Science Unit For Air Pollution 1 1 1

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Teacher Candidate:

Katelyn Howarth Nicole Campbell

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:

Whole class

Date: _______________

Coop. Initials
Allotted Time 40 min

Subject or Topic: Science Pollution

Grade Level 3rd Grade


4.5.3.C: Identify different types of pollution and their sources.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The 3rd grade students will be able to identify the types and the effects of water pollution
II. Instructional Materials
Cut-out Air Sayings (enough for each student)
Brainpop Video
Guided notes worksheet
Matching worksheet (exit slip)
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
Students will understand the basic concepts of pollution.
Students will have background knowledge of Acid Rain.

B. Key Vocabulary
Air pollution- occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes (or smoke) or
odour are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it
harmful to humans, animals and plant.
Carbon Dioxide- a heavy colorless gas that is formed by burning
fuels, by the breakdown or burning of animal and plant matter, and by
the act of breathing
Acid Rain- is rain that has been made acidic by certain pollutants in
the air.

Fossil Fuels- a fuel (as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth
from plant or animal remains.
Smog- is a mix of fog and smoke.

C. Big Idea
The students will understand the causes of air pollution and how it
effects the environment.
D. Additional content
The students will learn the causes of air pollution and their meanings.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will place an air saying or air meaning on each students
2. The teacher will then tell the students to go around and find their partner.
(The sayings will be one color and the meaning will be a different color, this
will help them when trying to find their partner) {see attached}
3. The teacher will have the students share their air saying and ask the class
if they have ever heard of these before. Explain the saying if needed. (The
teacher can use these saying prior to class to get them familiar with them
before hand)

B. Development
1. The teacher will put on a Brain pop video and hand out a guided notes
sheet. {see attached}
2. The students will watch the video and fill out the guided notes as they go
3. When the video is over the teacher will go over the guided notes and relate
the information back to them. Make sure the students wrote down the right
information for the guided notes.
4. The teacher will divide the students into groups of five.
5. The teacher will assign each group a word.
6. The group will find their word floating in the air. (the words will be floating
from the ceiling in the classroom, to give a visual of air pollution)
7. The students will define their word as a group, and write a sentence about
how it effects the environment.
8. When they are done the groups will stand in front of the class and share
with the class their definition, and then place the word back where it was
when hanging from the ceiling. (may need teacher assistance)
C. Closure
1. The teacher will hand out the matching vocabulary words exit slip {see

2. The students will complete the exit slip individually.

3. The teacher will collect and grade the exit slip.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
Place Greg with a peer that will assist them through the assignments.
Place Greg in the front since he may have trouble paying attention.
Students will be seated in front for the video if they are hard of hearing
or have vision impairment.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative: The exit slip {see attached} will be graded out of 5 points.
2. Summative: Test will be given at the end of the unit. {see attached}

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective
answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. Where my students engaged?
2. Did understand the content given?
3. Did the students score well on the formative assessment?
VI. Resources (in APA format)
BrainPOP - Air Pollution - Movie. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2015.

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