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Annual Membership Meeting - Feb. 11, 2015 Break Time Grill * Members and new players began to arrive at 10:00. The final count of attendees was 86. *The meeting opened with Mark Schall’s welcoming the players and a brief overview of the agenda. Our valued sponsors were recognized. * Mike Abernathy presented a photo montage of previous WSSA tournament teams. *The Meeting agenda is attached and was projected on screen by webmaster George Wesoloski . *MINUTES from the 2014 annual meeting were approved as reflected on the web site. *TREASURER REPORT Mike Fleming was unable to attend and Mark Schall covered the Team balances, income, expenses and details of advertising. A copy of the presentation is attached. *OUR FOUNDER It was noted that Phil Rose was absent as he was not feeling well enough to attend. This may have been his first absence since the league was organized by him in 1995. *NEW PLAYERS were introduced. Attached is the roster for both divisions. *HEAD UMPIRE, Gerard “Rod” Walker was introduced and took questions from the floor. One involved the infield fly rule where Rod said it would be a judgment as to “ordinary effort”. He would come from behind the plate to make the best call. Mark Schall mentioned the $1 increase per game during his Treasurer's report. *RAIN DATES were voted on by division. The Atantic Division voted to play the scheduled rain make-up dates regardless of the effect to the final team standings. The Coastal Division voted to leave the decision up to the Division President and Team managers. *FIELDS were discussed. If the Empie Park field is closed during the season, the league would make the adjustment necessary by securing alternate venues *A question was posed as to the pitcher’s mound on Ogden Blue field. The field is used for baseball and removal of the mound is very doubtful. *SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD was presented to the Champion’s and accepted by coach George Wesoloski. This award is planned to be an ongoing recognition and voted on by the team managers in consultation with their players Annual Membership Meeting - Feb. 11, 2015 Break Time Grill *BY-LAWS The revision of the by-laws, had been posted on the web site. Chip Kreiger, who had spent numerous hours on the project, acknowledged the input provided by the team managers and others who weighed in on various aspects. He presented an overview of the major changes. One question from the floor involved age structuring. It was acknowledged that a benchmark had to be set, however, this did not preclude changes in the future. Chip, Jay Harrington and Gerry Dowling weighed in. *COMMIT LINE Two players have asked the league to consider a commit line for the Coastal Division at approximately 180 feet from home plate thus allowing players with less power to have a better opportunity to reach base. No decision was made but further discussion by the Coastal managers will ensue. *ELECTION OF OFFICERS Previous nominations were acknowledged and no new nominations were put forth. Unanimously the following officers were elected to two year terms: Mike Abernathy, VP; Chip Kreiger, Coastal Division President and new to the board, Brad VanAmberg as Treasurer. *AGE RECOGNITION Mark Schall recognized the nine players eighty years old and older still actively involved in the Association! *OPEN TABLE Long range planning as to the health of the league will be discussed by a new committee headed by Mark Schall. Interested individuals should contact Mark. An audit of the leagues operation is required to be conducted. Anyone interested in assisting in this process, please contact Mark. Jerry Parchman requested that any recommended rules changes be posted for the members to have an opportunity to comment before enactment. It was agreed this was a valid request that will be implemented. A question regarding the differences in field maintenance between the County and City was fielded by Mark with the inclusion of expenses charged by the City, Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am Annual Membership Meeting - Feb. 11, 2015 Break Time Grill INCOME & EXPENSES 2014 2015 Players 156 160 Income @ $100 $15,600 $16,000 Expenses Actual Proposed Softballs & Mats $772 $861 Umpire Fees $6,912 $7,500 Field Use $3,285 $2,200 State Tournament Team Fee $900 $900 National Tournament Team $0 $850 Hall of Fame $158 $170 Insurance $550 $729 Website $387 $0 Picnic $74 $100 Advertising $550 $350 Gifts & Memorials $50 $100 Refunds $100 $200 Office & Misc. $53 $100 Banquet $166 $180 Bank Charges $48 $50 Total Expenses $14,005 $14,290 Difference $1,595 $1,710 Annual Membership Meeting - Feb. 11, 2015 Break Time Grill New Player Candidates Atlantic Division Rusty Brewer - 55 Steve Cotton - 57 Keven Chaney - 57 Matt Fay - 59 John Lininger - 62 Alan Gerberg - 67 Tom Mudaro - 64 Jeff Pensak - 62 Jim Ratkus - 60 Mike Ryan - 56 Kevin Schneider - 63 Floyd Wescott - 67 Coastal Division Jim Apple - 77 Gip Fehring - 68 Skip Flynn - 69 Bob Hoag - 73 Jerry May - 70 Will Mueller - 68 Mario Prividera - 78 Paul Sommers - 69 Chuck Yaffie - 68

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