken from below her eyeline, as if she were looking down on the audience. This
causes people to literally 'look up' to her. As a celebrity, this is true for many people anyway however in
this cause it causes the viewer to think 'If I buy this product, people will look up to me, I will be the best'.
There are many close ups of her head, and her hair. This also helps the audience to feel close, and
friendly with Cheryl helping with the human relationship between the actor and the viewer. The
movement of the camera, and flow of editing helps to emphasize the dreamlike, elegance of Cheryl and
the product. This helps to sell the 'elegance' of the hair spray.
The lighting in the shots are soft, and help to emphasize the colours. Where there is a contrast this
through the setup of lighting, this helps sell the emphasized product through the highlighted colour

The gold and black is a theme throughout. The bottle, background and many shots contain gold and
black. This helps the gold and theme of richness stand out. This includes full shots of the golden bottle,
with a fancy font, to help sell the elegance and premium nature of the product.
The classic music style ties in with the elegance and stereotypes created by the advert. Often people
expect that the posh and rich listen to classical music

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