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Annual General Meeting cum

GAP Orientation Day


GAP Workshop I

GAP Workshop II

World Congress


GAP Recollection


Annual General Meeting cum

Global Awareness Project (GAP)
Orientation Day

The Annual General Meeting cum Global Awareness Project Orientation Day
was successfully held on 22nd November, 2014 in Queens College. The Meeting
gather alumni and campers and to witness the commencement of the 23rd Hong
Kong Union for Young Leaders. Our Honorary Advisors, The Hon. Mr. Alan Leong and
Mrs. Rachel Cartland also joined us and gave us a few words of encouragement.
They are both note-worthy leaders of the society and their addresses on leadership
did give us a great inspiration and motivation which enlightened the Meeting.

The Meeting was followed by the Global Awareness Project (GAP) Orientation
Day. 54 Campers changed into their Outstanding T-shirts for the first time and marked
the start of their year-long journey. They were first introduced to the Outstanding
Cheer with the hope and expectation that Campers will be able to outshine and
be outstanding in the upcoming year. After several rounds of ice-breaking games,
Campers found their companions in the Global Awareness Project (GAP) and set off
to the city-tracing right after lunch.

The city-tracing was the highlight of the day in which each group needed
to identify checkpoints in different parts of Hong Kong by sorting out clues and to
complete checkpoint tasks. They demonstrated their creativity by designing their
group names and slogans on their ways. through their enthusiastic involvement and
teamwork during the event, Campers started to get acquaintance with each other
which paved their paths for further cooperation in the following journey.

The Orientation Day ended by distributing the first task to Campers - to find out
three existing local problems from the point of view of one of the six identities, namely
journalists, businessmen, grassroots, environmentalists, ethnic minorities, and students.
The task acted as a brief introduction and prepared them for the related global topics
in the World Congress.

Annual General Meeting

GAP Orientation Day

GAP Workshop I

The first GAP Workshop was held in TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College on 30th
November, 2014. In the morning session, Campers played a city-snatching game.
They were required to snatch as many cities as possible by completing various
tasks. When their city was invaded by another group, they needed to go back and
defend the city. For each city, they only got two chances to fight for the sovereignty.
Therefore, Campers were required to make wise decisions based on the situation to
maximise their benefits.

In the afternoon session, Campers presented their findings on existing local
problems from different perspectives. They were able to step into the shoes of
different stakeholders and analyzed the problems from their points of view. This
allowed them to understand the current problems in Hong Kong as well as the lives
of different people in society. After the presentation, each group faced a questionand-answer session. They were challenged with enquiries from different aspects.
Campers needed to answer the enquiries spontaneously with their information in
hands and their own knowledge. Through the research and presentation, Campers
were equipped with basic knowledge on the current affairs in the local community
and were encouraged to learn more on their own.

GAP Workshop II

The second workshop took place in Belilios Public School on 13th December,
2014. Campers first entered The Hunger Banquet. They were divided into Upper Class,
Middle Class and Lower Class. The Lower Class was demanded to complete tasks
with higher physical involvement while Upper Class was required to perform tasks
in light nature. Through the appointment from the Committee Members or a voting
process among the class, individual Camper could be promoted or downgraded to
another class. At noon, Campers had their lunch in corresponding to their classes.
The Hunger Banquet acknowledged Campers on the problem of wealth disparity and
encouraged them to reflect on the situation and to look for ways to solve or lessen the

After the Hunger Banquet, Campers showcased their talents in the cultural
convergence promoting the culture of their assigned countries. Local culture such as
the traditional dance and language were exhibited which gave both the performing
Campers and the audience a chance to understand the six countries in a cultural
level. A public speaking workshop was then conducted. Different aspects of a speech
and a debate were introduced to them and every Campers got a chance to have a
trial. The public speaking and communication skills they learnt could then be applied
at the World Congress.

World Congress

The World Congress this year which was as well the pinnacle of the Global
Awareness Project was held on 29th to 30th December, 2014 at Youth Square. With
their suits and ties, Campers took part in the Congress as the ambassadors from their
assigned countries.

The Congress aimed at enhancing Campers awareness on global affairs and
local problems, as well as developing their analytical and presentation skills. This year,
we stressed on six issues in different countries, namely Censorship on Media in Mexico,
Market Monopolization in India, Urban Planning and Sannong Problems in China,
Dehabitation of Endangered Animals and Climate Change in Brazil, Discrimination
in the USA, Low Competitiveness of Youth and the Hikikomori Problem in Japan.
Campers were divided into six groups, each representing one of the countries and
addressing on the corresponding issue. Dr. Eric Tsang, the Chairman of Green Power,
also accompanied us during the event. He shared with us the importance of Global
Awareness for leaders in the 21st century which was surely a valuable input for all of

During the Congress, Campers, as the ambassadors of their assigned countries,
presented their investigation and proposed solutions corresponding to their findings.
They then faced questions and challenges from the Council Members as well as the
ambassadors from other countries. In rounds of presentation, they gained knowledge
from others presentation as well as from their own experience. While challenging the
proposal from other groups, they sought their own rooms of improvement at the same
time. At the end of the Congress Day 1, Peccata, an Hong Kong-based underground
organisation hijacked the Congress and demanded Campers to draft an action plan
fitting in the current situation in Hong Kong.

In the Congress Day 2, Campers presented the action plan upon the request
from Peccata and their amended proposals which met the requirement from nonprofit organisation to gain support for their proposals. They successfully helped
resuming the Congress and then continued to gain support for their proposal from a
number of celebrities.

Upon the support from various non-profit organisation, celebrities and
ambassadors from the other countries, the proposals of China, Brazil, the USA and
Japan were passed and drew to the end of the World Congress 2014.






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