Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Touch and Stopping To Answer Questions Asked by The Teacher

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus:
4 Grade/Inferencing
Students will use inferencing to better understand the text they are
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Reading Literature 4th Grade Key Ideas and Details
Date submitted:
Refer to details and example in a text when explaining what the text
Date taught: 10/29/2015
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Students will be given 4 questions to answer while reading their assigned book as a small group. Students are
expected to get at least 3 of 4 questions about inferencing correct.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary):
Students will use inferencing to better understand what they are
reading in a text.
Prior Knowledge:
Students know the book they are reading. Students know what it means to make and inference about something
that will happen in the book they are reading.

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
for Student
3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting

Okay students remember the other day when you stared reading
chapter 8 of The Chocolate Touch? The students will be given the
chance to answer. Have students discuss a little of what happened in the
chapter. Well today we are going to reread the chapter and make
inferences. Can anyone tell me what it means to make an inference?
Teacher will give students the chance to answer. An example answer is,
To better understand a text based off of detail and examples from the
story. Great Job, Today we are going to reread the chapter and
practice our inferencing strategies.
Today I am going to teach you more about inferencing. You will
practice inferencing by reading chapter 8 in the book The Chocolate
Touch and stopping to answer questions asked by the teacher.
Teacher will start reading chapter 8 until the first inference question is
reached. The first question is on page 55, How do we know these
words relate to Johns current situation? Students will be given the
chance to answer the question. After answer the question a student will
begin reading. The teacher will stop the group every time an
inferencing question comes up. The next questions are:
1. Why would the teacher infer that John would be absent? (pg 56)
2. What can we infer will happen if John plays his solo
incorrectly? (pg 57)
3. What can we infer will happen when John tires to play his


4. Guided Practice

5. Independent Practice

6. Assessment Methods
all objectives/skills:
7. Closure

trumpet? (pg 59)

4. What van we infer about how John is feeling after his trumpet
turned to chocolate? (pg 61)
Teacher will give students time after each question to think and answer
the question. Students will popcorn to different readers.
Students will be given the chance to get into pairs and read their own
independent book. One student will read and the other will stop the
students every so often to ask inferencing questions. Teacher will walk
around the classroom to meet with different groups and see what they
are talking about. Students should write down inferencing questions and
the answers they came up with. Each student should ask/answer 2
questions. Students will write questions on sticky notes or a piece of
lined paper.
Teacher will have the students go back to their seat for silent reading.
Students will be asked to pick a book that they have been reading.
Students should stop every so often when they are reading and ask
themselves a question about inferencing.
Students will hand in the inferencing questions they answered and asked in pairs.
Teacher will look at questions to assess their ability to understand inferencing.
Students are expected to understand the concept clearly with go thought out and
details questions and answers asked by the students.
The teacher will ask the students what they have learned about
inferencing in class today. The teacher will have the students think of
ways that they can use inferencing in other work they complete.

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students
Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:
Teacher can split class by reading level. Each group will
Students that need more help will be seated close
meet with the teacher and be asked different questions
to the teacher so that they can be better helped.
about inferring based on their book. Students will be
Students who find the work easy can be given
given the same independent work.
harder question or be asked to come up with their
own questions. Students that struggle with the
work will be given more time to answer the
question and will be allowed to ask other students
for help.
Book for each students in group: The Chocolate Touch
Sticky Notes
Lined Paper


Reflection on lesson:

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