Creative Kids Application Winter 2013

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Creative Kids Application

Please send one application per child per activity.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Contact information and application dates are on
page 3.

Step 1 Applicant Information

Applicant name:
Birth Date: (m/d/y)





Postal Code

Have you received Creative Kids funding previously? Yes

No Which year?

Parent/Guardians name:
Phone (home):

Phone (work):

Email address:

Current combined gross annual income of your household: $

Single income family

Dual income family

Number of children in family:

If your household income is more than $40,000, or your household income has changed significantly this
year, please provide further details on your financial situation (attach a letter if youd like more space):

Please attach a copy of your most recent Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment (NOA) OR
complete Step 5 Adult Endorsement. Include an Endorsement or NOA even if youve applied previously.

Step 2 Applicant Signature

I have read the information on page 3 of this application. My Creative Kids application is confidential,
however, Creative Kids may share my contact information and application status with the activity service
provider and endorser identified on this application as needed.
Parents or guardians must sign for applicants under 16.


Step 3 Activity Description

Name of activity/program:
Organization or instructor providing the program:
Start date: (m/d/y)
Frequency of activity/program:
Program contact person:

End date: (m/d/y)


Mailing address:

Service Provider email address:

Postal Code:

Instructors must contact Creative Kids to register their program.

Creative Kids Application -

- Phone: 1-855-277-9469 -

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Step 4 Amount of Support

If you are applying for multiple classes, (ie. tap, hip hop and ballet classes) with the same service provider, list
each class and cost. List the most important class first and the least important one last.
I have not paid any of the fees for this program yet.
I have paid some costs already and am only applying for the fees that will be due after the application
deadline date. Only upcoming costs are list below.
Activity Breakdown
Registration fees
Type of class:
per month Total =
Type of class:
per month Total =
Type of class:
per month Total =
Type of class:
per month Total =
Other fees: (ie: costumes, exams, equipment, supplies - please list costs
for each)

Fees to be paid to another business

Item: (example: dance shoes)


Where to purchase: (example: Happy Feet Shoes)

Total activity cost
Amount requested from Creative Kids
If you are requesting less than the total activity cost from Creative Kids,
how will the rest of the cost be paid? (ie. grandparents, savings,
scholarship, etc.)


Step 5 Adult Endorsement

The role of an adult endorser is to confirm an applicant is in need of financial support to participate in the
requested activity. Endorsers must be one of the following: a teacher, principal, community school worker, a
health professional, social worker, counselor, elder, lawyer, law enforcement officer, religious faith leader or
member of a town council.


Mailing address:
Postal Code:
Email address:
I am not related to the applicant.
I am not related to the service provider.
Declaration: I am of the reasonable belief that the applicants family is experiencing financial barriers to
participation in the activities described in this application. I recommend this application be considered for
Creative Kids funding.

Creative Kids Application -


- Phone: 1-855-277-9469 -

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Creative Kids provides financial assistance for Saskatchewan children and youth to participate in the same art and
cultural activities as their peers, regardless of a familys social and financial barriers. The information on this
application is not shared outside the Creative Kids program. We do not publish the names or personal information
of any applicant. We may share an applicants contact information and application status with the activity service
provider and endorser as needed.
Based on the demand of the program, most approved applicants have gross annual household incomes of less than
$40,000. Please state any additional financial circumstances on the application.

The next application date is December 10. Activities must begin after this deadline. Past activities and
fees are not eligible. Application results will be known by January 1, so ideally your activity will begin after
January 1.
Creative Kids pays the service provider directly.
Creative Kids may provide up to $750 per child per calendar year for activities.
Children 4 to 19 may apply.
Activities must be creative in nature and include substantial aspects of art, multiculturalism, heritage or
creative expression to be eligible. Activities based on fitness, health, sport and recreation are not eligible.
Creative Kids will consider funding registration fees, lesson fees, instrument rental, art supplies, exam
fees, recital costs, dance shoes and costumes, and other costs associated with an activity. Creative Kids
will not fund transportation to lessons, but will consider transportation costs that are key to the activity (a
choir trip, for instance). Please speak with a program instructor or service provider to have a clear idea of
the costs associated with the activity. Enter each cost on the application form under Amount of Support.
Endorsers cannot be related to an applicant or service provider. Service Providers may not endorse
applications for their own students.

Send your application to one of our committees. If you do not live in one of these communities, apply to the
Provincial office. The Lakeland District includes Spiritwood, Rosthern, Prince Albert, Candle Lake, Melfort,
Nipawin and Hudson Bay.
Creative Kids Battlefords
Box 822
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Z3
Ph: (306) 446-6776
Fax: (306) 446-7172

Creative Kids Regina

404 2125 11th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3X3
Ph: (306) 780-9361
Fax: (306) 780-9252

Creative Kids Big River

Box 766
Big River, SK S0J 0E0
Ph/Fax: (306) 469-4448

Creative Kids Saskatoon

417 24th Street
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0K7
Ph: (306) 964-1155
Fax: (306) 964-1167

Creative Kids Lakeland

Box 280
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R5
Ph; (306) 953-0024
Fax: (306) 953-1624

Creative Kids Provincial Office

404 2125 11th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3X3
Ph: (306) 780-9361
Fax: (306) 780-9252
Toll free: 1-855-277-9469

Creative Kids is a program of

SaskCulture, a community-based,
non-profit cultural organization.

Creative Kids Shaunavon

Box 966
Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0
Ph: (306) 297-3882
Fax: (306) 297-3668

Creative Kids Application -

- Phone: 1-855-277-9469 -

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