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Service Learning Proposal

Ashleigh Windel
Ferris State University



The purpose of this paper is to describe my plan for completing the Service Learning project.
This includes a description of the facility I will be volunteering at, my role as a volunteer,
objectives and activities that I will partake in. The end of the paper will include a plan to
evaluate my experiences as a volunteer.



The Service Learning project is an opportunity for Ferris State University Nursing
students to volunteer in the community, practice skills learned in the program and gain
experience. Service-learning involves students in community service activities and applies the
experience to personal and academic development, (Definition of Service Learning). It not only
encourages future nurses to be active in their communities but it provides a great experience that
can be reflected upon years later.
Agency Description
The agency where I chose to complete my volunteer hours is called the Womens
Information Service Inc. or better known as WISE. According to their website, WISE provides
crisis intervention and support services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence (WISE,
2015). This is a non-profit organization that strives to empower people that have been victims of
violence to reclaim their sense of self (WISE, 2015). The WISE team is made up of individuals
who advocate for victims of domestic or sexual violence and provide them with shelter.

A Volunteers Role
There are a variety of services that a volunteer can participate in at WISE. I will mostly
work as an administration assistant in the WISE office. Some of the work I will be doing
includes; creating a monthly newsletter and helping coordinate events to spread awareness of
domestic violence. Volunteer work can also take place in the WISE shelter. Discussing important
topics with the residents of the shelter through small presentations and assisting in keeping the
shelter clean are just some of the jobs I will do. WISE provides training to all volunteers before


beginning any work. The training includes power point presentations and education on violence
and abuse. I will complete my Service Learning assisting employees of WISE as they advocate
and provide safety for domestic violence victims.
I hope that through volunteering at WISE I will gain valuable insight on communicating
with abuse victims. Experiencing any sort of abuse is devastating and I would be honored to be
of any assistance to the WISE organization. I feel that as a future nurse it is extremely important
to have experience with caring for and identifying victims of abuse. Nursing is not always full of
happy situations and learning to handle myself in the event of having an abused patient will be
I feel as if this experience will be as rewarding as it is a learning experience for me. By
the completion of this project I hope to leave with a feeling that I have given back to the
community and made a difference in someones life.
To meet my objectives, I hope to volunteer as an assistant in the WISE administration
office or shelter. Many victims of abuse often feel trapped in their situation but WISE can
provide a way out. I feel strongly that nobody should have to suffer domestic violence and live in
fear. Volunteering at a shelter that houses victims of domestic violence is a great way to give
back to the community. I will be providing assistance to the WISE employees as they extend
their helping hands to provide safety to other victims.


I will keep track of my volunteer experience at WISE by keeping a journal. After each
visit I will document my involvement and comment on whether I feel I have completed my
objectives or not. By keeping a journal I will have to be careful with what I include so as not to
violate patient confidentiality.
Agency Contact Information
Whitney Buffa, Volunteer Coordinator
PO Box 1249, Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 796-6600
Definition of Service Learning. (n.d.). . Retrieved July 30, 2014, from

Women's Information Service, Inc., . (2015). About wise. In Wise Against Violence. Retrieved
February 12, 2015, from

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