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Grant Nilsen

assigned 9/14/15

discussion question 4

social studies

due 9/17/15

In 1440 a man named Johannes Gutenburg made the printing press. This changed the
wold in many different ways. How did this one small invention change the world? that is the
question I will be answering in this report. Now continue to learn about one of the greatest
inventions that changed into the modern world. (class notes)
First to tell you why this was so important. In 800 A.D The Chinese brought over printing
to Europe. This was still a very slow process. Most people had to hand write everything. This
made it so only the rich can have books and learn more.(class notes)
The printing press help in many ways. It made it so books could be made much faster.
This made it so people could write down their new discoveries and findings. Now people could
learn more and discover things that were not already discovered. Now this started the renaissance
the age of discovery. (class notes)
Now common people could learn more and go to school. Now that people were educated
there were more people to discover new things. This made it possible for great scientist to make
new invention and learn more about our world and not just focus on religion. This was known as
humanism when you began to focus more on human needs then other things even though most
artwork was inspired by religion. (class notes)
The printing press was one of the most helpful inventions ever createdcreaed. Without the
printing press our modern world would be years behind in scientific researchreasarch.The
printing press has made it possible for many differentdifferan studies to happen. I hope this
report helped you understand how important the printing press is.

1.class notes

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