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Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

Science Term 4, 2015

Purpose/ Aims:
To develop each childs understanding those observations can be organised to reveal patterns, and that these patterns can be used to make predictions about phenomena. To
develop students ability to observe and describe the behaviours and properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. For students to explore change in the world
around them, including changes that impact on them, such as the weather, and changes they can effect, such as making things move or change shape. Develop student abilities
to learn that seeking answers to questions and making observations is a core part of science and use their senses to gather different types of information.
Achievement strands:
By the end Foundation Year, students describe the properties and behaviour of familiar objects. They suggest how the environment affects them and other living things.
Students share observations of familiar objects and events.

By the end of Year 1, students describe objects and events that they encounter in their everyday lives, and the effects of interacting with materials and objects. They identify a
range of habitats. They describe changes to things in their local environment and suggest how science helps people care for environments.
Students make predictions, and investigate everyday phenomena. They follow instructions to record and sort their observations and share their observations with others.

Reception Curriculum Outcomes:

For my one lesson of Science a week I will be focusing on Chemical Sciences.

Science Understanding

Science as a Human Endeavour

Chemical Sciences

Nature and Development of Science

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)

Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses (ACSHE013)

Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

Science Inquiry Skills

Questioning and Predicting
Respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)
Planning and Conducting
Explore and make observations by using the senses (ACSIS011)

Processing and analysing data and information

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as drawing to
represent ideas (ACSIS233)
Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

Year One Curriculum Outcomes:

Science Understanding

Science as a Human Endeavour

Chemical Sciences

Nature and development of science

Everyday materials can be physically changed in

a variety of ways (ACSSU018)

Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events

Use and influence of science

People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and
living things (ACSHE022)

Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

Science Inquiry Skills

Questioning and Predicting

Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about

familiar objects and events (ACSIS024)
Planning and conducting

Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and

answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas,
and accessing information sources (ACSIS025)
Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of
observations, with the assistance of digital technologies as
appropriate (ACSIS026)


Processing and analysing data and information

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and
provided tables (ACSIS027)
Through discussion, compare observations with predictions
Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS213)
Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of
ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play

Lesson Plan



Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)


Toy, book,

Why does matter matter?

What does the word matter mean? Can they use it in a sentence? Record ideas.
Introduce the concept that matter has more than one meaning. Watch whats
matter? (i.e. some words have more than 1 meaning, i.e. a fly on my nose, do up
the fly in my jeans, a bird can fly).
What have we discovered matter also means? (anything that has weight and takes
up space).

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as

drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)

scalesenough for

Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

1 per pair

Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses

What has

Respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)


Place several objects in the middle of the floor. Ask about each object,
Does it take up space? If yes, can it be measured in some way?
Is it made up of something(mass)?


Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer

questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing


Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

information sources (ACSIS025)

Mass is another word that has more than one meaning. In this case- that the object
is made up of something.`

Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations,

with the assistance of digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026)

Lead students to understand that anything that takes up space(can be measured)

and has mass(is made of something) is matter. Summarise that the objects on the
floor has mass and are made up of matter.

Also relates to Numeracy:

Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or
holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language (ACMMG006)

Model using the scales with an informal object (i.e. koala counters) to see which
objects holds the most to the least mass.

Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using
uniform informal units (ACMMG019)

as informal

In pairs children find 3 objects. Use scales to weigh these usingan informal weight
as a balance to see which items have more mass.
Early finish- Whats in the Sock? In pairs, students work together to gather
evidence about the object in tehir sock. Describe it based on their observations
made using their senses. They cannot opent heir bag, or look at it. Record their
observations on template. Remind them scientists work together and cooperate to
get results.
Come back to group- in pairs, what did they predict it was, then what have they
inferred it is (still havent looked).
Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)

The properties of matter (Part 1)

Hold up yellow pencil, I own this yellow pencil. It is my property. What does
property mean? Discuss. Lead to property means something that is
owned/belongs to someone. Property is another special word with two meanings,
lets discover that meaning now.
Hold up ball. Ask- what are the properties of this ball? Record responses.
Ask how do we know this ball is matter? (its takes up space and is made of
Move on to ask, What colours is this ball?

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as
drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)


Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses
Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects
and events (ACSHE021)
Respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

Plastic bag
per pair
5-6 random
objects of

Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

What shape is it?
What size is it?
How does it feel?

Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer

questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing
information sources (ACSIS025)


Also links to Design and Technology:

Explore the characteristics and properties of materials and components that
are used to produce designed solutions (ACTDEK004)

sand, balls,

bans, clips,
toys, pens,

Record these words. Use these word to describe the ball. These words describe the
properties of the ball.

etc) per pair

Explain that property words give a picture of something (Adjectives). Some of the
things they describe are colour, shape, size, weight, texture of an object.


In pairs, with a bag of objects, students to brainstorm up with some property

words that describe the colour of the object, then the texture of the objects.
Students record these on their whiteboards.


Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)

The Properties of matter (Part 2)

Ask- can anyone remmber what property means? Prompt if necessary, What if I
hold up this potwhat are its properties.

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as

drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)

as per
nt shapes,

A property word is a word that descrbies and object (an adjective).

Hand out properties of matter doc.


Hold up socks. Ask- what are the properties of this sock? What are its colour,
texture? Record responses. What about its shape, size, weight, these are also ways
to describe it (make a picture of it) therefore, size, weight, shape words are
property words.
In pairs students to then use this chart to record the properties of the objects in
their bag using the above example. (One copy per student, good writes can assist
less capable writers, or students can draw, i.e if its a rubber, draw a rectangle for

Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses

plus shapes
Properties of

Respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer
questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing
information sources (ACSIS025)
Also links to Numeracy:
Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and threedimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009)

Design and Technology:

Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these

Explore the characteristics and properties of materials and components that are
used to produce designed solutions (ACTDEK004)

Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and threedimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022)

matter chart
from last

A3 the
of matter
doc per

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)


Have an

Sorting Matter
Tip a bag of counters out onto the floor. Sort them into two groups based on colour.

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as

drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)

Ask if anyone can tell me what I just did- I moved the counters into two groups
based on a property-colour. That is called sorting.
Sometimes as Scientists we need to sort information using different properties. In
pairs we are going to sort our objects (matter) based on their properties. First

of objects in
bags for
each pair.

Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided


Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

tables (ACSIS027)

discuss with your partner different properties you could sort based on, then agree
on one, then work together to sort.

Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways

such as oral and written language, drawing and role play (ACSIS029)

Ask one group to volunteer what property they used. Did anyone else do the same?
Did anyone sort in a different way.

Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS213)

Sort them in as many different ways as they can.

Also links to Numeracy:

Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these

Share their ways and record these on the board until all the different ways to sort
them are done.
Ask students how could we record their thinking/sorting? (draw/write/take a photo).

Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software
components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Get students to use an ipad to take a photo of their work.

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003)


States of Matter
Ask the students what they know about matter? What properties can we use to
describe matter?
Explain to the students that not all matter is the same and that there are 3 groups
of matter/states of matter. We are going to investiage why there 3 types of matter.

Everyday materials can be physically changed in a

variety of ways (ACSSU018)

Ask, what happened to the shape/size of the items after they were moved from one
place to another?


Science involves asking questions about, and

describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021)
States of
Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses
Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)

Ask children to predict (guess) if the size and shape will change if the items are
moved to the bottle.
Move one item after the other.

4 cloths, 4

In four groups-give each table a crayon, a cloth, a clear drink bottle.

Invite children to name the objects. Talk about their shape and size. Trace around
these on a piece of paper to record.

4 crayons,

matter chart

Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as

drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233)

1 cup

Through discussion, compare observations with


Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

predictions (ACSIS212)

Nothing-this makes them solid matter. Things that are solid matter stay the same
no matter where you put them. Some solids are hard, others are soft, but their size
and shape stays the same no matter where you put them. They wont change
unless you do something to them, i.e. use a hammer to smash a brick, use a saw to
cut wood, etc, use a pot to melt chocolate.
Each child to find a solid. Sit down with it. One at a time show their evidence. Other
children agree it is a solid with a yes (thumbs up) no (thumbs down). Ask them to
explain what evidence shows it is a solid (it keep its shape and size).
Show states of matter chart- point to solids column, are these all solids- why? (yes,
they do not change shape or size).
label column as solids- write, Keeps its shape. Keeps its size.
Bring students to floor- sit in circle. Put out containers in front, with a cup of water.
Ask can water be measured? (Yes-the mark on the measuring cup shows how
much) Does it have a shape ?(takes shape of container)
Exlain we are going to experiment to see if water changes shape or size when it is
moved from container to container. Tip the water into a container- has it changed
shape? Has the amount changed (if they think yes, pour it back into the measuring
Follow this process with several containers.
Has the shape changed? Did the amount change?
Explain to students that water belongs to a matter group called liquid- liquids have
no shape- they take the shape of their container they are in. The amount stays the
same no matter what shape container is used.
Show the states of matter chart-look at the liquids column- ask, are any of these
things liquids? Why? Affirm yes they are. Write up the top- liquids- summarise in
the column- Keeps its size, Does not keep its shape.

Participate in different types of guided investigations to

explore and answer questions, such as manipulating
materials, testing ideas, and
accessing information sources (ACSIS025)
Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions
about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024)


Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

Explain there is one more type of matter.


Guage next three weeks based on how much work has been completed. Link states
of matter into Jelly Cup making in AL/Literacy.
Possible activites to explore different states making ice, cupcakes or biscuits.
What properties can we see/hear/smell (observe)?

Increase science related vocabulary- objects, inquiry, process, materials, living things, world, weather, change, question, observe, matter, properties.
Develop their ability to use their sense to observe and gather information.
Develop research and questioning skills.
To develop the ability to participate in group work and display traits such as respect, cooperation, negotiation, etc.
Ability to work with others or independently in a given situation.
Routines such as waiting, hand up in the air for the teacher to approach them when finished or needing assistance.
Documentation- What is matter?

Useful websites:!/media/30312/ (making bread).

Sage Othams, Term 4 Reception Year One Science Overview 2015

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